Quit Smoking - Try Acupuncture Instead
Over the past few years it has been found that as a good alternative way of helping people who wish to stop smoking. The treatment is carried out by the insertion of needles to various specific points on the patient?s body, including a few points around the outer ear. The way the treatment works is that it is supposed to help reduce the cravings a person feels for a cigarette and to help those who are already on their way to quitting smoking. During the first years when the use of acupuncture was being used for helping people to quit smoking it became quite popular and certainly had a large number of followers who began to recommend it to others.
The main reason for so many people using this method is that is not invasive and is an ideal option for many people who can not or will not take medicines. However, over the last couple of years the use of acupuncture for helping people to quit smoking has significantly been reduced.
There are usually a number of reasons for this occurring and one of the reasons is that the number of people who actually stopped smoking whilst having acupuncture treatment was very minor and it certainly indicated that may be acupuncture is not the best choice for people who really want to quit smoking. Also there have been a number of other solutions that have been introduced such as laser treatment and shot treatment.
However, to conclude it is quite clear that acupuncture has a place as an alternative treatment in stopping smoking and a number of people have reported that they are getting good results using this form of treatment. But if you really want to quit smoking, then there are other alternatives available.
Kerris Samson a work from home mum now residing in Spain and who has spent a vast amount of researching the different ways in which acupuncture can help in place of conventional western medicine when treating various forms of illness and ailments and also for use to relieve pain. Please visit http://www.oneohone.info/acupuncture if you would like to learn more.
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