Instantly Quit Smoking

Friday, December 21, 2007

Learn About Herbs That Can Help You Quit Smoking

Most smokers find it extremely difficult to fight the cravings. It is also one of the most important factors of why one will not succeed to quit smoking. There are plenty of medicines nowadays to help anybody who wants to quit smoking.

One of the most effective resources to quit smoking is to use herbs. Many have claimed that herbs can ease the withdrawal symptoms. There are natural substances or herbs you can use to quit smoking forever.

One of the most known herbs as a quit smoking aid is know as Lobelia. Lobelia is also known as Indian tobacco. It also can cause a similar nicotine effect on the nervous system. The positive side of using Lobelia is that it is not addictive. Lobelia is available in dried herb or liquid extract form and can be consumed when nicotine cravings arise.

Withdrawal symptoms may be frustrating symptoms such as headaches, anxiety, irritation and so on. Another natural ingredient that can help you quit smoking is the mimosa tea. It can calm you and improve your mood. Mimosa is also a non-addictive herb. This is much more beneficial compared to using anti-depressant pills.

You can also look at Chinese traditional herbs to help you quit smoking. A Chinese herb called the CaoSu herb will help you reduce your desire to smoke.

Other than being addicted to nicotine, smoking is also a habit. If anybody cannot resist or combat the habit, there is also a natural, herbal non-tobacco cigarette.

Non-tobacco cigarettes come in flavors such as Menthol, Burnt sienna and others. They are made up of herbs which do not have nicotine and tar. They look identical to a normal cigarette to give you the feeling of smoking and to resist and easy psychological desire to smoke.

You may try any alternative quit smoking herbs to aid you to quit smoking. But before you do, you may want to consult your physician about it. Not every medication is suitable for everybody.

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

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