Instantly Quit Smoking

Friday, March 28, 2008

Quitting Cigarette Smoking or Any Addiction-How Much Do Your Habits, Beliefs and Self-Image Hurt?

Just how powerfully are your habits and beliefs and self image hurting your chances to quit smoking? How much do they control our addictions? How can we use their power to replace our self-hurtful addictions with empowering addictions. Whether your addiction is cigarette smoking, or gambling, or wasting your life away watching tv.

After failing to quit smoking miserably at least a dozen times - being sucked back into that destructive habit - addiction - time and time again - going through the agony, the cravings, the anger, over and over - how was I able to turn off my smoking addiction like a light switch? From being totally locked to my cigarette smoking addiction to being totally and completely free of it? Like it never happened?

What could do that?

Since the quit smoking program I used, dealt directly with habits, beliefs and self-image, it begs the question, ?just how much do habits, beliefs and self-image control our addictions?" Perhaps more importantly "how can we get them moving us in the direction we truly want to go"?

One self-improvement author I've studied, Anthony Robbins, has overwhelming examples graphically showing us this power of belief, in his books Unlimited Power and Awaken the Giant Within.

Could there be enough power in belief to actually affect something a certain as arthritis? In Unlimited Power, Robbins recalls the experience Norman Cousins had when visiting the great musician, Pablo Casals.

At this time Casals had arthritis ?so debilitating that he needed help dressing?, as well as having emphysema. In fact, Casals had to struggle to get to and arrange himself on his piano bench, his hands swollen and fingers clenched.

But when he began to play, Cousins described Casals amazing transformation. ?The fingers slowly unlocked?his back straightened?he seemed to breath more freely.? ??his body was no longer stiff and shrunken but supple and graceful and completely freed?? Such was the belief that Casals had in the renewing power of ?music?.

What about the chemical balance in your body? Can belief alone actually make measurable changes? Robbins notes the case of a women with a split personality. In one personality she had normal blood sugar levels. But in her other personality, where she believed herself to be diabetic, ?her whole physiology changed to that of a diabetic?.

What about the affects of pharmaceutical drugs? How much is their affect on us decided by our "beliefs"?

There's an answer to this in a study of two groups of people with bleeding ulcers, Robbins refer's to. One group was told they were getting a drug that ?absolutely produced relief?. The other group was told their drug was experimental, and the results were uncertain. The outcome?

?70% of the first group experienced significant relief from their ulcers?, while only 25% of the second group had similar results?.

But wait! Here's the truly amazing part - all the participants of the test, both groups, ?received a drug with no medicinal properties at all?. The only difference was their beliefs! Take a minute to let that sink in.

In Awaken The Giant Within, Robbins recalls an experiment with 100 medical students supposedly testing two new drugs.

One group was given a pill they were told was a super-stimulant. The other group was told they were given a pill that was a super-tranquilizer. They were actually given the opposite of what they were told they had.

Fully half the students had physical responses exactly as they expected - what they "believed" would happen! Exactly the opposite of what their bodies should have experienced!

What they believed was more powerful than the chemicals in their systems!

Robbins also refers to Dr. Bernie Siegel, a Yale professor and best selling author; and research he?d done with multiple personality disorder patients. Dr. Siegel's studies document things like a patients eye color changing as their personality changed, physical marks disappearing and reappearing, diabetes or high blood pressure coming and going depending on the patients beliefs about which personality is occurring.

So there are many, many examples of a tremendous power in belief.

It looks like maybe the best, most effective way to quit smoking is to get your beliefs, your habits and your self image working for your goal to get rid of your smoking addiction. To help perhaps with any addiction.

And here's maybe the most important point of this whole discussion - since this is something "in you" - a part of you - you can take direct control!

Imagine - "you in control"! Learn how to manipulate your beliefs and self-image and you can exercise great control over your habits and your addictions! Perhaps beyond your wildest dreams!

Joseph Casey developed a powerful system "The Breakthrough System for Becoming a Non-Smoker" and "The Secret Silent Litany" - putting you in control of your belief's, self-image and smoking habit so now you can feel like a "life-time non-smoker"!

After failing to quit smoking over a dozen times he discovered 4 powerful mind-sets and a unique delivery system, that destroys your smoking habit - resets your beliefs about smoking and corrects your self-image about you as a smoker instantly!

To find out more click here

Feel like a smoker who quit or like a lifetime non-smoker? Click here and see how using beliefs as an easy way to quit smoking can make the difference. Or click here for other ways to quit smoking.

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