Chantix: The New Quit Smoking Aid that Makes You Dislike the Effects of Nicotine
What is the most painful quit smoking challenge? Of course an honest answer to this would be controlling the uncontrollable CRAVINGS. Would you quit smoking if you come to know that you can easily handle those cravings? I guess your answer will be a ?Yes?, because you know somewhere deep inside your heart that your smoking habit can only yield you bad health conditions and take you closer to death. Every smoker, in some point of life, tries to get rid of his smoking habit, but we all know, it is a task, easier said than done. Blame it on nicotine and its effects on brain.
The kick of nicotine gives you a thrilling pleasure making you a slave, and this is the reason behind your addiction to smoking. Just like any drug addict, you keep on increasing the number of cigarettes to get the same level of pleasure. Your will power has to be very strong if you decide to bid this addiction good bye. But, fighting with the cravings and withdrawal is indeed not a matter of joke. After all, who likes coming closer to a diseased life and painful death with every fag of tobacco?
What if you stop enjoying the nicotine kick after kissing your beloved Cigarette? Does that sound impossible? Do you think nicotine can never cheat you on drawing the momentary pleasure from it? It will definitely cheat if you seek Chantix medication. Varenicline, the main ingredient of Chantix is a component that has the capacity to influence the brain receptor cells and give you similar pleasure like nicotine. Chantix competes with the amount of pleasure you get from nicotine, by getting attached to the a4?2 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors with high intensity. As a result you do not feel like smoking and get over your withdrawal very soon.
The Food and Drug Administration of America approved Chantix as a smoking cessation medicine on 11 May, 2006 for its notable potential to help smokers in quitting smoke. Hitting the nicotine kick is hitting the bull?s eye! If you do not enjoy smoking why will you smoke then? Obviously the thrilling kick was the sole reason for being in love with cigarette for so many years. If that feel-good factor is no more there, then I bet you will cheat on your steady relationship with tobacco. Right isn?t it?
Smokers! Tighten your belts and stand up! It is time to put your shattered will-power together and try hard with new enthusiasm. Chantix is there for you to save you from your smoking cravings and withdrawal effects. Come on and join a smoke free world! We, the non-smoking people are waiting for you this side!
The author, Monalisa Hyden, addresses psychological and health related issues. If you wish to help yourself and your loved ones in quit smoking, you can log on to for more information and advice.
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