Quit Smoking Fast, Scams Revealed
Read this article before you consider purchasing and paying for a "How to quit smoking fast" ebook -A review.
From the desk of George Stobbart, expert reviewer,
.....Wouldn't it be nice to quit smoking just by reading a few pages of text or listening to a 30 minutes audio/hypnosis tape? Of course it would. I for one would love to save hundreds of dollars a year by not buying cigarettes, be healthier, be able to walk up some stairs without getting out of breath, have my friends stop rejecting me because I smoke and lengthen the time I spend on this earth.
Whether it's quit smoking in 30 minutes, quit smoking forever by reading this ebook, send me your credit card information and I'll make you quit smoking in 2 sessions, or something else, you' ve all seen the wonderful claims people make about how they helped hundreds others to quit smoking in record time. I can tell you right now that 99% of theses people are total fraud. You may have even been "caught" by one of these scam artists, selling you their latest "quit smoking now" program. I have too. I can't even tell how many I bought and how much money I wasted I bought so many. I couldn't figure out why but I always found the "positive" in people, and time after time I was "sold" by theses marketing schemes, even after I got tricked by another one. I finally got TIRED of so many frustrations. I decided to find out as much as possible about these quit smoking fast programs, and see if there really was any LEGITIMATE program to really and effectively quit smoking.
Here's what I did: I called the owners of every quit smoking fast website I found, and pretended to be an investor seriously interested in purchasing their entire business and website.That way, as soon as the thought of lots and lots of dollars in their pockets hit their mind, they gave me their informations for free so I could review what I would be "purchasing". And 99% of what I saw made me absolutely sick. Many bragged about the high quantities of these useless programs they sold, but this is what I found:
-highly unpractical information -programs leading to other programs you have to purchase -useless information -dangerous tips -very hard to read and understand ebooks -bad quality audio recordings -questionable methods -no email support -no refund
I rapidly came to the conclusion that these so-called Quit Smoking Fast programs were completely worthless. And the people making these programs knew it, yet their bank accounts were rapidly filling up! No need to say I didn't reply when contacted to know if I was still interested in purchasing their business. However, while reviewing all this garbage I came upon a couple of legitimate programs.
The owners were real professionals with great knowledge and put together powerful and useful programs to effectively quit smoking. Their products were impressive, with lots and lots of practical information, exactly how to apply it, step by step processes that actually guide you even through the toughest times. They also offer great email support and have a 100% satisfaction guarantee policy. It was like I found a few gems. But don't take my word for it, you can visit the two sites I found below. See what you think.
They do charge for their products, but for the information you get is well worth the investment. And the money you'll save by quitting smoking will rapidly pay for the product. Anyway, I you make the decision of getting either of these programs, I suggest you act quickly, as the owners informed me that due to the success and extremely high demand of their programs they are actually going to raise their price within the next week. Well, my quest for the best How to Quit Smoking programs comes to an end. I must admit I was completely disappointed with the majority of what I found, and I recommend you don't take any chances by joining any other program than the two listed below!
All the best.
George Stobbart
Here are the link to the programs I highly recommend:
Labels: acupuncture_quit_smoking_stop, help_quit_smoking, quit_smoking_medicine, quit_smoking_without_gaining_weight, what_happens_when_you_quit_smoking