Instantly Quit Smoking

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Quit Smoking Now

Nicotine addiction is a reality for hundreds of thousands of people the world over. There are numerous `stop smoking' programs to help the smoker to stop successfully in a reasonable amount of time, and offer support and advice when it gets tough. Of course, it is much easier to start smoking than to stop once you are throughly addicted, as the body becomes used to the inflow of nicotine and ceases to make the substance itself.

Much as overweight people try many diets in the hope of finding the magic bullet, many smokers quit more than once before they are finally able to stop for good. They try different `stop smoking'; programs until they find one that works for them. Success depends heavily on how long the person has been smoking and how motivated they are to quit.

Smoking is now proven to cause chronic or deadly illnesses, such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or even lung cancer. You would think that diagnosis of one of these conditions would motivate people to quit immediately `cold turkey', but sometimes it just isn't enough. Smoking is so highly addictive that people feel compelled to feed their nicotine addiction before they address their medical issues.

For those who really want to give up smoking, there are quite a few stop smoking programs available. A health care professional should be consulted first for advice regarding which `stop smoking' program, or combination thereof, would be most beneficial. If you are a smoker who has enough motivation and support from family and friends to do it on your own, then nicotine gum, patches, or pills could be tried first. Many people choose to join `stop smoking' programs such as Nicotine Anonymous, which is based on the traditional 12-step philosophy pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. There is also private and group counseling available to people who need more intensive support. A number of online `stop smoking' program options are also available consisting of therapy and support forums, herbal supplements, pills, and other potions. Be sure to research these `stop smoking' programs well before you spend a ton of money on something that just isn't going to work for you.

Whatever `stop smoking' program you choose is only as effective as your desire to quit. Without motivation to change your habits and lifestyle, your efforts will be for nothing. Plan a `stop smoking' program in advance. Plan how you are going to deal with temptation in social settings and times of stress, since this is probably when you have the greatest desire to smoke. Pick a date when you are going to stop - maybe when you are on vacation and things are less stressful - and get your support system in place.

As it's especially difficult to stop if those around you are still smoking, you should see if you can persuade those around you to stop too. And you should have a thorough clear-out of all the things that remind you about the pleasures of smoking. Keep thinking of all the advantages: no more smelly house, no more having to go outside for a smoke because smoking is banned in your office or home, no more people turning away from you because, frankly, to a non-smoker you stink!

A `stop smoking' program can be very successful if it is planned and stuck to by the person who wants to quit. Mind over matter, right? Next time go for a brisk walk or call a friend instead of lighting up, your lungs will thank you.

And there's one more thing that no would-be ex-smoker should forget. Most smokers, especially those who find it hard to quit, smoke for a reason. Perhaps it's good to have something to hold in social situations to save you feeling awkward with your hands. Or it could be a comfort feeling - we all learn from birth that having something in your mouth is very soothing! So when a smoker quits, there's always a temptation to put something else in its place. It's no accident that many ex-smokers put on weight in the months after they quit, or start to drink more alcohol.

For more ideas on how to stay an ex-smoker without becoming hooked on something else, read Kris Kerr's book '101 Tips for Fighting Addiction' at

Kathy Lang of Cape Spear Press has published nine books and hundreds of articles on a wide variety of topics. She writes mainly about the health problems that worsen as we get older, and those that most affect families, from the elderly to their grandchildren. Seeing friends and families torn apart by addiction made her keen to help with those problems. Read 101 Tips for Fighting Addiction at and see for lots more good stuff on health.

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