Instantly Quit Smoking

Friday, November 30, 2007

Looking For Effective Quit Smoking Aids?

Are you looking for effective quit smoking aids? If so, you have landed on the right web page. In fact, waste no time in taking your first step towards a smoke free life. Finish reading this article and you will learn some of the most popular stop smoking methods.

So, let us begin with the study of various aspects and effects of smoking and nicotine on our bodies. Learn the ways to fight the habit and quit smoking to lead a healthy life once again.

In the beginning, cigarette cessation is typically difficult for us? So, we often need quit smoking aids to assist quitting smoking cigarettes. That is primarily due to the 'nicotine' in cigarettes. Yes, nicotine is one highly addictive drug because it enters our blood stream. It makes the smoker physically as well as psychologically dependent on cigarettes.

Not to mention, the smoker exhales secondhand smoke, which results in passive smoking of anyone nearby. This makes cigarette smoking dangerous for both the smokers as well as the people around them.

Beyond the full strength prescription drug Zyban, which is commonly used by heavy smokers, is nicotine replacement therapy and stop smoking hypnosis.

NRT: Nicotine Replacement Therapy. It is considered to be one of the most effective means for smokers to reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms. When the smoker decides to quit smoking forever, he/she is provided with small dosages of nicotine in the form of nicotine replacements. These replacements can be taken in the form of nicotine patches (Habitrol, Nicoderm, Nicotrol and Prostep), nicotine gums (Nicorette gum), nicotine inhalers or nicotine nasal sprays. Additionally, if you are in the habit of smoking your first cigarette within 30 minutes of waking up, you should also consider Commit Lozenges .

Most of these NRT medicines are available over-the-counter, but you should see your GP for professional advice prior to deciding on the best quit smoking aids.

Stop Smoking Hypnosis: On the other hand, soem prefer stop smoking hypnosis to NRT. In review, a few studies prove that hypnosis techniques are more successful for total cigarette cessation than NRT. That is because they rely heavily on the positive results of quitting smoking and motivating a smoker for the good cause. These techniques are not about controlling the mind of smokers, which is a common myth when addressing stop smoking hypnosis programs.

NRT or Hypnosis? The decision lies with you. Visit a GP and decide which quit smoking aids will work best for you!
Loman is a content advisor for and other health and information related web sites.

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Guide to quit smoking

Do you want to stop smoking easily and quickly? then do take to read this articles slowly. The mind has two parts: the conscious and subconscious. You might want to stop smoking because it's bad for your health (conscious reason), but you're still aware that smoking makes you feel good about yourself (subconscious reason).

However there is a proper way to proceed with once you have decided to quit smoking viz.

First sit down and write down why you want to quit (the benefits of quitting): live longer, feel better, for your family, save money, smell better, find a mate more easily, etc. You know what's bad about smoking and you know what you'll get by quitting. Put it on paper and read it daily.

Ask your family and friends to support your decision to quit. Ask them to be completely supportive and non-judgmental. Let them know ahead of time that you will probably be irritable and even irrational while you withdraw from your smoking habit. Set a quit date. Decide what day you will extinguish your cigarettes forever.

Talk with your doctor about quitting. Support and guidance from a physician is a proven way to better your chances to quit. Begin an exercise program. Exercise is simply incompatible with smoking. Exercise relieves stress and helps your body recover from years of damage from cigarettes.

Do some deep breathing each day for 3 to 5 minutes. Breathe in through your nose very slowly, hold the breath for a few seconds, and exhale very slowly through your mouth. Have your teeth cleaned. Enjoy the way your teeth look and feel and plan to keep them that way.

Drink lots of water. Water is good for you anyway, and most people don't get enough. It will help flush the nicotine and other chemicals out of your body, plus it can help reduce cravings by fulfilling the "oral desires" that you may have.

Learn what triggers your desire for a cigarette, such as stress, the end of a meal, arrival at work, entering a bar, etc. Avoid these triggers or if that's impossible, plan alternative ways to deal with the triggers.

Find something to hold in your hand and mouth, to replace cigarettes. You might try an artificial cigarette.

Lastly believe in yourself. Believe that you can quit. Think about some of the most difficult things you have done in your life and realize that you have the guts and determination to quit smoking

"Visit For More Tips"

Dr Steve Marllett (Wolrd Health Member)

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

4 Steps To Quitting Smoking

First off, I would like to congratulate you. Since you are reading this you have taken your first vital step in quitting smoking. And taking that decision is very important and took a lot of courage. But wanting to stop the habit is just the start. There are really only four steps you will need to take to kick the habit each with sub-steps of their own. Only 4 steps you may say, that sounds easy. Well it isn't but with some hard work and dedication you will be successful.

So what are these steps? Well you have to decide to quit. Deciding isn't the same as wanting, and trust me; this is the most important point in the whole project. Next you have to get yourself ready to kick the tobacco. After that comes the actual process of quitting. Lastly are the things you will need to do once you have quit.

So how do you make the decision? First thing you should do is sit down and think of think of the reasons you want to quit smoking and write them down. Then read them aloud to yourself a few times. And be sure to keep this list so you can refer to it later. This will help you visualize your goal. Tell your family, friends, and co-workers about your decision. Having their support will be a great help, plus will it will re-enforce your decision.

Next you need to get yourself prepared to quit. Put the list of the reasons you want to quit someplace where you will see it all the time, like the refrigerator door. You could also take a copy of it to work with you. Take up a hobby, this will be a great way to take your mind off the weed when you actually quit. And be sure you instil in your own mind that this is going to be a tough task that needs to be taken seriously. And now that you have taken the decision and are ready don't procrastinate. Start quitting NOW.

Now for the actual quitting process. The hardest part is actually the simplest, just STOP SMOKING. That's right quit right now. Don't try and cut down, or switch to low tar and nicotine smokes, it does not work period. Now I know how that sounds and you are correct, it isn't that simple, but it really is. The actual action of quitting is not hard it is the anxiety and withdrawal symptoms which are difficult. But there are ways to alleviate these. Eat healthy snack foods such as raw vegetables or fruit when you feel the urge to smoke. Or take a walk, or listen to some music. Reading also another great way to take your mind off the craving. Also re-read the list you wrote during the decision stage.

If you feel you need help there are medical aids such as the patch as well as hypnotism, plus some excellent books you can read to give you more ammunition against the smoking habit. Don't feel bad if you need help, everybody needs help sometimes.

Now that you have quit you will need to keep it up. Cigarettes are a strong habit and you will need to keep that habit at bay. I mentioned taking up a hobby in the decision phase. That will really help you keep off of the weed. Take up exercising. I find that first thing in the morning is the perfect time for a quick work-out. I always really wanted that first smoke in the morning and doing a bit of exercise instead put the smokes right out of my mind. And realize how much better you feel now, how much better food tastes, how wonderful all the scents you couldn't smell before are.

In closing I would like to congratulate you on wanting to quit smoking and wish you the best of health and happiness.

Stan Johnson got fed up with smoking a few years ago. He now wants to help others do the same. Visit his site at: Quit Smoking Today

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Changing the Way We Think When we Quit Smoking

Successfully quitting smoking is often largely a matter of changing how we think about cigarettes, smoking, and ourselves as smokers. Believe it or not, changing your thoughts can have a powerful influence in helping you quit. By examining your reasons for smoking, your beliefs about the need to smoke, and developing some very clear reasons to stop smoking, you will be able to take the first step towards designing your own smoking cessation program.

If smoking is something you use to help you cope with stress, you can develop other means of relaxing and dealing with life's challenges including meditation, exercise, social activities, and so on. Instead of thinking of the cigarette as something that will bring you relief, learn to view it as something that causes problems, restricts your freedom, costs you too much money, creates barriers between you and your loved ones, etc.

You may find it helpful to look for humor in your situation, as well as view yourself and your addiction with the sympathy of an outside observer, as you struggle with faulty lighters, observe the burn marks on your belongings, or search desperately for a misplaced pack. Gain some objectivity, and take a brave look at the destructive influences smoking has had on your life. Then create a clear image of yourself as someone who no longer needs to smoke. Imagine the relief of not having to find ways to fit in a smoke, and the money you will save. What are just a few of the ways you might make better use of that money? Think of some fun things you can do with friends or family, or decide on a treat just for you.

Read about success stories and the different methods of quitting that others have found useful in order to help envision your own successful road to becoming smoke-free. Learning to see quitting as something that countless of others succeed at every day will help put you in the right frame of mind. It is natural that you will encounter some obstacles, but having clearly defined goals and rewards, as well as asking for the support of friends and family, will help you stay on track.

There are many resources available to help you quit smoking, from hypnosis sessions or tapes, to nicotine replacement products, support groups, and much more. Incorporate several approaches that appeal to you, for your greatest chance of success, and look forward to a healthier future. Have a plan decided on ahead of time to help make each step of the way that much easier, and don't give up. The choice to create a healthier, happier lifestyle for you and your loved ones is within your reach.

Stop Smoking Pad Striving to Create a Happier Healthier Life by helping people make the decision to stop smoking

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Can Acupuncture Help You Quit Smoking?

No one in today's society can be totally unaware of the dangers involved in cigarette smoking. Acupuncture can offer powerful help for those who want to quit smoking.

Millions of dollars each year are spent on smoking cessation programs. However, many smokers have given up trying to quit because they simply find it too difficult to fight their addiction.

Acupuncture may provide just the additional leverage that a smoker needs to finally quit for good. A recent article in the Preventive Medicine journal highlights a study done on acupuncture and its effectiveness on assisting patients to stop smoking.

Acupuncture uses small needles of different lengths and sizes in order to stimulate the skin in a particular area. The area chosen for stimulation is thought to correspond to the meridian, or pathway, that provides energy to the affected body system or area.

For example, for smoking, the needles are inserted in areas that will affect energy flow to the mouth, lungs and respiratory system, as well as parts of the brain that will affect cravings for nicotine.

In the study described in Preventive Medicine, participants were all long time smokers who wanted to quit smoking. They were randomly assigned into one of two groups.

The control group was given acupuncture treatments that had nothing to do with the areas that affect smoking. The experimental group was given acupuncture treatments meant to assist in smoking cessation.

Interestingly, the experimental subjects reported having less desire to smoke and also actually decreased their amount of smoking than the control group.

But the experimenters didn't rely on the word of the participants alone. They also tested the blood of each group for chemicals that are left in the body when a person smokes, and those tests also confirmed that the experimental subjects had smoked less.

In fact, over time, twice as many of the experimental subjects were able to quit smoking altogether in comparison to the control group.

The experimenters stress the importance of several factors when reproducing these results. They say that it is important for the patient to receive acupuncture treatments for smoking cessation a minimum of twice per week for three weeks in order of the treatment to be fully effective. The participants were also taught how to perform self-acupressure on their ears in order to reinforce the treatment and to help cravings to pass.

Because not all people will be able to quit entirely using this method, it is recommended that patients use acupuncture in addition to other methods such as nicotine replacement or support groups.

It seems that in the worse case, even if a person doesn't quit smoking by using acupuncture, it can help a person to greatly reduce the amount they smoke. But any efforts that are made to quit smoking can only improve a person's health in the long run.

Annie Beal makes it easy for anyone to feel better
naturally with acupuncture and acupressure. To
receive your free 7-part mini-course visit:

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Friday, November 23, 2007

Prepare Yourself Mentally to Quit Smoking

What many people may not realize is just how much of the effort to quit smoking relies on changing your thought processes and self-perceptions. While the actual smoking behavior is all that others see, like the tip of the iceberg, a smoking habit is supported by many underlying, unseen factors including your reasons for smoking. These may vary widely, including: - stress relief - weight loss - boredom - fitting in with a group of people - image - nicotine addiction

Understanding your own reasons for smoking is the first step in creating a customized plan for quitting. By finding healthier replacements to address your underlying needs, you will be less likely to succumb to temptation when obstacles arise. Because every individual is different, it is essential that you tailor your stop smoking plan to suit your own unique situation.

Another element of mental preparation is in trying to retrain yourself to see cigarettes not as something pleasurable, but as something you no longer want in your life. This can be a major adjustment, however all the evidence about the dangers of smoking as well as your personal reasons for quitting, can be utilized as reminders. Make a list of all the negative things about smoking that you are looking forward to freeing yourself from, as well as the positive changes you are striving towards, and review these often.

Part of your transition will involve learning to identify yourself as a non-smoker, and changing your behaviors accordingly. Take some time to think about what this will mean for you. Do you need to make changes regarding where you spend your time, and who you spend it with? At what times during your day might you feel the most lost without a cigarette? What temptations are you likely to encounter during your normal routine? Thinking about these things before they occur will help you be prepared with solutions all ready to meet the challenges as they arise.

Another component of mentally preparing yourself to quit smoking is the power of positive thinking and visualization in helping pave the way to success. If you can easily imagine yourself overcoming your smoking habit, and start to really feel how great it is going to be to quit, this will provide additional motivation and momentum towards reaching your goals. Along with specific visualizations, you can also learn relaxation techniques that will help overcome your cravings, and reduce any underlying stress that is contributing to your habit.

Doing some reading and research ahead of time using the many available resources will help give you an idea of what to expect during the quitting process, and learn about what types of strategies have been used successfully by other former smokers. You can then choose a combination of different approaches as seems appropriate, and keep other strategies in mind as a back up plan. If you look, you will find there is plenty of help along the way; take advantage of as many stop smoking methods as necessary to help you stay quit, and look forward to celebrating your milestones.

Stop Smoking Pad Striving to Create a Happier Healthier Life by helping people make the decision to stop smoking

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

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Monday, November 19, 2007

When People Quit Smoking, Is Weight Gain Unavoidable?

There are a lot of people who smoke out there who, among other reasons, are afraid to try to quit smoking cigarettes for the fear of what they think is inevitable weight gain. Almost everyone they know who has successfully quit smoking really packed on the pounds and they don't want this to happen to them. So, does the connection between quitting cigarettes and weight gain have to do directly with the cigarettes themselves, or are there other, outside reasons why this happens so often to people who "kick the habit"?

Lets take a look at what all of the factors are that cause such weight gain in people who quit smoking and see if maybe this weight gain may be able to be controlled to where it does not have to be a factor when you decide to put the cigarettes down for good.

The fact is you do not have to gain weight when you quit smoking. There are a lot of people who quit smoking who don't gain any weight at all. On average, people who quit smoking gain only up to 10 pounds. Studies have shown that people who have smoked for 10 to 20 years or more, or who smoked one or more packs of cigarettes a day have a higher tendency to gain weight than short time smokers and those who smoked less than one pack a day.

Nicotine, which is a chemical found in cigarettes, does to a small degree keep your body weight down. When you quit and the nicotine begins to leave your body, you may see a marginal amount of short term weight gain, but usually it will be no more than 3 to 5 pounds, mostly due to water retention.

The major reason why so many people will gain a significant amount of weight however, has more to do with replacing the smoking habit with excessive eating habits. Many will substitute sucking on hard candies all day to replace the cigarettes. Others will begin to simply snack on various foods throughout the day as a replacement for the old habit. The cigarette break at work becomes a snack break. The after lunch cigarette becomes the after lunch snack. It is this new habit, which is done almost unconsciously, that is mostly responsible for excessive weight gain when people quit smoking.

When you quit smoking, keeping aware of what you eat, when you eat, and how much you eat along with some physical activity will keep that weight gain to a minimum and may keep you from gaining any weight at all. You also must consider that even if you do gain 5 to 10 pounds from quitting smoking, the risks of smoking cigarettes are far greater than a 5 to 10 pound gain in weight.

Smoking is the cause of more than 400,000 deaths every year in the United States. It would take a weight gain of over 100 pounds to equal the health risks of smoking cigarettes. Smoking causes your heart rate to increase, and you have twice the likeliness to suffer a heart attack than that of a nonsmoker. You inhale around 4000 chemicals from cigarette smoke and 40 of these chemicals are cancer causing. Men are 22 times more likely to develop lung cancer than nonsmokers, and women are 12 times more likely.

With a little effort on your part to keep your eating habits in check and incorporate some exercise into your daily routine, weight gain can and will be at least kept down to a minimum when you quit smoking. You will be in better health, feel better, and have a more positive outlook on life when you make the decision to put those cigarettes down for once and for all.

Jim O'Neill gives you tons of valuable information on the subjects of weight loss, fitness, and nutrition to make it easy for you to live a healthy lifestyle. Sign up now for his free 7 part mini e-course at:

Jim O'Neill is a certified personal fitness trainer and also holds a sports nutrition certification. He has been helping people successfully achieve their weight loss and fitness goals for over 15 years by staying on the cutting edge of weight loss and fitness technology. To learn more about how you can benefit from his easy to use weight loss and fitness programs go to:

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How to Quit Smoking: Action Plan

Smoking is a bad habit that prevents you to reach your full potential. Quit smoking today!

The prospect of quitting smoking seems daunting for the millions of people who smoke, and particularly for those that have been smoking for some time. No one will argue that an addiction to nicotine is a serious one and it is also multifaceted: indeed, there is a physical component to it since your body craves the nicotine the cigarettes contain, and there's the psychological one, in that many habits and situations become associated with cigarettes for the smoker. Consequently, in order to quit smoking, it is important that you come up with a plan of attack: if the cold-turkey technique works for some people, the vast majority of smokers will succeed only with the help of a more comprehensive plan.

The first time you will consider the prospect of quitting smoking, it's probably going to seem far fetched. However, I want you to keep in mind that thousands of people - people just like you - quit smoking every year. If they can do it, there's no reason that you can't do it too. Also, many smokers also feel that it is "too-late" to quit smoking after a certain age. Simply put, this isn't true, and you should not use that as an excuse to avoid an attempt to quit smoking: the health benefits of quitting smoking will begin the very day you will stop.

Begin to build up your willpower before you actually have your last cigarette. Your willpower will become your most important tool in quitting. In fact, it's very unlikely that you will be successful without it. The first thing you should do is spend some time thinking of the reasons you want to quit smoking. Do some research do learn about the health benefits of quitting, for both yourself and the people around you. The most encouraging step you can take is to do some math and write down some figures for the amount of money you'll be able to save by not buying cigarettes. Then think of how you'll use that money for. Will it be a trip to celebrate? A nice dinner in a fancy restaurant?

Once your willpower is built up, it's time to have your last cigarette. You first need to understand that the human body is extremely resilient if your want to keep your spirits up. However, bear in mind that your health will improve as soon as you stop smoking - and I mean literally. Only 8 hours after your last cigarette, oxygen levels and carbon monoxide levels in your blood stream will go back to what they're supposed to. Did you know that you statistically reduce your chance of a heart attack merely 24 hours after your last cigarette? Furthermore, after only 48 hours of smoking your last cigarette, your sense of smell and taste will improve as your nerve endings will start growing.

In order to keep your willpower up, think of the longer-term benefits to quitting smoking as you continue to stay smoke free: your lung power will begin to increase after only 2 weeks and will continue to do so over time. Of course, other aspects of your health will improve in various ways continuously. I think that the ultimate motivator should lie in the knowledge that 15 years after quitting smoking, your risk of death is almost identical as someone who has never smoked. Don't you think that this illustrates remarkably well how the human body's can restore itself.

There's no doubt that developing a concrete action plan to quit smoking will increase tremendously your chances of success. What is crucial in this process is for you to understand that your willpower play an important role and that planning weeks ahead before you attempt to quit smoking will help you build up your willpower. Once you've quit smoking you have to keep this willpower strong, and to achieve thisBusiness Management Articles, always remind yourself of the many benefits to your health you will be privy to the second after butting out that last cigarette.

After losing a good friend to lung cancer, Nathalie Lafleur decided to help as many people as she could to quit smoking. Visit her website to access more articles, tips and resources : Free Book Limited Time Offer. 

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Why Should You Quit Smoking?


Why should I quit smoking? It?s a great question that sooner or later every smoker will ask themselves. We will all eventually get to that point. If you are reading this, than you are probably there now.

You have been hearing it from your family and your friends, as more and more of them quit smoking, and then want to convert you. Then there is your doctor, who would make more money from you if you continued to smoke, but never the less he wants you to quit too. Your dentist may even get in on the act. ?You?re teeth are getting yellow, do you smoke?? Not to mention society in general. No smoking in restaurants, office buildings, pretty much any indoor public place. Where I live, even the bars have gone smoke free. Times sure are changing.

Therefore we get to the point where we ask ourselves, ?Is this really worth it?? When we are standing outside in January, freezing our collective butts off, that?s when we usually ask this question. We have to leave our desks every couple hours. We make excuses like, I am going to get a coffee, might as well have a smoke while I am out.

I guess the things that bother me the most about smoking is the smell. We have seen our friends turn up their noses when they come into our house. Or the kids will get in the car and say ?Eww, it stinks in here?. We don?t smell it on ourselves very much, but believe me it?s there.

I quit smoking about 8 years ago, cold turkey. I didn?t really miss it after a little while. During this time, I noticed a lot of things about smoking. First of all, everything smells like smoke. You?re clothes, you?re house and car. Everything you use on a daily basis smells like smoke. I always had mild allergies. The whole time I smoked they seemed to bother me all the time. After I had quit for a while, my sinus cleared up. I felt like I could breathe better than before. Overall I just felt better and healthier.

Then about 2 years ago, when I had some stress in my personal life, I started smoking again. I know what you are thinking. DUMMY!

So before long, I was right back where I was when I was smoking the first time. The nose problems started again. After about 1 year, I caught a cold that felt like it held on for about 6 months. Things that I know are directly related to smoking.

Which led me to ask myself a question, but I changed it around a little bit. I asked myself ?why shouldn?t I quit smoking?.

Do I enjoy spending at least forty dollars a week to smoke? No.
Do I like feeling like I have a cold for months at a time? No
Do I enjoy having a hard time climbing a few flights of stairs? No.

Whichever method you choose to quit smoking, remember to ask yourself these questions everyday. This will help you to stay focused on your goal. If you need more incentive, put all the money you would spend on cigarettes in a jar. Don?t count it or think about it. After 1 year, open it up and you will be thrilled with yourself. Treat yourself to a vacation, knowing you have a long and healthy future ahead of you.

Mark McAuley is a 40 year old factory worker, father and struggling website owner. Just writing from personnel experience.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Quitting Smoking Is Not As Hard As You Think

Have you ever wanted to quit smoking and convinced yourself than you are destined to smoke cigarettes the rest of your life? Have you ever tried to quit and gave up halfway thought the day or that same night? If you think that quitting smoking is just impossible, I would read on.

It truly is not as hard as you may think. Take it from a true one packer a day smoker or better on some days. It was like a true friend to me that I couldn't let go. I have smoked a good thirty to thirty six years of my life. I'm not quite sure when I started smoking. I quit one time about ten years ago for a week. The big mistake I made back then was to ask a friend for a smoke so I could see what I was missing. That was a big mistake! I was back full time again and tried several times since and failed on all attempts except the last attempt.

Quitting smoking for me was always like a ritual that I attempted two or three times a year. The excuse was always the cost of cigarettes. Never did I complain about the possible ill effects that it could possibly have down the road. Sure I was aware everyday about how bad it was. I heard it on the news every day on how the smokers were getting the boot in restaurants and buildings. The worst people to smoke around were the non-smokers that quit smoking. I know, my wife quit ten years ago. I smoked outside come rain, snow or blizzard. I hope as a non-smoker I never get like that.

I was not a very pleasant person to be around when I attempted to quit. I'm sure smokers know how short tempered one can get, when one has not had a cigarette for a while. Every morning I attempted to be a non-smoker, I set myself up for failure by having a coffee and shortly after breakfast I ran around outside hoping to bump into someone who smoked. I always had a nic fit around lunch and dinnertime, only to give in to the craving over and over again. I did not last a good part of a day. I just about gave up trying to quit. I was convinced that I was going to smoke the rest of my life. I thought I was hooked for good, until one sunny afternoon around 3:oopm I had my last cigarette while I was washing my jeep.

Everybody tells me that I was ready. I really don't know if I was ready. What I do know is there are several key things that I had to do to give it up completely, and I am not really sure of the one key thing that kept me a non-smoker two months later. I know that one of the key things that helped was telling myself once and a while that I was a non-smoker even when I knew I smoked. I would not say it out loud if people were around me that knew I smoked. They would probably think I was losing it. I told myself that I was a non-smoker for about two weeks prior to quitting. Self-preparation you may want to call it. I truly knew that I wanted to quit. Maybe I was ready.

That sunny afternoon I had one cigarette left which I smoked halfway through washing my jeep. I told my wife that I was not going to buy any more that afternoon. She heard me say that many times before. She told me to give a try and purchase some later and not to be hard on myself for a least trying. Again she repeated it was okay to buy some later. I think my wife just about gave up on me quitting as well.

The other key thing to do if you are attempting to quit is to learn how to procrastinate. That same afternoon I kept putting off buying cigarettes until bedtime. Bedtime came and it was too late to go to the store. I put it off until the next morning. Morning came and I convinced myself that I was a non-smoker. I decided the other key thing to do was invite my weaknesses. I had coffee, which they say you shouldn't do. I almost stopped my brother-in-law from coming over that same night because he smoked. I told my wife to have him come over, but he had to smoke outside alone. I thought about it for a moment and decided I was going to stand outside and watch him smoke. They also said not to drink beer or alcohol when you're attempting to quit smoking. I bought myself a six-pack and drank and watched him smoke. That was the very first day. I finally quit and had no craving the next day. The nic fits were gone! The cravings were gone! The grumpiness from not smoking was gone! The wasted dollars on cigarettes was gone! It was like being born again.

The one key goal on quitting smoking for me was to convince myself a couple weeks before, that I was a non-smoker. Quitting halfway through the day was the other key thing to do. Think about that for a second. The day for me was not as long as it would have been if I quit first thing in the morning. When you quit in the morning, you have approximately 16 hours to go before you go to bed and forget about it. I quit at 3:00 in the afternoon with only 8 hours until bedtime to forget about it. It was half the amount of time to put everything to rest. I had a 16-hour jump to get the nicotine out of my system before the morning. Quitting in the morning was always tough before, because smoking and a cup of coffee was always an enjoyment for me.

The last key thing to do was just learn to say no for the remainder of the next day. The craving was not as bad as it was on other days that I quit. It must have had something to do with the time I quit. The craving was not as bad as prior attempts. The next day I could not understand why I smoked all that time. The addiction is finally gone and I do not want to pick up that cigarette to see what I am missing!

Just convince yourself that you are a non-smoker for approximately two weeks.

Finish that last cigarette half way through the day when you are doing something that you enjoy. Make sure you are in a good mood!

Do not tell anybody that you're quitting. Just tell them you are not buying any for the rest of the day.

Learn to procrastinate for 6 to 8 hours, which shouldn't be too hard for some of us.

Face all your weaknesses that you think will put you back on the smoking train.

Say no for one day! Say no for one day! Say no for one day!

Day three will set you free!!!

George Gabriel is the owner of the site Tee Times. He has written numerous article tips on golfing, which he started playing in his earlier years as a caddie. He also owned and operated a driving school where he taught over 2000 kids and adults how to drive and writes articles on defensive driving habits for the novice driver.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Quit Smoking: Start Your Journey with a Journal

If you're a smoker, chances are you've tried to quit many times or deep down inside you've felt you should quit for obvious reasons pertaining to your health, but have no idea where to start.

I've smoked for 22 years and spent over 10,000 dollars trying to quit smoking and finally I am proud to stay, I am a "non-smoker." Yes, there is hope for you!

Let the truth be known; it's very hard! However, it can be done with the right tools and strategies. There is no way I can share everything I used to help me kick a 22 year smoking habit but what I can do for sure, is share one major tip/strategy I used and use to this day to live a smoke free life.

Start a journal. This can be an online journal such as a blog or a paper journal which happens to be my weapon of choice. I know, I know, every self-help guru say keep a journal. Well I'm not a Guru and it's working for me so please stay with me here.

I know, everyone says "keep a journal" but not many go into details about the "why and how" so we really don't feel motivated to start recording or life. This is one of the key distinctions I've made in the past. I also noticed that it was a big reason for not starting my journal. So keep reading because I'm going to help you over the "journal hump."

Say you're thinking right now about wanting to quit smoking, along comes other thoughts like "I'm too stressed to think about that now. Oh, God, where would I start, but what will I do if I can't, what if I get fat?" These thoughts are clouded emotions that push your first thought of quitting smoking further and further away.

Keeping a journal will help you take all the emotion out of your daily thoughts and help you get really clear on what you want and how you're going to get it.

It's ok to have all kinds of thoughts associated to your quit smoking thought; you'll just want to write them all down in your journal. Then go through the list of thoughts and ask yourself, Are these real concerns that need to be thought out and taken seriously, or, are they just excuses my mind is playing on me to protect me from experiencing pain that comes with quitting smoking?" That's right; your mind will come up with all kinds of excuses to avoid quitting and to protect you! Just say "thank you for sharing!"

A paper journal is a black and white, pure logic system and why I like it. This is exactly what is needed when taking on such an outrageous task such as quitting smoking.

There are tons of books and seminars on keeping a journal so let's keep it really simple. For now, grab a note pad and start a list of why you need to stop smoking. As you write remember you're mind will start playing games by coming up with excuses, but don't give in! You may want to write at the top of the note pad, "My Why Reasons I'm quitting smoking." Everything I've studied about getting your out comes in life stress the "why" first not the how so write as much as you can.

 Aki Desorcy Aki is a none smoker and now helps others become non-smokers. To read more about keeping a journal to quit smoking please visit Aki's quit smoking blog at

This article may be distributed and used by anyone as long as this resource box stays with the body and title or the article and all links stay activated.

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Find Out Why You Feel The Withdrawal Symptoms When You Are Trying To Quit Smoking

"No problem, I could quit anytime I want to". That is the case for many smokers who believe they can quit anytime they want to as though they believe they had a magic switch to turn the nicotine off.

But when you ask them why they are not quitting, it would as if of a sudden, they're mind starts to get creative and could punch out 101 excuses. Sounds familiar right? The reality is

Smokers Are Addicted And Need Preparation Before Quitting!

This is because nicotine and chemicals when introduced into our body greatly affect our biological system. Smokers need preparation for quitting are because of the withdrawal symptoms.

Nicotine is a stimulant drug of which its effects where both simulation and relaxation may be felt. You see when we smoke, our body gets used to a certain alteration of conditions in our body. The brain gets used to these certain alternation very quickly even before we can notice it.

Now, there's a new balance in the brain due to those alterations. When the timely dose of nicotine or whatever chemicals as a result of smoking is not channeled towards the brain, the brain gets upset. Hence we feel uncomfortable with different people enduring different symptoms.

Some of the withdrawal symptoms include:

* Cravings to smoke

* Irritation

* Anger

* Insomnia

* Dry mouth

* Anxiety

* Fatigue

* Inability to Concentrate

* Headache

* Cough

* Sore tongue and/or gums

* Sleep Disturbances

* Sore throat

* Constipation, gas, stomach pain

* Tightness in the chest

Some ways that could help you with the withdrawal symptoms are:

* Wait

When it is time for you to smoke again, just wait a little while before you decide whether you want to smoke again just for about 3 to 5 minutes time. During this time of waiting, take 10 deep breaths slowly, relax yourself, also relaxing your shoulders.

* Drink Plenty Of Water

This is to help you fight off the cravings

* Become A Part Of A Community

Discuss with someone your feelings about quitting smoking. The easiest way to do that online is through forums. Exchange ideas, opinions and solutions. You'll be surprised the insights you'll gain through this experience.

* Exercise

I cannot emphasize how important this is, exercise is suppose to boost up your energy so that you have better preparation to fight the cravings.

* Get sufficient sleep

An excerpt from "Sleep: Essential for Optimal Health" by Drs. Robert Goldman and Ronald Klatz.

"Don't slight sleep. It's when you're tired that you tend to overwork. When you're rested you can finish the work without strain and still have energy and time left over for the rest of your life. Research shows that workers who get less than six hours of sleep a night are prone to costly accidents, poor concentration and poor performance. Without sleep depression, anxiety and anger increase.

The quality of sleep is just as important as number of hours. If you have trouble sleeping, try going to bed earlier, before 10:00. This usually creates a deeper sleep. Prepare for deep sleep by avoiding TV and computers in the evening."

So when you get more rest, the likelihood for the need for cigarette is reduced.

* Relaxation

Perform some night rituals such as reading a book before you go to bed or meditation to help you and your body to relax.

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

Discover an easy, proven and tested way that you can quit smoking in 1 week without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

Click here to find out how

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Little Known Fact When Quitting Smoking And How To Stay Quit

Have you ever gotten yourself in a situation where you have quitted smoking for perhaps 1, 2 or 3 weeks, sometimes even months or years only to find yourself crawling back to square one as it if it was a snake and ladder board game?

You find yourself picking up the cigarette and lighting it away again? I have to admit. I did. That is because I was lacking of something, of which I had to learn the hard way. And maybe this is perhaps why I am sharing my experience with you so you could avoid this mistake in the future.

I'm sure you would know that most of time, smokers use the excuse of "releasing stress" to smoke. For some reason, this "release stress" has become a reality which in fact is not. The only reason you feel relaxed are due to the soothing of the nicotine addiction. The fact is... you do not need cigarettes in your life!

The problem: Many have associated cigarettes can actually release stress that it became the truth.

So after awhile, when a person which is going through the process on quitting smoking is incapable of handling stress, guess what he turns to? Cigarettes!

The solution for this is, not only must you quit smoking, you must also:

Find The Alternatives For Relaxation And To Release Stress!

When you have established this simple concept, you are more capable of handling stress from other methods rather than turning back to the dark side of the road.

Among the ways for alternatives for relaxation and releasing stress are:

* Exercise

Somehow people get turn off this word alone. By nature, did you know that our human body needs exercise regularly at least twice a week? But somehow in this modernize world, exercise is deemed uncommon. My personal favorite is swimming. It really relaxes me to the full potential and enables me to get a good night sleep without disturbance.

* Meditation

Meditation techniques such as Tai Chi and Yoga has been proven for hundreds of years to have positive effect and to boost one's energy

* Take A Hot Bath

Pamper yourself by taking a hot bath with light music at the background at dim lights.

* Reading

A good way to "escape from reality" for a moment and to entertain yourself.

* Listen To Comedies

Have you not known by now that laughter is the best medicine?

* Massage And Spa

Splendid way of relaxing and releasing decades of stress accumulated.

I'm sure you get the picture by now. Whatever it is, make sure you have an alternative to relax and release stress instead of finding "the" excuse of turning back to cigarettes. It may sound simple, but very effective. Try it and you'll be surprised how all those can help you on the journey to be smoke-free forever.

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

Discover an easy, proven and tested way that you can quit smoking in 1 week without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

Click here to find out how

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How to quit smoking in 38 minutes and 13 seconds

How You Can Plan to Quit Smoking

Millions of people smoke, and to many, particularly those that have been smoking for some time, the prospect of quitting seems daunting. An addiction to nicotine is a serious one, and is multifaceted: there is a physical component, in that your body craves the nicotine the cigarettes contain, and a psychological one, in that many habits and situations become associated with cigarettes for the smoker. For these reasons it is important that you come up with a plan of attack in order to quit smoking: although the cold-turkey technique works for some people, the vast majority of smokers will have success only with a more comprehensive plan.

When you first consider the prospect of quitting smoking, it's probably going to seem far fetched, but keep in mind that thousands of people - people that are no different from you - quit smoking every year. If they can do it, there's no reason that you can't. Many smokers also feel that after a certain age it is "too-late" to quit smoking. Simply put, this isn't true, and should not be used as an excuse to avoid an attempt to quit smoking: the health benefits of quitting smoking begin the very day you stop.

Before you actually have your last cigarette, begin to build up your willpower. Your willpower is going to be your most important tool in quitting, and it's very unlikely that you will be successful without it. Spend some time thinking of the reasons you want to quit smoking. Learn about the health benefits of quitting, for both yourself and the people around you. Do some math and come up with some figures for the amount of money you'll save by not buying cigarettes, and think of something you'll use that money for.

Once you've built up your willpower, it's time to have your last cigarette. To keep your spirits up, understand that the human body is incredibly resilient, and your health will improve as soon as you stop smoking - literally. 8 hours after your last cigarette, carbon monoxide levels and oxygen levels in your blood stream will return to normal. At 24 hours after your last cigarette, you statistically reduce your chance of a heart attack. Only 48 hours after your last cigarette, your sense of taste and smell will improve as your nerve endings start growing.

As you continue to stay smoke free, think of the longer-term benefits to quitting in order to keep your willpower up: even after 2 weeks your lung power will begin to increase, and continue to do so over time. Other aspects of your health will continue to improve in various ways. The ultimate motivator should be the knowledge that 15 years after quitting, your risk of death is almost the same as someone who has never smoked - a remarkable fact that illustrates our the human body's surprising ability to restore itself.

By coming up with a concrete plan to quit smoking you will greatly increase your chances of success. Crucial is understanding the important role that your willpower will play in the process, and planning to build up this willpower weeks before you attempt to quit. Once you've stopped you have to keep the strength of this willpower up, and to do so, remind yourself of the health benefits you will be privy to immediately after butting out that last cigarette.

For a limited time you can try my "Quit Smoking or Your Money Back...100% Guarantee." Plus when you drop by today you'll qualify for a 75% discount.Click here to stop smoking now

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

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Monday, November 5, 2007

Create A Goal To Help You To Quit Smoking Cigarettes

This article describes how creating a goal or target can help you to succeed in life. I myself want to be successful in life and have read many books on the subject. One lesson and something all the successful people I have read about seem to do, is that they are always setting themselves goals for the future. Setting targets has among other things helped me to quit smoking cigarettes. I hope you enjoy reading my article.

One example I clearly remember from one such book, described a survey that had been carried out for schoolchildren who were in their final year of high school. One hundred people took part in the survey and they were asked to answer a number of questions. The main question the people who commissioned the survey were interested in was about where the children wanted to be in five years time and what they wanted to be doing, for example in their business life.

Not all children of this age are that mature and in the end there were only five answers which were taken as being a true goal for the future. Five years later these one hundred people were contacted again and were asked to fill in yet another survey. The results were quite staggering as the five children who had set a goal for the future had a higher combined net worth than the other ninety five added together. Money of course is not everything in life, however for me this showed, that is if you believe everything that you read, that you are more likely to be a success in life if you set yourself a goal.

I then looked at the aspects of my life with which I was not happy with. At that age, I smoked around fifteen cigarettes a day. This was something I quite enjoyed but which I knew was not healthy for me and something which also cost me a lot of money.

I set myself small targets, I would firstly reduce my intake to only ten a day and after two weeks reduce it down to five. I would then try to totally stop smoking after around a month.

This sounded so simple, however proved to be quite difficult. I was determined to stick to my goals and kept thinking of all of the benefits of quitting smoking. I am happy to say I was successful in my quest to stop smoking, even though it did take rather longer than one month.

I have since followed the same pattern in other areas of my life, to help me to lose weight for example. This attitude has helped me no end and I will continue to set myself more goals in the future.

Stephen Hill helps to promote a number of websites including:

quit smoking cigarettes

hgh treatments

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Quit Smoking - You Can Do It


Smoking is believed to be 10% physical addiction and 90% psychological addiction. The nicotine withdrawals usually subside in three days or less, but the psychological dependency on smoking is much more difficult to defeat.

In order to help you quit smoking, you need to do a self-analysis on the reasons you smoke and the reasons on why you want to quit smoking.

The easiest way to do this is to make a list. Label one column on why you started smoking and the other column on why you want to quit smoking.

In column one, list all the reasons you can remember as to why you started smoking. Was it peer pressure? Rebellion? Did you think it made you look cool? Did it make you feel like a grown-up? Really, try to remember the exact reasons why you started smoking and write them all down.

Now review your list of reasons why you smoke. Do any of those reasons still apply in your life today? More than likely the reasons you started to smoke does not apply to the reasons you smoke today. If you are like most people, you will see that your reasons for becoming a smoker are no longer valid, are often just silly, and are easily outweighed by the risks to your health and your family's well-being.

Now write a list on why you want to quit smoking. This one may seem obvious, but it can be a bit deceiving. You really need to take some time and think hard about this. Do not just list the obvious health reasons. You have been reading the Surgeon General's warnings for years with little effect, so you need to come up with reasons that truly have meaning for you.

The most common reasons that people to quit smoking are: ? I do not want to get lung cancer. ? I do not want to have a heart attack or a stroke. ? I would like to live long enough to see my grandchildren grow up.

Certainly the list above are good reasons to quit, but the truth is, is that they are possibilities and not specifics. For example, sure, you might get lung cancer, you might have a heart attack or a stroke, and you might die young and miss seeing your grandchildren grow up, or you might not!

The bottom line is that you are not going to break a psychological addiction based on what might happen to you if you continue to smoke. Your addiction to nicotine will work hard to convince you that it will not happen to you.

The alternative is to list health problems that you are experiencing now. Your list should point out things in your life that you are actively unhappy about and are STRONGLY MOTIVATED to change. In order to break your psychological addiction, you need a battery of new thoughts and desires that are stronger than your desire to smoke!

For example, the list below identifies that most smokers can relate to right now. Not what might be.

Health Reasons

? I get so out of breath when I exert myself even a little bit. Just vacuuming the house makes me pant and gasp.

? My feet are always cold. This could be due to high blood pressure and poor circulation associated with smoking.

? I have a nasty wet cough and I have to blow my nose excessively. Mucus build-up is the body's reaction to all the toxins and chemicals in cigarette smoke and could be a precursor to serious respiratory disease. Even if I do not get cancer, I do not want to be one of those people who have to carry an oxygen bottle.

? I am always tired. Could it be that my body is using up all its energy trying to eliminate the toxins and chemicals from cigarettes?

Vanity Reasons

? Smoking causes premature aging and drying of the skin. I do not want to look like a wrinkled up old prune!

? My fingers, fingernails and teeth are all tobacco stained. Disgusting! How embarrassing.

? When I get on the elevator after a smoke break at work, everyone wrinkles their nose and tries to edge away from me because I reek of cigarette smoke. I feel like a leper. It is embarrassing to be the smelly one the elevator. I feel like I have no self-control.

? My breath is awful. Kissing me must be like kissing an ashtray. I spend a fortune on breath mints.

Financial Reasons

? If I save all the money I used to spend on cigarettes, I will have enough to take a vacation in Cancun (or some other warm tropical place) every winter!

? I could use the money to pay off my credit cards!

? I could donate money to my favorite charity or sponsor a child. My cigarette money could make the world a better place!

Family Reasons

? My family can stop worrying about me.

? My spouse will have to find something new to nag about to me.

? My children will be proud of me and they will never start smoking themselves, having seen firsthand what a nasty destructive habit it is.

Cleanliness Reasons

? The walls used to be white. Now they are a nasty dirty-looking brown. I need to repaint... again!

? I stink, my car stinks, my house stinks, everything I own reeks of cigarette smoke. I cannot even lend a book to a non-smoking friend because they cannot stand the smell of smoke permeating the pages!

Do you see yourself in any of the items listed above? You may have many more reasons of your own. Write down as many compelling and emotion reasons to quit smoking as you can think of.

If you can re-train your mind to think of smoking as a silly and self-destructive thing to do, then you are almost sure to succeed.

For more information about quit smoking, visit Quit Smoking

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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Quit Smoking Methods - An Alternative Perspective


'A cigarette is a pipe with a fire at one end and a fool at the other' said Dr. Johnson in his sarcastic comment on cigarettes and smoking.

Smoking is in fact a pernicious craving for tobacco products, especially cigarettes and cigars.

An organic compound, nicotine, which is richly found in tobacco smoke, is very detrimental to your health. It is linked with various health risks. It can cause diseases of the cardiovascular system, myocardial infarction (heart attack), stroke, diseases of the respiratory tract such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) chronic bronchitis and emphysema, cancer (particularly lung cancer and cancers of the larynx and tongue), peripheral vascular disease, birth defects of pregnant smokers' offspring, Buerger's disease (thromboangiitis obliterans), impotence, and in some cases it may develop cataracts that may cause blindness.

The statement 'One thousand Americans stop smoking every day - by dying' ironically expresses the risks of smoking.

"Sooner or later, everyone stops smoking." Major health risks can be minimized by cessation smoking. Smoking cessation means to quit smoking, but the cardinal point is how to quit smoking.

Smoking can be quitted by using nicotine-containing tobacco substitutes. Nicotine replacement therapy has been quite an effective treatment. It uses various other nicotine delivery methods to replace nicotine obtained from smoking or other tobacco usage. The nicotine patch, inhaler, nasal spray, gum, gel, and lozenge are some effective tools of NTR. Nicotine gum is a chewing gum, which delivers nicotine to the body.

Nicotine patches are also used to quit smoking. Nicotine patches are transdermal patches that release nicotine into the skin. The patch therapy has been considerably successful in helping many people quit.

Hypnosis Stop-Smoking programs are another alternative that can help people who seriously want to quit.

Quit smoking help with hypnosis involves consultations and sittings with a hypnotherapist, who generally squeezes out the reasons for one's smoking and the reasons for wanting to quit. Various hypnotherapy techniques, positive affirmations, and suggestions, are used to help the patient undertake a change of mindset and therefore quit smoking. Tools like stop smoking tapes or CDs are provided to the patient. Quit smoking hypnosis therapy is also proving to be a great quit smoking support.

The best way to quit smoking is to develop a strong will power to want to quit smoking. People who have weak will power cannot quit smoking. Weak will power can make even the effective therapies useless.

James I of England expressed his hate for smoking while he quoth, "A custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs, and in the black, stinking fume thereof nearest resembling the horrible Stygian smoke of the pit that is bottomless."

Smoking is not only injurious to health but rather to society also. It should be eradicated as early as possible.

Paul MacIver writes articles on a variety of topics. For further information on successful stop smoking methods visit How to Quit Smoking You may freely reprint this article as long as nothing is changed, this resource box is included and all links are intact.

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Can Acupuncture Help you Stop, and Eventually Quit Smoking?

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing approach that is almost 3500 years old. It is based on the belief that chi, a vital energy force flows around 12 key channels around the body. Within these channels there are 365 acupuncture points, which can sometimes become 'blocked' preventing the smooth flow of the vital energy, resulting in degrading health.

Acupuncture is a highly effective method for treating all manner of addictions including nicotine. The application of acupuncture to help you stop and eventually quit altogether, involves the insertion of very fine needles into special points on the skin. The needles are generally left in the skin for up to 20mins. There is virtually no pain apart from the slight pricking sensation when the needle first goes in. The technique itself results in the release of special chemicals called endorphins which will provide a 'natural high' at the end of the treatment.

Following the first treatment, the patient is likely to cough up phlegm during the week after treatment as the body starts to adjust to life without smoking, and the tar and phlegm in the lungs starts to loosen. It is common to schedule a follow up session about 1 week after the first to assess progress, and decide whether further therapy is required. Many heavy smokers have reported success after only 1 or 2 acupuncture sessions.

Acupuncture as a method for quitting smoking is best for those individuals that are heavily addicted to the nicotine, but have clearly made the commitment to quit. This type of therapy will dramatically reduce the side effects of nicotine withdrawal, such as the cravings, depression and anxiety. The body will also start to repair itself, particularly in improving blood circulation and de-congesting the lungs, and the patient will generally feel very positive and optimistic as a result of the release of natural anti-depressants by the brain.

Combining acupuncture with more traditional approaches to quitting smoking can be an effective strategy, especially if you have tried and failed at simply using willpower to quit in the past. If you decide acupuncture to stop smoking is for you, make sure you see a qualified and reputable practitioners.

Peter Vine is a successful online publisher of

He provides practical advice and the latest information on all aspects of stop smoking programs, which you can readily research on his website.


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Friday, November 2, 2007

Quit Smoking - Prepare To Succeed

For many smokers the desire to quit smoking is strong?yet it seems no matter what they do, they just can?t seem to break this devastating habit. The inability to quit smoking causes many to privately belittle themselves and curse their seeming weakness.

For others it seems they simply wake up one morning and decide to quit smoking. What makes the difference in these people? Is someone who decides to quit smoking like this a stronger person than the one who has yet to become a non-smoker? Let?s evaluate.

First off, most people even smokers don?t really enjoy smoking. For some the nicotine addiction is strong. Nicotine is very addictive, and breaking this addiction by not smoking can be very trying and difficult. Even after months have passed, there are those who will start smoking again. So, if you?re one who has yet to quit smoking don?t berate or belittle yourself.

By the same token, don?t give up on the idea to quit smoking. Yes, nicotine is addictive, but it is an addiction that can be broken. There are several aids available to help you quit smoking. There?s gum, there?s patches, and there?s even inhalers containing nicotine, that will gradually help you wean yourself from the addiction as you quit smoking. All of these aids do have merit.

One component is mandatory if any of these aids are to work for the person that has previously tried to quit smoking and failed. This component is your attitude. Before you even begin the actual process to quit smoking, you will most likely need some adjustments in your attitude. If you prepare yourself before you actually quit smoking, your chances for success are much better.

The way to begin to prepare yourself is to come to certain realizations. First off, you can?t quit just because someone told you it is bad for your health. You can?t quit because your significant other wants you to quit smoking. Most likely fear is not a good motivator for you either. You?ve developed a strong will to continue, even though you berate yourself for it.

Thus, for you the decision to quit smoking must be accompanied by a will that is just as strong, if not stronger than your current will to quit smoking. Many processes and plans have been developed by different organizations to aid you in this process.

Most will tell you to set a quit date at least 10 days out, and don?t actually stop smoking until your quit date. It?s also advised that ?cold turkey? is the most successful quit path. During those days before your actual quit smoking target date, you are mentally preparing yourself to be free from smoking. This must be a strong decision that only you can make for yourself. No one else can do it for you.

To lead you to the strength you need to effectively quit smoking, you?ll need to evaluate yourself and the real reasons behind why you are still smoking. This is not an easy task for many, but once they?ve listed all the true reasons, and have adopted the mental attitude to replace smoking with other things that will provide better benefits, the task of quitting becomes much easier.

Once your quit smoking date arrives, you may want to use some of the aids discussed above to improve your success rate. The point is that if you?ve properly done your preparation beforehand your opportunity for success will be greatly improved. Remember, the mind and body thrive and accommodate whatever substance you give it. Be sure to feed both the mind and body only positive substance and the results will be positive. You can quit smoking.

David Olsen is the founder of 40Something Fitness, the website that helps you defy middle-age. Mr Olsen is married with a young son.

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Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Latest Quit Smoking Help Methods

Quit smoking help Methods

There are numerous different smoking cessation methods that you can use to eliminate smoking from your being. From ordinary methods to alternative medicines, there are many ways to stop smoking. Nonetheless, even the best quit smoking ways are fruitless if you are not ready to discontinue. Once you have made the resolution that quit smoking help is for you, you will be well on your way to healthier and more energetic lifestyle.

Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory. General George S Patton

Ways to Quit Smoking

One of the newest quit smoking aids accessible is the quit smoking help laser treatment. Laser quit smoking help care involves placing a beam of light to a selection of energy points in the body. The laser induces the discharge of endorphins in the body, and these chemicals lend a hand to reduce the patient's nicotine cravings. The treatment is comparatively cheap when it comes to laser treatments, but it does cost a bit more than alternate stop smoking methods. The treatments typically cost about one hundred dollars a meeting. Nevertheless, some patients find laser treatments effective after just one or two sessions.

Actions speak louder than words. But without thought and focus those actions are like a meandering river. Michael Ross.

Like laser smoking stop treatment, acupuncture is another natural quit smoking support aid. Although there are studies that have been conducted that have found acupuncture to be an ineffective stop smoking approach, there are many individuals who swear by the treatments. If you have an unclosed mind and are willing to try this natural quit smoking aid, it may in fact help you make it through those first hours of cravings. Acupuncture treatments involve sticking needles into predetermined pressure points on the body. This is finished by a trained acupuncturist who knows where the stimulus is required to effectively decrease a smoker's cravings.

All personal breakthroughs begin with a change in beliefs. Anthony Robbins

One alternate favoured means of quit smoking help is hypnosis. Hypnosis is a proven method of reducing cigarette cravings. It is at least as effective as other stop smoking aids such as the patch or nicotine gum. However, ten to twenty-five percent of all individuals are not capable to be hypnotized, so this method may not be applicable to you. During a hypnosis session, the therapeutist puts the patient into a dreamlike state and advises him or her not to smoke. The therapist may repeat certain phrases discussing the unhealthy nature of smoking, and he or she may give certain cues that help the patient evade or deal with his or her cravings.

An obstacle is something you see when you take your eye off the goal.

In addition to alternative medicine methods of quit smoking help, there are also a variety of smoking free videos and aid groups for men and women trying to stop smoking. Rather than reckoning it all out on your own, you may be able to acquire some helpful support and guidance from your peers who are facing the same problems, setbacks and even successes. Having other individuals around you who are in the same battle to quit smoking can be encouraging and educational.

We have come to the end of this informational quit smoking article. It's now up to you to take this information and do something with it. Good luck and here's to a smoke free life.

Steve Hill discusses the quit smoking process at: quit smoking and quit smoking using hypnosis Steve also has a website at stuttering treatment

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