Instantly Quit Smoking

Friday, February 27, 2009

Every Reason To Quit Smoking

Statistics show that a person has every reason to quit smoking. Even though the message is out there loud and clear, backed by facts, people still continue to smoke resulting in extreme and sometimes irreversible health conditions.

Smoking comes with many serious health risks that are easy to ignore because they take a few years to affect their bodies. Heart disease, stroke, and cancer are all a result of smoking. For a few who are strong enough to quit there is a second chance at life. But for many, by the time the truth about smoking sinks in, it is too late for they have succumbed to the results of smoking.

It is really quite simple cigarette smoking kills. Statistics and studies conclusively prove it. In hospitals, where there are hundreds of men and women who have suffered a major heart attack, undergoing open heart surgery, now lie in the wards fighting for their lives.

Statistics say that there is a 1 in 10,000 chance of surviving a left ventricular heart attack. Statistics also show that for other types of heart attack there is a 60% chance the patient will die before reaching hospital. If the patient is lucky enough to make it to hospital alive and undergo CABG 75% will survive but only 50% will return to their normal life. The other 50% will be left with major damage to their heart and thus the person will be severely limited. Of the 75% that survive the 5 year survival rate is only 30%. That is a very good reason to quit smoking.

Lung cancer is the number one disease associated with smoking. Only 50 years ago lung cancer was a rarity and yet today it is the number one cause of death in both women and men. There is no cure for lung cancer and it will generally kill the patient within 6 months of diagnosis. But lung cancer is not the only cancer cigarettes are responsible for ? esophagus, mouth, tongue, larynx, lip, and pharynx as well as stomach, pancreas, bladder, and kidney cancers are all a result of smoking.

Smoking also causes circulatory problems. In fact more people die from these problems than from all of the cancers combined. Nicotine is a stimulant so it raises blood pressure and the heart rate while constricting the arteries, which is combined with the carbon monoxide in the body. The result is more than 300,000 deaths per year.

Emphysema is as deadly as lung cancer. The difference is lung cancer kills you fast while emphysema tortures you for years especially in the later stages.

Then there are all the less noticeable problems like sinus infections, more colds, and headaches. Smokers often feel fine right up until they suddenly die. Then it is too late. The best time to quit smoking is today or better yet, yesterday.

Around the globe more than 5 million people will die this year from cigarette smoking. Listing every reason to quit smoking could fill a book but just these main reasons should be enough to give up the habit.

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Fight weight and quit smoking with Acomplia!

If you are struggling with your weight, Acomplia can give you relief. It is a diet pill that promises you efficient weight loss. Other weight loss pills may project themselves as the 'best' and 'new formula' or 'the cheapest', yet there is nothing that can beat Acomplia. It, not only helps you lose weight but it also helps you quit smoking.

Now, you must be wondering what the link between smoking and your weight is! People who try to quit smoking often end up turning to food as comfort. Overeating and eating even when they are not hungry becomes their habit and they end up gaining pounds! This is the reason most people hesitate to quit smoking. But since, Acompila gives you the dual benefit of weight loss and smoking cessation, you end up eliminating both these problems in one go!

Research proves that Acomplia can help you lose twelve percent of your body weight in a period of one year. Acomplia basically works in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular physical activity. Acomplia diet pills basically work by blocking the CB1 receptors in the endocannabinoid system. These are responsible for regulating your food intake and energy expenditure. As the pill acts on these, your appetite is suppressed and you shed pounds easily.

The diet pill may have a few side effects like dizziness, restlessness, and insomnia but only one tenth of the patients experience them. So, chances are that your weight loss experience may be totally trouble free! It is wise to consult a doctor before you use Acomplia. He will advise you of the precautionary measures of using the drug. This pill is generally not recommended for people having a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney malfunction or any mental disorder.

You can find Acomplia information on the internet at any online pharmacy. There are many Acomplia pharmacies in UK that offer you the best of services. You can buy Acomplia very cheap and can get it delivered to your doorstep.

So, when you are aware of the benefits you gain through this diet pill, its hard to hold back and think about another weight loss product. So, go ahead and buy your formula for effective weight loss today!

Michelle Bob, an associated editor to for distinct article sites/journals. Please feel free to visit for more information on General Health related issues like Weight loss and Sexual health. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at

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Monday, February 16, 2009

The Gift of Quitting Smoking

The gift of quitting smoking is more than just the freedom from nicotine. When you quit smoking you are setting yourself free. Free from the constant running to buy cigarettes, the looking for a place to smoke, and the social ostracism. When you quit smoking you are enabling a whole different life to come to you.

The Struggle

Quitting smoking is not an easy task and many people struggle for years as they try to quit. Smokers who want to quit are constantly looking for the best advise and techniques that will help them quit for real this time. So many smokers try quitting just to start back up in a week or month or year later.

How to become smoke-free is not an easy question. Tobacco and nicotine have different effects on different people. So there is not a cookie cutter recipe to giving up smoking or tobacco use. Many people are able to quit smoking and be smokeless for the rest of their lives, but they still feel like they are constantly struggling to not smoke a cigarette.

For people who are contemplating quitting smoking it can be a scary idea. Cigarettes and nicotine have become part of their daily life. They have worked their lives around when and where they can get a cigarette. Most of their friends may also be smokers, which will make quitting even more difficult for them.

What to do?

The best approach for people who want to quit smoking is to start building a base of friends and family that are supportive of their interest in quitting. Once the word is out that a person wants to stop smoking there may be other friends that smoke who would like to quit as well.

Support during the cessation period is extremely important and can be a precursor to the person sticking to their stop smoking plans. If you are surrounded by people who are genuinely proud of you, when you quit, and encouraging to you it is easier to quit smoking.

Quitting smoking is not only a gift to the smoker but it is also a gift to their family. Many families have struggled for years trying to get a loved one to quit smoking. Even smokers who constantly smoke away from their loved ones are still bringing the smell and discomfort into their home. It is a gift to a family when a smoker decides to quit and start working towards a being a healthier person.

Even smokers who quit smoking cold turkey continue to have medical risks. The medical risks of smoking are extreme and include things like lung cancer and other respiratory ailments. Smokers are also prone to yellowing of the teeth and bridle hair. It is a gift to the smoker when they finally decide to start putting their health in front of their desire to smoke cigarettes.

The freedom that not smoking can bring a person is a great motivation for smokers of any level. Even extremely heavy smokers can be motivated to quit smoking when they realize they are taking their own health and well being away from the people that love them the most.

Quitting smoking is one of the most difficult addiction-breaking processes one can go through. For more helpful, supportive tips, articles and information sources on facing this challenge please visit us at:

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Friday, February 13, 2009

The Tobacco Conspiracy : Why You Have Not Been Able to Quit Smoking

Billions of dollars are at stake. Millions of deaths result. Top corporate executives sit around the boardroom and discuss ways to improve their market share. Their success depends on keeping you smoking and getting people that don't smoke to start. It' s all about the billions.

The tobacco companies have very deep pockets. They have spent billions of dollars in advertising over the years and they know how to keep their customers. They want you to die a smoker. Their bottom line depends on it. And you will if you do not quit.

What if I told you that stopping smoking was easy? That smoking is a body and mind addiction. Yes, body AND mind!

I don't know anyone that actually picks up a cigarette and goes, " mmmmm, tastes great!" Do you? Of course not. Your body rejects it. It coughs, hacks, spits, and does everything that it can to tell you this is bad stuff. You started because your mind was thinking how cool you will be, how much older it will make you look and your body is obeyed. Now you are addicted.

Everyone starts this way. EVERYONE. You had to use your mind to convince your body or you would reject it.

I find it fascinating that almost all methods of quitting smoking do not take into consideration the mind. There are pills and patches and inhalers and gums. All these programs have a very low success rate.

Doesn't it make sense to use the very part of you that started the whole thing - Your mind?? Or course it does.

Everyone starts to smoke for some sort of motivating reason. If I gave you a piece of food that was stinky, burned your throat and made you cough and gag, how many pieces would you eat? I don't think very many. See, it would be unnatural for you to want more.

Smoking is not natural or everyone would be smoking. You cannot grow a cigarette tree in your backyard or a cigarette plant in your garden. They are not natural. Tobacco may be natural but cigarettes are far more than tobacco with an estimated 4000 ingredients added! The list is highly guarded and protected by law as a trade secret. Imagine that. It's the public's health and it's a trade secret. Something isn't right.

But one thing that is right is the decision to quit smoking. Quitting smoking is the one thing that will immediately improve your life and the life of those around you. When a person realizes that quitting IS a Body and Mind process it makes the process much easier.

? 2003 Rick Saruna All rights reserved

QUIT SMOKING the painfree way. No stress, no cravings, no weight gain, no pills, patches or gums. Check out our website and why we can boast a 90% success rate with our 100% fully guaranteed Quit Smoking Right Now Program:

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Quit Smoking - Success Can Be Yours Only If...

One of the most important resources that anyone has when making a healthy change to their life, is their decision to do something different. This is never truer when successfully stopping smoking

Trying to quit smoking for the wrong reasons is more likely to fail than succeed. A typical wrong reason might be the reason of convenience. Essentially this is when you decide to stop smoking, not because you are necessarily ready or committed to stopping, it is just that a convenient situation has occurred for you.

For example, a husband or wife, or friend or partner, who is also a smoker makes the suggestion that it would be a good idea to stop together. On the face of it this seems to be a great idea because you can support each other in remaining stopped. There is the added sense of doing something together which you might call camaraderie or team spirit. In other words, the sense of not being alone in doing this.

Yet in reality, whilst both participants know they ought to stop smoking at some point in time, usually on this occasion it usually means that one person is really ready to stop but the other is going along with it because it is convenient. The other person has got caught up in this being a good idea without giving it too much thought.

Now what is likely to occur is that the person who hasn't really made up their mind to stop, will at some point try and persuade or cajole the other into just having that one. If they succeed in persuading the other to smoke, they will both fail. This is like colluding, just as like the way they probably colluded to smoke the very first time when they were young. In fact you smoked because your peers did it and you wanted to be part of that crowd and accepted. So this collusion is an example of the same sort of influence happening again.

It is essential therefore to quit smoking for your own reasons and not to do it out of convenience. This convenience aspect will often come into the equation when someone decides to stop smoking with the help of a hypnotherapist. For example, the wife has decided to stop smoking with hypnotherapy. The wife, although motivated to stop smoking now, will not have had hypnotherapy before and may have some anxiety about it. A way of overcoming that anxiety is to encourage the husband to quit with the aid of hypnosis too. Here again one person is persuading the other to quit when they haven't really reached their time and decision to quit.

Any professional hypnotherapist will be keen to maintain a good reputation of success. In doing so the hypnotherapist needs to ensure that both husband and wife really do want to stop now. This being the case, then doing it together can be a real asset as the sense of doing it with others can strengthen their resolve to stick to their decision.

As an experienced hypnotherapist I emphasise to people who come along in pairs for quit smoking hypnotherapy sessions, whether mates, husband and wife, or partners, that they should be there for each other and to stick to their decision to quit smoking for good and not to collude together to smoke.

Steven A. Harold
Stop Smoking London Hypnotherapist
Quit Smoking Hypnosis London

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Real Deal About Smoking and Why You Can Quit Smoking Easily Without Patches, Pills and Gums

Many people struggled very hard to quit smoking. The ?Quit Smoking Right Now? program has successfully helped many people to quit smoking without patches, pills and gums - even chain smokers who have been smoking for decades.This program believes that smoking cigarettes is not a natural or pleasurable thing to do. In fact, your body rejects it. It is the mind that has convinced your body to start smoking. Influenced by advertisements and other sources, you may think that it is cool to smoke, or you may want to fit in and be accepted by your peers or for whatever reason your mind can think of. It finally gets your body to accept the smoke.In order to successfully stop smoking, you need to work on your mind. As it is your mind that has convinced your body to start smoking in the first place, only your mind can convince your body to stop smoking. This is the focal point of this program. No other program I?m aware of takes your belief system into consideration. This is the most important ingredient in the successful quit smoking equation. Because of this, they claimed a success rate of 90%.While other quit smoking programs are focused on helping you fight off cravings for nicotine, this program believes that nicotine is not what you are mainly addicted to in cigarettes. There is another ingredient in the highly guarded, patent protected list among the 1000's of chemicals in each cigarette that really is the one responsible for your addiction and the terrible struggle most people face when trying to quit. Hundreds of thousands of people who are sincere about quitting are sadly spending millions of dollars buying up expensive pills, patches, inhalers, supplements and gums in a losing battle to save their own lives.In less than 3 hours, the ?Quit Smoking Right Now? Program will teach you how to quit smoking for life, from the comfort of your home, without patches, pills and gums, and without gaining any weight or suffering a single major craving.Get more information about the ?Quit Smoking Right Now? program from the following website: <a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a> About Quit-Smoking-Tips: Quit-Smoking-Tips is a website providing information to people who want to quit smoking. There are dozens of articles and resources for your reading pleasure.For more information, visit the website:<a rel="nofollow" href="" target="_blank"></a>

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