Instantly Quit Smoking

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Effective Hypnosis Quit Smoking Methods

Hypnosis quit smoking methods maintain caused quite a stir in the medical world over the last two decades. There is a lot of argument pertaining to whether or not hypnosis quit smoking treatments are actually useful in the long-term. Nonetheless, there has been much research conducted concerning the treatments, and the agreement is that hypnosis treatments are just as effective as any variant stop smoking product.

I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward. Thomas Alva Edison

Whether you have been smoking since your adolescence or if you just became genuinely addicted, hypnosis quit smoking treatments can assist you get on top of the intense cravings that most persons experience when they try to quit smoking. The process of hypnosis to support stop smoking involves a hypnotherapist who guides the patient into a heightened condition of awareness that is also a dreamlike state. In this state of perception, the patient is highly susceptible to suggestions. The hypnotherapist will suggest a variety of phrases that help to cut down the patient's cravings and reliance on cigarettes. Many therapists claim that the pressure reduction brought about via hypnosis is the primary explanation why it works. Patients feel less stress and are therefore less likely to use cigarettes as a means to reduce stress throughout the day.

Though hypnosis quit smoking methods do appear to travail in the short term, there is still much debate pertaining to the long-term effects of the treatments. For example, hypnosis can help some person stop smoking for a few months, but after the treatments are finished, it may be hard for a patient to continue to thwart the drive to smoke. However, hypnosis is still considered one of the most popular commonplace stop smoking aids. Because it does not include prescription or nicotine supplements, it is one of the healthiest ways to quit smoking.

There are typically a few hypnosis quit smoking clinics in most metropolitan areas. For instance, Atlanta hypnosis quit smoking clinics are scattered all over throughout the city. With regular stop smoking methods gaining more and more approval, hypnosis is becoming one of the more common ways to obtain quit smoking support.

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Lao-tzu, Tao-te Ching

When you are trying to quit smoking, hypnosis quit smoking methods and alternate ways to help yourself quit are only as productive as your willpower allows them to be. You have to be ready to give up smoking before even the finest quit smoking way will work. Quit smoking tips can only go so far when it comes to reducing your cravings. You must be ready to fight your urges in order for any quit smoking aids to be useful. However, if you are resolute to quit smoking, you can use any figure of stop smoking products to help you along on your journey toward a smoke-free lifestyle. From natural to medical alternatives, you are never by oneself while you are trying to quit smoking.

Steve Hill discusses the quit smoking process at: quit smoking and smoking cessation

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Sunday, October 28, 2007

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Friday, October 26, 2007

How To Quit Smoking Once And For All


It is undisputed that smoking is harmful to your health. It increases chances of a heart attack; is a leading cause of lung and other types of cancers; and is also an expensive habit. But, smokers who try to quit will attest to the fact that quitting is not easy. The nicotine found in cigarettes is highly addictive and most smokers who try to quit attempt to do so several times before being successful.

It is best to prepare yourself for quitting by removing all cigarettes, ashtrays and other signs of smoking from your environment at home, work and in your car. Seeing them is only a reminder and will hamper progress. Decide you want to quit and be determined. Do not smoke during this time even a little. The one cigarette you have may encourage you to have more, impeding your ability to quit altogether.

A support system is very important to quit. Make sure family and friends are aware of your decision to quit and will help support you in your decision. If you have family and friends who smoke, ask them not to do it near you for awhile so you don?t have the urge to smoke with them. There are many support groups available as well. You can find telephone support or group therapy in just about every major city. Most of these are free and can provide a valuable boost to your morale during this difficult time.

Try to reduce the stress levels in your environment. Stay busy and active to promote good health. Taking long walks, indulging in a hot bath, spending some time at a day spa or getting a massage are great ways to reduce stress levels while keeping occupied. Ensuring you are distracted will help curb cravings for cigarettes.

Nicotine replacement is helpful in overcoming the addiction while allowing you to concentrate on the removal of the other harmful effects of smoking. Most entail a gradual reduction of nicotine so your body becomes more used to not having it. There are many types from skin patches to gums and lozenges. Studies indicate one method is no better than the next and is dependent on personal preference. Acupuncture and hypnosis have gained popularity as ways to help quit smoking. Consult a physician for a referral to a reputable hypnotist or acupuncturist before committing to this type of treatment.

Making the decision to quit smoking can be one of the most difficult things to do but will greatly benefit you in the long run. With a little support from friends and family the process will be much smoother. Try to stay active to distract from cravings. If you have intense withdrawals use a nicotine replacement such as a patch or gum to help curb cravings. The advantages of living a smoke-free life are many. Improve your health and the health of those around you by quitting.

Gray Rollins is a featured writer for If you'd like quit smoking help, or to learn the best way to quit smoking, visit us.

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To Quit Smoking You Need The Secret Ingredient!

I am an expert in giving up smoking. I have often stated in my articles and ebooks that I do really loathe the term 'Expert'. But I have to claim the title, as I have succeeded over on hundred times.

Even worse so is the term 'Guru'. In my opinion, in the Internet world today, there are FAR to many of these, mainly self-proclaimed, 'Supermen/women' to help you achieve or point you in the direction of every type of success you can imagine. Apart from the business success that they generally claim to be able to bestow, they also claim to be able to MAKE you quit smoking, lose weight or even (believe it or not) cure cancer and other frightful conditions.

I believe that there are 'gifted' people who can draw on unknown powers that exist and are able - sometimes - to effect a stunning cure or help in a manner that would appear to be nothing short of miraculous. However, we're not talking about these people or these types of incidences. I'm talking about the ones that can ONLY work their miracles if you BUY their product or their service.

As far as the 'quit smoking' claim in concerned, there are in fact, a number of bonafide and medically proven prescription and herbal or natural compounds that can and do often help people to achieve their goal to be 'smoke free'. So, a promise or guarantee that a product WILL achieve this for you is only a 'half lie' as it is possible and has been known to work time and again. The fact about the guarantee that makes it questionable is that there MAY be one ingredient missing, which is essential in order for these products to work.

I'm not a heavy smoker, but not a light smoker either (about 20 a day, which I classify as average or normal, among smokers, at least). I would love not to have to calculate if I have enough cigarettes to do me until 'whenever'. I'd love to be able to avoid spending in the order of $50 a week on tobacco (that's $2,600 a year). I'd like to not be considered a social outcast in most public indoor places and most people's homes, being banished to the cold and the rain or stinking heat outside to have a cigarette (although I perfectly understand their need and their right for clean, safe air and a pleasant smelling home). I'd like not to have to take a quick trip to the shop at 2 am, in the cold and rain because I've run out smokes. In the nut shell, I'd really like to be able to quit smoking - for good!

Did you here what I just said?: "I'd really like to be ABLE to quit smoking - FOR GOOD!

So, with all the reasons I've given above, plus a myriad of others, there is plenty of motivation for me to quit WITHOUT even considering the health and medical reasons, which are as compelling, if not more so. Smoking is physically harmful and it is a KNOWN cause of many deadly conditions, which I have no need go through here.

Why do I continue to smoke or why do I go back to smoking a very short time after each of my very lame attempts to quit smoking? Simple. I ENJOY IT. I like to smoke. I have smoked for 30 years and I can't imagine life without smoking. I'd love to have a crack at it, but I am still up against the conscious (and subconscious) knowledge that this is something that I am going to miss very much. I am also, as has probably been gleaned from this article, so far, that I am not blessed with a great deal of will power (or whatever other name you want to give it).

For 15 months I helplessly watched my wife, for whom I would have gladly given my own life, die of lung cancer nine years ago (at the age of 43). Even after that, at the age of 46 (I was a few years younger than Kathy), I still smoke. A bit crazy, what do you think?

As I said earlier, there are many good products that work well in making the challenge to quit smoking much easier. Both those approved and condoned by mainstream medicine and many others of a herbal or natural nature all work well. But they will only work if the one, single, important ingredient exists - The WILL to quit smoking. Not the need, the want or the sensible arguments. THE WILL. In fact, I've heard so many who have succeeded, that it wasn't really all that difficult because they REALLY wanted to quit smoking.

I hope that one day soon, I will WANT to quit smoking. If you smoke, I hope that you will want to quit smoking soon, too. Good Luck!

Stephen Brennan is editor of The OnlinePlus Group. He's author of the popular affiliate marketing standard The Affiliate Guide Book. He operates many Affiliate websites, includingQuit Smoking OnlinePlus

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hypnosis - The Best Way To Quit Smoking

Smokers, who are getting aware of the possible health hazards and want to quit smoke at any cost, need not worry. There are several options for them. All of us know that smoking is nothing but addiction of nicotine. There are several companies manufacturing pills or nicotine replacement patches. These nicotine replacement pills are quite helpful in quitting smoking. Apart from these pills, there is one more option for quitting this addiction of nicotine. It is Hypnosis!

Most of the smokers stop smoking for some time after using these products. However, after sometime they start smoking again. The cause for again taking up smoking is that they were always conscious of having replacement pills for smoking. This means they were always conscious that smoking provides them something. Thus, the desire to smoke still exists in them. On the other hand, Hypnosis completely changes the attitude of smoker towards smoking. It put an end to the inner desire of the smoker for smoking. Once the smoker put an end to his inner desire for smoking, then he will never take up the cigarette again.

If you are a little health conscious then you can understand the importance of Hypnosis rather than nicotine replacement pills. The cause of your quitting smoking is that you want your body to be healthy, free from all kinds of toxins. However, nicotine is still getting entry into your body through the intake of these pills. So, consider Hypnosis rather than pills.

Duration taken by Hypnosis to quit smoking is quite shorter than the replacement pills. You would be astonished to know that Hypnosis takes only one hour or less to quit smoking completely. On the other hand, these replacement pills take many weeks.

In US, from your taxes you can remove the cost of programs that you have attended for quitting smoking. The cost of these programs can be added in the medical expenses amounts.

There is no provision for including the amount you have paid for drugs, in the medical expenses. The cause for not including them in the medical expenses is that they do not require any prescriptions. Thus, it would not be beneficial for you not to buy these drugs. Finally, the result of Hypnosis on the smokers who wants to be a non-smoker is 70-80%. On the other hand, result of nicotine replacement pill is 50-60%. The cause of there low success rate is the inner consciousness of the user that, "I want to smoke and so I am substituting it." However, Hypnosis completely puts an end to smoker's inner consciousness and he never feels the desire to have it again.

Tony Robinson is an ex-smoker, Webmaster and International Author. Visit for his quit smoking tips.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

How to Quit Smoking with the Help of Water Therapy

Like they say, it is easier said than done. Likewise, it is easy to admonish someone who smokes, or to ask him to quit the habit. Ask someone, who has quit smoking, how hard it had been for him/her. The reply you get will help you understand the almost super-human effort that goes into the entire process of quitting the habit.

The urge to smoke that one last cigarette is always there with people who have already quit the habit. People who have quit active smoking for years report to have had those occasional urges to smoke. Unfortunately, many, who after having successfully quitted the habit, get back to smoking just because they could not hold back the temptation of smoking that occasional cigarette their friend offered. There is no point getting back to square one after what a smoker goes through to quit smoking in the first place. Those occasional urges need to be controlled strongly.

Thankfully, smokers can opt for a very simple and inexpensive way out of this dilemma. Water is said to help people get out of their craving for a smoke. The good news is that it is helping fresh quitters during the initial weeks. People who have been smoking for a long time get used to nicotine, a strong drug. When a person quits smoking or is in the gradual process of quitting, the body craves for nicotine it is used to having on an every day basis. Nicotine needs to be flushed out of the system, which water can do rather effectively. The more the water consumption, the more is the elimination of toxins. On an average, a person who has that urge to smoke should double his intake of water. What is thought more practical is a gradual reduction in the number of cigarettes a person smokes. That way the body gets used to the lesser intake of nicotine on an ongoing basis. Sudden quitting upsets the body and the resultant craving can create more withdrawal symptoms. Headaches are one of the common symptoms of withdrawal.

If you have quit smoking, but gave in to the urge, do not feel guilty. All you need to do is gulp down 3 or 4 glasses of water to flush out the toxins you introduced to the body. Make a fresh resolution not to give into the urge again. When the urge is on, remember not to give in to it. Instead, drink a few glasses of water reminding yourself not to add more toxins to your system.

Tony Robinson is an ex-smoker, Webmaster and International Author. Visit for his quit smoking tips.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Are You Paying Too Much to Quit Smoking at Your Local Store?

Giving up nicotine is not easy. Smokers have a physiological addiction to nicotine and their behavior has been conditioned to follow a routine that reinforces the habit. Most smokers know that smoking it bad for them, even potentially lethal, yet they continue to smoke.

Its a sad fact that in today's markets the big pharmaceutical companies are able to regulate the prices of consumer products. What I am specifically talking about is the #1 most widely used quit smoking product, Nicorette Gum.

I am here to tell you that you can find the same Nicorette Gum online for a hugely discounted price. Nicotrol Gum currently sold in overseas countries is that solution.

Nicotrol Gum is a rebranded form of Nicorette Gum. This means that it is the same gum as Nicorette, manufactured by the same company, in the same country (all Nicorette products are produced in Sweden) but sold under a different brand name, at a different price.

A typical internet price for a pack of Nicorette Gum in the US is $40.50. Compare that to $24.50 for a similar sized pack of Nicotrol from an overseas supplier. That's a roungh saving of 40%.

There are also other options option available such as generic brands.

Habitrol gum, formally known as Nicotinell gum is another brand of nicotine gum that has become very popular over the last couple of years. Habitrol gum has been said to taste better and is cheaper than Nicorette and last longer than Nicorette Gum.

Jared Mitchell manages websites in the field of quitting smoking. Visit today for more information on quitting and the latest products available.

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

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Friday, October 19, 2007

Planning to Quit Smoking

Millions of people smoke, and to many, particularly those that have been smoking for some time, the prospect of quitting seems daunting. An addiction to nicotine is a serious one, and is multifaceted: there is a physical component, in that your body craves the nicotine the cigarettes contain, and a psychological one, in that many habits and situations become associated with cigarettes for the smoker. For these reasons it is important that you come up with a plan of attack in order to quit smoking: although the cold-turkey technique works for some people, the vast majority of smokers will have success only with a more comprehensive plan.

When you first consider the prospect of quitting smoking, it's probably going to seem far fetched, but keep in mind that thousands of people - people that are no different from you - quit smoking every year. If they can do it, there's no reason that you can't. Many smokers also feel that after a certain age it is "too-late" to quit smoking. Simply put, this isn't true, and should not be used as an excuse to avoid an attempt to quit smoking: the health benefits of quitting smoking begin the very day you stop.

Before you actually have your last cigarette, begin to build up your willpower. Your willpower is going to be your most important tool in quitting, and it's very unlikely that you will be successful without it. Spend some time thinking of the reasons you want to quit smoking. Learn about the health benefits of quitting, for both yourself and the people around you. Do some math and come up with some figures for the amount of money you'll save by not buying cigarettes, and think of something you'll use that money for.

Once you've built up your willpower, it's time to have your last cigarette. To keep your spirits up, understand that the human body is incredibly resilient, and your health will improve as soon as you stop smoking - literally. 8 hours after your last cigarette, carbon monoxide levels and oxygen levels in your blood stream will return to normal. At 24 hours after your last cigarette, you statistically reduce your chance of a heart attack. Only 48 hours after your last cigarette, your sense of taste and smell will improve as your nerve endings start growing.

As you continue to stay smoke free, think of the longer-term benefits to quitting in order to keep your willpower up: even after 2 weeks your lung power will begin to increase, and continue to do so over time. Other aspects of your health will continue to improve in various ways. The ultimate motivator should be the knowledge that 15 years after quitting, your risk of death is almost the same as someone who has never smoked - a remarkable fact that illustrates our the human body's surprising ability to restore itself.

By coming up with a concrete plan to quit smoking you will greatly increase your chances of success. Crucial is understanding the important role that your willpower will play in the process, and planning to build up this willpower weeks before you attempt to quit. Once you've stopped you have to keep the strength of this willpower up, and to do so, remind yourself of the health benefits you will be privy to immediately after butting out that last cigarette.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Planning To Quit Smoking

Millions of people smoke, and to many, particularly those that have been smoking for some time, the prospect of quitting seems daunting. An addiction to nicotine is a serious one, and is multifaceted: there is a physical component, in that your body craves the nicotine the cigarettes contain, and a psychological one, in that many habits and situations become associated with cigarettes for the smoker. For these reasons it is important that you come up with a plan of attack in order to quit smoking: although the cold-turkey technique works for some people, the vast majority of smokers will have success only with a more comprehensive plan.

When you first consider the prospect of quitting smoking, it's probably going to seem far fetched, but keep in mind that thousands of people - people that are no different from you - quit smoking every year. If they can do it, there's no reason that you can't. Many smokers also feel that after a certain age it is "too-late" to quit smoking. Simply put, this isn't true, and should not be used as an excuse to avoid an attempt to quit smoking: the health benefits of quitting smoking begin the very day you stop.

Before you actually have your last cigarette, begin to build up your willpower. Your willpower is going to be your most important tool in quitting, and it's very unlikely that you will be successful without it. Spend some time thinking of the reasons you want to quit smoking. Learn about the health benefits of quitting, for both yourself and the people around you. Do some math and come up with some figures for the amount of money you'll save by not buying cigarettes, and think of something you'll use that money for.

Once you've built up your willpower, it's time to have your last cigarette. To keep your spirits up, understand that the human body is incredibly resilient, and your health will improve as soon as you stop smoking - literally. 8 hours after your last cigarette, carbon monoxide levels and oxygen levels in your blood stream will return to normal. At 24 hours after your last cigarette, you statistically reduce your chance of a heart attack. Only 48 hours after your last cigarette, your sense of taste and smell will improve as your nerve endings start growing.

As you continue to stay smoke free, think of the longer-term benefits to quitting in order to keep your willpower up: even after 2 weeks your lung power will begin to increase, and continue to do so over time. Other aspects of your health will continue to improve in various ways. The ultimate motivator should be the knowledge that 15 years after quitting, your risk of death is almost the same as someone who has never smoked - a remarkable fact that illustrates our the human body's surprising ability to restore itself.

By coming up with a concrete plan to quit smoking you will greatly increase your chances of success. Crucial is understanding the important role that your willpower will play in the process, and planning to build up this willpower weeks before you attempt to quit. Once you've stopped you have to keep the strength of this willpower up, and to do so, remind yourself of the health benefits you will be privy to immediately after butting out that last cigarette.

Brandon C. Hall maintains ( which contains many articles and resources on quitting smoking at ( There is also information on dozens of other topics.

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Monday, October 15, 2007

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Art of Quitting Smoking

Quitting smoking does not make everyone gain weight but it results in gaining a few extra pounds. Weight gain is much possible for chain smokers. It gives the smoker the false feeling of weight gain which is actually due to water retention after which the body comes to its previous position.

Chain smokers are more prone to health dangers when they try to quit smoking and the main symptom is weight gain.

How to preserve health after quitting smoking:

1. Physical fitness

> Daily exercise can be a good reminder to make one realize that how much of the energy he has lost due to smoking as he will find it quite tough to exercise properly. Physical fitness enhances your energy levels and by bringing you close to the nature, it also diverts your mind off smoking.

> Beginners should exercise for 30 minutes initially not essentially on regular basis. Exercise not only ensures good health but also helps in controlling weight. You can go for exercises like brisk walking and playing.

2. Good eating habits

> Good eating habits ensure prevention of weight gain and make you feel good. Eating nutritious diet on regular basis helps a lot but you should not change yourself too fast as it can result in fatigue.

> Never try to quit smoking during bouts of tension only to prevent snacking. It can result in consuming more snacks or taking to smoking again and the person becomes addicted once again.

3. Resisting longings

> Once you quit smoking, you should also learn how to resist craving for cigarettes and food. If one learns to overcome craving for 5 minutes, then it generally goes off.

> Try to busy your hands and mouth with things like chewing gum, solving puzzles to replace smoking.

> Try not to accompany your loneliness with tea or coffee. It can increase the nervous feeling.

> Have required sleep when tired and also try to lessen your anger and loneliness. Go for meditation and relax properly.

> Take up another subject to talk other than smoking.

> List the places where you feel urge to smoke and also list things you can have as a substitute of smoking. Avoid going to the pubs, having chips when watching television.

> Some anxious smokers can also go for nicotine gum or patch known for reducing the weight gain only on being prescribed by the doctor.

4. Be optimistic

> Eating habits become better with the passage of time as you left smoking and food tastes nice when you become habitual of eating healthy food.

> Don't be pessimist and let yourself not to be afraid about weight gain. If it happens you will surely lose weight with the help of your eating habits and be confident about your choice to stay healthy.

Tony Robinson is an ex-smoker, Webmaster and International Author. Visit for his quit smoking tips.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Why We Cannot Quit Smoking?

We do bad things although we know we should not. Nobody knows why? Actually it is not our folly. It falls under the category of things which are beyond our control.

We all know the remedies to lose weight and to quit smoking like good eating habits, exercise .Yet we cannot help ourselves although we desire it. If we talk about the chain smokers, there are many who control themselves but cannot completely quit the habit. The reason is bad temptations. They do every possible thing to keep themselves away from smoking but there is something which acts like a magnetic force and held them back like two opposites constantly attracting each other.

Let us try to find out the answer:

Can we name out some people who are truly happy and serious about their work? Unfortunately the figure is very less. We live in an aura made of our own where we do not feel need to deal with the major issues. It consists of special things which contribute a lot to distract us. We often forget about our ambitions which once we had nurtured in childhood like becoming a doctor, an artist.

This forgetting results in unhappy, unsuccessful and frustrated individuals. They boil their inner self without knowing their problem and what advertisers do? They take benefits of these fears and fulfill their interests by selling us deceptive happiness.

But what about our true needs?

We are either afraid to fulfill them or we disassociate ourselves from it to such an extent that we never think of them again.

One easy way which we opt to escape the problems is we make bad habits our companion as incase of smokers. If they have some family quarrel then they will take up smoking not because of the nicotine temptation but due to their incapability of resolving the problem. When we come face to face with our problems we feel they want us to pay them attention. The surprising fact is if we really want to give attention to them then only we will feel the need of smoking because we know our 'void'. We can solve our problem by taking following easy steps: * Try to listen to your inner voice. * Meditation is great and will surely help. * One should go for a walk by himself listening to his inner self. * We must check ourselves where we are avoiding our problems and what we instantly need. Method of figuring out is different for everyone's but we should try to work on it and not to give it.

Tony Robinson is an ex-smoker, Webmaster and International Author. Visit for his quit smoking tips.

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Sunday, October 7, 2007

Want To Quit Smoking?

Quitting the smoking is a desire that chain smokers wish to come true. It can be possible with the following:

Have confidence: If you can believe yourself then you have already won half of the battle. Try to re- picture your days when you have proved your willpower. The only thing that you need is to boost up your spirits again.

Try with the limitations of smoking first. Think how smoking is eating up your body and then go for the advantages. Start applying them on yourself as quitting smoking will increase you lifespan, will make you feel better.

Family is precious for all. Think how much you will save if you quit smoking. It will help you in making new friends who hates smoking and will help you to do the same.

Initially you will behave illogically means that you will be restless. At that time remember your friends and family is there to help you out .Ask them to be tolerant with you and support you.

Exercise will allow you to ease yourself and will help you to get better than before. You may start with the walking. Go for one or two rounds per day. Do not fasten the process at he initial stage as you may feel tiresome. Ensure that you consult your physician.

Deep breathing is great for the beginners. Try it for 3 to 5 minutes each day. Fancy a scene that you have turned down the cigarette offered by someone. If you are comfortable quitting all of them rapidly then go for it otherwise does it other way round. Plan number of cigarettes you will have each day until your auspicious day. Try to curtail its number each day. Keep changing your brands. This way you will stop enjoying smoking.

Search for companion. Motivate each other. Feel pride in your clean teeth that is not possible with going with the habit of smoking.

Plan your journey to the auspicious day in a different manner. After having completed the passage to two weeks of being a non smoker, plan to see a movie. After continuing the battle for one month visits a restaurant and so on. Drink plenty of water everyday. It will help to flush all harmful chemicals out of your body. In addition, it helps to reduce your longings for cigarettes.

Try to work pout on the reasons that forces you for a pack of cigarette like work load. Avoid these. Keep your mouth busy with things like chewing gum.

Keep a miniature of someone who always inspires you to adopt good habits. Think that you are trying to escape smoking for you and for that precious person.

Tony Robinson is an ex-smoker, Webmaster and International Author. Visit for his quit smoking tips.

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Quit Smoking - Develop a Brand New Atmosphere

Would you like to find out what those-in-the-know have to say about quit smoking? The information in the article below comes straight from well-informed experts with special knowledge about quit smoking.

After a long time, you have finally decided to quit smoking. Good-bye to smoking means, a complete change in your way of living. Now, your first job is to bring a change in your normal routine.

You need to develop a brand new atmosphere for you. Developing a new atmosphere is also a part of exercise in quitting smoking. Make everything around you such that it will give a fresh feeling to you. For Instance, if you often smoke near the telephone then change its place.

Set a new timetable for you. Include the visit to gym in your daily routine. If going to gym is not possible then go for a morning walk or jog. This is the healthiest way for the beginning of the day.

Take care that getting started is easy, but making it a routine is a little tough.

People often begin in a great way, such as buying tracksuits, gym wear or running shoes and enjoy a lot the earlier days in gym. But, as the time passes they take it as a burden and find it difficult to manage their time for gym.

Most of this information comes straight from the quit smoking pros. Careful reading to the end virtually guarantees that you'll know what they know.

There is a common mistake done by most of us. We go to gym, in evening. In evening, we are completely tired and no more enthusiasm is left on us. So, it would be beneficial to go the gym in the morning. In the morning, we are fresh after a long rest. Secondly, exercise enhances the flow of blood in the body and gives us more energy. Moreover, our exercise program will not effect in the morning and we can make plan for the day.

Fresher should do exercise under the expert guidance. A professional trainer is must for a proper start. One can also go for a few simple exercises that do not need any trainer. Swimming and walking are also the best form of exercises. You only need to get up early in the morning and enjoy the fresh and pollution-less city.

Go for tea instead of coffee, clean your houses and try to divert from everything that reminds you of smoking.

Do something interesting in evening, but take care not to play on money. Create a list of those things that stresses you and try to avoid them completely. Never make excuses for smoking. For instance, stress is the most common excuse. But you can de-stress yourself by doing something more creative such as breathing exercises or meditating.

Thus, apply these steps in your routine and say good-bye to smoking.

Knowing enough about quit smoking to make solid, informed choices cuts down on the fear factor. If you apply what you've just learned about quit smoking, you should have nothing to worry about.

Hans Hasselfors is the founder of You may find varied free quit smoking articles in our article directory.

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Thursday, October 4, 2007

How To Quit Smoking - The Nicotine Patch

Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances known. Study after study shows that one can get addicted to nicotine as quickly as cocaine and other illegal drugs that we generally associate with crippling addictions. It is for this reason, of course, that is can be so difficult to quit smoking. One top of this physical addiction - that is, the body's craving of nicotine - there is a psychological component: because smoking is both legal and socially acceptable in many situations, it can be difficult to avoid it completely. Any attempt to quit smoking, therefore, should involve a comprehensive plan that deals with both the physical and psychological side of the addiction. One way to address the physical addition to nicotine, to leave yourself free to concentrate on the psychological aspects of your addiction, is to use a nicotine patch.

The nicotine patch is one of the oldest, and certainly best-known, medical aids to quitting smoking. Patches are placed on the skin, and work by releasing a slow and steady supply of nicotine into the bloodstream. The idea is that the patch helps wean your body off nicotine - instead of nicotine being immediately absent from your system when you quit smoking, it is gradually reduced.

The way the patch works is to break your body's desire for nicotine "spikes." When you smoke a cigarette, your body receives an immidiete spike in its nicotine levels. As the level of nicotine slowly dissipates after the spike, it will eventually drop to a point where you desire to have it "topped up" again - the need for another cigarette. If you picture a graph of your body's nicotine levels when you smoke, you would see a steady series of peaks and valleys - the peaks corresponding to the spike in nicotine levels when you smoke a cigarette. A graph of your nicotine levels when wearing the patch, on the other hand, would show a steady line: the line wouldn't be as high as your peaks, but it wouldn't be as low as your valleys either. The idea is that the patch goes for the middle ground, and your body slowly adjusts to not having spikes in its nicotine levels.

As you become more and more used to lower levels of nicotine in your system, you can reduce the dosage of the patches you wear, until eventually your body is nicotine free. Another good thing about the patch is that it is an extremely strong deterrent against smoking: if you smoke while you're on the patch, your levels of nicotine will become too high and you could suffer from a nicotine overdose, which can result in sickness and even death.

The patch is a very effective stop smoking aid. It does, however, have some disadvantages: it is fairly expensive, and at the early stages of quitting it can often cost more than cigarettes did. The patch can also cause problems with sleeping if you wear it to bed - and at the same time if you don't you will wake up with no nicotine in your system, and feel pretty bad until you put on a morning patch and it starts working. Despite these drawbacks, the patch remains the medical aid of choice for people dealing with serious nicotine addictions.

Brandon C. Hall maintains Free Info Blog which contains many articles and resources to quit smoking as well as many other topics.

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How To Quit Smoking - Using Zyban

In general, an addiction to smoking can be a very difficult one to overcome. Depending on how long you've smoked, how much you smoke, and genetic factors, you may find it extremely difficult to quit smoking. It is a well known fact the genetic factors are at play and determine how susceptible someone is to a nicotine addiction, and for this reason some people need more than their will power to quit smoking. There are medical aids to quit smoking that help address the body's dependence on nicotine, leaving you to concentrate your will power on other aspects of the addiction: namely, the social associations you likely have with smoking.

For many years the standard medical stop-smoking aid was the nicotine patch, which is attached to the skin and releases a steady supply of nicotine to the bloodstream. Fairly recently, though, another approach has become popular: the use of the drug Zyban (bupropion hydrochloride.)

Zyban's development as an anti-smoking aid is a curious one: it was originally designed as an anti-depressant, and during clinical trials of the drug is was discovered that as a side effect, many smokers participating in the trails lost interest in cigarettes and found it very easy to quit. Further research revealed that the drug was an effective stop-smoking aid, and it was approved for use as such in 1997 by the FDA.

Zyban works in a completely different way from the nicotine patch. Instead of supplying nicotine to the bloodstream, Zyban alters brain chemistry in such a way that the desire for smoking is greatly reduced - many people find that cigarettes simply become unappealing after taking the drug. At no point does Zyban supply or regulate nicotine in the bloodstream.

To work effectively, Zyban is usually taken a few weeks before you actually stop smoking. Like all anti-depressants, it takes time for its effects to manifest. Once you've been taking the drug for some time, you stop smoking, and if all goes well you'll find the process much easier than an unaided attempt.

It is important to keep in mind, however, that Zyban is a prescription drug that alters brain chemistry - in fact researchers are not even exactly sure how it works, only that it does for many people. Naturally, you doctor will be consulted in your decision to take Zyban, and it is crucial that Zyban is not taken in combination with other drugs. Make sure you talk to your doctor about the possible side effects of using Zyban to quit smoking: some common side effects include insomnia, dizziness, and dry mouth. In rarer cases, more serious side effects like seizures can occur. You must also discuss with your doctor the situations in which Zyban should not be taken, like if you are abruptly stopping the use of alcohol, or have a history of seizures.

While Zyban should be approached with some caution, as long as it is properly discussed with your doctor, it can be a very effective aid in your battle to quit smoking.

Brandon C. Hall maintains Free Info Blog which contains many articles and resources to quit smoking as well as many other topics.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Why You Should Quit Smoking

Smoking is a highly additive habit, and most people who smoke find it very difficult to quit. The reason that it is so difficult to quit smoking is that the addiction is multifaceted: not only is there a physical addiction to the nicotine, but there is also a strong psychological component to the addiction as cigarettes are both legal and in many situations socially acceptable.

One of the greatest indicators as to weather your attempt to quit smoking will be successful is how mentally prepared you are. You have to truly want to quit in order to be successful, and if you try to quit without this mindset it is unlikely that it will work. A good way to motivate yourself - to get yourself to a point where you really and truly want to quit smoking - is to think of the health risks involved, and the many benefits of quitting.

The health risks associated with smoking are well known, but if you are trying to quit it is a good idea to revisit them. By smoking, you greatly increase your chances of lung cancer and heart disease. As well as the increased risk of a premature death, you will also, as a smoker, be plagued with breathing difficulties. Another thing you should consider is that as a smoker you are putting others at risk through second hand smoke. It is a well known fact that second hand smoke can be very detrimental to the health of your loved ones, especially over the long term.

Now, if you smoke there a good chance you're aware of these factors, and the knowledge can be fairly sobering. All is not lost, however, and in order to motive yourself to quit your should think about the immediate benefits involved if you stop. Almost instantly you'll notice that your sense of smell will improve. Smell plays a crucial role in the taste of food, and therefore your taste sensation will improve considerably, and you will find yourself enjoying food more.

Also consider the money that you will save. Depending on where you live, cigarettes can be very expensive, and the general trend is that the price will continue to increase in the future. Even a fairly generous assumption of $5 a pack means that if you quit a pack a day habit you will save almost $2000 in the first year. A great technique to motive yourself when you first stop smoking is to put the money you would spend every day on cigarettes into a jar, where you can see it steadily accumulate: even after the first week you'll have $35 - enough to treat yourself to a nice meal.

By constantly reminding yourself of the benefits of quitting smoking you give yourself an important mental motivator: think of not only your own health benefits, but those of the people around you who suffer from second hand smoke. Add to this the amount of money you'll be saving, and it becomes hard to justify a smoking habit. Quitting smoking is a win-win situation, and thinking of it in this way will provide you with an important mental weapon in your attempt to quit.

Brandon C. Hall maintains Free Info Blog which contains many articles and resources to quit smoking as well as many other topics.

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