Instantly Quit Smoking

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Quit Smoking With Hypnotherapy In Watford

Judging the success rate of a Hypnotherapist?s quit smoking session is not as easy as you might expect. As a Hypnotherapist working in the Watford area, it is one of the most commonly asked questions. However, a recent report into the subject, suggested that the only real way of getting 100% evidence of success from a client, would be to take a blood sample from them, and then test it for nicotine. Since this sounds a little farfetched to me, let me explain to you a little about how I measure my success for Quitting Smoking using Hypnotherapy in Watford.

Firstly let me point out, that I offer a free consultation. The purpose of this from the clients point of view is that it allows them to build rapport with me and ask any questions they may have, before paying for any therapy. From my perspective, it allows me to ensure that the client is genuinely motivated to stop smoking. If they are not motivated to give up smoking, then I will not do the therapy with them. There are a few reasons why, one is that often, if a person isn?t motivated to stop, it?s because they like smoking and someone else wants them to quit. If I worked with this person, it is unlikely that they would be successful which is bad publicity for my therapy practice in Watford, and would also decrease their faith in hypnotherapy, making them less likely to use this method for giving up smoking in the future.

Secondly, the therapy is done in one session. After that session, if at anytime in the future you should happen to start smoking again, you can comeback for free (providing you have paid for lifetime support.)

So the way I measure my success, is by noting that in all of the quit smoking sessions I have done, only 2 have returned for a further session. This means that the others were either successful, or were not successful but decided that they wanted to remain as smokers, and waste their money, which is up to them, silly billies!

If you live in the Watford area and are looking for a Hypnotherapist to help you quit smoking, then please take a look at the testimonials on my website.

Gemma Bailey is a Hypnotherapist, NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer based in Hemel Hemsptead, Hertfordshire. To see a list of treatments offered and for pricing, please visit her website

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Quit Smoking Tobacco

Quitting a physical and emotional addiction like cigarette smoking is far from easy. Many people make many attempts to shake the nicotine monkey from their backs without a lot of success.

Because of its addictive nature, tobacco can exert overwhelming control over many people?s lives. The physiological and psychological effects of years of tobacco consumption are often so difficult to break that a lot of people give up before they are able to kick the habit.

Mood swings, increased appetite and general anxiety are all prevalent in the first couple of days when anyone is trying to stop smoking. Plenty of people are teetering on the threshold of abstinence when the withdrawal symptoms become more than they can bear and they give in to the cravings. Most times, if they could just get past these urges without lighting up at that particular minute, chances are they would be victorious when the next wave of cravings comes upon them.

The physiological, physical and emotional addition to tobacco products has been well documented. Addiction research foundations have spent many years and a lot of money trying to determine ways and means to encourage people to quit smoking. Most people will attempt to try to quit smoking at least once prior to being able to break free of its powerful draw. Some of the techniques smokers have used to quite include: ? Chewing nicotine laced gum. ? Wearing nicotine based patches in ever decreasing doses. ? Cold Turkey ? Nominally the most unsuccessful method. ? Hypnosis ? Laser therapy ? Drug therapy ? Some doctors will prescribe anti-depression drugs to smokers desperate to quit.

Unfortunately, many of these methods fail, which gives smokers the misguided impression that they will forever remain slaves to tobacco and its detrimental effects.

Smoking, admittedly an unhealthy and addictive habit, is becoming less and less socially acceptable. Wide spread smoking bans in bars, restaurants and other public places have reduced the numbers of places people can indiscriminately light up, which may, over time, be a contributing factor in reducing the incidents of tobacco addiction.

Dire warnings, conclusive proof of its havoc and astronomical increases in the cost of tobacco products are not, however, having an overwhelming effect on the success rate of people who attempt to quit. Although the numbers of people who have kicked the habit is increasing, some research indicates that others are ignoring all the predictions and are taking up the habit. Many young people, especially females, think that smoking cigarettes will help them in their efforts to become or remain thin. Unfortunately, this quest for the perfect body image is putting their lives in danger. In effect, by using tobacco product to control appetite, these people are literally dying to be thin.

Roger Gonzales owns the website helping normal people quit smoking

Roger Gonzales owns the website helping normal people quit smoking

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Are You Ready To Quit Smoking For Good?

So many people out there today are trying to quit smoking for one reason or another. I understand that it is very difficult to try and break this habit.

First off, my name is Will, and I started smoking when I was 15 years old. I started off by stealing cigarettes from my mother's purse once or twice a week until eventually, by the time I was 16 I was going to the store to buy my own pack. Over the following 15 years I tried to quit smoking at least a dozen times without success. The longest I remember going without a cigarette was about three months, when I used a nicotine patch. There were many times when I would last a few days or weeks without smoking; but nothing substantial.

If you are anything like me, you have probably thought of many reasons to quit smoking. Some of my reasons included; the obvious health benefits, saving money, having more energy and being able to stay inside at break time (especially during these cold Canadian winters). All of these are good reasons to quit smoking and should probably be a part of everyone's list but you still need to go further than just that. You need to make your reasons to quit smoking as specific as possible; you need that "Ultimate Reason". If you want to quit smoking so you will have more energy don't just say "I am going to quit smoking so I have more energy". Try something like "I am going to quit smoking because last week the elevator at work was out of service and I almost passed out after going up 20 stairs". This is much more personal and powerful.

Many experts say that smoking addiction is 10% physical and 90% mental. I would tend to agree with what the experts are saying. When you are having your morning coffee your brain automatically associates that with smoking a cigarette. The same applies when having your favorite cocktail or after a meal. We all have our own certain times when we seem to need a smoke and those are the times we need to overcome. As far as the 10% physical, that is the easy part. There are many products out there that will supplement nicotine into your system and I suggest that you browse around and find something to help you out. After all, you don't want to just give a 90% effort to quit smoking, or worse, only give the 10%.

New Year's is right around the corner and there will be a lot of people giving a half-hearted attempt to quit smoking. My hope is that you will be able to find the strength you need to overcome this nasty addiction. I won't lie to you and tell you that quitting is easy because it will probably be one of the hardest things you will ever do. I am here to tell you that it is possible to be successful with the right tools and support.

Best of luck to all of you trying to quit smoking this holiday season!

For more info please visit us at Time To Quit Smoking

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Quit OR Not - Quit Smoking or Not

"To smoke or not to smoke"-would say great Shakespeare, by entering this site.

"Quit or not" Web site was created by people who smokes and doesn't smoke and after multitude conversations they decided to open this discussion also around the world. We don't want to obligate !

We want to arrange the opposite opinions in our site, and the visitor has opportunity to make decisions for his future himself.


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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

To Quit Smoking You Must be Determined to Succeed

One of the difficulties in trying to quit smoking is that smokers become physically dependant on nicotine. Nicotine causes a lot of different reactions throughout the smokers body (many of them very bad). What it does once it arrives in the brain is responsible for both the good feelings you get from smoking as well as the irritability you feel if you try to quit.

That's why most people experience the following symptoms when they try to quit smoking, all arising from the lack of nicotine in their blood stream: Irritability, anxiety, depression, and a craving for nicotine.

So if you really want to quit smoking, know in your heart that this time it is for good. Set your date, be committed, and write down your affirmations and scare tactics. This is the first step, and perhaps the most important.

Without a set resolve to quit, you will probably fail. If you are completely committed, your chance for success increases dramatically.

When you are trying to quit smoking, any method, whether nicotine patches, gum, hypnosis, etc., are only as productive as your willpower allows them to be. Thus, for you the decision to quit smoking must be accompanied by a will that is just as strong, if not stronger, than your current will to quit smoking.

The good news is that there are many aids to help you quit smoking. You just need to find out which one will work best for you.

If you have a limited budget, there are still many free methods that can help you to quit smoking, including a variety of methods that you can use to help cut down on your cigarette cravings.

These include quit smoking groups for men and women wanting to quit. Being in a group of people who are all trying to stop smoking can be a great incentive to stay away from cigarettes.

There are also a number of bonafide and medically proven prescription and herbal or natural compounds that can and do often help people to achieve their goal to be smoke free. Calamus and camomile are two natural cures. Ask a health professional or nutritionist for the best dosage and how to use these.

Acupuncture is best for those individuals that are heavily addicted to the nicotine, but have clearly made the commitment to quit. Hypnosis is another method, although it is recommended that you use a nicotine patch or gum along with it.

No matter what method or aid you use to help you quit smoking, there is nothing that will help more than your determination to quit. Without that determination people fail. With it, you are far more likely to succeed than the average smoker who only wants to "try" to quit.

Carol Stack has written many articles. She lives in the United States with her husband, three children, and various dogs and cats. Carol has a website dedicated to her grandmother who smoked for almost 50 years before quitting. If you or someone you know wants to quit smoking, visit for tips and encouragement to stop smoking.

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Monday, June 9, 2008

Stop Smoking Programs - What Should I Look For When Picking A Quit Smoking Program?

When you are considering a program to quit smoking, it is important to understand some of the methods in which it touches base on, helping you understand the problems that you will face when you give up smoking and how to cope with them.

Not only is your own will and determination important, but the caring and support of those around you when things get rough. Some of the best stop-smoking programs include counseling, both individually or in groups, and therapy.

The therapy is different from counseling as it is in reference to the individual and how they are responding to quitting smoking. It is decided on the basis of an individual's health, for which a smoker is required to undergo a full medical check up.

Most of these stop-smoking programs are normally spread over a period of 2 weeks. During this period, trained counselors conduct anywhere from four to seven sessions, the duration of which ranges from 20 to 30 minutes. The duration of the total program or the sessions can be modified based on the needs of the participating group and the individual involved. The programs are invariably led by people who have had considerable experience in assisting people give up smoking.

One excellent group that runs such programs is Nicotine Anonymous, which works on the same principles as Alcoholics Anonymous. Like AA, smokers can attend all meetings free of cost and have a continuous support group on a weekly basis. The American Lung Association, Health Department, and American Cancer Society also sponsor such free programs and support groups for smokers who are trying to quit smoking.

There are so many programs to choose from in regard to quitting smoking, it is best to research how legitimate they are before joining. It is never easy to quit anything, but smoking seems to be one of the worst. Looking around at all the programs, realize what you will be up against - being honest with yourself - while also looking at the options should be carefully done before beginning.

It is pretty hard to be objective about an addictive drug that is present in the body about three or four days after quitting the nicotine, but to be truthful and honest about what is going to happen and what it will take to successfully quit is what it takes.

However, before joining any such program, you need to do some research. You must avoid programs that are not ethical, or programs that use injections or pills as the only method of treatment. The programs that refuse to disclose details of the chemicals used in injections must surely be shunned. So should be those programs that charge high fees or promise instant results.

And most of all, you must remember that it takes time and patience to give up smoking. Most smokers have been at it for quite awhile, and won't be able to quit overnight. But once you do, food will taste better and your sense of smell will be back to normal. Shortness of breath will be gone, and you will return to better health. Join a program that is well planned and willing to help you on a long-term basis for a major future goal.

Check out for more articles on nicorette gum and stop smoking products.

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Quit Smoking Shot - Have You Heard Of Shots To Stop Smoking?

The two medicines involved in a new stop smoking shot - the SMARTTM Shot - has been around for about ten years, Scopolamine and Atarax, and are now FDA approved for stop smoking aids. SMART stands for Scopolamine Medicated Anticholinergic Receptor Treatment, with Scopolamine as a medicine that contains the ingredient of the seasickness patch, while Atarax is an antihistamine like Benadryl. Together, they block the brain nicotine receptors and ease the physical withdrawal pains of the nicotine by placing one shot in the hip or buttocks, instead of the older shots which consisted of three shots - two behind the ear and one in the buttock - of other more traditional shot methods. For the next two weeks, medication and the scopolamine patch are used jointly with a success rate of 70 to 80% while patches have a success rate of 20%, which is considered a normal rate of success. The thing to remember is that it can cause side effects, so doctors advise medical examination before allowing the patients to go ahead with the treatment especially if there are medical concerns or medical drugs being taken.

People who recommend the treatment say that the shots prevent withdrawal symptoms by blocking the nicotine receptors. Others say that this happens only when very high doses of atropine are injected. According to one study, about 40% of the people who took this treatment stopped smoking, though some clinics claim a success rate of 80%. There are some who are quite critical of anti smoking shots. They believe that more work needs to be done before establishing the efficacy of these drugs. The side effects commonly associated with anti-smoking shots are blurred vision, difficulty in urinating, dizziness, dry mouth, confusion, etc. Hallucinations, heart attack, coma, and stroke may be caused by excessive doses of anticholinergic drugs.

This new shot has been developed by Dr. Voelker, who has spent the last ten years studying and fighting smoking, COPD, emphysema, and lung cancer. He has also pioneered early lung cancer detection and treatment, then taught these methods around the country to other doctors. A director of the Doctor's hospital pulmonary and critical care department at the Sarasota Memorial Hospital, he is board certified in internal medicine, critical care, and pulmonary medicine - while also being listed in medicine's "Who's Who". The shot or injection treatment is certainly not advisable for women who are pregnant, or for individuals who have heart rhythm problems, prostate problems or are taking mood-altering drugs. It is best to opt for the treatment as a last resort if you have any of these conditions, while needing to find out the rate of success, the reputation and the support offered by clinics that offer stop smoking shots in comparison.

Check out for more articles on nicrette gum and stop smoking products.

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