Instantly Quit Smoking

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

How To Quit Smoking - 10 Surefire Tips To Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is tough to do to say the least but there are a few things that you can lean on to make things easier for you. Here is a selection of 10 tips to help you to quit smoking.

1. What makes you keeps smoking? Write down those times that you have the urge to smoke before you quit. This way you know what situations to avoid when you do quit.

2. Look around for as many support people that have quit before that you can. Other peo0les success can help you out. Go and solicit advice from those that you know that have quit before you. Was it nicotine gum, the patch, willpower?

3. Tell your family your plans to quit. The very best support will come from home. Have your family treat you proudly for quitting smoking.

4. Throw away those smokes and clean everything that smells of smoke. When you are quitting the last thing that you need is stinky clothes and access to cigarettes.

5. Make a list of reasons to quit. Look at it every time you have a craving to smoke.

6. Keep your hands and mouth busy. Have lots of fresh fruit around to chew, start doodling and get a puzzle or two. Keep busy and make sure that you keep busy all of the time.

7. Drink lots of water. I am a big fan of water but you should really make sure to be detoxing your body with lots of water.

8. Start and exercise program. Why not try to make a lot of changes in your life all at once. Quit smoking and increase you health changes by exercising and taking advantage of your new healthy lifestyle.

9. Buy yourself some new things to prove to yourself that you have turned the corner. Make a lot of those changes that you can see all of the time. New clothes, new books, new food and drinks in the fridge.

10. Buy any books or other support items that will help. The very best thing you can do in the end is engross yourself in anything that will support your new lifestyle change. Read books, watch inspiring videos, get all of those pieces of support that will help you in your weak moments after you quit.

Look at all of these tips and think about anything else that will help you. Remember preperation is the key to success in quiting smoking.

Quiting smoking is a tough thing to do. If you are looking for more support than I have given you here, then I highly recommend that you check out my review of a proven quit smoking method

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