Instantly Quit Smoking

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Quitting Smoking - Why Honesty Is The Best Policy

When you think about the fact that about half of those who quit smoking return to it at some point, and even those who haven't smoked for years still get the odd craving - it's not difficult to understand why staying off the weed can be harder than quitting smoking in the first place.

Nonetheless - if you're really serious about looking good as you get older and want to make sure your skin stays supple and toned - stay off the weed you must!

Without a doubt, the first two weeks after you quit smoking are when you're at your most vulnerable so don't be shy about seeking help during this difficult time. But remember ? just because you don?t succeed in quitting smoking the first time you try definitely does not mean you're a failure as a human being.

Nicotine is a strong drug and it may take several attempts before you successfully quit smoking.

Feeling a failure can be one of the reasons a temporary lapse becomes a more or less permanent return to being a smoker. "Well you've gone and done it now" ? you say to yourself - "you may as well have another one". No doubt about it - if you're a smoker trying to quit you are up against a whole army of obstacles that could so easily trip you up.

Withdrawal from the nicotine hit is one of the major reasons for failure to quit smoking but sheer force of habit plays a major role. Even years after quitting, ex-smokers can find themselves in a situation where they would once have smoked and without even giving a thought to what they're doing, they reach out, take a cigarette from a friend's pack and light up.

Of course, if there are no regular smokers in your immediate social circle, quitting will be much easier. Research shows that failure to quit smoking is also more likely if:

? you're a woman (nicotine dependency is stronger for female smokers)
? you were a heavy smoker
? you've been smoking for a long time
? when you smoke you inhale deeply
? you experience severe withdrawal symptoms

Tests have also shown that those of us who cheat during the first six months after quitting smoking - even if it's just a few puffs on a cigarette - are highly likely to be smoking again by the end of those six months.

In contrast, those who don't cheat - who are honest about their lapses - are most likely to still be cigarette free after six months.

So - if you really want to quit smoking then be totally honest with yourself. If you have a lapse, admit it and resume your quit smoking program immediately. Start your count of smoke-free days from when you resume.

But don't beat yourself up either just because you gave in to the craving. You're human after all and it doesn't represent the end of your efforts to quit smoking - it's simply part of your journey to get there.

Remind yourself of all the reasons you want and need to give up. Think of the way you'll look if you carry on smoking. Think of the damage smoking is doing to your looks and the aging effects of smoking on your skin. Talk to someone about your temporary lapse - that way you're not fooling anyone - least of all yourself.

Remember successful quitters are honest about their progress - with themselves and with the people helping them to quit. Successful quitters don't use a temporary lapse as a reason to start smoking again.

So do yourself a favor - stay honest, resolve to quit and you will.

Eileen Gravelle is an author and web publisher who writes extensively on health, beauty and fitness. Her website offers a complete anti-aging resource for women in their forties and beyond who want to look younger and feel great as they get older.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Do You Really Want To Quit Smoking?

Did you make the New Year resolution to Stop Smoking? Well, have you quit yet? Millions of smokers around the world said they would stop smoking this year. But for many, the day never came. Maybe because of lack of motivation, maybe because you tried to do it on your own. Maybe you tried but gave up easily.

Lets face it. Smoking is a bad habit for a lot of reasons. No need to go into it, everyone knows the dangerous health risks involved. Mumbling the words "I'll quit when this pack is gone" or "After the New Year" or a hundred other reasons you convince yourself now is not the time, are just excuses to keep smoking.

If you want to smoke, you are going to smoke. You are going to tell yourself that your father lived until 85 and smoked 2 packs a day, or your great uncle smoked for 70 years and was never sick a day in his life. Blah blah blah. You probably even tell yourself that you enjoy smoking. How on earth can inhaling smoke be enjoyable. I have listened to smokers coughing and hacking, it doesn't sound enjoyable to me. How about that light up after a nice meal. Yeah, just what I want to do after I eat a delicious meal, wash it all down with some gritty disgusting smoke. You probably didn't even taste the meal anyway because all your taste buds are completely destroyed and everything tastes like stale ash.

Smokers make up all kinds of reasons to keep smoking. "I'm under a lot of stress" or "I'll gain weight". Ultimately the decision to stop smoking has to be yours. Yes family and friends will bug you to stop, but if you attempt to quit smoking and you really do not want to, your chances of success are slim.

The point here is, if you want to stop smoking you will. Make the decision for the right reasons. Be dedicated to the task because you do not want to die a horrible, painful slow death. You want to wake up in the morning without going into a coughing fit, you want to be able to go up a flight of stairs and not gasp for precious air. You want to smell good and get rid of the bad breath. You want to be FREE!

Well, what are you waiting for? Are you going to stop smoking, today?

If you really want to stop smoking and live longer,and you are ready to throw away that pack of cigarettes for good, please visit at Stop Smoking Advisor

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Laser Therapy, A Successful Quit Smoking Aid

Quitting smoking may prove one of the most difficult tasks you have ever had, and the normal reaction is to try to get whatever help you can. Nicotine based drugs, nicotine free drugs, shots, tablets; patches are the classical quit smoking aids everyone turns to when wanting to quit smoking. The problem with this quit smoking aids, is that most of them have side effects such as dizziness, nausea, sleeplessness, dry mouth symptoms, and many others. But if you?re looking for a clean, no side effect quit smoking aid, laser therapy may be exactly what you?re looking for.

Laser therapy is a relatively new quit smoking aid that has gained preeminence in the last years. It uses the same principles as reflexology, acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu and other techniques. It is know that pressing certain point on the body triggers a certain reaction in the body. Low intensity laser beam is applied to certain points in the body and the immediate result is the cessation of nicotine craving. Practice shows that laser therapy is a very efficient quit smoking aid that treats physical addiction. For what the psychological addiction is concerned, that is up to you to solve.

You can?t expect wonders from laser therapy as quit smoking aid, unless you really want to give up smoking. No therapy is effective in case you show resistance within you. This is where behavior counseling comes into play. Being and talking to people that share the same problem with you will give you the feeling that you?re not alone, and will generate a lot of positive reactions in your psyche. This will help you eliminate the psychological aspects of addiction. No quit smoking aid can really be one hundred percent successful unless you make all the efforts necessary to change your life for the good.

Consequently, how good a quit smoking aid is laser therapy for you? First you need to consider that it is quiet expensive therapy. Check with several clinics to see what their fees are. You may also have the surprise of finding out that your quit smoking aid is entirely covered by your insurance. The most indicated person to provide guidance with your health insurance, is the company?s representative who may tell you for sure how much of the quit smoking aid treatment can be covered by them.

Always remember that no quit smoking aid can work miracles, the one that really makes the difference is you. You can act like a quit smoking aid upon yourself, by constant positive thinking and balanced lifestyle. The great danger you will have to protect yourself against is relapsing. Maybe that is the most difficult part about quitting; that from a certain point of view you are never immune to smoking.

If you want to find out more about quit smoking please visit

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Monday, March 16, 2009

There Are Many Quit Smoking Aids

There are many, many ways to stop smoking. You can try nicotine patches, chewing gum and tablets, lozenges, inhalers and drugs like Zyban to finally quit smoking. Smoking is a habit of millions and people take it very casually. There are several reasons to wy people start smoking and many do it as a step towards socializing.

It is easy to dismiss smoking as a normal, difficult to avoid/control and even inescapable part of teenage life, but it does not mean that we should ignore it. To understand that quitting smoking is not a cinch, some people find it harder to achieve than others. Confronted, people often say things like "I wish I could quit" or "I wish I never started smoking" but these types of statements are weak minded. Obviously these were the same people who made the stupid mistake of starting to smoke in the first place.

The real problem people have with quitting smoking is that they are addicted to nicotine. There are studies showing that the producers have added more nicotine in the cigarettes during the last two decades than they did twenty years ago. In that way the smokers will get even more addicted to smoking.

It is often said that it is not your fault if you are a smoker as nicotine is a highly addictive substance. That statement is both right and wrong, you decided once to start smoking and you are responsible for your actions. Then one might say it is not your fault that you cannot quit smoking. The good news nowadays is that there are several very effective ways to quit smoking for good. Below is information of a few methods for quit smoking aids.

Acupuncture therapy has been used in many areas and it also works great to help stop smoking. This therapy also has good side effects of nicotine withdrawals like depression, cravings and anxiety. It does not involve drugs, nicotine patches or pills and can even be cost free.

Laser treatments are one of the most modern and efficient way to deal with nicotine withdrawal from the body after giving up smoking. It can assistant during the first days after freeing nicotine addiction, sometimes it can be effective even from the first 30 minutes session.

Quit smoking hypnosis is a very efficient method to help people quit smoking. Hypnosis can be performed with the assistanse of a doctor but it can also be taught so you can do it on your own. The method is usually a number of steps you shall take to get rid of the smoking habit. In some cases persons have quit after only one session of hypnosis, rare yes but it can happen.

There are also methods that use electronic stimulation and this has been shown to drastically reduce the withdrawal associated with nicotine cessation. For some persons it can be easier to quit smoking if you get some prescribed medication from your doctor which is used to help people overcome their addiction to nicotine. Many also use one of the many consumer products on the market like the nicotine patch and nicotine gum to help stop smoking.

Keith George owns the Quit Smoking site which helps people learn about Quit Smoking Hypnosis Further information can be found at Quit Smoking Aids.

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

5 Tips To Help You Quit Smoking

Five tips to help you quit smoking

This article is intended to be of help to you while climbing that tough mountain called mount cigarette. You will need all the help you can get during the time, but just know that quitting smoking is one of the best things that you can do for yourself and the loved ones around you. You will learn ways to help you break the habit of smoking making you a healthier person.

1. Avoid situations that you would have encountered while smoking.---What this means for you is that you should avoid places and situations that you used equate with smoking- not forever, maybe just in the first two weeks of when you quit smoking, since the two week barrier is the hard one to get through. For example, let's say you frequent the bar with some friends a few nights a week. You probably have a drink and a few smokes to go along with that. Well right now you need to stay out of that bar. Your mind and body will quickly revert back to their old ways and you will be highly tempted to welcome back your old friend- Mr. Cigarette. 2. Drink lots of water. ---Drinking more water will help flush out your system of the toxins that have been building up while you were a smoker. In addition, it will help you with the oral fixation by having a bottle of water nearby. 3. Change your mental outlook. --- You are no longer a smoker and you need to keep reminding yourself of that. A few suggestions for this is to have a rubber band on your wrist to snap every time you think about smoking. Another idea is too try to work your way into a community of non-smokers. This may help with the mental aspect of not smoking and will help you change your lifestyle. 4. Get more exercise. --- A great way to help you quit smoking is to start an exercise regime. There are several benefits to doing this. First, you will take on a new activity that will get your mind off of smoking. Second, you will be bettering your health and thus will help you quit smoking by not wanting to ruin all the hard work you put in at the gym or whatever activity you take up. Third, if you really like the new activity, you won't want to have a difficulty in breathing affect the way, or how much, you participate in the new activity. 5. Don't go it alone. --- The best way to make sure you stick with your plan to stop smoking is to tell someone else what your goals are. You are a lo more likely to stick with your goals if you know you have to answer to someone else. Or, at least you have to let this person know that you had a set back and had a cigarette. This is a hard thing for most people to swallow and they are more likely to stay on course knowing that someone else in the world is aware of what your doing.

Trying to stop smoking in not an easy task. For some it is easier than others but in no way is it a simple process. You should take advantage of every tip and trick at your disposal. If you would like to know more about tips and cures for smoking, click on the link provided, or go to

Matt Ide lives and writes in northern Michigan as a web content writer. If you would like him to write for you please email him at, Matt@knightwriterpublishing. In addition, if you would like to learn more to help you quit smoking, please visit,

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What Are All The Benefits Of Quitting Smoking?

Difficult as it may seem to quit smoking, once you have succeeded, it is all the more rewarding. The first quit smoking benefits are related to your health. Your body is the first to profit from freedom of nicotine. Second, yet equally important, come the quit smoking benefits for your mind, and last, but not least, the quit smoking benefits on your life as a whole.

Do not fear the withdrawal cravings and symptoms. They are normal, given the fact that you are a nicotine addict. Yet, there are ways to minimize or completely get rid of the anxiety, the excessive eating appetite or any other symptoms associated with nicotine deprival. You always have the option of taking a shot, or use oral medicine to counteract the aggressive effects of withdrawal. Only after overcoming the difficulty of the first days of cleansing, you will start feeling the quit smoking benefits.

You will have nothing but to gain if you give up cigarettes. There are small health problems that can make you really miserable, like yellow teeth and nails, bad breath or smell and taste loss. Very uncomfortable as they are, you will be rid of them once you are off smoking. Plentifully enjoying food smell and taste, a beautiful flawless smile or nice manicure may look like trifles, but they are really important details and quit smoking benefits.

Any addiction has a physical and a psychological dimension. As hard as you may try to deal with the former, there are little chances to get any quit smoking benefits if you ignore the latter. Psychological addiction is the most difficult to cure. The body can be detoxified by a strict, fresh food diet, but what about the mind? Meditation and breathing techniques learned in yoga as well as counseling courses are the right course to take in order to end your addiction and really start reaping quit smoking benefits.

As a whole, your entire body system will change. Quitting smoking will prove a major turn in your life, particularly if that helps you overcome serious health problems. You will eat healthier and you?re choice of food will be dictated by the impulse to live well, you will be doing lots of physical exercises. Higher sleep quality will give you stamina and outdoor activities will no longer be breath taking, but a pleasure. This is to mention a few of the quit smoking benefits that will change your life. One thing is for sure: you will never regret quitting smoking.

If you want to find out more about quit smoking please visit

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