The Top 8 Reasons To Quit Smoking During Pregnancy
1. Placenta Abruption: Happens when the placenta pulls off the wall of the uterus either before or during labor, which in turn requires an immediate delivery. Reason why this happens is because A smoker's placenta is thinner, therefore has an increase chance of abruption.
2. Placenta Previa: This condition is again derived from having thin placenta, which can lead to bleeding during the pregnancy. There is an increase risk of hemorrhage of mom and the baby.
3. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): The probability of a baby, whose mother is a chain smoker, to die of SIDS is increased ten-folds.
4. Preterm Labor: If you smoke your body will naturally to try to shorten the pregnancy period to protect your baby from the harmful smoke. Babies born prematurely are at greater risk of death and other complications, including mental retardation and cerebral palsy.
5. Stillbirth Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of your baby dying during your pregnancy.
6. Low Birth Weight: Low birth weight is one of the top reasons for babies to be ill and die in the first months. Therefore the smaller the baby, the higher the chances of SIDS.
7. Respiratory Infections: If your baby is surrounded by second hand smoke or if you are smoking during pregnancy, your baby is more likely to suffer form asthma and other respiratory problems.
8. Miscarriage: If you smoke, you could have trouble staying pregnant as the body tries to save the baby from toxins in the system. It can also decrease your fertility. If you are smoking while pregnant, then think about whose life you are really hurting.
This may be the most important reason why you should quit smoking now!
We kindly advise not to waste your time researching and wasting money on things that will make you crave smoking again after failing.
After trying and "wasting" thousands of dollars on products, books, CD's only one is worth its weight in gold.
If you are pregnant or have kids and smoke, then Quit Smoking Right Now will be the most important investment you will ever make.
To read more information click here:
To your Health Sincerely
Iman Bahrani
Iman Bahrani
A Blogger's Guide To Quit Smoking:
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