You Don't Have to Gain Weight When You Quit Smoking!
"Weight gain isn't a necessary side effect to quitting smoking."
As with depression, the effects of quitting nicotine can be devastating on your waistline and your self-esteem. We smoke under the illusion that it keeps the weight off, when in fact, in over 89% of overweight smokers, the opposite is true. Those who smoke, usually are not concerned about their health in general. People who want to give up smoking in a healthy and more focused manner, are generally more successful than quitters who do not change their lifestyles overall. It takes a change in attitude to accomplish so important an undertaking. Being afraid of weight gain during smoking cessation will only serve to cause more stress.
The following tips may help you on that road to freedom from tobacco use AND the potential weight gain during your quit.
- stock up on hard candies. These help to keep you from eating everything in sight as you wean yourself from cigarettes.
- drink an excessive amount of water. This will serve the twofold purpose of not only helping to wash nicotine from your system more quickly, but also help you to feel more full more of the time.
- make the conscious choice to eat more healthy foods as you take this enormous step into a more healthy future, by quitting tobacco. Eat more raw foods, more lean meats and reduce the amount of grain and sugar in your diet. These can enhance the feeling of anxiety and cravings.
Use this opportunity to gain overall better health. If you don't take control, who will?
JLee Davis has been writing for over 35 years and is published in many formats including in-print books, print articles, online publications and poetry and erotica collections. Her new age writing covers a wide variety of topics from witchcraft and paganism, to the Tarot and Metaphysics.
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