Want to Quit Smoking? Get a Game Plan
It's a fact that most smokers want to quit. That's not surprising as smoking cigarettes causes problems ranging from bad breath to cancer. Many smokers try to quit but most fail on their first attempt. Why's that? Well, cigarette addiction is a complex beast working on many levels - physical, mental and social. To conquer such a many-headed monster, you need a strategy to carry you through the phases of preparing to quit, quitting and staying smoke-free. Here's a game plan that works.
First, you resolve to quit smoking. Congratulations, this is the essential first step. Unfortunately, many smokers never get beyond it. You have to start on your game plan now. Pick a date a week or two in the future. Try to choose a relatively low-stress day. Now before then you've got some work to do. First, sit down with a pen and paper and jot down all the reasons you want to quit. Spend some time on this. Think about the money you'll save, the way you'll smell better, the feeling of freedom, as well as the myriad health benefits. You won't be short of reasons. Pour is all out. Keep this list handy and review it every day starting when you wake up. Have it at hand as you light up and read through as you puff away. Announce your plan to family and friends too. Their support will be invaluable.
Next you need to prepare some weapons to carry you through the first few smoke-free days. Do some research and choose some techniques you think will work for you. Some people go for deep breathing exercises and visualization, others for an acupuncture stud in the ear. Still others find chewing ginger or cloves effective. There are many ways to choose from. Find what suits you. The idea is to get together a grab bag of tactics to call on during the stressful days when you're giving up the habit. You also need to bone up on what you can expect during these days - the cravings and feelings of emptiness. To be forewarned is to be forearmed against the monster.
The big day arrives. When you wake up, read through your list of reasons to quit. You should know them well by now. Go through them and really feel them. Internalize them and make them your own. This works well with visualization techniques.
Cravings are strongest on the first day and it's essential to reassure yourself that they will stop. Make yourself understand that giving in and taking a puff will just be prolonging the agony. The cravings are the ravings of the many-headed nicotine hydra being deprived its prey. Don't give in. Use all the methods in your grab bag. Drink water and herbal teas, and eat fruit to help detoxify the body. It will get easier.
Keep telling yourself that after 24 smoke-free hours all the carbon monoxide is eliminated from your bloodstream and your lungs finally have the chance to expel the mucus that's been building up over the years. Your breathing becomes easier. Your circulation gradually improves. Feel your body revitalizing itself. Rejoice as you begin to smell and taste again. You have a lot to celebrate. Your first smoke-free day since you took up the habit is a milestone indeed.
Handle the next days in the same way and be ever vigilant for the tricks of the monster. Read your list, remember your triggers, and keep on celebrating your new freedom. You have more money to spend now.
The cravings can last for up to three weeks but if you're well-prepared, you'll beat them easily. Start every day by reading your list, breath deeply, and give thanks for your freedom. Soon the years of smoking will seem like a bad dream.
If you follow this advice, you can rid yourself of the worst habit that human beings can legally engage in. Welcome to a new world of freedom.
Lloyd Morgan is a writer on health matters and reformed smoker. He recommends Quit Smoking Right Now. See http://smokefree.ampawan.com.
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