Instantly Quit Smoking

Friday, March 21, 2008

Quit Smoking with Exercise

There is an overload of available pills and potions to help you Quit Smoking. If you are really determined to do it, exercise may be your answer, and it's free of charge too! A healthy diet, and exercise will have you on the road to recovering from your addiction.

Whenever you feel cravings for cigarettes, you can become irritable, angry, depressed and obsessed with thoughts of smoking. You can turn into someone stuck in a bad mood and unable to see your way clear unless you give in and back step by having a cigarette. You need to get through the tough times and they will become fewer and farther between. Think of yourself like seeds planted by a farmer. He waits impatiently for the seeds to sprout, and then one day just as they are about to poke the tip of their first leaf out for the sun, he gives up and rakes over the patch. Sometime when we think we can't wait any longer or last any longer, and that is exactly the time there is going to be a major breakthrough if you just hang in there.

Exercise is the answer to quitting smoking for so many reasons. It raises endorphins and increases oxygen to the blood, two things smokers are lacking during withdrawals. No matter how bad you are feeling, if you sweat it out for a while or even just go for a brisk walk, you will have a new perspective and fresh lease on life.

Every time you overcome and get through cravings, you will feel a sense of achievement and satisfaction. Don't ever look at smoking as a reward for doing well, as this is just a way the addiction will try to trick you into having another cigarette. Every time you catch yourself thinking about smoking and it is possible for you to exercise, then do it! You will improve fitness, feel much happier than ever before and will also introduce a new and positive habit in place of an old negative one.

When you start a new exercise regime, you automatically feel like a new person. You will be sweating more so you will clear nasty nicotine toxins from your body rapidly. The extra oxygen intake will assist your lungs in cleaning and clearing, and your overall energy levels will increase. Your skin will look healthier and you will feel more outgoing. This will give you the desire and energy to do other things that will also contribute to you creating your new life away from addictions.

You will also start to look different to others. A combination of quitting smoking and starting to exercise will make anyone who knows you notice your new found sparkle. When someone makes a change like quitting smoking, it is obvious to everyone something is going on that is working for you.

Roger Gonzales owns the website helping normal people quit smoking

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