Instantly Quit Smoking

Friday, May 2, 2008

Is Your Neighbor Not Trying To Quit Smoking? If Not Then No One Is Safe From ETS

Just think about what happens when a person standing in a public place presses the piece of cigarette to his lips in spite of the ?No Smoking? board placed at the front announcing that cigarette smoking in a public place is offensive and so should be avoided? Such an action is akin to social crime as the cigarette that he so affectionately smokes paves the way for a wealth of diseases to take root not only within him but also inside the system of the fellows standing near by.

These facts are evidenced by the statistics accumulated over the years which state that an estimated 3,000 Americans die on a yearly basis due to the inhalation of smoke left in the air by cigarette smokers or by people smoking other tobacco related substances. Intake of smoke without indulging in the smoking activity by oneself is known as Passive Smoking, Secondhand Smoking, Involuntary Smoking and Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS).

Lung cancer, respiratory tract infections, coughing, headache, nausea and a plethora of other ailments can occur on account of passive smoking and the gravity of the situation proves that passive smoking can be as harmful as active smoking and should not be shrugged off at any cost. Involuntary inhalation of smoke from the leftovers of a cigarette or cigar can make you a victim of Environmental Tobacco Smoke and put your entire health and hygiene at risk.

So, what?s to be done to ward off the evil effects of smoking? A proper analysis will lead you to the root cause of smoking and then you can adopt measures to wipe it out. Nicotine, an addictive substance is the facilitator of all smoking related illnesses and it is extensively available in tobacco products. Cigarette smoking and any other form of tobacco smoking helps nicotine to enter the body and just after its assimilation nicotine action triggers off resulting in the person feeling a sense of pleasure. And once an individual becomes accustomed to this peculiar pleasure feeling, he would not be able to curb on the intake of tobacco containing substances and would be utterly restless to procure them at any cost and by any means.

If your neighbor or any one of your close associates is unwilling to quit smoking then you must update him with all the ill effects of smoking and make him aware of the future hazards which are likely to enter his life unless he decides to quit. And if any of your friends is suffering as a consequence of smoking, take him to a physician and get him a prescription for Chantix. Chantix is a newly launched medicine of Pfizer Incl. and with the help of this medication quitting the habit of smoking would be a possibility for you.

The recommendations of the physician are to be closely followed during each and every step of your Chantix administration and only then you would be able to get rid of smoking addiction.

The author has written a wealth of articles on various issues related to smoking and the anti-smoking drug Chantix. For a glimpse of his articles, visit the website

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