Instantly Quit Smoking

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Stop Smoking: How to Quit Smoking

So you want to quit smoking, do you?

It has been estimated that the average smoker has wasted over $400,000 in tobacco purchases and medical expenses by the age of 35. So imagine what you could do if you did stop smoking!

How do you quit?

First, you have to decide "WHY" you want to quit.

To stop smoking is one of THE MOST healthy lifestyle changes that you can ever do. But changing a habit takes determination. And changing an addictive habit takes serious determination. It takes willpower. You have to put your mind to it and do it. If you are one of those people that says, "I can quit any time I want to", but you go right back to smoking a year later, then you have not fully quit. Don't feel discouraged. You just need to make this time your last time, for good.

You do not have to pay lots of money for hypnosis or for acupuncture or even some expensive nicotine patch. Just let your friends know that you are now serious about kicking the habit of smoking. Talk to a couple of friends every day while you are in the process of quitting.

Now Where do You Get Started? Get started on a free program. I will help you with that.

U.S. Surgeon General has reported that "nicotine is just as addictive as heroin and Cocaine."

So you will want to take this seriously, because it is NOT going to get any easier to quit if you procrastinate this.

One of the first people that I helped to quit smoking, always said that she really wanted to quit smoking. But when I asked her, she would say that she wanted to start her program once she had finished her current new pack of cigarettes. I asked her how much the pack cost her, and then offered to give her that amount of money to buy the pack from her. I bought her cigarette pack from her, and then I crushed the pack into pieces over the trash can.

Even if you do not care about your health, others do, and by you smoking, there is a danger of second hand smoke for others. And the worse part of it is that those that look up to you, may soon be copying your dirty habit. I have worked with lots of people who I have helped to stop smoking, who had been smoking for many years. It is not easy, but I know that it is possible.

Getting Started:

You will want to remove all the things from your surroundings that make you crave tobacco. This means that you will need to get rid of the smells from your car, your clothes, your carpet and entire home. That could mean throwing some things away, having the carpet cleaning man come over, and taking a trip to the laundry mat in order to use their industrial size washing machines. You may also need to stay away from your favorite porch chair for a while, if that is where you do most of your smoking.

Two really effective tips that many people overlook:

- Get rid of all of your ash trays.

- Stay away from the places where you normally buy your tobacco products.

"Those once smoking a pack or more a day, who have given up smoking for at least one year, have a death rate less than half that of those who have continued smoking." - American Cancer Society

Some people like to get candies to put into their mouth, for whenever they feel the urge to smoke. Sugar free is best. It is recommended that you use cinnamon flavor, since that helps control the urge. Before you start, get some cinnamon flavored candies and cinnamon flavored mouth wash. Orange juice, or even better, grapefruit juice, has shown to be especially helpful, due to the high vitamin C content. Have the juice available in your refrigerator and wherever you go. Get some healthy munchies. For example, maybe put a bag of those mini carrots in your refrigerator.

Stay away from high fat foods, coffee, and alcohol, while you are trying to quit. By doing this, you will be fighting some of the natural triggers that have stopped you from quitting smoking in the past.

A free program that has been used by over 20 million people, is called the Five-Day Plan to Quit Smoking, put together by two Christians in 1964. And it is still being used today! The plan has been recognized by the World Health Organization, the American Cancer Society, the American Lung Association, and the American Heart Association. This plan was put together by J.Wayne McFarland, M.D. and Elman J. Folkenberg. There are some places that will charge you to do this plan, with personal assistance, but you can download a find a free copy on the internet and do it on your own at no cost too.

The plan takes you through a five day long, step-by-step program to easily change your daily habits and achieve your goals to quit smoking. Through psychological motivations and physical changes (such as slight dietary modifications), the Five-Day Plan works to break your nicotine cravings and smoking routine.

Cleanse Your System

Before you start with any program or plan, you will want to cleanse your system. With the thousands of toxic chemicals that have been dumped into your body from tobacco use, you will want to cleanse your body from the buildup of toxins. This should result in a stronger immune system and an energy boost. Here is a suggested supplement formula for you to get started with, as soon as possible:

- Gastro-Intestinal Cleanse Supplement (to cleanse the toxins from your body)

- High Quality Vitamin/Mineral Supplement (do not overlook this overall health decision)

- Fiber Supplement (to go along with your daily fruits and vegetables)

- High Quality Antioxidant Supplement (to combat the years of cellular damage from smoking)

- Cellular Communication Enhancement Supplement

Spencer Hunt is a wellness coach and glyconutrients educator from Oregon, who speaks fluent English and Spanish. Glyconutrients are a Cellular Communication Enhancement Supplement. He has worked with clients who deal with celiac disease, fibromyalgia, cancer, diabetes, allergies, asthma, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and weight loss. He has helped many people to quit bad habits to improve their lifestyle.

He recommends a balanced diet, with high quality vitamins, minerals, and discount glyconutrients. Visit his site to see how an immune system boost with Cellular Communication Enhancement Supplements called glyconutrients can help you.

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Friday, April 11, 2008

Help a Friend Quit Smoking Through Encouragement

Help a friend quit smoking by consistently being there as an encouragement to them. Support their goal to stop smoking with enthusiasm and vigor -- this well help them face their smoking demon. The power of a supportive family member or friend is amazing to anyone who is trying to quit smoking.

How to Encourage

Many people that are close to a smoker do not know how to encourage them without being a nag. Encouragement is a wonderful gift to your friend or family member and can easily be accomplished. You do not need special skills to just need a kind heart and a willingness to listen.

Once quitting has been identified as a possible goal it is time for you to step in with encouraging words. It is important not to be overly focused on helping the person become smokeless. Instead use encouraging words to let your friend or family member know that you are there for them if they need anything.

Becoming smoke-free is a long and difficult process. Your job as the encourager is to help your friend forget about the mistakes or slip-ups and encourage all the progress they are making. Most smokers do have an occasional slip up, don't encourage a slip up but don't berate your friend when one happens. Everyone is human and will make mistakes; it is what happens after the mistake that counts. Help your friend get back on track to reaching their non-smoking goal.

Nicotine and tobacco are very addictive substances that can take months or even years to truly get out of a person's system. Even after quitting some smokers say they continue to have urges to start smoking again. Your loved one will welcome your continued support as they struggle to stay smoke-free.

How to Quit

It does not matter how a person chooses to quit smoking. Some people feel that they have to quit smoking cold turkey, while others cannot imagine the horrors of that. The gradual decrease of nicotine is the most common way for smokers to quit smoking. They gradually decrease their exposure to nicotine through decreasing their cigarette consumption and often time using a nicotine patch.

For encouragement purposes you can help support your friend or family member no matter how they have decided to quit smoking. Some important tips to help encourage the smoker's in your life to stop smoking:

1. Be positive and uplifting when you talk about their successes.

2. Acknowledge when mistakes are made but don't dwell on them

3. Support their choice in quitting strategies

4. Help them steer clear of highly charged smoking situations

5. Be their friend!

You do not have to be a counselor to be good at encouraging. Simply be there for your friend or family member as they struggle to quit smoking. Encourage them every moment you get and they will soon have control over their desire to stop smoking. Remember that every person is going to quit smoking in a different way, so be supportive of the way your friend has decided to quit smoking and don't judge them.

Quitting smoking is one of the most difficult addiction-breaking processes one can go through. For more helpful, supportive tips, articles and information sources on facing this challenge please visit us at:

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How I Quit Smoking - After Failing to Quit Smoking at Least a Dozen Times

Yes I did eventually quit smoking - been a nonsmoker for over 25 years now. But just so you know - my will power sucks. I'd tried and failed to quit smoking so many times I was embarrassing myself. At least a dozen times I tried to quit smoking and blew it. Every time. Almost a couple times a year over several year's I'd try to quit smoking (New Years being one of them - of course).

This was back over 25 years ago, from the early 70's to the late 70's. Most of the time I'd last 2 - 3 weeks.

Once I had quit smoking for a couple weeks --- things were tough of course, the urges and cravings, but I was doing ok dealing with them. Naturally, I was a lot more moody than normal, got angry more often and more easily. But I was getting through ok, till one night while I was working, I looked outside the window from the store I was working at to check my car - and it wasn't there. My car had been towed. That was what shoved me over the edge - that time.

Naturally the first thing I did when I found out my car was towed was walk over to a cigarette machine, drop my money in and buy a pack of cigarettes. Like that was going to help right? But there I was smoking again.

There were time's I'd quit and thought "well I'll just smoke one, and that's it" - but of course "one" today, turned into "two" the next. And before I knew it, I was back to a pack and a half a day.

It was always a problem sitting back and drinking a cup of coffee or a beer - I was always so used to having a cigarette in my hand! I'd been smoking a lot longer than I'd been drinking coffee or drinking beer! (Having started smoking in 4th grade.) All I could think about was how uncomfortable it felt!

I was uncomfortable after meals because I was used to settling down into the couch in front of the tv with a cup of coffee and a cigarette! So that was a double whammy! Now I had trouble relaxing after meals - because the cup of coffee was missing something - missing the cigarette in my other hand!

Then there was going to the bar with the guys from the shop. First of all "everybody was smoking"! Then if you're like I was you'd get a beer and play a game of pool! But every time I'd try to quit smoking I was always uncomfortable because I didn't have that cigarette in my hand! My whole life became uncomfortable!

One time I even lasted a full month without a cigarette! I remember that day I blew it like it was yesterday. It was about 7 in the evening, starting to get dark - and I was sitting on a friend's back porch waiting for them to get ready to go out. And I wanted a cigarette.

You can imagine me sitting there arguing with myself - saying (to myself) "I'm an adult - I go to work everyday - I pay my own way - If I want a cigarette I can have a cigarette and nobody can stop me!" It's embarrassing to admit it - but, yes - I talked myself right back into my pack and a half a day smoking habit yet again.

By this time I'd been studying what felt like almost every self-help guru's book, how to succeed, mind mastery book out there - almost every book of this type I could get my hands on - for over 10 years. And 4 mind sets that I knew were important to me about smoking cigarettes started come together in my mind.

I knew it was stupid to smoke cigarettes - I knew the risks, the cancer, emphysema, the damage it does to your skin - making you look older than you are. How it was destroying my lungs - filling my lungs up with tar year after year.

I thought about how I wouldn't have to worry about the cancer, emphysema, and other damage I was doing to myself by continuing to smoke cigarettes if I didn't smoke. And how lousy it was that I even started this habit of smoking cigarettes in the first place.

I spent time thinking about all the good stuff that would happen - all the money I'd save, that my body would start recovering from the 20+ years of being a smoker when I did quit smoking cigarettes. I'd stop smelling like I'd just walked out of a bar. I'd stop putting my family in jeopardy from the 2nd hand smoke.

And finally - what if I could somehow feel like I'd never smoked before, after I did quit. I remembered all the times I'd tried and failed to quit smoking - and I certainly didn't want to go through that again - when I did try again to quit. But what if I could somehow - when I tried again to quit - if I could somehow make myself feel like a person who had never smoked a cigarette before - in their life.

So after spending some time mulling over all this I came up with a plan and followed through with it for 60 days. A plan to bring all these considerations together and - hopefully - instill them in my mind. What happened after that 60 day exercise went way beyond anything I'd ever imagined. And if you can instill these same concepts in your mind you have a chance to have the same thing happen to you.

I had just walked out of a restaurant in Flint, Michigan from lunch. I took what was left of my pack of cigarettes, crushed them in my hand and tossed it into a nearby trash can - it was the prearranged day that I'd decided to quit - again. I didn't know what would happen, I didn't know how long I'd be able to last this time, but I was going to give it a try anyway - one more time.

What happened next is still with me today more than a quarter of a century later.

Right after tossing that pack of cigarettes away I had a thought, "I'd sure like to have a cigarette". Then BAM! Totally out of the blue I got hit with an overwhelming rush of thoughts and emotions that went flying through my head in a flash. It was so intense it actually snapped my head back.

The best description I've been able to come up with, about how it felt, is this...imagine a huge dam, picture the Hoover Dam - exploding into millions of pieces - and imagine all those millions and millions of gallons of water rushing, crashing down the valley below - ripping away everything in its path. That's how powerful it felt. And it was totally unexpected!

Also totally unexpected was this - my smoking habit was completely washed away. Like it had never existed. It wasn't like I'd quit - it was like I had never, ever, smoked a cigarette before in my life!

Since that experience I've never had another thought about smoking another cigarette. No cravings, no urges, nothing. The anger I'd always had to contend with before never occurred. It was just "normal" not to have a cigarette. Since that experience, I've never had any problem sitting down and enjoying drinking a beer or cup of coffee, finishing a meal. And not once have I ever considered smoking another cigarette since that day. It's always just felt "normal" not to have a cigarette.

If someone lit up a cigarette around me it had no affect. People could smoke around me all day long - and often did - and my mind was totally oblivious to it. Like the cigarettes didn't even exist. For all intents and purposes cigarettes actually DIDN'T exist in my world.

Somehow I was able to instill all the concepts described above in such a way that I came out of it feeling just like I had never smoked, like I had never lit up a cigarette before in my life. Just the dream I was reaching for.

So if you've tried and failed to quit smoking before - even if you tried and failed a bunch of times - don't let that stop you from trying again. Remember how many times I'd tried and failed to quit smoking. More than a dozen times! If I can do it with my lousy will power - than you can to! This may be just the time you walk away from cigarettes for good and quit smoking permanently!

Joseph Casey developed a powerful system "The Breakthrough System for Becoming a Non-Smoker" and "The Secret Silent Litany" - now even if you've tried and failed to quit smoking time and time again - even if you have lousy will-power - you have the tool's to make you feel like a "life-time non-smoker"!

After failing to quit smoking over a dozen times he discovered 4 powerful mind-sets and a unique delivery system, that destroys your smoking habit and makes you feel like you never lit that first cigarette - instantly!

To find out more click here

Tired of trying and failing to quit smoking? Tired of all the struggle? See what happens when you take will-power out of the picture with this easy way to quit smoking. Or click here for other ways to quit smoking.

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Monday, April 7, 2008

Quit Smoking - An Essential Asset To Successfully Stop Smoking

The number one asset and resource that anyone has when making a change to their lifestyle, is their decision to do something different. This is never truer than when successfully stopping smoking.

Attempting to stop smoking for the wrong reason is virtually always doomed to fail. One of the wrong reasons might be convenience. What I mean by this is that you decide to stop but not because you are necessarily ready or committed to stopping it is just that a convenient situation has occurred for you. Let me explain...

A friend or partner husband or wife who is a smoker makes the suggestion that it would be a good idea to stop together. On the face of it this seems to be a great idea because you can support each other in remaining stopped and there is this nice feeling of doing something together... camaraderie or team spirit you might call it.

Unfortunately, in reality although both participants know they ought to stop smoking at some point in time, usually on this occasion it usually means that one person is really ready to stop but the other is going along with it because it is convenient or they have got caught up in this being a good idea without giving it too much thought.

Then what happens is that the person who hasn't really made up their mind to stop, will at some point try and persuades or cajoles the other into just having that one. If they succeed in persuading the other to have one, they will both fail. It is a kind of collusion to smoke, just as those of us colluded to smoke the very first time when we were young. In fact we did it because our peers did it and we wanted to be part of that crowd... accepted. Here is an example of the same influences happening again.

That is why it is vital to stop smoking for your own good reasons and not to do it out of convenience. The convenience aspect will often come into the equation when someone decides to stop smoking with the help of a hypnotherapist. Let us say the wife has decided to do this. But the wife, although motivated to stop smoking now, will not have had hypnotherapy before and may have some anxiety about it. A way of overcoming that anxiety is to encourage the husband to quit with the aid of hypnosis too. Here again one person is persuading the other to quit and with a particular method, when they haven't really reached their time and decision to quit.

Any hypnotherapist who naturally wants his or her clients to succeed will need to ensure that both husband and wife really do want to stop and have made up their minds that they want to do it right now. This being the case, then doing it together can be a real asset as the sense of doing it with others can strengthen their resolve to stick to their decision.

I certainly emphasise to people who come along in pairs for quit smoking hypnotherapy sessions, whether mates, husband and wife, or partners, that they should be there for each other to keep to their decision to quit smoking for good and not to collude together to smoke.

Steven Harold Clinical Hypnotherapist Quit Smoking Hypnotherapist

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