Learn To Enhance And Use Your Mind Power To Quit Smoking
Even though we may be aware of the consequences and harmful health effect it can bring, many people are still not able to give up the cigarettes. This is mainly due to a weak determination. Willpower and determination will get you through anything even the addiction of cigarettes. All you need is to know a little trick to tune your mind, as we know that the mind controls the body.
The mind is capable of conditioning itself. For example, whenever you meet up with friends, you usually smoke. So when you about to meet them the next time, your mind would have already position itself to want to smoke and subconsciously derive the pleasure from doing so. During the meeting with your friends, if you do not smoke, you will feel extremely uncomfortable, irritable and weak. If you decided to quit smoking, the chances of a relapse may be very high.
In the future, whenever you meet your friends, just take a moment to relax and think. Just take maybe about 5 minutes to think what will happen later. Is there a possibility to smoke? Think about how lucky you are to know that you have the most willpower among your friends to have the decision to quit smoking.
Think about how you can achieve greater and more things and success in life without smoking. Think that you?ve decided to quit smoking and that?s it, there is no turning back, if not you will only be a hypocrite to yourself, turning against your own words. Program your mind before meeting up with your friends or into any situation which will prompt you to smoke.
If you feel you unable to resist the temptation, then do not visit your friends or any other scenario which you will be tempted to smoke. Try other alternatives instead to relax and fill your time.
You can spend more time doing recreational activities or hobbies with your family instead of spending time out there smoking. Whenever you feel your cravings and your urge to smoke increases, think about all the negative things.
Spend 5 minutes to relax and program your mind to think what it means to smoke. Do you want to be a slave of cigarette forever? Do you want to quit smoking over and over again only to suffer this type of withdrawal symptoms? Once you have think of the negative and reconfirmed it with the positive aspects, you will learn how to master and control your mind, then you will on your way to a smoke-free life forever.
Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.
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