Instantly Quit Smoking

Monday, July 21, 2008

Quit Smoking Methods

It is estimated that about 20% of adults smoke and out of that 20%, 70% want to quit smoking. There is a large market for quit smoking products, but what really works? What product will work for you? When looking at methods to quit smoking it is important to ask yourself the question, ?Is it too good to be true?? If it is then it may be a scam. Use caution when looking at methods to quit smoking.

Common quit smoking methods include, laser therapy, hypnotism, acupuncture, nicotine replacement products, prescription drugs, programs, and ebooks. Oh yah, don?t forget about quitting smoking ?cold turkey.? Out of all these different quit smoking methods, which one will work for you? When determining which method may work best for you consider the following:

  • Do you believe in it? Lets take for example hypnotism. If you believe hypnotism is a bunch of hooey then this may not be the method you wish to choose to quit smoking.

  • What does it cost? Just think how much money you would save each week if you were to quit smoking. The money you could save by not smoking could be significant but that may not mean you have the financial means to go with any quit smoking method. For example; laser therapy can be costly and multiple treatments may be required.

  • Is it a good fit for me? When considering methods to quit smoking it is important to evaluate the ones that fit your life style. What do you think will work for you? If you know nothing about acupuncture you may either want to learn about it or choose a different method to quit smoking. No matter which method you choose it is a good idea to learn about that method. Get any questions you have about side effects or concerns answered.

  • What has worked for me in the past? Maybe you have quit before only to start up months or years later for what ever reason. If it worked for you in the past it could very well work for you again.

  • Is it a complete and comprehensive plan that will teach me how to quit smoking? To be honest you can?t just pop a pill and quit smoking. No matter which method you choose there will be some work involved. Choose a quit smoking method that provides you will a plan on how to quit smoking.

Making the decision to quit smoking is the beginning to living a smoke-free life. Quitting smoking ?cold turkey? is not the only way to quit smoking. There are many different quit smoking methods that have proven to be effective for people whom have quit smoking. To be successful in your efforts to quit smoking find the method that you think would suit you best and do your homework. If you don?t succeed at first, don?t give up. Studies have shown that it may take several tries to quit smoking, but don?t use that as an excuse to smoke.

Visit Jason D's website for addtional information on the Quit Smoking Aids and Quit Smoking Tips.

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Why Quit Smoking

Do you have reasons why you want to quit smoking? I am sure all smokers have at least one reason to quit smoking. Reasons may include; saving money, getting rid of the stink, protecting your family from the effects of smoking, to improve your health, or how about to prevent becoming a statistic by dieing a quick and painful death due to a smoking related illness.

If you?re not interested in the truth about the dangers of smoking then don?t bother reading any further. However, if you are considering quitting smoking and are looking for information or motivation then I hope this article brings some use to you.

I am so angry about the fact that I smoked. Why the heck would I want to introduce something so dangerous and destructive into my body? Well the answer to that was because I was young and dumb. As I got older I could tell that smoking was having negative affects on my life. I could not keep up with my friends while playing sports, started getting sick more than I normally did, and my life started to revolve around my next smoke break. I have wanted to quit smoking for years before I actually succeeded. I tried over and over again to finally be nicotine free. Why was it so hard to quit smoking? The main reason for me was that I was scared to quit smoking. Part of me enjoyed smoking; it brought pleasure to me and helped me to relax. Having a cigarette meant it was ?me? time.

In order to quit smoking I felt like I would have to give up much more than cigarettes. I would have to give up those things that brought me pleasure such as; the boost of energy, the feeling of contentment, and feeling calm and relaxed. Lets not forget about these other feelings; having a hacking cough for weeks at a time, the hideous odor in your car, common cold lasts for 3 weeks instead of just a few days, and those surprising chest pains that come and go making you wonder if this is it or if you have lung cancer.

Have you ever watched someone die from lung cancer related to smoking? If you have you know it is not something you want to witness. Unfortunately, people aren?t diagnosed with lung cancer until well after it is set in. Smokers just don?t want to have to quit smoking. How long will they ignore the signs of cancer before going to the doctor? Is the fear of giving up smoking more than dieing of a painful death?

My mother-in-law was a wonderful woman whom I enjoyed spending time with and talking. Yes, she was a smoker in her early 50?s. Shortly after retiring she was diagnosed with lung cancer, stage 4. Her and the doctors did what they could to stop the cancer from spreading; she quit smoking, changed her diet, and alternate forms of medical treatment. The month after being diagnosed she seemed like herself. She began losing weight but for the most part she appeared as strong as before. After about six weeks the pain was to the point where it was unbearable. She was put on a morphine drip yet; you could still see that she was in pain. By this time she could not speak, walk, or do anything for herself. Two weeks later she passed away. It was just over two months from being diagnosed that she died. Two months can seem to pass with a blink of an eye at times. Imagine if you knew you only had two months to live how quick it would seem.

Why bother quitting smoking? Do you think that only people who have smoked for 30 years die of cancer? Maybe it just won?t happen to you. You could always hope but are you sure? What is it about smoking that won?t let you give it up? Think about it, the answer to that question may end up adding years to your life and give you a glimpse to what is really important. Millions and millions of people live smoke-free lives and have no regrets about doing so.

Visit Jason D's website for additional information on the Health Effects of Smoking and Quit Smoking Tips.

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Can Prayer Help You Quit Smoking?

It is estimated that over 80% of Americans believe in God. Of this 80% there are varying degrees that people actually practice and/or participate in some form of structured religion. For those that do there can be many advantages that may help a person quit smoking.

Faith is a powerful tool in a persons? effort to quit smoking. For those that believe God is the creator of all things, all-knowing, and all-powerful it would be an easy task for Him to remove your desire to smoke. Through prayer and faith a person can quit smoking and start leading a healthier life. There have been many people who have relied on their religion and God to help them quit smoking. Relying on God in this way can give a person the psychological boost required to be successful in quitting smoking.

There are consequences for smoking and unfortunately people who have chosen to smoke will still have to face those consequences. The urge to smoke will most likely still come and go and unless you are ready to cope with the urges to smoke you may relapse. Prayer can be an important aspect in dealing with the cravings to smoke. Depending on the extent of your faith and drive to quit smoking, prayer may have a different impact on the success of handling the urges to smoke after you quit. The stronger the faith the easier it will be. However, nobody has perfect faith and it is important to consider the big picture after quitting smoking. Developing new habits to replace your old smoking habit is still critical in remaining smoke free after quitting.

One of these new habits, if not already a habit, is meditation. Meditation has many possible benefits. One of which is bringing you closer to God. In the busy hustle and bustle of everyday life it is important to be able to find the time to connect with God. To take time out and relax and just listen to what He has to say. Filling the time while you used to smoke can be as simple as reading a few versus in the Bible. Not only will this help in the quit smoking process but it will bring a closeness to God that may have been lacking due to not having the time before to do so. Just asking God to remove your desire to smoke is not enough; you have to believe that is what He will do when you ask. Don?t give in to the voice in your head that tells you to smoke and that you need it. It is a lie. You can quit smoking you just have to believe it for yourself.

Visit Jason D's website for additional information on the Health Effects of Smoking and Quit Smoking Tips.

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