Instantly Quit Smoking

Friday, May 30, 2008

What Are The Side Effects Of Quitting Smoking?

Another name for side effects of stopping smoking is withdrawal symptoms. And then there are side effects from the stop smoking aids depending on the individual and their addictions, which are used while trying to lessen the withdrawal symptoms. Fortunately, there are very few stop smoking side effects.

In fact, smokers who give up smoking become healthier while living longer as compared to those who fail to do so. They only have to battle a brief period when they give up smoking -- the period when the withdrawal symptoms are most prominent, a time when they feel anxious, irritable, confused and depressed. They may also suffer from a slower heartbeat, increased appetite, and weight gain. However, all these can be controlled through proper counseling and exercises.

The reason for the withdrawal is the body demanding for its supply of nicotine. When going cold turkey, this period can range from 72 hours to two weeks of intenseness and pain, with the amount depending on the smoker and their addiction. The nicotine replacement therapy is especially useful in reducing the side effects as it feeds this hunger for nicotine.

The patient can use nicotine gum, nicotine inhaler, or nicotine patches to release small quantities of nicotine in the bloodstream to lesson the urge to smoke. Because the body is given this drug, it lowers depression and improves well being. They can also use alternative therapies like Tai Chi, Qi Gong, or Yoga to relieve stress and make life without cigarettes more bearable. Another possibility is the use of laser therapy that releases endorphins in the blood stream, making an individual feels better.

The 60% smokers who are most prone to side effects are those who suffer from depression, who usually are requiring extensive counseling and support from family members and friends. Many of them are put on Zyban, an FDA-approved drug that helps to reduce the urge to smoke and is also beneficial for treating depression among those who quit.

Known by the name Bupropion, it desensitizes the brain's nicotine receptors, with seizures as its main side effects in less than one in 1,000. Other side effects, such as insomnia, dry mouth, and headaches are usually more common. Another side effect of quitting smoking is weight gain, usually putting on 5 to 8 pounds of weight, which should not be considered a dangerous side effect.

You should remember that smoking is much more injurious to health than gaining weight, which is controllable through exercise, dieting or Yoga. But you can't undo the damage caused by smoking to your health. Your first priority therefore must be to give up smoking as you will feel better, healthier and more energetic in the long run.

Check out for more articles on nicorette gum and smoking.

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Quit Smoking Ways

Make a fresh start to life with this Quit Smoking Way. No matter how many times you've tried to stop smoking, over how many years, or what products and methods have failed, you're about to end your cravings forever - even if you've been a heavy smoker.

How can I be so sure?

94% of everyone who has taken this program has quit in one hour, without cravings, without ever wanting to smoke again. 94%!

And when I say "no cravings," I mean you won't crave smoking, you won't feel struggle, you won't crave food and gain weight, you won't feel nervous or fidgety. You just plain will feel good, and you will not fail (again)!

I know of no other plan, program, or product that has that track record. Now this program offers an 8 week moneyback guarantee, now thats a great guarantee concidering that you can stop smoking with this program in 1 hour.Following all the steps and information provided you WILL quit smoking no doubt about it. Click on the link and discover for yourself this fresh new way to quit smoking NOW!!

Determined Internet markerter for 2 years and always interested in helping others

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Smoking Cessation Program to Quit Smoking: Is It The Only Way To Get Rid Of Smoking Addiction?

Before I begin to elaborate on the topic, I would like to know your views on the results of a survey that became apparent recently. According to a survey released recently by the National Business Group on Health, the employers in US who offer quit smoking programs to the workers consist a meager 4% of the total heads of organizations stationed there in spite of the rising healthcare costs of the employees and the productivity loss of nine weeks due to the abstinence of the employees from work. The survey concluded that due to the employers` apathy towards providing help to the employees in getting rid of the habit of smoking, the workers in US had not been able to quit smoking.

Well, the statistical facts derived from the study cannot be challenged and also the fact that the employers in the US are showing lax attention towards their employees` rising healthcare costs. But don?t you think that quitting smoking isn?t a possibility until and unless the addicted himself puts all his efforts into getting rid of cigarette addiction? Failures are usual and they accost you while you try to pave your way out of smoking addiction and only when you are able to find out the reason behind your failures to quit smoking you would be able to adopt an effective counter measure and rescue yourself from the quandary.

Your attempts to induce smoking cessation by solo has been impossible for the simple reason that nicotine found in cigarettes and other tobacco containing substances, on entering the body releases neurotransmitters such as beta-endorphin that enlighten the mood and provide a specific kind of pleasure feeling which further makes the user addictive to nicotine. When nicotine dependence far outweighs your capability to get rid of the harmful substance then your cravings for the puff of the daily cigarette increases and you become a chain smoker.

At times when you become tremendously addicted to cigarette smoking and unable to overcome it, the incorporation of an anti-smoking drug in your schedule becomes a necessity. Prescription drugs approved by the FDA are the best medicines to get rid of smoking addiction on these occasions and so you should opt for Chantix, a prominent one among the anti-smoking drugs available in the market.

But even after the administration of Chantix, you would no be able to achieve any fruitful result if you don?t follow proper medical instructions while taking the pills of Chantix. Even though you are aware that this anti-smoking medication is available in 0.5 mg (white) and 1 mg (blue) tablets, the supervision of a doctor throughout your Chantix schedule is a necessity without which there is no chance to escape from the harmful effects of nicotine.

Finally the personal effort you put in to quit smoking can only guarantee you a sound health and as such if you have become addicted to smoking you should hold a detailed discussion with your doctor and take the anti-smoking medicine he prescribes to you at the earliest.

The author addresses issues on the causes of smoking, its consequences and the quit smoking medication Chantix. For more tidbits on these subjects, visit the website

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Quit Smoking Action Plan - Begin With The End In Mind

Counselors and therapists suggest that the best way to quit smoking is to have a stop smoking plan. It becomes your roadmap, a guide to give up smoking, when things get rough. However, the success of the plan depends on your will and determination, and they will keep you from smoking down the road. The best-laid plans go wrong because the smoker cannot give up the urge for that one last cigarette after quitting, which always leads to another one.

The first step in the stop smoking plan is to decide an actual date that you are going to take your last cigarette. The stop date can be any date - a week from now, a month from now or even three months from now. However, for your resolution to work it should be as early as possible. The next stage is the most difficult as it deals with withdrawal symptoms like mood changes, depression, irritability, emotional distress, etc. If you don't think you will have any, you are totally underestimating the power of the nicotine, as you will go through actual pain withdrawals, similar to drug withdrawals. A nicotine replacement therapy is the best option to fight withdrawal symptoms as under this therapy, you can trade your cigarette for a nicotine patch or gum. This ensures a minimum amount of nicotine in your body even though you are not smoking. The treatment usually spans a period of six months or more for complete withdrawal. The last step is called maintenance or not smoking or using an aid at all - the nicotine will be gone permanently from your system. By avoiding places and people where smoking is common, you will be more apt to succeed on this level. It is important to constantly remind yourself the reasons for quitting.

A common method adopted by most people is to smoke as normal until the day they actually quit, and then cold turkey all at once. This is a hard way, and most people do not have the incentive to do it successfully, as you need a very strong willpower to successfully succeed at stop smoking. A lot has to do with how addicted a person actually is to the nicotine. A better way and easier on the body is to gradually reduce your nicotine intake, so that your cigarette consumption is down to the minimum by the time you the actual day designated to quit. There will always a danger of going back to cigarettes and to avoid this, a person can attend counseling sessions or become an active member of support programs. You can also seek the support of friends and family members to avoid a rebound. Another good way to suppress the urge is to take up a new hobby that keeps you busy. If a relapse occurs do not be discouraged. You can try again.

Check out for more articles on nicorette gum and stop smoking products.

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Chinese Acupuncture May Help to Quit Smoking

We have all heard of acupuncture I am sure. Originating in an ancient China it is a method of effective pain relief and also a medical treatment; surprisingly at it might seem it is in fact over 3,000 years old. For something to be around this long there must be something to it.

In the performing of acupuncture it is shown that this method of pain relief utilizes extremely fine, disposable needles, which once injected activate certain pressure points to achieve the desired relief effect. Not to be dismissed as a method to help curb or stop smoking as part of the reason people seek acupuncture for this is to relax while the body works after stimulation by the needles to produce certain chemicals and eventually to flush out the build up of harmful toxins in the body. It is these chemicals that the body creates that can give the smoker the same euphoric feeling they normally get from smoking. The Basic Procedure As a guide, the use of acupuncture to quit smoking as a therapy means it is given over four or more sessions all of which are usually a few days apart. Typically in each session, the patient will have the acupuncture needles placed into the skin of the hands, forearms and ears at strategic locations commonly from an acupuncture chart. At the insertion point patients sometimes feel a dull ache or slight pain; the pain is said to last only seconds if any pain is experienced at all. Once placed these needles are left usually motionless for about thirty minutes, sometimes up to an hour. A big advantage of the use of the acupuncture to quit smoking therapy is said that it can be so relaxing it is not unusual for many of the patients using this treatment to have fallen asleep during the process. One important point to remember when choosing a holistic healer to perform the acupuncture to quit smoking treatment is to choose a reputable company. Commonly performed by most and before you find yourself scheduling an appointment, ask for a tour of the facility. You should ensure for yourself that proper sanitation methods are being carried out, and at the same time review their company policies concerning any follow up care that may be required. Other than just the the therapy itself, you may find that some holistic healers will also offer herbal remedies as part of the treatment to help deal with stress, mood and general wellness. While these herbs are thought to keep the smoker motivated to quit smoking it is also important to consult a regular doctor to ensure any herbs and the acupuncture is a safe procedure for you to undergo. Your doctor is best to advise you of this especially if it is your family doctor who knows your history. Does Acupuncture Actually Work Though? As we tend to base all medical evidence on western medicine there is no such medical evidence to suggest that acupuncture works; however there are many individuals who claim to have great success with acupuncture in their goal to quit smoking. Although it is not officially recognized by the western medical community as an effective therapy to treat, aid, or cure any condition.

It is not difficult to see that there are many people who use acupuncture for a wide array of ailments from migraine headaches to weight loss and are very happy with the results testimonied by their return for more treatment. What actually makes the difference when deciding how likely it is that acupuncture to quit smoking will work for anyone boils down to how committed the person is. It can be found that in nearly all reported successes stories the people who were seriously committed to quit smoking, most of whom had tried other methods without any success, were the ones that have actually been able to quit. A general sugestion for long term success, that is recommended, is that people who choose to use acupuncture to quit smoking should continue to use the suggested herbal medications until any withdrawal symptoms cease. This is not by any means a quick stop smoking technique but is very effective for some.

For more informationFast Quit SmokingNutrition The Fountain Of YouthQuit and Improve Your HealthCopyright, All Rights Reserved. Reprints acceptable ONLY if the entire article remains the same, including this author resource box!

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Quitting Smoking - Withdrawal Blues and How to Handle Them

One of the main obstacles to quitting smoking is the dread of uncomfortable symptoms caused by the body's withdrawal from nicotine. Just the thought of it can bring many smokers out in a sweat and make them quickly shelve their decision to quit. There's no denying these feelings are real. But most peak after 48 hours. And the way you deal with them is crucial to your success in quitting.

The first feeling smokers experience is one of loss. It's an unpleasant sensation of emptiness with the painful undertone that you are being deprived of something. Just remember what you're being deprived of is nicotine, a toxic addictive drug that has kept you enslaved since you first drew it into your lungs. Activity works well here. As part of your quit-smoking game plan you should set up a routine preferably involving some physical activity. Once you get involved in some sport or exercise, thoughts of smoking will fade.

Then there's the famous feeling of irritability that make a ex-smoker so difficult to be around. You feel miserable and tense because you're body is craving its habitual fix of nicotine. Much of what you're experiencing results from your nervous system returning to normal after years of nicotine-driven stimulation. It normally last for up to two weeks. Again draw on your grab-bag of tricks - take deep breaths, walks, practice relaxation techniques, eat fruit...whatever works for you.

Finally and perhaps worst of all there's the feeling that a cigarette is the most important thing in the world. Nothing else exists that can replace it. You try all the substitutes - eating, drinking juice, gum, everything. But nothing comes close. And you feel that without cigarettes, you'll never be able to enjoy yourself again. All you can do here is breath deeply, visualize the clean you, and reassure yourself that this feeling will pass. It will in a few minutes. It will come back but each time it will be weaker and weaker until one day you realize with joy that it's gone.

In reality the withdrawal blues are never as bad as people fear. What's more they don't last long, a month at most. And if your quit-smoking game plan is in place, you'll handle them easily. So don't delay. Make the decision to quit now. Set a date and prepare. It's not as hard as you think.

For more tips to quit smoking click here:

Lloyd Morgan is a writer on health matters and a reformed smoker.

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Stop Smoking Herbs - Have You Tried Natural Herbs To Quit Smoking?

To stop smoking is hard, and most smokers cannot quit - and if they do - it is only for a short time. More and more people are getting into the natural way of doing things anymore, and using herbs to stop smoking is a very popular method for smokers today. Those who have been able to quit smoking with using herbs as a preventive, swear by them as a successful aid. They help in combating the withdrawal symptoms that every smoker faces when he tries to give up smoking. Among other things, the herbal cures lead to positive mood swings and reduce the urge to light another cigarette.

One of the natural substances that can be used by people when they want to quit smoking is Lobelia, or Indian tobacco, an old and controversial herb that has recently become popular to smokers who want to quit the habit and cannot. Used for centuries as an expectorant that cleans the lungs, it was used for asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, or pleurisy. Many uses are connected with Lobelia - relaxants, antispasmodics, diaphoretics, reducing inflammations and pain, poultices, hyperactivity, easing muscle tension or convulsions - which go back in history until its recent popularity today. Many believe it makes the taste of regular tobacco "repulsive" while other naturalists use it to clam the nerves and relax the body muscles, easing mild depression. Lately, current evidence suggests the herb Lobelia can produce similar effects on the human body as nicotine, yet is not addictive and helps eliminate the desire to smoke. There is trouble when it is overused, such as vomiting, drowsiness, weak pulse, and respiratory failure.

Another herb is the Mimosa tea ("mimosa hostilis"), a perennial evergreen shrub that is native to northeastern Brazil and also found in southern Mexico. The root bark is the choice part of the plant, traditionally used in the preparation of a psychoactive sacramental beverage. Giving up smoking may make you feel anxious, or give you a headache but a strong cup of Mimosa tea can boost your mood and help you calm down. It is not addictive and is recommended for use instead of anti-depressant medicines. Similarly, the traditional Chinese CaoSu herb diminishes the desire to smoke.

Smoking non-tobacco cigarettes look like regular cigarettes and are available in many flavors like burnt sienna and menthol. They offer the same sensation while smoking as regular cigarettes but are healthier because they don't contain nicotine or tar. However, you must consult your doctor before taking these or any herbal medicines, because many of them may contain substances similar to drugs. You must also eat lots of raw or lightly steamed fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking lots of water, fruit juice, herbal tea, etc, to flush out the nicotine. Try taking hot baths, whirlpool baths, and saunas. These make you feel better, and reduce the urge to smoke. Another way to fight the craving for nicotine is to chew on a large flavored toothpick, or squirt juice into your mouth. Similarly, drinking herbal tea, which is made from five different herbs, can help you to fight the urge to smoke.

Check out for more articles on side affects Of zyban and nicotine patch.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Quit Smoking Hypnosis Seminars - What Does Hypnosis Have To Do With Quitting Smoking?

In a hypnotic procedure to change a habit or a behavior, more emphasis is laid on the psychological healing of a person rather then physical. The hypnotherapist will talk about the benefits of not smoking during the time you are in a state of trance, and you will appear to not be aware of what is being said. When you come out of the trance, your mind will be conditioned to want to stay away from cigarettes totally. There will be no withdrawal symptoms experienced by a person.

The stop smoking hypnosis seminars are an attractive option for smokers who do not want to go for nicotine replacement therapy or use other aids to quit smoking, or they have tried any number of them and have found it unsuccessful. These seminars are held in virtually all major American cities and you can register by paying a nominal fee. Group seminars are usually held in the form of a single session and run for a maximum of 2 hours - open sessions for all - and usually with a decent success rate. If one session doesn't work, you can undergo a re-consultation. The first forty minutes is an informative session where a practiced and a trained hypnotherapist speak on the benefits of the hypnosis program. There might be instances when a smoker who has actually quit smoking with the help of the hypnosis program may also share his experiences, with the actual procedure beginning after the briefing.

There are chances that the group hypnosis seminar may not produce the desired results for some of you, and this may happen to anyone. This is because the degree of hypnosis required for placing people in a trance usually varies from individual to individual, and the motivating factor for quitting also varies. If you have a tendency to be distracted by small noises or cannot hold your attention, then group hypnosis is not for you. A better option in these cases would be to go for a one-on-one hypnotic procedure. Also, you need to check the background of the hypnotherapist before registering for a seminar. There are some hypnotists who are very good at their work but there are some who are average. You need to find the ones who does what they say, and doesn't use a gimmick to win you over.

Check out for more articles on Nicotine Gum and quitting smoking.

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Quit Smoking Injection - All You Need To Know About The Injection to Stop Smoking!

Today there are 5 million tobacco-related deaths per year, with 1.3 billion people who smoke, and tobacco is the leading cause of death that can be preventable according to the World Health Organization. A thing that used to considered "cool", such as the Marlboro billboards across the country, is now on the tip list of killers.

To combat this, the stop smoking injection, or the stop smoking vaccine, is one of the most successful and aggressive stop smoking aids with a 70-80% success rate of all the available smoking aids. A medical therapy, this type of aid takes place in a medical clinic under experienced physicians with supervision. Counseling and group therapy also work well to combine with the injection aid for smokers who are struggling to successfully quit.

Three injections of Scopolamine or Atropine behind the ears, on the hip, or on the arms, will block the nicotine receptors in the brain. As a part of the treatment, the patient is required to wear a scopolamine patch behind his ear and take atropine tablets for two weeks after getting the shot. The brain will not recognize that it needs nicotine so the nicotine addiction will eventually vanish - as an antismoking aid, these injection chemicals act on the nicotine "sensitive" areas of the brain and reduces the craving for a smoke. A single session may last from an hour to an hour and a half and costs approximately 350-500 dollars, but it usually is covered by health insurance policies.

The drugs involved with the stop smoking injections are medically classified as anti-cholinergics and are mainly used in helping to control neural activity in the brain. They have been extensively used previously in the medical field in the form of anesthetics during surgery or as a temporary means of curing Parkinson's disease. The most common side effects associated with these anti-smoking injections are dizziness, dry mouth, headaches, and problems in urinating which happens soon after the injection is given, if it happens at all.

Long-term effects include hallucination, strokes, and heart attacks. However, these are rare, and are usually observed only in those smokers who are subjected to high dosages. In extreme cases, the person can also end up in coma. A smoker needs to undergo a complete medical check up before treatment. However, this treatment should be avoided for pregnant women or those who suffer from cardiac disorders. People who are using other narcotics also should avoid the anti-smoking injections also. If nothing else is working for you, you should try the injections for quitting smoking before going back to smoking, as your health is very important.

Check out for more articles on side effects of Zyban and nictine patch abuse.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Stop Smoking Hypnosis - How To Quit Smoking Through Hypnosis?

Smoking is a physical craving for nicotine - and to stop smoking means you need to deal with the problem as a psychological issue. Any hypnosis sessions to quit smoking involve suggestions, positive affirmations, and hypnotherapy techniques to help you give up smoking as they put you into an altered state where you are much more susceptible to suggestions. The positive thoughts are burnt into the smoker's mind during the session that the smoker has with the hypnotherapist. A sense of disconnection from your present surroundings is a hypnotic trance, if you feel that you are awake and alert. People are said to be in a sense of increased attentiveness, and things can take root more easily - such as the suggestions to stop smoking.

A smoker who visits a hypnotherapist is advised to look into the future - into a situation where there is no cigarette is his hand. The smoker is encouraged to think positively and is made to believe that he can give up smoking. He is repeatedly told of the benefits that result when the cigarette is stubbed out, until the smoker's mind becomes conditioned to the idea of not smoking. Once this happens, the smoker's subconscious mind spurns the idea of smoking whenever the urge arises. This session may be followed by a few more sessions later on, depending on the progress achieved by the smoker. The smoker is also given a CD that carries stop smoking messages. The entire idea is to reinforce the value of giving up smoking.

The hypnotherapist argues that withdrawal symptoms are caused mainly by conditioned responses. The smoker does not make an honest attempt to give up smoking because he consciously believes that it is very difficult to give up smoking. That is why there is no guilt involved when a smoker fails in his attempt. His mind tells him that it was a difficult proposition, and pats him for at least trying. The hypnotherapist tries to break this mindset by generating new conditioned responses that are positive, and gives the smoker the confidence to give up smoking. A conditioned response may be as simple as pressing the finger with the thumb and holding them together for about half a minute. The smokers are also told to take three deep breaths and drink a glass of water whenever there is an urge to smoke. Invariably, they dilute the smoker's urge to light a new cigarette.

Check out for more articles on quit smoking pill and nicotine.

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Reasons To Quit Smoking: The Top Five Tobacco Killers

Arsenic, cyanide, ammonia, cadmium...They sound like part of the arsenal of some resourceful poisoner. But some people are voluntarily sucking these toxic substances into their bodies 20 times and more every day. Yes, these scary-sounding chemicals are just a few of the 4700 or so noxious components of tobacco smoke. Here's a roundup of five of the most famous.

Arsenic is notorious as the poison of choice for aristocratic murderers in old movies. In real life too, it earned itself the sobriquet "poison of kings, and king of poisons" as a result of popularity among high society wanting to quickly and undetectably remove someone. It lost popularity when a method was found for detecting it in the body. Now it's used as an insecticide. Around five micro grams of arsenic trioxide is inhaled with every cigarette. It takes a lot more to kill you right off but arsenic is carcinogenic at much lower levels.

A close second to arsenic in the famous poison charts is hydrogen cyanide, also known as prussic acid. It's the chemical of choice for use in gas chambers and is used in chemical warfare. It's found in tobacco smoke in concentration of 30-150 nanograms. Exposure to cyanide for even a short time can damage the brain and heart and lead to coma and death. Inhalation of low levels of hydrogen cyanide in the long term causes breathing difficulties, chest pain, vomiting, blood changes, headaches, and thyroid enlargement.

Now for a toxin closer to home. After cleaning your bathroom you've perhaps noticed the pungent acrid smell of ammonia, a prime ingredient of bathroom cleaning agents. Philip Morris began to add ammonia to tobacco in the 1960s to convert nicotine from the bound to free state. This meant that smokers absorbed this 'free base' nicotine more rapidly. A 1997 study revealed that Marlboro contained up to 9.6 per cent free base nicotine.

Another killer you'll probably find in your home is cadmium. It is an ingredient of batteries, paints and pigments. It has been described as a substance having no constructive purpose in the human body. It is however a carcinogen. In addition, it can cause kidney problems. Cadmium is also an agent in respiratory tract infections and the human lung can absorb it efficiently.

The fifth of the deadly poisons we'll discuss here is probably the worst - nicotine itself. Not only is it the prime addictive agent of tobacco but it's one of the most virulent and quick-acting poisons known. Gram for gram it's more deadly than strychnine. The dose absorbed through normal smoking is too low to kill outright. But the volume of nicotine in two cigarettes taken at once would result in death.

These are just a few of the insidious components of tobacco smoke. The full list seems endless - butane, nicotine, carbolic acid, collidine, formic aldehyde, lutidine, parvoline, pyridine, nickel, and lead. And the list is by no means complete.

If you want to stop poisoning your body, there is a way out. Find a way to quit that works for you. It will be the best thing you ever did.

Lloyd Morgan is a writer on health matters and a reformed smoker. For more tips to quit smoking please visit:

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Quit Smoking And Make It A Healthy Start To The New Year

The New Year is around the corner and many of us will be making resolutions. Every year, the top three New Years resolutions are to quit smoking, lose weight and handle finances better. Most smokers will not keep their New Years Resolutions for 2007 to quit smoking. How many times have you put give up smoking on your New Year resolutions list?

I put quit smoking on my New Years Resolution list every year for 10 years. My husband and I had a ritual every New Years Eve. I would smoke my last cigarette just before the clock struck midnight and on the stroke of midnight he would crush any left over cigarettes that I had. However, when I woke up in the morning I had this incredible longing for a cigarette. As the day progressed I got more and more bad tempered because I could not light up one of those little white sticks that had taken over my life. After a few days I gave in to temptation and bought some more cigarettes. And boy, did it feel good. Does it sound familiar?

But then, I caught my little boy with one of my cigarettes. It then dawned on me that this little angel that I brought into this world may never see his Mum grow old. I was slowly killing myself and it had to stop. I did not want to miss out on his first day at school, his first nativity play and his graduation. So, I decided to quit.

Believe me, it was not easy. The withdrawal symptoms where bad, but worth it in the end. I had a dry mouth and sore throat for days. But, I kept remembering my goal to see my little boy grow up. So I was even more determined to quit. Eventually, I did it and have been smoke free for 3 years now.

Really wanting to quit smoking will determine how successful you are in quitting.

* Set yourself a goal and keep remembering that goal.

* Find people who support your decision and know your pain.

* Break the habit.

* Be determined.

Even if you do gain weight, the health risks of smoking are far greater and you can tackle that issue when you have cleared the smoking addiction.

The best way to quit smoking is to combine a smoking cessation medication with a behavior modification program.

The health risks of smoking decreases immediately once you stop smoking for good. The health risks of smoking are not confined to smokers.

Make 2007 the year you make good on your resolution for the New Year.

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For more free articles, tips, advice and a range of targeted information products in written and audio form for immediate download visit us at

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Quit Smoking: If You Believe In The Statement "Health Is Wealth"

Every 8 seconds, a smoking-related death occurs at someplace in the world, 365 days a year. The sooner we remove the blinders and the understated nicotine addiction and the damage a cigarette causes, the better it is for us. Here are some reasons to quit smoking?if at all you are ready to understand.

Heart Disease

Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. and the leading cause of death caused by smoking. The toxins in cigarette smoke cause plaques to form in the arteries, which leads to atherosclerosis, otherwise known as hardening of the arteries. Smoking is hard on the heart.


According to the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States, affecting about 700,000 people each year. For smokers, the risk of stroke is nearly 2 1/2 times to that of nonsmokers.

Lung Cancer

An estimated 174,470 new cases of lung cancer will be diagnosed, and 162,460 deaths will occur during 2006 from lung cancer in the United States alone. According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women. And with 87% of all lung cancer cases involving tobacco, it is one form of cancer that is preventable, by and large.

Emphysema or COPD

Tobacco use is the number one cause of COPD and quitting smoking is considered the best way to halt further damage. It?s estimated that as many as 10 million Americans suffer from COPD, with possibly as many as 14 million others who have it but have not been diagnosed. In the United States, it was the 4th leading cause of death in 2000 and projections put it as the 3rd leading cause by the year 2020.

Oral Cancer

Oral Cancer or mouth cancer is included in a specific group of cancers called oral and head and neck cancer (OHNC). It's estimated that between 70 - 80 percent of all cases of OHNC are due to tobacco use and heavy alcohol consumption.

Quit today!!

It is time for you to delve into the facts and figures about how vicious cigarette smoking is. You will come to know exactly what you risk when you light up your cigarette, everyday, year after year. It will help you shift your stance away from smoking as your best buddy and allow you to see what actually it is?a death trap.

The author, Monalisa Hyden, addresses issues related to nicotine addiction, quit smoking and the anti-smoking medicine Chantix. For more information and advice in these topics visit the website

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Stop Smoking Guide: Tips On Quitting Smoking

What you do is not important. How you do, what you do, is important. The same rule is applicable to smoking also. There are many quit smoking programs available. Take any book on how to quit smoking and you get a number of tips on quitting smoking.

But your nicotine addiction knows them all. It knows that such tips are only the tip of the iceberg. Nicotine is like that mighty mass of ice below the ocean which you can not see with the naked eye. The challenge of nicotine is formidable. Yet, you can beat it and own the tile of 'former smoker'.

For your benefit, some of the tips are given below:

Your will power gets the top priority. The fact is proved that nicotine addiction is 80 % psychological and 20 % physiological which means, your determination gets the first vote. If you doubt your own ability, how can you succeed? So, your decision to beat back the cravings needs to be strong and a determined one.

"An idle mind is devil's workshop." Isn't it? When you sit idle, you feel like lighting up a cigarette. Take time for sports and physical activity. During physical activity, your blood will circulate more and the impurities in it are likely to find an outlet in the form of sweat. You breathe deeply when you exercise, which is good for the body.

Be away from the area of cigarette influence like smoking friends, smoking joints, clubs, parties and alike. If you are halfway through your quit smoking program, you need to be very strict in this regard. This is the transition period. Any latitude will work to your disadvantage. Plan your leisure time very well.

Whenever you feel like lighting a cigarette, do something else. Eat a biscuit or a sandwich. Drink some water. You can go on drinking water in small quantities throughout the day. This will help you a lot.

Advertise about your quit smoking program in an extensive manner. Let your friends know about it. Let them understand your aim. Tell them, that you are taking this step as per medical advise.

Your will power is your strongest point. Many a times, you quit smoking and restart the habit, but this time, you must win. Yes, it is your will power which is guiding you. Let your determination be more and more strong. On the physical front, do yoga and meditation. The power of mediation is so strong, all the negative tendencies, including the nicotine knot on you, will loosen.

Make a list of the reasons that have made you take the decision to quit smoking, in which there is bound to be a reference to some of the killing diseases. Read the list again and again. Human life is too precious to squander on the stubs and ash of cigarettes.

Ensure that your frame of mind is positive, positive and positive again!

To read more articles on quit smoking, quit smoking benefits and stop smoking forever visit

The auther writes articles on different topics. To get more articles on quit smoking visit

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Quit Smoking Through Auricular Acupuncture


With the known affects that smoking has, not only on the human body but the world around it, many individuals that are addicted to nicotine still find it incredibly hard to quit. Many patients will have already been through numerous amounts of patches, gum, and counselling in order to quit, with no avail.

This article will explore a clinically effective method in the assistance of nicotine addiction withdrawal. This method, stemming from thousands of years of Chinese Acupuncture, and half a century of European medical research, innovation and practice is known as Auricular Acupuncture, and just may be the answer that smokers are looking for.

What is it?

Auriculomedicine (Also known as ear acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, auricular therapy etc) is a method that originally spawned from Lyon, France. It is a therapy that utilises fundamental modern medical science (primarily based on neurophysiology / neurology) and concepts of traditional acupuncture.

The actual method involves either placement of sterile, single use hair thin needles onto the external surface (outer) of the ear. Alternatively low level laser may be used. Generally a selection of points (normally 2 ? 5) are used, and often combined with specific body points (again able to be stimulated by needle or laser). It is a 100% pain free method that often leaves the patient relaxed and very comfortable.

How does it work?

There are many theories about how acupuncture works, however, auricular acupuncture is an exception ? its? effectiveness is known and well researched. When the auricle is stimulated, either with needle (considered more effective) or laser (less, but still effective), the body will release endorphins (natural pain relieving biochemicals).

Endorphins are secreted by the pituitary gland and certain parts of the central nervous system (CNS). Auricular Acupuncture has been shown to influence the blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of endorphins.

When an individual is addicted to nicotine (via tobacco smoke) they will naturally have higher endorphin levels. So, why then does Auricular Acupuncture, which induces endorphin release work?

For two reasons, one when an individual makes the step to give up smoking the endorphins within their CNS will naturally drop and will need to be maintained. And two, Auricular Acupuncture doesn?t increase the levels of endorphins, it merely stabilises the rate of release. In this way, patients that have quit, and need help with withdrawal can be treated, and patients that need help in actually putting down the cigarette can be treated.

The other factors involved in Auricular Acupuncture are those associated with a sense of calmness and relaxation. This happens because of the release of the before mentioned endorphins and stimulation produced analgesia. This analgesic effect of Auricular Acupuncture occurs due to activity produced via reflex stimulation within the periaqueductal gray (PAG), hypothalamus, thalamus, and somatosensory and prefrontal cortex. This allows the withdrawal symptoms or anxiety, restlessness, stress, and other physical cravings to be successfully treated.

What is involved in a treatment?

First and foremost patients must be sure that the acupuncturist or doctor they see is trained and experienced in the specialty of Auricular Acupuncture (not just Acupuncture as taught by Universities). Most people who are knowledgeable in this method will have done training within specific clinics overseas, in Europe, or the United States. There are only a few practitioners in Australia that are able to utilise this method effectively.

Treatment will normally involve a full assessment of the individuals? condition through various diagnostic means. One particular method of assessment that practitioners will apply is the checking of laterality dysfunction. Laterality is the state of harmonious interaction between the two cerebral hemispheres of the brain. The dominant hemisphere (i.e. left side in a right handed person and vice versa) must first be established in order for proper point selection to be made. Laterality disorders may result from any physical or emotional trauma that has occurred during the patients? life, it may occur at any time.

Laterality dysfunction may present itself through learning disorders (ADD, ADHD, dyslexia etc.), behavioural problems (depression, anxiety, stress), or productivity problems (such as concentration and confusion in co-ordination). Clinical research has found that individuals who are addicted to a substance (particularly nicotine) are trying to re-lateralise (balance) themselves. It has been seen, clinically, that Auricular Acupuncture is the best and quickest method to treat such disorders.

Laterality Dysfunction is often the cause of many acupuncture treatments (such as protocol based clinics) not being as effective. In actuality, laterality dysfunction can be seen as a blockage to therapy, and therefore must be assessed and treated first.

Following the above, practitioners will either use a filter or polarised object t in conjunction with a specific pulse method (known as the Vascular Autonomic Signal or VAS) to determine which of the points on the auricle are most ?active?. The reason for this is that there are hundreds of acu-points located on the ear and without this method practitioners are merely ?stabbing in the dark?. Protocol based laser therapies unfortunately are like this and therefore do often not completely assist the patient.

Patient Inclusion

It is important that the practitioner explain to the patient what the process is going to involve and how long it is going to take. In my experience any where between 2 ? 6 treatments is necessary. Sometimes a follow-up or ?booster? is recommended to ensure they are still on track.

Patients must also do some work as well. I often suggest before the first treatment to try and not smoke (at least for a few hours), as many patients will have a cigarette before the treatment to quell any anxiousness they may be experiencing. During the actual process it is also recommended to the patient to avoid the social settings or stressful situations in which they would normally smoke, this can be hard and is often determined by will power as well.


Auricular Acupuncture is a highly effective method of treatment for those wishing to quit smoking. The notions that surround acupuncture about being painful and uncomfortable do not apply to this method, most patients find that they enter a deeper sense of relaxation, which often boosts their confidence and determination to quit.

About the author:

David S. White is an Acupuncturist and Auriculotherapy / Auriculomedicine practitioner in Sydney, Australia. He is clinical director of the Macquarie St. Clinic of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, lecturer in Acupuncture at the Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SITCM) and President of the Paraplegia & Hemiplegia Acupuncture Society (P.H.A.S.). He completed his Masters dissertation on Auriculotherapy in the withdrawal of heroin and cocaine and practices this method in his clinic daily. David has authored numerous articles on Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, and Auriculomedicine.

If you would like to learn more about Auriculotherapy or Auriculomedicine please feel free to contact David S. White on (02) 9221 0699 or email him at Alternatively you may visit the clinic website at

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Discover The Simple Method For Quitting Smoking, Getting Health Again


A vast majority of people who try to stop smoking find after a short period of time they resume the habit, many are unsuccessful simply because of the method they used to help them stop smoking. There?s real hope for people who seriously want to stop smoking. It seems many people are looking for some easy way to quit smoking or some magical stop smoking aid.

How many times have you said to yourself or to your friends or family that you are going to quit smoking today or tomorrow or even next week with no such luck, or I?m going to join a stop smoking program and never do. It may be difficult to stop smoking, but it is not impossible.

There are a few stop smoking aids that have been proven effective. In the past years, Acupuncture has been used, among other uses, to help people stop smoking.

An analysis by New Scientist Magazine back in 1992, found that hypnosis, in one session, had a success rate of up to 60 per cent in helping people stop smoking. If you want to give it a shot in your efforts to stop smoking, it is advised that you find a therapist with a proven back record of success with helping people stop smoking. Acupuncture is a highly effective quit smoking method for all, and specially for those people who had been unsuccessful with other methods to stop smoking. Acupuncture for stop quit smoking does not involve any ?magic? acupuncture points.


There is a wide range of ages for smokers today and about as wide a range of reasons they smoke. Knowing the reasons of why you want to quit is an important fist step. These are the 4 reasons of why you should quit smoking.

Fixing a date for quitting and listing out the reasons for the same is the starting point. There are so many different programs on the market today, what works for one may not work for another, and based on reasons for wanting to quit. The reasons you started smoking are probably not around anymore.

Make a list of the reasons that you want to quit smoking. The first thing you should do is spend some time thinking of the reasons you want to quit smoking. So, does the connection between quitting cigarettes and weight gain have to do directly with the cigarettes themselves, or are there other, outside reasons why this happens so often to people who ?kick the habit?.

There are a lot of people who smoke out there who, among other reasons, are afraid to try to quit smoking cigarettes for the fear of what they think is inevitable weight gain. If you?re a smoker, chances are you?ve tried to quit many times or deep down inside you?ve felt you should quit for obvious reasons pertaining to your health, but have no idea where to start. You may want to write at the top of the note pad, ?My Why Reasons I?m quitting smoking.

Quit smoking help with hypnosis involves consultations and sittings with a hypnotherapist, who generally squeezes out the reasons for one?s smoking and the reasons for wanting to quit. Here's five good reasons for quitting the Centers for Disease Control presents to teen smokers. In order to help you quit smoking, you need to do a self-analysis on the reasons you smoke and the reasons on why you want to quit smoking.

List all the reasons you can remember as to why you started smoking. This is not an easy task for many, but once they?ve listed all the true reasons, and have adopted the mental attitude to replace smoking with other things that will provide better benefits, the task of quitting becomes much easier.


Even though I love to exercise and love athletics, I had a problem with smoking. Hypnotism is no ?quick fix? and many experts advise that it should only be one tool from the toolbox ? including diet, exercise and developing a more positive outlook - that a smoker needs to use to quit the habit.

Consider meditation, yoga or a dance or exercise class. By nature, did you know that our human body needs exercise regularly at least twice a week. Exercise, I cannot emphasize how important this is, exercise is supposed to boost up your energy so that you have better preparation to fight the cravings.

I briefly mentioned exercise in the last paragraph. It may help you to exercise with an unlit cigarette hanging from your mouth. You will not only be smoke-free, but will have gained new life style changes that include healthier eating habits, exercise and increase in stamina and endurance.

Regular Exercise ? keeping a regular exercise routine is a key part of healthy living. Lets look at this exercise like a recipe, any good cook will tell you that a recipe can be completed without some of the ingredients called for, however the quality of the finished dish may not be up to par. How about many other health challenges, including weight loss, exercise & fitness, living with & controlling arthritis pain?and many more.

As far as exercises are concerned, obviously any exercise at all is great; but exercises that concentrate on the lungs are excellent. Exercise relieves stress and helps your body recover from years of damage from cigarettes. The exercise combines traditional self hypnosis with NPL or Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Discover The Simple Method For Quitting Smoking, Getting Health Again, Living Longer, Guaranteed!

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Friday, May 9, 2008

Don't Wait For Tomorrow - Quit Smoking Now

Many smokers had their first cigarette out of curiosity. Some lighted their first cigarette to fight boredom, others because of peer pressure. Many teenagers learned how to smoke out of rebellion against their parents, the authority and the world.

Lighting that first cigarette probably did not give you a second thought. Starting a habit is usually very easy. Getting hooked on it will not really take so long, especially if done frequently, but getting out of it is the most difficult and painful part. When the will power to stop smoking dwindles, how can you achieve triumph over your addiction?

If your reason for smoking is for pleasure or relaxation, substituting it with a healthier habit is best way to do it. If you feel the urge to smoke in order to relax, try to distract yourself by listening to music or reading a book. If you feel that smoking provides the stimulation you need, try substituting it with a vigorous exercise or sports. A good exercise session releases endorphins, the "feel good" hormones. Exercise can provide you with the "high" that you need. You can also find other more interesting things to do in order to distract your attention away from a cigarette.

If you find handling a cigarette enjoyable, try doing something else with your hands like fiddling with coins, paper clips or pencils. Try to do some drawings or do some knitting or cross-stitch. These can help you overcome the urge to smoke if handling a cigarette is an important cause of your smoking habit. If tension is the reason why you smoke, try other healthier approaches to cope with your problem. These could include exercise, chewing a sugar free gum or learning some relaxation techniques like yoga. However, if it is the "kick" that nicotine provides which drives you to smoke, there is no other way than to bear the trauma and the consequence of giving up. A single attempt to stop is highly advised if you have a real craving for nicotine since gradually cutting down nicotine consumption will not be very beneficial.

You can stop smoking by watching out for situations that are very conducive to your smoking habit. These could be situations like writing a letter, watching television, drinking coffee, making a phone call or waiting for the bus. If you smoke out of habit, it will be helpful if you change your everyday routine. If doing a routine connects you to smoking, try to avoid performing that routine. Create variations in your daily activities. If drinking coffee during break time leads you to smoke a cigarette, try substituting coffee with a glass of grapefruit or orange juice. It has been observed that citrus juice most often removes the desire to smoke.

Make it a habit to patronize smoke free restaurants or try to sit in the non-smoking area. Avoid going to bars for a drink. Most bar patrons smoke and you will only be tempted to smoke with them. In order to stop smoking, remove all ashtrays from your home and car. Vacuum the carpets and upholstery and get rid of the cigarette odor. When traveling, always sit in the non-smoking sections of the plane, bus or train.

A lot of smokers give up smoking without suffering any uncomfortable side effects. How long have you been planning to stop smoking? You should start now and give yourself a healthier future.

Michael Russell Your Independent Stop Smoking guide.


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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Quit Smoking, Stay Healthy

I have quit smoking. The last cigarette that I smoked was on June 17, 2005, and now I declare that I have finally got rid of that injurious habit.

It was indeed a very tough call. After smoking for over two decades, it is almost an insurmountable task to give up smoking while those around you freely smoke, men and women, and especially the celebrities that you greatly admire.

Here is the trick that I used. I took a photo of my daughter on her first birthday and wrote on it, "Baba, you'll not smoke now, can you do it for your daughter?". It was my first birthday gift to her (Of course, we gave her something else as well)

Every time I had that strong urge to smoke (Almost all the ime) I used to look at her photo and asked myself, "Can't I do it for her?" and all the time the answer was in affirmative. It was a constant struggle between an old stubborn habit and my will power and promise.

Quitting smoking will not prolong your life, but it would certainly improve it. There are many disadvantages of smoking and there is only one advantage or reason, you enjoy it.

Do you like to enjoy at the cost of your health and the future of your dependents?

I strongly suggest that all smokers should at least try to quit smoking. There are many approaches to it, quit it all of a sudden, cut down on number of cigarettes gradually, & substitution etc. I advise you continue smoking the same number of cigarettes a day, but strictly smoke half of each cigarette, keep reducing it until you only take only two or three puffs. Then start reducing the number of cigarettes per day. Read articles about the hazards of smoking, and chew something like chewingum etc while craving gets to your head.

Thats what I did.

Best wishes

Post Script: I used to have some sporadic pain in my chest and always regarded that as result of indigestion. After quitting smoking, I felt it only once or twice. So, you get immediate health benefits.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

You Want To Quit Smoking? It's Not As Difficult As You Might Think

So, you're thinking about quitting smoking? You must be, or you wouldn't be reading this article. Actually, in my opinion, most people who smoke are probably thinking about quitting all the time; they just don't think that they actually can. And there?s the operative word?think. Smoking, just like most everything, is what you think about it. If you think it will be very difficult to quit, it will be. Let me tell you a little story about how I quit smoking after fifteen years of choking down 'heaters' like they were going out of style.

As I said, I had smoked for fifteen years when I finally gave up the filthy habit for good. Sure I had tried to quit on quite a few occasions, but it never seemed to stick. I would always find an excuse to fire another one up. The interesting thing was with each attempt to quit, the next attempt seemed easier. Then, like a wayward foul ball at a little league game, it hit me! This entire process was mental! It was what I thought about quitting and not the lung darts themselves.

When I realized that quitting smoking was about what I 'thought' about it, I began to think about how easy it was going to be to stop, rather than how difficult it was going to be. Anytime I heard someone say how difficult it was going to be, I simply said to myself, "It?s not going to be hard at all, I'm just going to stop doing it whenever I'm ready." I played this little 'game' with myself while I smoked, and continued to smoke for a couple of months.

As I continued to smoke, I stepped outside of myself and watched myself smoke. Before you start to think this sounds strange, just think about it. We all have conversations with ourselves everyday, rather than have a 'conversation'; I simply stepped outside myself and watched. As I watched I noticed that smoking and I just didn?t fit. "I used to be an athlete for god?s sake, not a smoker", I would think to myself. Then the day came that I stopped. I had finished a pack and I said to myself, "okay, that?s it I?m done", and I haven't smoked since that day. Are there times that I feel like having a cigarette? Of course, but the difference is that now I don?t want to have a cigarette, because I?m not that person anymore. I 'think' about the idea of smoking differently than I thought about it for fifteen years, and the thinking has made all of the difference in the world, and it was no more difficult than anything else that I?ve ever done in my life.

Remember this whenever you hear how difficult it?s going to be to stop smoking: In almost all cases that information is coming from someone who has never smoked, or is trying to sell you something to help you quit. All you have to do is change your thinking. I think Einstein said it best when he said, "It?s impossible to solve a problem with the same mind that created it."

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Quit Smoking Success Tips

So you?ve decided to quit smoking. Congratulations, quitting smoking is probably the best thing you can do for your health and you?ll feel proud knowing that you?re able to kick this ugly habit. Be forewarned, it is not easy to quit smoking. Statistics show that it takes 9 times for the average smoker to actually quit. The secret is to not get down on yourself if you have a relapse. Learn WHY you weren?t able to stop and better prepare yourself the next time you quit. Look at your relapses as LEARNING EXPERIENCES and not failures. Most importantly do not stop trying! You CAN do it.

When I quit smoking, I set a date and told everyone I knew. I think this helped me as I had to live up to my word and save face. A lot of people didn?t believe me, because I did fail in the past but it was an added incentive to prove to them all that I was strong enough to do it. One more thing I should mention is that you should prepare yourself to quit smoking. Gradually try to decrease the amount of cigarettes that you smoke. If you wake up during the night to puff, try to last through the night. If you have one first thing in the morning, try to wait a half an hour or an hour. It will be hard but you need to prepare for your cravings as your quit date arises.

When you decide to quit smoking you need to be strong. Remember that even though cravings will arise throughout your whole life, they?ll get fewer and fewer as time passes. You?ll feel very uneasy the first couple of days. Be strong. It will get easier.

I highly recommend that you mentally prepare for your quit date and continue to mentally prepare for future cravings with visualization even when you quit smoking. Know what your smoking triggers are and be ready. If you failed in the past, what made you cave in? Was it stress? Was it being around other smokers? Was it having a beer or a cup of coffee?

To practice visualization, the first thing you want to do is relax. Find a comfortable place and breathe deeply and slowly into your belly. Try to make each breath slower than the previous one. Once you reach a state of relaxation, imagine a trigger that will prevent you from being able to quit smoking. For instance imagine a situation in which you are stressed. Imagine you being strong, fighting off the craving. The important thing is to stay relaxed. If you feel stressed, continue your breathing until you?re relaxed and try a little less hard of a situation. Once you master that situation, try a harder one.

Finally practice affirmations whenever you can especially when you find yourself thinking badly. If you?re thinking ?this is too hard, I?m not meant to be a non smoker? mentally repeat an affirmation. For instance, ?I feel strong and powerful now that I?m able to fight my cigarette cravings? or ?I love myself completely now that I am a non smoker.?

With these techniques you WILL be able to quit smoking. Remember it is a process to quit smoking. If you have a relapse, you haven?t failed. You just learned where you need more practice the next time you quit smoking. Don?t give up, eventually you?ll kick this nasty habit and quit smoking for good!

John Karnish is the author of a quit smoking blog. Visit his blog for more quit smoking tips.

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How to Mentally Prepare Yourself to Quit Smoking

Do you want to quit smoking? Most people fail the first time, or even the 2nd or 3rd time, they try to quit smoking. How about you? Have you tried to stop smoking before and failed? Do you know why you failed to quit smoking? Chances are you didn't mentally prepare yourself first. Read on to learn some tips to help you mentally prepare yourself first to quit smoking and increase your chances of success.

Do you really want to quit smoking?

The first question to ask yourself is what are the reasons why you want to quit smoking? If your answer is because someone told you it would be better for your health, it costs too much money, someone else wants you to quit or some other reason along those lines; chances are you probably won't succeed. You have to really want it for you! Make a list of the reasons why YOU want to quit smoking for YOU.

Why do you like to smoke?

Now make a list of all of the reasons why you like to smoke. Is it the taste of the cigarette? Alone? With Coffee? After a meal? Or perhaps it's the way it makes you feel. Happy? Pleasurable? Relaxed? Powerful? Important? Or perhaps smoking helps you not to feel. Does smoking numb your feelings? Reduce your feelings of stress? Or fear? Relieve your feelings of boredom? Or loneliness? Whatever the reasons, write them down.

What will you substitute for smoking?

Next you need to decide what you'll substitute for smoking. Yes, you can get a nicotine substitute for the physical sensations you'll feel when you quit. But what are you going to substitute for the emotional sensations you'll feel when you quit smoking? Next to each reason you listed why you like to smoke, write down something you can do to generate those same or similar sensations or feelings.

Some suggestions are:

- Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who will help you feel good about yourself.

- Take up a new hobby such as knitting, model airplanes, scrapbooking or puzzles; anything that will keep your hands and mind busy, generate feelings of pleasure and give you a sense of accomplishment.

- Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Whether it's a 10 minute walk or a bike ride with your kids, any activity that will support your efforts to quit, reduce your stress level and improve your overall health.

Following the tips covered in this article may increase your chances of successfully becoming a non-smoker. What are the reasons you really, really, want to quit for YOU? Why do you like to smoke? What else can you substitute to generate those sensations or feelings that you get from smoking? Remember, if you want to increase your odds of successfully quitting smoking, become emotionally ready first.

For more tips and strategies on How to Quit Smoking,
visit The Stop Smoking Shop

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Quit Smoking Hypnosis - One Of The Ways To Quit Smoking

Quit smoking hypnosis can help you to stop a potentially dangerous habit. I will now do my best to enlighten you about this fascinating method and its possible benefits. So, take a deep breath and read on!

Why is it so difficult to quit smoking even if I want to?

Through conscious and repeated smoking, you have formed a subconscious habit. Now that you consciously want to quit smoking, you find that your subconscious is still programmed to repeat the habit when triggered by certain circumstances, thoughts or emotions. Hypnosis attempts to reprogram your subconscious to reject the smoking habit.

You are also addicted to the stimulant nicotine found in tobacco smoke. When you stop smoking your body will gradually get rid of the nicotine within a few days.

How does quit smoking hypnosis work?

Hypnosis puts you in a relaxed and focused state of mind where you are less conscious and your subconscious mind is more open to suggestion. Imagination and your senses play a big part in the process. If you can imagine it, you can believe it, and then you can achieve it.

Is quit smoking hypnosis effective?

Thousands of smokers have quit smoking through the power of hypnosis. Hypnosis is especially effective when dealing with addictive behaviors. Lighting up a cigarette, holding it in your hand and inhaling and exhaling the smoke can become a relaxing ritual. Hypnosis relaxes your mind and body while subtly changing your perception of smoking.

Where can I find quit smoking hypnosis help?

You have a number of options available:

1. You can search for hypnotists in your area which might assist you in your quest to quit smoking for good.

2. Search for recordings of a quit smoking hypnosis program available on cassette or compact disc.

3. Some internet merchants offer downloadable recordings in MP3 format.

What are the possible benefits of quitting smoking today?

* You can continue smoking while doing a quit smoking hypnosis program. You can quit when your subconscious attitude towards smoking has changed. That does not mean that you will experience no withdrawal symptoms. But your desire and willpower to quit smoking will be much greater.

* You can become healthier. Stop smoking and you can decrease your chances of having a heart attack, developing emphysema or lung cancer.

* You can save money. Depending on how much you smoke, you can save $400 to $800 per year. You could also be saving money on future medical bills.

* You can feel better, cleaner and more energetic. How much is that worth to you?

In conclusion, there is more than one way to quit smoking now. Quit smoking hypnosis is one way to achieve it. Remember that old habits, even if they die hard, can be replaced by new habits. If you wish, you can change your smoking habit and become a nonsmoker for life.

Imagine that.

You can calmly decide to learn more about quit smoking hypnosis here:

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Five Reasons Why People Should Quit Smoking

In this article I am going to write about the reasons why I believe people should stop smoking. I hope it proves to be an inspiration for many people who are potentially thinking of quitting these cancer sticks once and for all. Smoking does and will have a negative impact on your life if of course you continue with this nasty habit, therefore it is definately worth starting to look for the best ways to quit smoking.

I have to admit that I used to be a smoker, I was never on lets say twenty a day but was more of what people would call a social smoker. I would at that point find it very difficult to go out with my friends for a few beers without being able to smoke etc. It actually would be something that I would look forward to and at the stage I had no real reasons as to why I should not do it. After a hard and stressful week at work there was nothing better than the thought of having a pint of lager with a cigarette to go with it.

The problem started to occur when I began to buy packs of ten cigarettes in the week to take to work with me. In my mind I had thought that to smoke at work would give me the same type of pleasure that smoking did whilst drinking etc. I felt very let down when I realised that it just was not the same but for whatever reason I continued to buy and smoke them.

My colleagues at work started to comment on the fact that I was smoking and stated that my clothes really stunk of cigarettes. People in my opinion started to treat me differently, it was like I was a second class citizen. I decided that I needed to stop smoking for these and other reasons, especially as I did not really enjoy it that much apart from when I was in a bar of course.

I stopped smoking for five main reasons:

1. To save money as a packet of cigarettes costs a lot of money.

2. I did not like my clothes smelling of cigarettes.

3. Health reasons, smoking is the cause of many health problems including cancer.

4. Smoking can be a big turn off to women. I found it hard enough to meet and attract women and to give them another reason not to like me was just being stupid.

5. I wanted to be classed as a non-smoker as I felt that I was been treated like some sort of loser when I was a smoker.

It was not easy to quit smoking but it is certainly worth while, why not give it a go, you may well surprise yourself.

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The Top Five Excuses Not To Quit Smoking Now - And How To Handle Them

Have you ever resolved to quit smoking but decided the time wasn't right. Or perhaps worries such as gaining weight were holding you back?

You were experiencing the mind's wonderful ability to justify putting off an action seen as painful. For smokers the range of excuses is almost limitless. Here are the five most popular together with some ideas for handling them.

Smoking keeps me relaxed. Without cigarettes, I'd be a bundle of nerves.

Guess what? Smoking only relaxes you because you're addicted. If you're a non-smoker, which you can be in a few weeks, you don't need that 'relaxation'.

Nicotine cravings create stress and puffing on a cigarette relieves that stress. It's not real serenity, just a cycle of mood swings controlled by the level of nicotine in your body. Get rid of that and the accompanying illusion of relief and you can find real relaxation.

Smoking keeps my waistline trim.

Well, maybe. But at what cost? Other than the pernicious effects from inhaling hot tobacco smoke laden with poisons, many smokers light up instead of eating. This can lead to nutritional deficiencies. To make things worse, smoking itself depletes the body of nutrients. Smoking depletes the body of vitamins, especially vitamin c and bioflavinoids - the very nutrients that can protect you against the ravages of smoke.

The fact is that many people do put on some weight when they quit smoking. But this can be dealt with. Putting on a few pounds is far less damaging than continuing to smoke. And once the nicotine monster is slain, you can work on your figure. In fact many ex-smokers find their weight returning to normal after a period without cigarettes. Their bodies return to normal.

It's too late now. I've been a smoker for decades. It's part of my life.

It's never too late to quit. And smoking is never part of normal healthy life. The sooner you quit, the sooner your body starts to renew and revitalize itself, clearing out the accumulated sludge of years of abuse. No matter how long you've been smoking, after 24 hours of quitting, your body will be free of carbon monoxide. Your lungs are clearing out mucus and other debris. After a year, your risk of a heart attack will fall to half that of a smoker. And it gets better and better as time goes on.

But what about my social life? When I get together with my friends, we always have a smoke.

Unless you can persuade them to quit with you, you may have to avoid your smoking buddies for a while. And you'll have to make some lifestyle changes too. As part of your quit-smoking program you should identify the triggers and situations that make you light up and avoid then for a while. It's all part of the social habit component of smoking addiction. You don't have to become a hermit. Just advise your group of what you're doing and ask for their support and understanding.

It's a bad time right now. I've got a lot on. I don't need more stress. While it's true that you should choose a reasonably stress-free time to quit, don't let this make you procrastinate forever. All our lives are stressful with cigarettes or not, so understand that stress will come and find ways to deal with it without reaching for the cigarette pack. You should get a grab bag of techniques together to help you handle stress and craving before you quit. Always be prepared.

The fear of quitting smoking throws up a range of excuses that the smoker uses to justify continuing his habit. Understanding them can go a long way to helping you quit.

Lloyd Morgan is a writer on health matters and reformed smoker. For more tips to quit smoking please visit:

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The Top Five Excuses Not To Quit Smoking Now - And How To Handle Them

Have you ever resolved to quit smoking but decided the time wasn't right. Or perhaps worries such as gaining weight were holding you back?

You were experiencing the mind's wonderful ability to justify putting off an action seen as painful. For smokers the range of excuses is almost limitless. Here are the five most popular together with some ideas for handling them.

Smoking keeps me relaxed. Without cigarettes, I'd be a bundle of nerves.

Guess what? Smoking only relaxes you because you're addicted. If you're a non-smoker, which you can be in a few weeks, you don't need that 'relaxation'.

Nicotine cravings create stress and puffing on a cigarette relieves that stress. It's not real serenity, just a cycle of mood swings controlled by the level of nicotine in your body. Get rid of that and the accompanying illusion of relief and you can find real relaxation.

Smoking keeps my waistline trim.

Well, maybe. But at what cost? Other than the pernicious effects from inhaling hot tobacco smoke laden with poisons, many smokers light up instead of eating. This can lead to nutritional deficiencies. To make things worse, smoking itself depletes the body of nutrients. Smoking depletes the body of vitamins, especially vitamin c and bioflavinoids - the very nutrients that can protect you against the ravages of smoke.

The fact is that many people do put on some weight when they quit smoking. But this can be dealt with. Putting on a few pounds is far less damaging than continuing to smoke. And once the nicotine monster is slain, you can work on your figure. In fact many ex-smokers find their weight returning to normal after a period without cigarettes. Their bodies return to normal.

It's too late now. I've been a smoker for decades. It's part of my life.

It's never too late to quit. And smoking is never part of normal healthy life. The sooner you quit, the sooner your body starts to renew and revitalize itself, clearing out the accumulated sludge of years of abuse. No matter how long you've been smoking, after 24 hours of quitting, your body will be free of carbon monoxide. Your lungs are clearing out mucus and other debris. After a year, your risk of a heart attack will fall to half that of a smoker. And it gets better and better as time goes on.

But what about my social life? When I get together with my friends, we always have a smoke.

Unless you can persuade them to quit with you, you may have to avoid your smoking buddies for a while. And you'll have to make some lifestyle changes too. As part of your quit-smoking program you should identify the triggers and situations that make you light up and avoid then for a while. It's all part of the social habit component of smoking addiction. You don't have to become a hermit. Just advise your group of what you're doing and ask for their support and understanding.

It's a bad time right now. I've got a lot on. I don't need more stress. While it's true that you should choose a reasonably stress-free time to quit, don't let this make you procrastinate forever. All our lives are stressful with cigarettes or not, so understand that stress will come and find ways to deal with it without reaching for the cigarette pack. You should get a grab bag of techniques together to help you handle stress and craving before you quit. Always be prepared.

The fear of quitting smoking throws up a range of excuses that the smoker uses to justify continuing his habit. Understanding them can go a long way to helping you quit.

Lloyd Morgan is a writer on health matters and reformed smoker. For more tips to quit smoking please visit:

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Friday, May 2, 2008

I Used To Smell Real Stinky Like My Grandchildren - Then I Quit Smoking

I couldn?t believe it. My daughter and son-in-law invited my wife and I to join them for dinner at our favorite local Italian Restaurant to celebrate my wife?s birthday and the one-month anniversary of my quitting smoking. When they came into the restaurant where we were waiting for them, my two grandchildren ages seven and eleven, fresh from their Saturday afternoon soccer games, and still in their uniforms, ran over and gave me a kiss and my wife a bunch of yellow roses, I noticed immediately that they smelled real stinky and the roses smelled great. I was so happy because now that I have stopped smoking, I can smell things again and I smell good too. I feel so much better. It?s like a miracle.

I want to let you in on the secret that made things start smelling good again for me.

I quit smoking. Don?t get me wrong. It wasn?t easy to quit at first. I was worried that after smoking for more than forty years, I wouldn?t be able to do it, but I quit smoking and you can too. You are never too old to quit smoking.

I was amazed that I had the willpower and the strength to finally quit smoking. I don?t know who was more surprised, my wife or me. I have to tell you that I am quite proud of myself, and you can be too because you can successfully fight your cravings to smoke.

If you are like me, you are a do it yourself type of person. I?m used to making my own decisions and quitting smoking was no exception, but this was a major change in lifestyle that I was contemplating and to tell the truth I was scared that I couldn?t do it.

Wouldn?t you like your clothes to stop smelling of cigarette smoke?

About a week after I quit smoking I took all the clothes in my closet to the cleaners. I couldn?t stand the way they smelled. Can you imagine how my wife must have felt all those years when I was smoking and stinking up the place? But why worry about the past. This is a new beginning for my family and I and it can be a wonderful new beginning for you.

All you need is the faith in yourself that you can quit. Don?t worry if you question whether you are strong enough to stop. You don?t have to do this alone. You can have the comfort and support of quit smoking patches and quit smoking help lines to help make your transition to a smoke free success story possible if you are worried you can?t do it on your own.

No more sneaking outside for a smoke at your children?s house. No more blowing the smoke out the window at home so it doesn?t go over to your wife?s side of the sofa when you are watching TV. No more finding an excuse to get up from the dinner table early so that you can smoke. No more trying to hide your coughing or that you are short of breathe. You can break the habit that has been running and ruining your life for years. You can do it.

What I needed to get started was the security of knowing that I could quit smoking without experiencing terrible cravings or withdrawal symptoms. That?s the security and peace of mind that a patch can provide you with. It can smooth your passage to being an ex-smoker. It can help make the transition easy. For some people, just knowing that the patch is there is enough to give them the courage to quit. That?s what I did. I quit cold turkey, but I had the security of having a quit smoking patch available if I needed it. I also had a patch of faith. I never used the quit smoking patch, but I needed all the faith I could muster.

Do you remember how great you felt when you were young and didn?t smoke? Wouldn?t you like to feel that way again? When was the last time you could smell the roses? When was the last time food tasted really good to you?

Wouldn?t you like your food to taste good again?

Wouldn?t you like your grandchildren to stop bugging you to stop smoking? Wouldn?t you like to be a hero in their eyes? Wouldn?t you like to live long enough to enjoy your grandchildren? Don?t you want to set a good example? Wouldn?t you like to be able to smell and taste things again? I have to tell you that the spaghetti with meatballs I ordered at dinner with my grandchildren that night tasted terrific.

How Many times Have You Tried To Quit Before?

If you are like me, there have been times in your life when you really considered quitting smoking, but for one reason or another you didn?t, or you started to quit and stopped. Maybe you were too stressed. Maybe you were under financial pressure. Maybe you were experiencing personal problems. Maybe you just didn?t feel it was urgent to quit, but it is urgent because your health may be at stake. Maybe you didn?t have a quit smoking patch available to give you the security to make your quitting easier.

In my case I made all kinds of excuses to myself like, I don?t really smoke that much, I can quit anytime I want, and if I quit I will gain weight. I gained weight anyway because I didn?t feel good about myself, but now that I have quit I am losing the extra weight -because I can breathe freer and exercise more. I always had a bunch of excuses ready to keep me from quitting, but there really is no excuse.

Whatever the reason, it is urgent to quit now because your health is at stake. It?s urgent for the well being of your spouse and your family. Don?t forget those stinky grandchildren. They have a right not to breathe in second hand smoke when you come to visit, don?t they? I hope that the thought of their wellbeing will propel you to quit now.

It was really terrible. The cigarettes were controlling me.

I would have to have a cigarette as soon as I woke up in the morning. Before I went to bed I would count my cigarettes to be sure I had enough until I went out in the morning to get the newspapers. I would even go out to get cigarettes in a snowstorm if I ran out.

Let?s face it, nicotine is an addiction, and it is clever enough to give your mind a bunch of excuses as to why you shouldn?t quit smoking. Don?t let those excuses lead to a lifetime of addiction.

In my case when the craving for nicotine started to take hold of me, I would tell my brain to shut up, that it wasn?t going to get its fix today, but in a few days it would start to feel better. I?m afraid I even shouted this out loud a few times because the first few days were like a haze, but it was worth it.

Are you ready to start feeling good about yourself?

I have faith in you. Do you have enough faith in yourself to try? This is a call to action to take control of your life and stop smoking. You can do it. You can change your life. You can start to feel better. You can quit smoking now. Are you ready to start feeling good about yourself again? Are you ready to rediscover how good things can smell and taste? Are you ready to give your stinky grandchildren a hug?

When you quit smoking you can expect that within a short period of time you will:

∑ Breathe Easier

∑ Feel Better

∑ Stop Coughing

∑ Get Back Your Sense of Smell

∑ Be Able To Taste Food Again

∑ Have Your Clothes Smell Good

∑ Be Proud of Yourself

And most important, your circulation will start to improve immediately and your lungs begin to repair damage. You don?t have to take my word for it, that?s what the American Lung Association says.

Seize The Moment

I urge you to seize the moment. Stop feeding your mind a bunch of excuses. You can do it. Do it for yourself. Do it for your grandchildren. Do it for your whole family. Do it now. Quit smoking.

Aren?t you tired of having cigarettes control your life? I was, that?s why I finally decided to quit. It didn?t hurt that I discovered that even people over fifty could add years to their lives by quitting. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and it?s your life.

∑ Did you know that within twenty minutes of quitting your heart rate calms down?

∑ Did you know that within eight hours of quitting there is more oxygen in your blood, mucus begins to clear out of you lungs and this makes breathing easier?

∑ Did you know that within forty-eight hours things smell and taste better?

It?s up to you. It?s your life.

When was the last time you could climb up four flights of stairs, or take a ten-block walk, or chase after your grandchildren without feeling out of breath?

In the final analysis it is what you want and what you desire that counts. If you truly want to quit smoking, I believe that you can. If you really want to make your family happy and give yourself the opportunity to live a longer healthier life, then quitting smoking now is the thing to do.

P.S. Don?t forget those stinky grandchildren. They are counting on you being around for a long time to come so act now, and start to feel and look younger almost immediately.

Please feel free to use this article as long as credit is given to the resource box. ? Copyright Arthur Levine 2006 Keywords: Quit Smoking, New Middle Age, Fifty Plus, Faith Words: 1729

Arthur Levine is a freelance writer and an ex smoker who concentrates on writing to people over fifty who want to be part of the New Middle Aged. You can check out more of his writing at or

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Is Your Neighbor Not Trying To Quit Smoking? If Not Then No One Is Safe From ETS

Just think about what happens when a person standing in a public place presses the piece of cigarette to his lips in spite of the ?No Smoking? board placed at the front announcing that cigarette smoking in a public place is offensive and so should be avoided? Such an action is akin to social crime as the cigarette that he so affectionately smokes paves the way for a wealth of diseases to take root not only within him but also inside the system of the fellows standing near by.

These facts are evidenced by the statistics accumulated over the years which state that an estimated 3,000 Americans die on a yearly basis due to the inhalation of smoke left in the air by cigarette smokers or by people smoking other tobacco related substances. Intake of smoke without indulging in the smoking activity by oneself is known as Passive Smoking, Secondhand Smoking, Involuntary Smoking and Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS).

Lung cancer, respiratory tract infections, coughing, headache, nausea and a plethora of other ailments can occur on account of passive smoking and the gravity of the situation proves that passive smoking can be as harmful as active smoking and should not be shrugged off at any cost. Involuntary inhalation of smoke from the leftovers of a cigarette or cigar can make you a victim of Environmental Tobacco Smoke and put your entire health and hygiene at risk.

So, what?s to be done to ward off the evil effects of smoking? A proper analysis will lead you to the root cause of smoking and then you can adopt measures to wipe it out. Nicotine, an addictive substance is the facilitator of all smoking related illnesses and it is extensively available in tobacco products. Cigarette smoking and any other form of tobacco smoking helps nicotine to enter the body and just after its assimilation nicotine action triggers off resulting in the person feeling a sense of pleasure. And once an individual becomes accustomed to this peculiar pleasure feeling, he would not be able to curb on the intake of tobacco containing substances and would be utterly restless to procure them at any cost and by any means.

If your neighbor or any one of your close associates is unwilling to quit smoking then you must update him with all the ill effects of smoking and make him aware of the future hazards which are likely to enter his life unless he decides to quit. And if any of your friends is suffering as a consequence of smoking, take him to a physician and get him a prescription for Chantix. Chantix is a newly launched medicine of Pfizer Incl. and with the help of this medication quitting the habit of smoking would be a possibility for you.

The recommendations of the physician are to be closely followed during each and every step of your Chantix administration and only then you would be able to get rid of smoking addiction.

The author has written a wealth of articles on various issues related to smoking and the anti-smoking drug Chantix. For a glimpse of his articles, visit the website

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

The EASY WAY to quit smoking Painlessly

The EASY WAY to quit smoking Painlessly

I was your typical "Anti-Smoker" kid. A chronic asthmatic, ugly, unpopular, and very anti-smoking.

I was skipping school with my little sister one day, who was popular, who also smoked and she hesitatingly gave me a cigarette when I asked her for "a try".

I could feel the smoke go up and over the back of my throat, down to my lungs and then back out again. It felt like a huge chimney, very thick, and although it didn't feel very natural, it kept me curious, a weird feeling, but not painful.

"Wow, you draw it back on the first drag, I'm impressed!"

With my lack of self-esteem, I guess that little encouragement was all I that I needed to "give it another try" when I was with a bunch of her mates that night. These people were not normally the type to make conversation with me... until that evening.

"Wow, YOU smoke?"

Instant acceptance.

and to my sister... "I didn't realize your sister smoked"..

She was proud of me.

"Yeah" is what I probably said, I also probably tried my best to look like it wasn't my first day of smoking too. And prayed my sister didn't let them know.

From the next day onwards, I was "hanging around" the smokers group, hiding from teachers and parents, and finally "fitting in" somewhere.

How pathetic was I.

For the next 11 years, I went from a puff here and there, to 40 or more a day.

I could give up at any time; at least, that's what I thought - until I actually tried to give up.

I tried hypnosis, cutting down, cold turkey, going down in strength, changing to menthol and herbal, patches, chewing gum, will power, Quit!? methods... it was all too hard!

I couldn't do it.

Man! How did that happen? So instead of trying the impossible, I convinced myself that there was just too many benefits to smoking, that I really enjoyed it and that's why it was too tough to quit. I built a prison for my mind to protect my ego and to make it bearable to stay addicted... "for the moment".

I thought that I... ... enjoyed smoking ... loved the smell, the taste ... needed cigarette's to help me concentrate ... needed cigarette's to relax and ease stress ... wouldn't be able to handle the withdrawal pangs or cravings ... would be too bitchy or grouchy (I was bad enough!) ... would put on weight

I was going to quit when the time is right. Not today. Another day. "One Day".

Thanks to Allen Carr's EASYWAY, I was able to give up easily and permanently, while not really seeking out a method to quit - I just saw the book in a shop while browsing a nearby section and decided to buy it to read "one day".

I didn't actually believe it would be easy, but the title grabbed my attention and there was a twang of hope that maybe it held the answers.

The book stayed on my shelf for a long time. Collecting dust and waiting for the day that I would be brave enough to read it.

The week just after September 11, 2001 was the quietest week at work even though I'm in Australia. We were all shocked and horrified and I was really depressed - all of the Western world was. I took the book at work that week since no calls were coming through and we were all in a daze anyway.

I do believe as I look back on it, that to wait for a good day back then would've been a mistake - if you can quit when you are at your lowest and succeed, you are far more likely to stay a non-smoker when times get tough later on.

I quit that week, as easy as the book promised and I felt like Superman.

So what's so special about Allen Carr and his great book? Allen was a chain smoker for 33 years. In 1983, he went from 100 a day to 0 instantly (and painlessly). Then, in 1985 he wrote "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" describing his method which has since been translated into more than 20 languages. His book is by far the best selling book ever published on stopping smoking. It has been a best- seller in the UK every year since it's first publication. He now has over 40 clinics in 18 different countries.

About Allen Carr's method: - it's painless - you can keep smoking throughout the book (no pressure to quit!) - no withdrawal pangs - drug-free - gives you the right frame of mind to quit - quit without needing willpower

Allen's skill is in removing the psychological dependence, he "un-brainwashed" me to help me discover that I really didn't enjoy smoking at all. When I quit and felt some cravings, I actually felt joy instead of pain (no really!). The last thing I felt like doing was to have a cigarette to "tame them", I was saying "Bring it ON!"

I got the pangs and celebrated that the nicotine monster was leaving my body and it was a good feeling, not a scary one. I have never had the desire to smoke again. It was easy.

Then the fun part was trying to convince people that I was a non-smoker - no-one would believe that I had actually quit or that it would last. They had me pegged as a smoker for life and smoker's who have known me for years said that if I can do it, then surely anyone can, so they have either bought or asked for a copy of the book too (although the fear of what's inside the book has scared a few of them to keep them on their bookshelves and not take a peak inside yet) ;)

Don't be afraid.

The EASYWAY is a method that will enable any smoker to find it EASY to quit, immediately, and permanently.

It will not nag you, it will not make you feel guilty. It's a little journey to help you "make sense" of the crap that you have been feeding your mind and that society and cigarette companies and quit companies have been feeding your mind with, and it gives you a pleasurable way to enjoy quitting. Really.

When you become a non-smoker, one thing I would like to warn you about is when people find out you are a non-smoker and try and tempt you with cigarettes or you'll be in a familiar setting someday - where you would once upon a time normally find yourself smoking - and realize that you are not. In these times, you might be tempted to "test yourself" to see whether you still "have a taste" for it.

After you read this book you'll realize even more-so than you do now, that nicotine is the cause of the nicotine cravings, so by having that 'nicotine test' you are inviting the monster back in.

I "never" test myself and now never get the urge to. I will never pick up a cigarette to 'test to see whether I'm still addicted'. If I did that, I would need to fight the monster all over again - it's just not worth it when I have no desire for it - I don't get any cravings, and smoking offers zero benefits, what would be the point?

The EASYWAY is a method that will enable any smoker to find it EASY to quit, immediately, and permanently.

You can download and Listen to Allen's Easy way right now via Mp3 (play it on your computer, on your ipod, in your car, etc). Visit my website to download:

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