Instantly Quit Smoking

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How To Lose Weight After Quit Smoking

The fear of weight gain discourages many smokers to attempt giving up smoking. They rather avoid weight gain than quit smoking. Studies show that at least 25 percent of ex-former smokers with weight-gain phobia lose weight after quitting smoking.

Do all smokers gain weight after they stop smoking? Fortunately, not everybody puts on weight. If you gain weight, the average increase will be as much as 10 pounds. Only smokers who smoke between 10 to 20 years or have more than one pack of cigarettes a day are more likely to experience weight gain.

Why do some smokers put on weight when they quit smoking? The outcomes of quitting smoking cause your body to experience physical changes. Your taste bud begins to improve which leads you to eat more. Smoking increases your metabolism. When you stop smoking, your metabolic rate begins to fall. Your weight goes up because your body now burns less calories. The absence of nicotine causes your insulin level to rise. This gives you the feeling of hunger. If smoking at the end of a meal used to be your habit, you now use food to replace the vacuum left by smoking.

You can maintain or lose weight after quitting smoking. As mentioned, When you quit smoking your metabolism slows down. Exercise can get rid of unneeded calories. To enjoy the benefit of exercise, you need to work out for at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week. You can include climbing stairs, walking briskly, and cycling into your exercise routine. Exercise can also stop you from craving for cigarettes.

Improve your eating habits. Chances are if your eating habit remains the same, you shouldn't put on much weight. Choose your food wisely. Use the Food Guide Pyramid each day so that you eat different kinds of food. Eat lots of beans, grains, vegetables, fish, and fruits. These healthy foods don't carry much calories. Opt for lean meat, low-calorie beverages, and low fat foods. You don't need additional calorie and fat as before. Just use your common sense when it comes to food selection.

Don't let the fear of weight gain discourage you from quitting smoking. The health risk of gaining 10 pounds is nothing compared to the health hazards of smoking. You should worry only if you put on 100 pounds, which is uncommon. Being smoke free will bring you more health benefits. You can lose weight but you can't make lung cancer or heart disease go away.

Michael Cage writes various health topics at his health blog. Find out all about smoking at and quit smoking today!

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