Instantly Quit Smoking

Monday, March 3, 2008

Quit Smoking? Get Started the Right Way!

Finally, you gather your will power and motivation and say: ?I will quit smoking?. This is not always a preparation enough for fruitful results; I mean your smoking cessation success. Preparation or a proper planning is very important when you think of getting rid of cigarettes, because you need to be prepared for the crisis situation like handling nicotine withdrawal symptoms, nicotine cravings and dealing with situations where you are asked to take a fag.

Evaluate if you are prepared to handle such situations? No? Okay? Not that there is nothing to be done, of course there are a lot of ways of getting prepared.


1st Step:

Identify the triggers?

Some feelings, places, situations and things turn the need for a cigarette on. You need to identify those triggers and plan beforehand, what will you do to save yourself in these situations?

  1. Drinking coffee, wine, or beer
  2. Talking on the phone
  3. Driving
  4. Being with other smokers
  5. Stress at work
  6. Getting bored

These are the common situations in which you do feel like lighting up your ciggy! Do you have anything on your mind to control such situations? See if the following tips help you?

  • Prefer places where smoking is not allowed.
  • Keep your fingers busy by holding a pencil or paper clip, carry a water bottle, or find out your own ways to keep your hands busy.
  • Spend time with non-smoking friends and avoid smokers.
  • Chew sugar free gum, snack or a carrot or celery stick. Keep your mouth and hands busy at the same time with a sugar free lollipop, toothpick or straw.
  • Lessen your alcohol intake or if possible, stay away from alcohol. Drinking alcohol often accompanies a want of smoke. Prefer juice, soda, or ice water instead.
  • Remember: Cravings usually last only for a very brief period of time. Try to wait for at least five minutes and see it go away.

2nd Step:

Choose a quit date?

Now that you know what to do in crisis, it is the time to decide a day on which you would like to quit smoke. Pick a date at least after two weeks for quitting smoke so that you have enough time to get ready. But do not take long as you might lose your drive to quit. Think about choosing a special day, it may be your birthday or wedding anniversary, New Year's Day, Independence Day (July 4), World No Tobacco Day (May 31), or The Great American Smoke out (this year it takes place on 16th of November)


3rd Step:

Get ready?.

Make sure you get ready after setting the quit date. You can do this by telling your family, friends and co-workers that you plan to quit. Plan for the challenges you'll face while quitting and remove cigarettes and other tobacco products from your home, car, and work. Talk to your doctor about getting help, he may prescribe you medicine like Chantix which helps to dislike the nicotine kick and controls your cravings.

Now you are more than prepared for a successful smoking cessation for life. Don?t you think 16th November (The great American smoke out day) is a special day for you to follow your plan with full enthusiasm? You will soon find yourself out of the claws of tobacco smoke?till then ?keep the faith!

The author, Monalisa Hyden, addresses psychological and health related issues. If you wish to help yourself and your loved ones in quit smoking, you can log on to for more information and advice.

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