Instantly Quit Smoking

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Quit Smoking Tobacco

Quitting a physical and emotional addiction like cigarette smoking is far from easy. Many people make many attempts to shake the nicotine monkey from their backs without a lot of success.

Because of its addictive nature, tobacco can exert overwhelming control over many people?s lives. The physiological and psychological effects of years of tobacco consumption are often so difficult to break that a lot of people give up before they are able to kick the habit.

Mood swings, increased appetite and general anxiety are all prevalent in the first couple of days when anyone is trying to stop smoking. Plenty of people are teetering on the threshold of abstinence when the withdrawal symptoms become more than they can bear and they give in to the cravings. Most times, if they could just get past these urges without lighting up at that particular minute, chances are they would be victorious when the next wave of cravings comes upon them.

The physiological, physical and emotional addition to tobacco products has been well documented. Addiction research foundations have spent many years and a lot of money trying to determine ways and means to encourage people to quit smoking. Most people will attempt to try to quit smoking at least once prior to being able to break free of its powerful draw. Some of the techniques smokers have used to quite include: ? Chewing nicotine laced gum. ? Wearing nicotine based patches in ever decreasing doses. ? Cold Turkey ? Nominally the most unsuccessful method. ? Hypnosis ? Laser therapy ? Drug therapy ? Some doctors will prescribe anti-depression drugs to smokers desperate to quit.

Unfortunately, many of these methods fail, which gives smokers the misguided impression that they will forever remain slaves to tobacco and its detrimental effects.

Smoking, admittedly an unhealthy and addictive habit, is becoming less and less socially acceptable. Wide spread smoking bans in bars, restaurants and other public places have reduced the numbers of places people can indiscriminately light up, which may, over time, be a contributing factor in reducing the incidents of tobacco addiction.

Dire warnings, conclusive proof of its havoc and astronomical increases in the cost of tobacco products are not, however, having an overwhelming effect on the success rate of people who attempt to quit. Although the numbers of people who have kicked the habit is increasing, some research indicates that others are ignoring all the predictions and are taking up the habit. Many young people, especially females, think that smoking cigarettes will help them in their efforts to become or remain thin. Unfortunately, this quest for the perfect body image is putting their lives in danger. In effect, by using tobacco product to control appetite, these people are literally dying to be thin.

Roger Gonzales owns the website helping normal people quit smoking

Roger Gonzales owns the website helping normal people quit smoking

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