Top Ten Reasons To Quit Smoking
Life Expectancy Some of the ingredients in tobacco smoke include Carbon Monoxide, Arsenic, Acetone, and Ammonia. To reduce the intake of these lethal substances by quitting smoking will no doubt increase a persons chances of living longer.
Lung Cancer The most lethal cancer, only one in ten individuals who get diagnosed will live past five years from the point of being diagnosed with this horrible disease. Symptoms include coughing up of blood and shortness of breathe.
Heart Disease Smoking cigarettes can promote the accumulation of plaque within the arterial walls of the heart, which can eventually lead to blockages that can cause sudden death due to heart attack without warning.
Emphysema This is a chronic lung disease caused by inhaling cigarette smoke over a long period of time. The lung tissue losses it's elasticity and capillaries are destroyed, leaving the smoker feeling forever breathless.
Colds Along with eliminating the continual coughing that comes with being a smoker, quitting smoking can increase the strength of the immune system, therefore possibly reducing the number of times a year a person gets sick.
Energy Having more energy after smoking a cigarette is somewhat of an illusion. The effects of nicotine momentarily stimulate the heart to beat faster, therefore increasing many motor functions to the point of feeling energized.
Attitude Many people profess to being calmer because they smoke. This is only because the body is on a continual roller coaster of addiction. The calm feeling is a reaction of the body receiving nicotine into the blood stream.
Smell Along with bad breathe, stinky clothes, stained teeth and fingers, a person can have a better smelling house, vehicle, and any other environment smoked in can be free from the stench that cigarette smoke leaves behind.
Wrinkles Having smoke continually drift over the face is not good for the skin. In addition, the body must continually filter out toxins from the system, thus needing much water better served to maintain moisture in the skin.
Money Regardless of how many cigarettes a person smokes a day, the eventual costs amount to thousands of dollars a year, which in turn can amount to more money spent on treating illness attributed to smoking.
Time Each cigarette takes about seven minutes to smoke. For instance, if a person has to smoke outside at work, they are essentially wasting an hour every eight hours in order to step outside to have that cigarette.
Austin Culley is recreational writer of various articles including health reviews.
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