Instantly Quit Smoking

Friday, March 28, 2008

You've Made The Decision To Quit Smoking, Now Where Can You Get Help To Make Sure You Succeed?

You know it?s bad for you, but it?s just so darn hard to quit right? Nicotine is a highly addictive substance, so no wonder it?s not that easy to kick the smoking habit. But if you are serious about quitting tobacco products, there is a wealth of stop smoking programs available to help you. It isn?t always easy but it?s definitely not as hard as it seems. Especially now that you can find stop smoking programs that fit every possible need. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead, give it a try. You?re running out of excuses.

Let?s go straight to the highest rated stop smoking programs. Group therapy, hypnosis, acupuncture, laser therapy, prescription medication, cessation shots, nicotine gums or patches, non-tobacco cigarettes and herbal cures are amongst the top systems available. Group therapy involves attending meetings and counseling sessions with a support group that discusses their fight to stay away from smoking. The impact is psychological and can help to reduce the stress and relieve the depression associated with quitting tobacco products.

Hypnosis is considered by many to be a breakthrough in stop smoking programs. A counselor will give you audio tapes or CDs that contain anti-smoking material. You are to play these tapes or CDs to yourself while doing other tasks in the day or overnight while you sleep. The principle is to give firm root in the subconscious mind to the idea that smoking is harmful and you must stop doing it at once. The success depends on your propensity to be hypnotized.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese art that involves pricking needles into certain body parts to stimulate nerve endings and promote the thinning of blood vessels and proper flow of blood. Further, the practice is said to relieve stress by releasing endorphins or ?happy hormones? that encourage feelings of happiness and wellbeing. For the more squeamish, scientists have devised similar stop smoking programs that replace the needles with low intensity lasers. The procedure is totally painless and non-medical, meaning that you don?t take any medication.

Prescription medication generally addresses the depression and cravings that go with the process of quitting smoking. These stop smoking programs involve anti-depressants and mood elevator drugs, which help cope with mental and emotional stress. Further, cessation shots are now available that act in the same manner but claim to work in a shorter time period. Nicotine replacement treatment is amongst the most popular stop smoking programs. Nicotine patches or chewing gums release small doses of nicotine into the body so that you can stage out the quitting process instead of going cold-turkey.

Non- tobacco cigarettes replace tobacco with other herbs that are not addictive and are purported to have no side effects. These are more psychological stop smoking programs than physical ones, since the cravings are not addressed but the habit is allowed to continue. It works best for people who are not heavily addicted and just wouldn?t know what to do with their hands if they weren?t holding a cigarette. Herbal cures also work to calm the mind and relax the body. Lobelia or Indian tobacco and mimosa are popular.

You can learn how to give up smoking with our Free 5 day Stop Smoking Tips course, which you can find at

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