You Want To Quit Smoking? It's Not As Difficult As You Might Think
So, you're thinking about quitting smoking? You must be, or you wouldn't be reading this article. Actually, in my opinion, most people who smoke are probably thinking about quitting all the time; they just don't think that they actually can. And there?s the operative word?think. Smoking, just like most everything, is what you think about it. If you think it will be very difficult to quit, it will be. Let me tell you a little story about how I quit smoking after fifteen years of choking down 'heaters' like they were going out of style.
As I said, I had smoked for fifteen years when I finally gave up the filthy habit for good. Sure I had tried to quit on quite a few occasions, but it never seemed to stick. I would always find an excuse to fire another one up. The interesting thing was with each attempt to quit, the next attempt seemed easier. Then, like a wayward foul ball at a little league game, it hit me! This entire process was mental! It was what I thought about quitting and not the lung darts themselves.
When I realized that quitting smoking was about what I 'thought' about it, I began to think about how easy it was going to be to stop, rather than how difficult it was going to be. Anytime I heard someone say how difficult it was going to be, I simply said to myself, "It?s not going to be hard at all, I'm just going to stop doing it whenever I'm ready." I played this little 'game' with myself while I smoked, and continued to smoke for a couple of months.
As I continued to smoke, I stepped outside of myself and watched myself smoke. Before you start to think this sounds strange, just think about it. We all have conversations with ourselves everyday, rather than have a 'conversation'; I simply stepped outside myself and watched. As I watched I noticed that smoking and I just didn?t fit. "I used to be an athlete for god?s sake, not a smoker", I would think to myself. Then the day came that I stopped. I had finished a pack and I said to myself, "okay, that?s it I?m done", and I haven't smoked since that day. Are there times that I feel like having a cigarette? Of course, but the difference is that now I don?t want to have a cigarette, because I?m not that person anymore. I 'think' about the idea of smoking differently than I thought about it for fifteen years, and the thinking has made all of the difference in the world, and it was no more difficult than anything else that I?ve ever done in my life.
Remember this whenever you hear how difficult it?s going to be to stop smoking: In almost all cases that information is coming from someone who has never smoked, or is trying to sell you something to help you quit. All you have to do is change your thinking. I think Einstein said it best when he said, "It?s impossible to solve a problem with the same mind that created it."
Trevor Kugler - Co-founder of and founder of Trevor has more than 15 years of business experience and currently raises his three year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country - Montana. - start actually making money online today. Find out how for FREE! - sign up for the best free fishing Ezine on the web and get a FREE report for your trouble.
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