Instantly Quit Smoking

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Using Nicotine Gum To Quit Smoking

An addiction to nicotine is a serious one indeed. Many studies have shown that it is one of the most addictive substances known, and most people will gain a dependency to it soon after they start smoking regularly. When you smoke a cigarette, you body receives an instant rush of nicotine - there is a spike in your nicotine levels which slowly dissipates, and when your nicotine levels drop below a certain point you will crave another spike, in the form of another cigarette.

As a smoker, part of your body's physical addition to nicotine has to do with relieving it in these "hits," and it is for this reason that an attempt to quit smoking can be so difficult. The most important thing in any attempt to quit smoking is willpower, and the chances that you will succeed in staying smoke free without the use of willpower are extremely slim. In same cases, however, you can benefit from using a medical aid in addition to your willpower. The most common and well known aids to quitting smoking are those that supply and regulate nicotine in the bloodstream.

A popular choice is nicotine gum. This is gum that resembles ordinary chewing gum, but of course it contains nicotine. The reason nicotine gum can be effective is because is can replicate nicotine spikes in your bloodstream without the need for cigarettes. The problem that some people run into with the nicotine patch - the other popular nicotine supplier - is that a nicotine patch supplies a steady amount of nicotine into your bloodstream. There is no spike, or "hit", with a patch, and for this reason some people still find themselves craving cigarettes when they use the patch: even though the body is receiving nicotine, it desires the hit that the cigarette provides.

With nicotine gum, you can attempt to replicate this hit without a cigarette. The gum is not chewed like normal gum -- rather you hold in your mouth without chewing it for long periods of time, and then give it a few chews when you want a release of nicotine, much as you would take a drag on a cigarette for a quick nicotine hit. A typical guideline for nicotine gum would be to chew it 3-4 times, until you feel a tingling sensation, at which point you should flatten it and place it between your cheek and gum. Repeat the brief chewing process at occasional intervals as necessary. Under no circumstances should nicotine gum be chewed like ordinary gum, as too much nicotine will be released into your bloodstream.

Nicotine Gum comes in 2mg and 4mg strengths (the 4mg is recommended if you smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day.) It is recommended that you use the gum every 1-2 hours throughout the day, for a period of up to 3 months. The only drawback of nicotine gum is that you cannot drink anything except water for 15 minutes before and during chewing. For this reason nicotine gum isn't helpful at a bar, which is where many ex-smokers need the most help. Despite this, nicotine gum can be an effective tool -- when combined with your willpower -- in an attempt to quit smoking.

Brandon C. Hall maintains Free Info Blog which contains many articles and resources to quit smoking as well as many other topics.

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Friday, September 28, 2007

Planning To Quit Smoking

Millions of people smoke, and to many, particularly those that have been smoking for some time, the prospect of quitting seems daunting. An addiction to nicotine is a serious one, and is multifaceted: there is a physical component, in that your body craves the nicotine the cigarettes contain, and a psychological one, in that many habits and situations become associated with cigarettes for the smoker. For these reasons it is important that you come up with a plan of attack in order to quit smoking: although the cold-turkey technique works for some people, the vast majority of smokers will have success only with a more comprehensive plan.

When you first consider the prospect of quitting smoking, it's probably going to seem far fetched, but keep in mind that thousands of people - people that are no different from you - quit smoking every year. If they can do it, there's no reason that you can't. Many smokers also feel that after a certain age it is "too-late" to quit smoking. Simply put, this isn't true, and should not be used as an excuse to avoid an attempt to quit smoking: the health benefits of quitting smoking begin the very day you stop.

Before you actually have your last cigarette, begin to build up your willpower. Your willpower is going to be your most important tool in quitting, and it's very unlikely that you will be successful without it. Spend some time thinking of the reasons you want to quit smoking. Learn about the health benefits of quitting, for both yourself and the people around you. Do some math and come up with some figures for the amount of money you'll save by not buying cigarettes, and think of something you'll use that money for.

Once you've built up your willpower, it's time to have your last cigarette. To keep your spirits up, understand that the human body is incredibly resilient, and your health will improve as soon as you stop smoking - literally. 8 hours after your last cigarette, carbon monoxide levels and oxygen levels in your blood stream will return to normal. At 24 hours after your last cigarette, you statistically reduce your chance of a heart attack. Only 48 hours after your last cigarette, your sense of taste and smell will improve as your nerve endings start growing.

As you continue to stay smoke free, think of the longer-term benefits to quitting in order to keep your willpower up: even after 2 weeks your lung power will begin to increase, and continue to do so over time. Other aspects of your health will continue to improve in various ways. The ultimate motivator should be the knowledge that 15 years after quitting, your risk of death is almost the same as someone who has never smoked - a remarkable fact that illustrates our the human body's surprising ability to restore itself.

By coming up with a concrete plan to quit smoking you will greatly increase your chances of success. Crucial is understanding the important role that your willpower will play in the process, and planning to build up this willpower weeks before you attempt to quit. Once you've stopped you have to keep the strength of this willpower up, and to do so, remind yourself of the health benefits you will be privy to immediately after butting out that last cigarette.

Brandon C. Hall maintains Free Info Blog which contains many articles and resources to quit smoking as well as many other topics.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Quit Smoking - Ready, Steady and Go

When most people think of quit smoking, what comes to mind is usually basic information that's not particularly interesting or beneficial. But there's a lot more to quit smoking than just the basics.

If you don't have accurate details regarding quit smoking, then you might make a bad choice on the subject. Don't let that happen: keep reading.

Half of your battle is over, once you have decided to quit smoking. However, after the decision of quitting smoking comes the much difficult part. The resisting of temptations and it also needs your determination. Whenever you feel the desire to smoke, just remember certain things and you can easily put an end to your temptations.

Suppose, your friends are smoking and inviting you to smoke then it would be better to leave the place. After leaving that place, remember these things.

The Cause of Your Quitting

Simply start thinking about the various reasons that lead you to quitting smoking. It would be more beneficial, if you carry a paper and list all the causes. Now, if you feel a craving for smoking then read the list of causes. After reading them, you will overcome over the temptation.

Always Be Ready

After quitting smoking, still you can meet temptation any time. It could be your friends or any particular place. So, you must be ready for such instances. In a blank paper, make two columns in it. On the first column, write the possible chances that can lead you to smoke, such as watching TV or drinking tea. On the second column, write the action that you will perform to divert the craving of smoking. For Instance, you can read a newspaper if you feel the craving for smoking. Try this formula and see it really works.


If you are feeling a strong urge to smoke then chew something. Chewing will definitely consumes a lot of your time. After chewing, start drinking a glass of water with the help of straw. While doing this you will forget the desire to smoke. It would be beneficial if you drink 8 glasses of water.

Praise yourself

Whenever you pass a non-smoking week, do not forget to praise yourself. Always decide something in advance to gift yourself, after a non-smoking week. Write name of the gift on the paper, along with the non-smoking period. This will increase your spirit.

Divert Your Mind

You can divert yourself by doing any other task. Make a cup of tea or read a newspaper.

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

Make a call to your close friend or anyone who can talk to you for a while. You will forget the craving for smoking while talking.

The Punch

Get a picture of smoker's lungs and always keep it with you. See the picture, when you feel the craving for smoking.

So now you know a little bit about quit smoking. Even if you don't know everything, you've done something worthwhile: you've expanded your knowledge.

Hans Hasselfors is the founder of You may find varied quit smoking articles in our article directory.

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Quit Smoking - For Your Health's Sake

Quit Smoking - For Your Health's Sake by John Mac

In the US it is estimated that 30% of the 570,000 cancer deaths in 2005 were caused by smoking.

In the UK smoking kills approx. 114,000 per year or 300 per day which equates to 20% of deaths.

Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the US , UK & Australia.

Approx. 45.4 million Americans are addicted to tobacco, 1 in 4 adults & 1 in 5 teens are smokers.

In the UK smoking causes 80% of all lung cancers & 80% of all deaths from bronchitis & emphysema. 17% of deaths by heart disease are due to smoking. & 17% of cancer deaths are related to smoking.

In Australia 20% of all deaths & 80% of lung cancers are caused by smoking.

Smokers who smoke between 1 & 14 cigarettes a day are 8 times more likely to die from lung cancer. Smokers who smoke 25 or more a day are 25 times more likely to die from lung cancer.

1 in 2 lifetime smokers will die from their habit & half of these in middle age.

If you are not convinced to quit smoking by the statistics above then maybe if you knew how your smoking affected others, including your children, you might just change your mind.

Approx 4000 deaths per year from heart disease in the US are due to secondary or passive smoking.

Approx 3000 lung cancer deaths are caused by passive smoking.

Children of smokers are at increased risk from asthma attacks, sudden infant death syndrome & middle ear infections.

Pregnant women exposed to smoking are likely to have babies with lower weights.

Children exposed to smoking are more likely to suffer from respiratory infections and have slower developing lungs.

More than 17,000 children under the age of five are admitted to hospital in the UK every year due to the effects of passive smoking.

So even if you can't give up for yourself, how about for those around you AND especially your children.

Giving up smoking is on of the most beneficial things you can do. Unfortunately the insidious nature of nicotine addiction makes giving up smoking one of the most difficult things you can do. In fact in the UK the Royal College of Physicians concluded in a report that nicotine addiction is as addictive as drugs such as heroin & cocaine.

However there is some good news, 46 Million Americans are former smokers.

John Mac is Author & Owner of a website designed to help people improve their fitness, diet & health.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007


This is the time of year when we make New Year's resolutions. One of the most common New Year's resolutions is to quit smoking. It is important to understand why you are addicted before you start any program. Understanding how nicotine affects the body is the fist step in quitting smoking. The second step is picking the right program for you to help you achieve your goal of becoming a non-smoker.

Nicotine is a type of chemical called an alkaloid. Many plants containing alkaloids are poisonous and produce a bitter taste when eaten. Nicotine is found in cigarettes, but it has other uses as well. Weed killers and insecticides also contain nicotine. Nicotine is extremely potent. A person would die if the nicotine found in 2.5 cigarettes were directly injected into a person's bloodstream.

Nicotine enters the bloodstream through the lungs. It quickly reaches the brain, where it affects certain chemicals that change the way you feel. Eventually the brain becomes dependent on nicotine to control these chemicals that make you feel "normal."

Nicotine is more addictive than heroine is. As smokers become addicted to nicotine, they will develop a tolerance to nicotine- meaning that they need to smoke more cigarettes in order to feel the same effects they did when they first started.

Nicotine can have different effects on people. Some say nicotine relaxes them when they are upset. Others say that it energizes them and raises alertness when they are tired. The affects vary according to each person and how much they have inhaled. Nicotine also causes the heart to beat faster, veins to constrict, blood pressure to rise, and the adrenal glands to pump out adrenaline that raises the metabolism and suppresses hunger.

Nicotine interferes with the transmission of information between the nerve cells. It also affects sections of the brain that regulate pleasurable feelings, called "reward circuits." The neurotransmitter dopamine is one chemical affected by smoking; nicotine raises the level of dopamine in the brain's reward circuits, causing the smoker to experience pleasure. Other chemicals impacted by nicotine are serotonin, which controls mood, norepinephrine, which affects arousal and appetite, and beta-endorphin, which reduces anxiety.

Remember that every year the tobacco companies pour millions of dollars into research to keep you addicted! The time is right to stop smoking and get healthy. For more information on quitting smoking you can go to my website at

Libby Sustacheck has over twenty years of experience in the healthcare field working with such industry giants as Kaiser Permanente and Aetna. She has assisted many organizations with their wellness programs.

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Non-Nicotine based tools to Quit Smoking

If one is using nicotine replacements like Nicotine Gums or Inhalers, then it may not be enough. You may require other medications to get rid of the habit. These medications, along with the nicotine replacements, will enhance your chances of quitting smoking successfully.

Zyban Zyban (Bupropion) is a popular medication used my smokers. The reduction in Nicotine intake or its partial withdrawal from body often causes one depression. In this depressed mind, he/she is likely to again go for a cigarette. Zyban helps one fight this depression. It is an antidepressant drug that helps brain fight those nicotine-craving chemicals in the body. Some studies show that Zyban used along with a nicotine replacement greatly helps one to quit smoking. If you are suffering from seizures, eating disorder or are heavily alcoholic, then studies suggest that one should not take Zyban. Pregnant women or breast-feeding mothers should also avoid taking Zyban. Such women should be careful while using any smoking quitting methods. In any case, you should consult your doctor before starting to take it.

Telephone based help Many government organizations and non-profit institutions run Quit Smoking telephone services often called as Quitline. Specialists, on how to quit smoking, talk to smokers counseling them on way of quitting smoking. They help people avoid doing common mistakes while quitting smoking. These lines provide that critical human support often required boosting the confidence of the depressed smoker. Telephone specialists can also help someone locate the right medical help or the right medication. Often this lines guide smokers to join support groups where one can freely talk to fellow mates looking to quit smoking.

Acupuncture Some experts suggest using acupuncture technique to quit smoking. Acupuncture involved inserting needles in certain specific spots on the body. This, as claimed by the acupuncture practitioners, help body regain its natural balance and enhance its self-healing capacity. This in turn helps one to resist the craving for smoking. However, there is no guarantee that this therapy would always be successful. It is pretty safe with no side effects. Some people may feel pain when the needles are inserted. But this is often temporary pain and subsides with time.

Smoking Deterrents The market of quit smoking medication is filled with products, which claim to change the taste of tobacco thereby helping people to quit smoking. There are also available diets, which claim to curb the craving for smoking. However their effectiveness is not guaranteed and the effect could be different from person to person.

Rob Mellor owns the website helping normal people quit smoking in less than 40 minutes. Please visit the site for more information to quit smoking

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Can Chinese Medicine Help You Quit Smoking?

Addiction is now the biggest preventable killer in Britain, causing 150,000 deaths a year (120,000 tobacco related, 33,000 alcohol related and 1,700 drugs related).
How can Chinese medicine help with addiction?

Chinese medicine has beneficial effects on addiction to various substances. The most commonly treated addictions at AcuMedic clinics are smoking and alcoholism.

Smoking has a detrimental impact on all major systems of the human body, in particular, the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems. In Chinese medical theory, smoking weakens the Lung?s function of commanding the overall movement of Qi, Blood and Meridians, by creating Heat in the Lung and Stomach, which in turn will cause Fire in the Heart and/or stagnation of Liver Qi, hence withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, palpitations, mood swings and restlessness occur.

Chinese medicine can reduce the craving for cigarettes. Studies show that patients after treatment often report a dislike for the smell of tobacco and that the craving stops when they press ear points with herbal seeds on (This is called ear acupuncture where either herbal seeds or metal studs are plastered on to certain points on the ears).

Alcoholism, like smoking, can cause irreversible damage to all major organs in the human body, although a moderate amount of alcohol under certain circumstances can be beneficial for health. Chinese medicine treats any withdrawal symptoms and reduces the craving. It has no side effects.

Acupuncture stimulates detoxification, promotes a heightened sense of relaxation, and encourages endorphin production, which makes it an excellent tool for overcoming addiction. Herbal medicine helps the body to cope with stress, improves circulation and promotes mental and physical alertness.

Treatment for addiction can be effective only if the patient is determined to change. The length of treatment depends on the patient?s response and on the severity and duration of the addiction. Drug addiction can also benefit from Chinese medical treatment.

 The Author 'Acumedic' has over 30 years of experience developing and enhancing all aspects of Chinese medicine, Acupuncture and traditional herbal treatments. With an extensive range of Products and Services Acumedic is one of the most comprehensive suppliers in Europe. Visit for more info.

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Quit Smoking Aids

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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Ways To Quit Smoking ? Part 2

Help to quit smoking can be best obtained by helping yourself by firm determination to quit smoking and help from family and friends. Also practicing some simple techniques and taking certain medications can help quit smoking.

The first thing to do is to tell your mind that you are determined to quit smoking. Make a firm decision in your mind. Even if you have failed in past, try again. Talk a lot to oneself. Think about the benefits about quitting smoking and the evils of smoking. Say this to your mind "One cigarette takes away 4 precious minutes of my life."

Their are several medications available for quitting smoking habit. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the following medications. However any medication should be taken only after it is prescribed by a qualified physician. The medications are -

Bupropion SR.
Nicotine gum
Nicotine inhaler
Nicotine nasal spray
Nicotine patch
Nicotine lozenge

Out of the above, the Nicotine gum and the patch are available over the counter. Others are available by prescription only. But its good to consult a physician before taking it. In this article I?m going to talk about nicotine inhalers.

Nicotine Inhaler

Nicotine inhaler, also called Puffer, is a methodology where nicotine is directly mixed with the blood stream. It is a plastic cartridge that contains porous nicotine plug in its base. By inhaling, the vapors of nicotine enter through the mouth lining. Nicotine is inhaled through the nasal passage. The dosage of spray should be as prescribed by the doctor. Its usage too should gradually come down with the passing days. 80 odd puffs of the Inhaler are usually equivalent to the nicotine content in a single cigarette. In winter, more puffs are required as the content of nicotine per puff is reduced. Similarly, less number of puffs are required in summer.

Nasal spray too can cause running nose, headache or dizziness. The most common side effect is the irritation in mouth. You should keep your doctor informed about your progress. Never take an overdose of the inhaler as it can lead to serious breathing or chest problems.

Rob Mellor owns the website helping normal people quit smoking in less than 40 minutes. Please visit the site for more information to stop smoking

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Ways to Quit Smoking - Part 3

In this part were going to take a look at how you can quit smoking using nicotine gum.

Nicotine gum

Nicotine gum is identical to a chewing gum. Like a chewing gum, it should not be swallowed down the throat. It has to be used as prescribed by the physician or as written on the label. Overdosage should be avoided. The gum should be chewed slowly until a slight taste of Nicotine is felt in mouth. Once you taste Nictoine or a slight tingling taste, stop chewing. You might be tempted to chew more and feel the taste more. But you should keep the gum on the side of the mouth, between the cheek and either of the upper or lower jaw. Once the tingling taste fades away, again start chewing it. Repeat the process or about half an hour. Remember, you should stop chewing as soon as u feel the nicotine tingling taste.

The dosage varies from smoker to smoker. A chain smoker (more then 25 cigarettes a day) should start from 4 mg gum. About 25 gums should be chewed initially. If you are not a chain smoker, try with 2 mg gum. 25 gums per day is good to start with. Lesser gums you use better it is for you. Gradually start reducing the number of gums. If you are using 4 mg gums, try switching to 2 mg. The idea is to reduce the nicotine taken every day. If you feel like chewing something, try the normal chewing gum or try one without or little sugar. Any other harmless thing can also be tried. Avoid taking coffee immediately before or after chewing the gum.

Chewing can lead to minor ulcers or jaw ache or even upset stomach. If chest pain or breathing difficulty are felt, immediately spit out the gum and rush to the nearest doctor. If you are already taking some other medicine, do consult your doctor before starting the gum. Never ever take a cigarette, not even a puff, while on the gum. Overdose of nicotine may cause serious health issue. Women who are pregnant or planning to be one should not take the Nicotine gum.In any ciricumstances, anyone who plans to quit smoking, should first talk to his/her physician. The gums don't require any special storage conditions. Dry cool place are good enough. Don't try to mix anything in the gum or dip gum into any liquid before putting it into mouth.

The day you don't feel like taking this gums, you have quitted the deadly habit of smoking cigarettes.

(The author is neither a physician or an expert on the subject. Do consult your physician before starting the Nicotine Gums.)

Rob Mellor owns the website helping normal people quit smoking in less than 40 minutes. Please visit the site for more information to stop smoking

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Gain Quit Smoking Weight

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Ways to Quit Smoking - Part 2

Help to quit smoking can be best obtained by helping yourself by firm determination to quit smoking and help from family and friends. Also practicing some simple techniques and taking certain medications can help quit smoking.

The first thing to do is to tell your mind that you are determined to quit smoking. Make a firm decision in your mind. Even if you have failed in past, try again. Talk a lot to oneself. Think about the benefits about quitting smoking and the evils of smoking. Say this to your mind "One cigarette takes away 4 precious minutes of my life."

Their are several medications available for quitting smoking habit. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the following medications. However any medication should be taken only after it is prescribed by a qualified physician. The medications are - Bupropion SR. Nicotine gum Nicotine inhaler Nicotine nasal spray Nicotine patch Nicotine lozenge

Out of the above, the Nicotine gum and the patch are available over the counter. Others are available by prescription only. But its good to consult a physician before taking it. In this article I'm going to talk about nicotine inhalers.

Nicotine Inhaler Nicotine inhaler, also called Puffer, is a methodology where nicotine is directly mixed with the blood stream. It is a plastic cartridge that contains porous nicotine plug in its base. By inhaling, the vapors of nicotine enter through the mouth lining. Nicotine is inhaled through the nasal passage. The dosage of spray should be as prescribed by the doctor. Its usage too should gradually come down with the passing days. 80 odd puffs of the Inhaler are usually equivalent to the nicotine content in a single cigarette. In winter, more puffs are required as the content of nicotine per puff is reduced. Similarly, less number of puffs are required in summer.

Nasal spray too can cause running nose, headache or dizziness. The most common side effect is the irritation in mouth. You should keep your doctor informed about your progress. Never take an overdose of the inhaler as it can lead to serious breathing or chest problems.

Rob Mellor owns the website helping normal people quit smoking in less than 40 minutes. Please visit the site for more information to stop smoking

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Quit Smoking -- Alosing Battle ?

Quitting was never easy. "I had a hard time,"I told Dr Holmes, the community health consultant serving in Springville."I was tense, finding difficulty to sleep and I broke out in sudden cold sweats.

Fortunately, this is temporary and passed in a couple of weeks. But the psychological dependence lasts much longer.

It was a breezy cold Christmas eve when I first met up with Dr Holmes in his little practition located behind the fast food corner. He told me that I left no choices: Lung cancer or stop smoking IMMEDIATELY !

I couldn't. Smoking was the biggest thing in my life, more important to me than food,esteem,career,children adding together. I smoked almost constantly. I would even walk around my house or work place with an ashtray in my hand.

Quitting is no picnic. But once succeeded, it is just delightful and rewarding ! So do it. Do it for yourself, for your self-esteem, for your health, for your children's health. Do it also for the comfort and health of those around you.

Those who have quit know nicotine withdrawal is no easy task. Yet the millions of tobacco-related cases of illness and death every year are powerful incentives to quit. But for the majority of smokers the incentives are not as powerful as the addiction impelling them to continue.

The habitual intake of nicotine, as discovered by medical research, is equivalent to the use of amphetamines, cocaine and heroin. Nicotine "meets the technical criteria of an addictive drug in laboratory studies by affecting brainwave, altering mood and serving as a biological reward that draws out certain behavior from both laboratory animals and human volunteers."

Have you struggled in vain for many years to quit smoking ? And you feel very DISCOURAGE ? Do not give up ! Others, many others who have been just addicted to nicotine, have succeeded in quitting.

After each resolution to quit, I would end up scouting around for cigarette butts. Or I would get dressed at night and go out to buy some. Only thereafter finding myself extremely disappointed and upset over yet another losing battle to tobacco.

But things need not necessarily be the same to you if you have the knowledge.


How do you apply this into your struggle against tobacco ?

Consider the following hard facts:

LUNG CANCER: Smokers make up 87% of lung cancer deaths</li>

BREAST CANCER: Women who smoked 40 or more cigarettes daily have a 74% greater chance of dying from breast cancer.</li>

HEART DISEASE: Smokers have a 70% greater risk of cardiovascular disease.</li>

LEUKEMIA: Smoking appears to cause myeloid leukemia.</li>

HEARING IMPAIRMENT: Infants of smoking parents have greater difficulty processing sound.</li>

DIABETIC HAZARD: Diabetics who smoke or chew tobacco are at higher risk for kidney damage and have more rapidly progressing retinopathy.</li>

COLON CANCER: Two studies involving more than 150,000 people show a clear link between smoking and colon cancer.</li>

ASTHMA: Secondhand smoke can worsen asthma in youngsters.</li>

EXERCISE INJURIES: According to a U.S. Army study, smokers are more likely to suffer injuries while exercising.</li>

MEMORY: High doses of nicotine may take a toll on mental dexterity while a person is performing complex tasks.</li>

DEPRESSION: Psychiatrists are investigating evidence of a link between smoking and major depression as well as schizophrenia.

Say no to tobacco and click here www. to stop smoking in less than 30 days

Stein Ellen has been actively involved in community welfare and charity projects besides presiding over numerous voluntary bodies in persuits of betterment for the general public

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ways to Quit Smoking - Part 1

Help to quit smoking can be best obtained by helping your ownself by firm determination to quit smoking and help from family and friends. Also practicitng some simple techniques and taking certain medications can help quit smoking. The first thing to do is to tell your mind that you are detemined to quit smoking. Make a firm decision in your mind. Even if you have failed in past, try again. Talk a lot to your ownself. Think about the benefits about quitting smoking and the evils of smoking. Say this to your mind "One cigarette takes away 4 precious minutes of my life."

Their are several medications available for quitting smoking habit. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the following medications. However any medication should be taken only after it is prescribed by a qualified physician. The medications are - Bupropion SR. Nicotine gum Nicotine inhaler Nicotine nasal spray Nicotine patch Nicotine lozenge

Out of the above, the Nicotine gum and the patch are available over the counter. Others are available by prescription only. But its good to consult a physician before taking it. In this article I'm going to talk about nicotine patches.

Nicotine Patch Nicotine patches are another way to quit smoking. Patches are applied directly to the skin; each applied at an interval of 24 hours. There are a variety of different patches each with different content level of Nicotine. Nicotine patches are available only if prescribed by a qualified physician. They should exactly be as used as per the prescription. Over dosage or any experimentation with the application area of patches should be avoided. The patch should be applied on upper arm, upper area of chest or the hip. The area should not be oily or very hairy (preferably hairless). If required shave off the hair in the area. The area should be kept clean and dirt free. Replace the patch if it falls off the skin. The patch should be wore for about 24 hours. Never wear 2 patches (though they might be on different areas of body) at a time. That would equal to over dosage. This treatment takes anywhere from a month or five months depending upon your ability to resist the urge to smoke. The strength of the patch applied should gradually be brought down. Also the frequency of usage should be gradually brought down. Like in case of any other remedy, Patches may cause stomach upset, irritation or dizziness. If this continues, consult your doctor. Also consult your doctor immediately if u feels breathing problems or chest pain or any similar problems. Remember, if you follow the treatment religiously for about 5 months, you can get rid of the dangerous smoking habit for a lifetime.

Rob Mellor owns the website helping normal people quit smoking in less than 40 minutes. Please visit the site for more information to quit smoking

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New Years Resolutions - Dieting - Quit Smoking - Getting Out Of Debt

Okay it is almost that time of year again when we make those promises to ourselves and our loved ones. I know one of the main resolutions is to lose weight and get in shape.

We will be bombarded very soon with infomercial ads promising all kinds of diet programs and exercise equipment. These infomercials will promise to reshape your body and improve your health.

You will see diet ads designed for both men and women. You can have meals, snack and desserts delivered right to your door. Drink your meals and take nutritional pills. Which commercial will motivate you this year?

It is always amazing to see the health clubs packed the first week in January And then within a few weeks the attendance drastically goes down except for those die hard committed people. Good for you. I wish I had your dedication. With any luck if you are really committed this year you will be one of those who do stick to their New Years Resolution. I am hoping this year to stay committed. Get in shape, eat healthy and appreciate more my family and friends.

What are some other top resolutions? How about quit smoking? When cigarettes first came out how come it was not realized right from the start how bad they were for you. Inhaling smoke??? It took years before they put the warnings of lung cancer on the packages. If this is one of your resolutions I wish you the best. It is a very tough addition to break. But at least now days there are a ton of ways to help you kick your habit. You have to find what works for you and go for it. Good luck!

How about getting out of debt? Wouldn't everyone want to do this? Not having enough money to pay your bills is an awful feeling. You do have to be careful of those get rich quick schemes. Work hard and do you best. Ask yourself this when you buy something, "Do I really need this? Or do I just want it?" I know, easier said then done.

Well what ever your resolution is I hope you are able to follow through and I am sure going to give it a valiant effort myself

Have a Great New Year!!!

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TK Healey is the chief editor for SurfTilYouDrop? a consumer based website focusing on infomercial products. For more information regarding products you have seen advertised on television, product reviews, personalized searches, video clips and more visit today! Related Product: Nutrisystem Diet Programs

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Friday, September 14, 2007

A Breakthrough in Using Affirmations to Quit Smoking

Has Smoking got you down??

Does it sometimes seem like insanity trying to quit?

Make this your Banner Year for Changing all that! Make A New Year's Affirmation to Stop Smoking--Then do it!!

Nicotine Addiction

There is no longer any doubt that smoking causes all sorts of physical problems, disease, and death.

Children can suffer physical defects and emotional problems if their mother smoked while she was pregnant and second-hand smoke is harmful to those breathing it in.

Do cigarettes or tobacco control your every waking moment? Does your breath reek of smoke? Are your fingers yellow and stained?

Be honest--

? Have you ever desperately searched through ashtrays in a frenzied attempt to find a butt worth smoking?
? Every time you wash your walls, windows, or drapes, do you cringe at the sight and colour of that ghastly, greenish-yellow nicotine?
? Do you huff and puff, walking up a flight of stairs?
? Do you wish to live longer?

You can change all this by a sincere desire to quit smoking, taking action, and using the Affirmation Process.

2. Empowering Your Affirmations

Just what is an affirmation, you may ask? An affirmation is simply a positive sentence stating exactly what you desire. To affirm is to state that it is so and maintain this attitude regardless of what is happening all around you--and the answer will come.

Just know that any idea that is accepted by your brain is automatically transferred into an action of some kind. It may take seconds, minutes, or longer, but ideas always produce a reaction of some kind. Say to your subconscious mind, "Hey wonderful mind you know how to assist me in becoming a non-smoker and I now ask for your help, for which I give thanks," Then do an affirmation as set out below.

The power of creation is always present in the now and you are always creating and re-creating. If you have a problem, you created it and you can uncreate it.

Always affirm in the present time. Saying and decreeing, "I deserve and now have" makes it present tense. If you say, "I deserve and will have," you are putting the manifestation off into the future--perhaps some future lifetime. Your subconscious mind will honour the postponement inherent in this statement. You cannot live in the past, present, and future at the same time.

Avoid Using Negative Terms

When structuring your affirmations, refrain from using the word not. For example, "I, (your name), deserve to be a non-smoker and do not smoke." Your subconscious mind could cancel out the negative word not and your affirmation would then read "I, (your name), deserve to be a smoker and do smoke," which, of course, would be reinforcing the fact that you smoke. Instead, structure your affirmation as follows:


"I, (your name), deserve to be and now enjoy being smoke-free".

One Example

Laura told me she was disappointed in the affirmation process. Even though she was faithfully doing her affirmations, she was still depressed and unhappy. In fact, it was even getting worse! I asked her to read what she had written in her Master Affirmation. It read, "I, Laura, deserve to be and now am not depressed." When she was affirming over and over that she was not depressed, her mind was cancelling out the word not. She was actually affirming that she was depressed.

As in the above example of smoking, her mind had been trained not to recognize the word not. She changed her affirmation to read:

"I, Laura, deserve to be and now am depression-free. I am happy and free of depression."

Today, Laura is happy and peaceful.

The ABCs of Health

A. Always accept responsibility for your health. Accept responsibility for the damage that smoking is doing to your body. Learn about and understand the full nature of the harmful effects of smoking. Always be conscious of what you can do to assist your body in cleansing, healing, and revitalizing.

B. Be yourself. Never attempt to copy others. You are unique. Believe that you can and will STOP smoking and be willing to explore various avenues of healing and ways to accomplish this. Listen to the advice of your healthcare practitioner and other well-meaning people, then make your own decisions based on the information you have obtained.

C. Cleanse your mind, emotions, and body of harmful drugs, nicotine, negative thoughts, emotions, or chemicals. Nicotine and drugs can act as poisons in your system; toxins form a part of chronic, degenerative disease caused by smoking.

You have the choice. You can choose to quit smoking and you can choose to be sick or healthy. You cannot concentrate on sickness and health at the same time. Two opposing thoughts cannot live under the same mental roof at the same time.

Speak positively to yourself through affirmations. Positive, directed spoken words are thoughts that create invisible, wondrous power and work to create your desired result--you being smoke free and in perfect health. Your body, mind, and soul are connected. What your mind thinks, your body feels. Emotional pain causes physical pain and, in time, this can cause physical disease.

Give Yourself Permission to STOP smoking and to be Healthy.

Permission-to-STOP smoking Be Healthy Agreement

"I, (your name), hereby give myself permission to Stop Smoking and to be 100 percent healthy. I deserve, create, and have health and happiness in my life. I believe in myself and my ability to quit smoking right here, right now. I do my affirmations regularly. I take responsibility for health and body. I find and employ ways to improve my health daily. I enjoy relaxing, meditating, and exercising. I love myself unconditionally. I accept and approve of myself. I allow myself to be me. I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy, to the good of all parties concerned. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I Fully Accept: Signed: _____________________________
Date of Acceptance: ___________________

When you sign your name, you say, "Yes, I validate, accept, and agree with this permission slip. I am aware that no one else has a signature just like mine." You have just created a legal, binding document with yourself, your subconscious mind, God, Universal Mind or whomever you believe in.

Read your Master Affirmation over every morning and every evening and then step ahead two or three days, weeks, months and See yourself as a non-smoker. Bring in the other four physical senses--hear people saying how great you look, feel how healthy you feel, smell a flower or cologne and for taste, visualize biting into a juicy apple or taking a drink of clear, sparkling water. You already are a non-smoker; you are stepping into that place right now! After you have written, dated, and signed the Permission to quit smoking and to be Healthy Agreement, should your body still not be willing to accept the positive statements of health, such as "I am a non-smoker, I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonicons, happy, you could say this:


"My health is improving daily. The desire to smoke becomes less and less every day, until it completely leaves my body. I enjoy being a non-smoker. I enjoy a smoke-free environment. My body and mind now totally accept this affirmation as a statement of truth. I am peaceful. Every cell, nerve, tissue, and muscle of my lungs and my whole body is now healing and becoming 100 percent healthy. I enjoy being and now am smoke-free. I believe in me and my ability to be smoke-free. I easily refuse cigarettes or any form of tobacco, to the good of all parties concerned. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Short-Form Affirmation: healthy body, nicotine-free

Print this, cut this out and put it in your wallet or purse

Take me with you everywhere. I enjoy being a non-smoker. It is easy for me to be a non-smoker. I am happy and healthy. Smoking does not interest me. I am free!

This and more techniques for quiting smoking or dealing with almost any challenge you can imagine are included in my book "Affirmations, Your Passport to Happiness" at my website.

Dr. Anne Marie Evers, "The Affirmations Doctor"

Dr. Anne Marie Evers has spent the last 35 years leading people going through turbulance in their lives using a combination of affirmations and "mind shift tools". The results are spectacular... Dr. Evers has free daily affirmations, and other free information on her website:

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Quit Smoking - Build Your Support Group Early

You've heard all the detrimental effects of cigarette smoking, and you know you should stop smoking cigarettes. You've even made the pledge to take that step. What's next?

If you're going to try a stop smoking hypnotherapy, you may think that you've got the issue solved. But even the most proven stop smoking programs aren't going to do you any good if you don't also have some help on a daily basis. That means you need a stop smoking support group. It's easy to establish this group, especially if you have friends and family members who are anxious for you to quit. And best of all, this is a free stop smoking resource!

Anyone who has tried to quit knows that it's not a one-person undertaking. You need help to stop smoking. One of the most effective stop smoking aids isn't sold in any form. It's nothing more than knowing that you're harming yourself and your family with the second hand smoke. If those people who care most about you are ready to help you through the process, you may find that you can make it happen. Here are some reasons the support of friends helps, and some tips toward making your support group as supportive as possible.

Make Yourself Responsible to Someone Smoking cessation is sometimes more difficult because you figure you can sneak in a cigarette now and then without anyone knowing about it. Making yourself responsible to another person means that you're going to have to actively lie about your smoking. It's one thing to sneak in a smoke, but quite another to tell an outright lie when someone asks if you've had a cigarette. Choose someone who'll ask you on a regular basis whether you've had a cigarette.

Talk to the "Naggers" Spouses, family and friends often nag about smoking until the smoker is ready to scream. The key here is that it's seldom productive and only makes the smoker more angry, nervous and anxious for another smoke. Quitting smoking is hard enough without adding the stress of arguments over the subject. Take time to explain that to all those "naggers" in your group. Tell them that you want their help, but that sniping isn't productive quit smoking help.

Support for Stop Smoking Hypnosis Remind those in your support group that quit smoking products or methods you choose shouldn't be important. The important thing is that you're stopping smoking. With that in mind, ask all those who doubt that hypnosis stop smoking methods (or whatever you choose) keep their opinions to themselves. If you lose faith in the quit smoking hypnosis because of what you hear about it, it's only going to serve to make the process less effective.

Listen to Advice With Caution As soon as you announce that you're quitting, you'll get plenty of advice from other smokers on how to stop smoking. Remember that the method that works for you, may be of little use to someone else. It's always good to listen, but don't discard your own common sense. You know more about what you can and can't do than anyone else.

Finally ... Remind your family and friends that you're taking your commitment seriously, but that you need stop smoking help and encouragement along the way.

Steve Hill discusses the quit smoking process. Learn the facts before you decide which quit smoking product to buy. Read more no-hype stop smoking articles and information at: quit smoking

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Time to quit smoking

Time to quit smoking

Love and cigarettes have many things in common. They say that a relation is very much like a cigarette: you have to put an end to it, before it hurts you. Also, if you look at somebody who quitted smoking recently and somebody who broke up not long time ago, you'll see a lot of resemblances. The comparison between love and a cigarette is quite accurate, with the specification that a relation can be with the right person, and, in that case it can't hurt you, but a cigarette, no matter how light it is, it's always harmful!
When do people usually quit smoking? Unfortunately, they wait until one morning when they look in the mirror and notice how yellow their teeth are, how bad their skin looks and how awful they cough; in other words, much more later than they should. If you find yourself in the same situation or close to it, that means you've just become or you're about to become conscious about the fact that you have a problem.
Once you realize what your problem is, you get down to business and try to solve it - obviously by quitting smoking. First week after quitting cigarettes is idealistic - you breathe easier, your hands don't smell bad anymore and, since you're so determined, you think you can break any records.
Nevertheless, you should also expect to go through a period when you feel capable of killing for a smoke. Lack of nicotine will also affect you physically, not only mentally. You'll find yourself in great pain, in a bad mood, just as if you quitted taking drugs. When you go through precisely the period described above, keep away thoughts like: I'll smoke only one more and then I'll realty quit - once you start smoking again, you suffered all that pain in vain. On the other hand, try not to:
* Start drinking, instead of smoking. It's even worse.
* Keep any lights around or ashtrays - they will represent too much of a temptation.
* Encourage you friends to smoke next to you, just to show them how tough you are.
Keep in mind that there are thousands of people on this planet trying to quit smoking, so you are not alone. Try to get more information regarding the amount of evil cigarettes do to you. Watch TV, read magazines, go on line, or even try to get professional help, because once you did made your decision to quit smoking and you respected it for more than two weeks, it's a pity to give up.
Many persons, and not only women, have confessed that they are afraid to gain considerable weight, when quitting smoking. Specialists have not denied this fear. They do admit that we have to use something in order to compensate for the cigarettes we don't smoke anymore. Usually lack of cigarettes is compensated by candies, which served in great quantities will result into a lot of body fat; chewing gum, which actually stimulates our gastric juice and makes us hungry more often.
Nevertheless you have to assume all those risks and try to diminish the unpleasant effects by exercising a lot, because otherwise, the problems to deal with will be even more considerable than a few extra pounds.

Bruce Hughbanks is Dedicated to the Success of Business Minded Entrepreneurs World Wide. His In-Depth Views, Techniques and Dedication to helping others is second to none. Contributed to the Advancement of  Internet Marketing Success, Copywriting and Joint Venture Affiliations. Find out how he can help you: (Another TeagINC Network Production)

Friends and Family Should be Priority!
Experience True Freedom! The Employment Alternative Group

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How to quit smoking

How to quit smoking

Stop Smoking Through Self Hypnosis.

Many people find it impossible to stop smoking, no matter how much they tell themselves this is a negative habit to have. They often quit smoking, only to go back to it after a while. There are hundreds of drugs that claim to help you stop smoking - some are more effective, some have no effect whatsoever. However, an easier and healthier method is also available: quitting smoking through the use of self-hypnosis and mental concentration.
After a while smoking becomes a program that our mind continues to run. It is not your body requesting a cigarette - your mind is responsible for this process. By going straight to the source of this problem (your mind) you can obtain control over it. Otherwise, your attempts to quit smoking will only affect you on your conscious level, leaving the unconscious one free to reinitiate the desire to smoke. Most of the times, the initial strong will that determines the conscious mind to say STOP is going to fade away, allowing your "smoking program" to come back even stronger than before. You are creating a whirlwind you will have less and less chances of escaping with the passing of time. After a while (months or years, depending on the individual) smoking becomes part of your mental processes, on the same level as breathing, eating, sleeping.
There are other good reasons to stop smoking for good, as it's not only your health getting damaged in the process. By repetitively quitting and returning to smoking you will become aware of your weakness and low will power. This can lead to other psychological issues, such as depression and a very low self-esteem. A person experiencing this will cause himself/herself even more problems, becoming insecure and unwilling to take on important projects due to fear of failure.
Self-hypnosis is a good solution to all these problems. Several methods of falling into a self imposed and controlled state of relaxation are available. They work by providing your mind with a safe and quite place, where you can recollect your thoughts and start working on the problem. Hypnosis works with suggestion and you will apply this to your smoking problem. Repetitive practices of self-hypnosis are needed but each time you will feel even more confident with your mental powers. Whenever your subconscious mind pushes you towards lighting a cigarette you can revert to self-hypnosis.
Self-hypnosis does not have immediate effects, but it is probably the best long term solution you can take. Many people will be skeptical about its effects and might quit after a few days. This is a process that requires you to start knowing yourself better, which many see as a hard journey. However, this method not only gradually reduces your desire to smoke, but also reprograms your subconscious mind to eliminate the desire to smoke forever. When practiced regularly for a few months, self-hypnosis techniques become efficient and beneficial to other aspects of your life. Positive changes don't stop at smoking and extend to other aspects of your life, boosting your morale and self confidence and guiding you towards a healthier mental state, which, in turn, is reflected on your body's health.

Bruce Hughbanks is Dedicated to the Success of Business Minded Entrepreneurs World Wide. His In-Depth Views, Techniques and Dedication to helping others is second to none. Contributed to the Advancement of  Internet Marketing Success, Copywriting and Joint Venture Affiliations. Find out how he can help you: (Another TeagINC Network Production)

Friends and Family Should be Priority!
Experience True Freedom! The Employment Alternative Group

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking

 by: Mike Mor

Consider this:

Already since 1972, over 60 million people in the USA alone have successfully quit smoking!

At one stage over 60% of the adult population was addicted to this drug. Today it is 28% and dropping.

Now, isn't this a fair thought.

If all these people can do it (60 MILLION OF THEM!) - and they include EVERY TYPE of person imaginable - surely that is PROOF that IT IS POSSIBLE to successfully quit smoking.

Here's another Fact.

We now know from the latest scientific research, that although nicotine is one of the world's fastest acting drugs --- the actual PHYSICAL withdrawal pangs when you give up ARE SO MILD, YOU WILL HARDLY BE AWARE of THEM WHEN YOU STOP.

YES, you have read that sentence right!

I know you will want to argue with me on this point, but, first, let me first make the following points.

The Desire to Smoke

Yes, when you stop smoking you will feel the desire AGAIN and AGAIN to smoke.

We all know that feeling -- 'I must have a cigarette'. But that desire in itself is not bad or painful.

It is just a feeling, a sensation we feel in our body.

However........this is where, for most of us our problems start.

If we start to fear that 'craving' or try to use 'Willpower' to REPRESS it or FORCE it go away, -- "I wish this feeling would go away" we WILL create pain and tension.

This is what as smokers we have all done in the past.

That 'feeling' of wanting to smoke then becomes painful, annoying and terribly irritating.

Now this is the hard part to realize.

The pain, the horror does not come from the desire to smoke, but from HOW we deal with this desire, moment-by-moment WHEN we stop.

Can I emphasize this.

You do not have to experience ANY pain or agony when you stop. Yes, when you stop you WILL experience a.

Temporary feeling of loss

A feeling that you are being deprived of something

A feeling of emptiness

A feeling that you will never be able to enjoy yourself again.

A feeling that you must have a cigarette

These feelings, although very real in themselves are not inherently bad or painful. What is important is how you deal with these feelings when you QUIT SMOKING.

The key part of quitting smoking naturally is learning how to deal with these cravings when you stop.


Right now, you don't want to give up smoking because you are TERRIFIED of how you will FEEL when you can't smoke.

Let's be honest.

You smoke now because you enjoy it.

Or -- to be more accurate: You smoke now because you have conditioned yourself to enjoy it.

It is important that we are honest with ourselves here.

In fact, even the 'THOUGHT', the mere 'thought' of not been able to smoke probably fills you with complete dread now.

But there is another undeniable fact: This 'pleasure' is killing you. Again we must be brutally honest here. Everyday, you are systemically destroying your health.

This is the conflict all smokers face.

On the one hand, smoking is killing you and you desperately want to stop.

..And yet on the other hand, you don't really want to stop because you believe you really enjoy it.

Yet, one other truth cannot be denied and this applies to every smoker.

We are terrified of how we will F-E-E-L when we can't smoke. We are convinced it will be unbearable and impossible.


Right now, the ONLY thing -- yes, THE ONLY THING stopping you from quitting smoking is this fear of how YOU WILL FEEL WHEN YOU STOP.

And yet this very fear is the actual key to quitting smoking naturally.

Quitting smoking is really all about learning HOW to deal with the cravings and feelings you WILL get when you stop.

When you learn how to do that - you will realize that there is nothing to fear when you give up.

What is there to fear?

When you get the craving to smoke, which you will, again and again - - you will now take the OPPORTUNITY to 'change' or 'transform' that craving so that it is actually enjoyable or at least tolerable to experience.


You have decided to give up smoking. It's dinnertime.

You have finished a day's work.

You finish your meal and ..... subconsciously, you reach for a cigarette. But then, of course you remember you no longer smoke.

Bang! At that moment, certain gut feelings will arise.

Feelings of regret........a feeling that you are missing out on something important and then maybe..... terrible feelings of emptiness..... We all know how it feels.

But the real question is: How will you deal with this feeling -- this craving to smoke?

Will you just suffer it, try to repress it and hope that it will go away? That is one option. The old willpower method.

Or will you give in to the feeling -- and start to smoke again (promising to start again tomorrow)?

Or will you - - for the first time ever: - - follow our instructions and actually ALLOW yourself to transform the feeling/craving so that it is actually enjoyable or at least pleasant or tolerable enough to experience.

You see, when you can do that, you will no longer be AFRAID of these cravings when you stop smoking.

In fact, you will start to WELCOME them because they will give you another opportunity to RESPOND and DEAL with them in this NEW WAY.

This process is the essence of quitting smoking naturally and finding it a pleasant and life-affirming experience.


Are you now beginning to see how these principles can also apply to losing weight.

You see a beautiful cake. You want to eat it....when BANG! -- You remember you are on a diet.

Now watch HOW YOU feel when this happens?

Couldn't we describe it as.

'Feelings of regret........a feeling that you are missing out on something important and then maybe..... terrible feelings of emptiness.

Isn't it essentially the same feeling as not being able to smoke?

However, the real question is the same with smoking: How will you DEAL with this feeling - this craving to eat?

Will you GIVE IN to it -- and eat the cake or will you try and FORCE yourself not to eat it- and be miserable?

Why not consider our alternative?

Accept this feeling, this desire to eat. But, instead of giving in to it, learn how to deal and respond to it in a NEW way so that you don't MIND experiencing it?

Transform the craving so that it is actually enjoyable or very pleasant to experience.

The Joy of quitting Smoking?

Remember, when you stop - yes, you WILL feel something but there will be no physical agony, only a temporary feeling that you are MISSING OUT on something. A feeling that you are being deprived of something SPECIAL --- but these feelings will ONLY be temporary.

However, to quit smoking successfully and to start to enjoy doing it we must go deeper than these temporary cravings.

We must realize that:

You find it difficult or impossible to stop smoking now because......... you BELIEVE ABSOLUTELY that you NEED to smoke and even deeper, you BELIEVE that if you give up smoking now, your life will never be as ENJOYABLE again.

In one sentence: You believe your life will be intolerable.

It is these beliefs that makes quitting smoking difficult NOT Nicotine addiction.

Right now, you are not only physically addicted to smoking but you are psychologically dependent or addicted to smoking.

If your addiction were purely physical wouldn't all these nicotine patches have a 100% success record!

Yet, we all know that even if we use a nicotine substitute, we will still continue to feel a terrible desire to smoke.

Again and again, we'll feel we must have a cigarette. At times, it will even get to the stage where we just don't care - even the most dire health warnings will have no affect on us - we just WANT to smoke. Where does this desire come from ?

It comes from our conditioning, our beliefs about smoking.

This moment, we believe that smoking is an essential pleasure. In fact, most of us have a terrible resistance to EVEN thinking about quitting smoking.

Why ?

Because we believe that in order to do anything about our addiction, i.e. give up smoking -- we would have to end our pleasure and ending pleasure is something we have NO DESIRE to do.


Your real job in giving up smoking lies in REALLY UNDERSTANDING that you don't NEED to smoke.

You remove the psychological addiction to smoking.

You will never be truly free until you realize that smoking is not a real pleasure and that when you stop, you WILL NOT BE depriving ourselves of a real pleasure....... ......and then you will not only be able to give up smoking for good but you will enjoy doing it!

Is it possible to enjoy, yes ENJOY quitting smoking - and not gain ANY weight? Follow Sean O'Riain famous 10-day free online Quit Smoking Course at and prove it for yourself.

Others quit smoking articles available at

This article will help you remove the need to smoke naturally by argument and reason alone.

I am the author of 'How to Remove the Psychological Addiction TO Smoking' and of 'the Bliss of meditation' at This allows me to apply the principles of meditation theory to the process of quitting smoking.

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The Many Benefits to Quitting Smoking

Besides the fact that you will no longer smell like an ashtray, quitting smoking, at any age and after any number of years, will extend your life. It will also improve the quality of the time that you have left. These are the things that you need to keep in mind to help you quit and reaffirm the decision that you made.

The funny thing about quitting is that most smokers want to quit, feel terrible about smoking and proud when they make the decision. A few days to months away from the product and they start thinking that they want to do it again. A reminder is in order, at this point, of the benefits they have and will continue to receive from kicking the habit.

Immediate benefits are, well, immediate. After just 20 minutes your blood pressure and pulse drop to a normal rate. The temperature of your hands and feet will increase to normal. In 8 hours, the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal and the oxygen level in your blood goes up to normal.

You are no longer hypoxic ( a lower than normal level of oxygen in your blood and body tissues) like you have been daily for years. In only 24 hours, your chance of a heart attack starts to decrease. In 48 hours, your nerve endings begin to re-grow and your sense of smell and sense of taste improve. This is around the time that you begin to smell cigarette smoke clearly and realize how disgusting it really is.

In 72 hours, if not using any nicotine replacement products like patches or gum, you are nicotine free. It is all downhill from here, even though it may not feel like it yet.

Beginning in only 2 weeks and continuing through the first 3 months, your circulation will improve and all forms of exercise will become easier. Your lung function will increase up to 30 percent and you will have much more energy. You will also lose that annoying smokers cough and will stop needing to clear your throat all of the time due to inflammation in your airway.

One month out and continuing through 9 months smoke free, and the lungs really begin to heal. The cilia (small hairs) in your lung begin to re-grow and go about their job of keeping your lungs clean and clear. You will get sick with respiratory illnesses and sinus infections much less often than you had in the past.

One year smoke free and you will find your risk of heart disease cut in half. In 5 to 10 years, your risk of lung cancer has decreased by one half. Your risk of other smoking related cancers also decreases dramatically. This includes cancer of the esophagus, mouth, throat, bladder, kidney, and pancreas.

There is no other single most effective way to cut any cancer rate than quitting smoking. At this point, your risk of stroke is the same as if you had never smoked before. After 15 years, your risk of coronary heart disease and death is similar to those who never smoked.
Your personal risk in each of these areas, and thusly benefits, are determined in part by how much you smoked, how long you smoke for, and what age you started at.

Unfortunately, 90 percent of all smokers begin in their teens and earlier. This increases their cancer risk because their growing lungs and body were flooded with carcinogens during development. If this includes you, quit now. +

There is some research that shows that the earlier you quit, the greater the benefits that you will reap. Do not excuse yourself because you think that you are too old or have already had some health consequences due to your habit.

For those that have suffered a heart attack, your risk of a second, and perhaps fatal, attack is cut in half by kicking the habit. Besides, medical and life insurance premiums will decrease. If that doesnt tell you that your life will be extended by quitting smoking, then nothing may convince you.

The bottom line is this, you can quit smoking, but you need to have a plan. Not just any plan, but a tried and true tested battle plan that will help you to quit smoking today. To learn more please visit: right now.

The funny thing about quitting is that most smokers want to quit, feel terrible about smoking and proud when they make the decision. A few days to months away from the product and they start thinking that they want to do it again. A reminder is in order, at this point, of the benefits they have and will continue to receive from kicking the habit.

Immediate benefits are, well, immediate. After just 20 minutes your blood pressure and pulse drop to a normal rate. The temperature of your hands and feet will increase to normal. In 8 hours, the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal and the oxygen level in your blood goes up to normal.

You are no longer hypoxic ( a lower than normal level of oxygen in your blood and body tissues) like you have been daily for years. In only 24 hours, your chance of a heart attack starts to decrease. In 48 hours, your nerve endings begin to re-grow and your sense of smell and sense of taste improve. This is around the time that you begin to smell cigarette smoke clearly and realize how disgusting it really is.

In 72 hours, if not using any nicotine replacement products like patches or gum, you are nicotine free. It is all downhill from here, even though it may not feel like it yet.

Beginning in only 2 weeks and continuing through the first 3 months, your circulation will improve and all forms of exercise will become easier. Your lung function will increase up to 30 percent and you will have much more energy. You will also lose that annoying smokers cough and will stop needing to clear your throat all of the time due to inflammation in your airway.

One month out and continuing through 9 months smoke free, and the lungs really begin to heal. The cilia (small hairs) in your lung begin to re-grow and go about their job of keeping your lungs clean and clear. You will get sick with respiratory illnesses and sinus infections much less often than you had in the past.

One year smoke free and you will find your risk of heart disease cut in half. In 5 to 10 years, your risk of lung cancer has decreased by one half. Your risk of other smoking related cancers also decreases dramatically. This includes cancer of the esophagus, mouth, throat, bladder, kidney, and pancreas.

There is no other single most effective way to cut any cancer rate than quitting smoking. At this point, your risk of stroke is the same as if you had never smoked before. After 15 years, your risk of coronary heart disease and death is similar to those who never smoked.
Your personal risk in each of these areas, and thusly benefits, are determined in part by how much you smoked, how long you smoke for, and what age you started at.

Unfortunately, 90 percent of all smokers begin in their teens and earlier. This increases their cancer risk because their growing lungs and body were flooded with carcinogens during development. If this includes you, quit now. +

There is some research that shows that the earlier you quit, the greater the benefits that you will reap. Do not excuse yourself because you think that you are too old or have already had some health consequences due to your habit.

For those that have suffered a heart attack, your risk of a second, and perhaps fatal, attack is cut in half by kicking the habit. Besides, medical and life insurance premiums will decrease. If that doesnt tell you that your life will be extended by quitting smoking, then nothing may convince you.

The bottom line is this, you can quit smoking, but you need to have a plan. Not just any plan, but a tried and true tested battle plan that will help you to quit smoking today. To learn more please visit: right now.
Dwayne Garrett is the author of a newly released publication entitled How To Quit Smoking Now Once and for All! Dwayne not only gives you a tried and true tested battle plan, but his plan has no need for any medicine, hypnosis, pills or anything of that nature. Its simple and it works! Visit to learn more.

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Hypnotherapy Quit Smoking

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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Claims You Can Quit Smoking

Advanced Laser Solutions Claims You Can Quit Smoking
In One Day

Independent survey results substantiates laser treatment completely removes the physical withdrawal symptoms

Cleveland Ohio. Most smokers will tell you they could quit smoking, overcoming the habits associated with cigarettes, if the physical cravings were removed. The constant nagging of the physical addiction overrides the best of intentions among many smokers who truly want to quit.

Nicotine replacement therapies, antidepressants, hypnotherapy and cold turkey methods have helped some smokers kick the habit. The fail rate is higher than the success rate of these therapies, leaving many a smoker with the heavy feeling of defeat.

Advanced Laser Solutions, located in Garfield Heights Ohio, offers a 20-minute treatment that claims to remove the physical cravings of the cigarette. To a smoker, this claim may sound too good to be true.

Low-level Laser therapy has been safely used with great success in Canada and in Europe for over thirty years. In May of 2003, an Institutional Review Board (IRB) authorized investigational clinical trials using low-level laser therapy in compliance with FDA regulations in the United States. The FDA has already ruled low-level laser therapy as a non-significant risk and the US investigational trials are being funded through patient participation.

After my mother, a smoker for most of her adult life, received this treatment in Canada and successfully quit smoking, I knew this was a viable treatment that could actually change a persons life, says co-owner of Advanced Laser Solutions, Tony Latina. Tony went on to become a Certified Laser Technician (CLT). Peggy Schmidt, LSW, LPCC, CCDC, a Licensed Addictions Counselor joined Tony and together they have opened the first Ohio office.

Tony and Peggy are dedicated to helping those that smoke and want to quit, finally succeed. They offer a full program addressing both the physical and mental addiction to nicotine.

As part of their overall commitment to the effectiveness of the treatment and the clients perception of the treatment, they contracted with an independent survey company, Quality Care Options, LLC (877-620-6448) QCO

The following questions were asked within the confidential survey:

  • The Laser Treatment removed the physical craving for tobacco 100% said Yes
  • My questions about the procedure were answered satisfactorily 100% said Yes
  • I feel the ongoing support and ability to receive reinforcement treatments have been of value to me 100% said yes
  • I believe this treatment lived up to its promises 100% said Yes
  • I now consider myself a Non-Smoker 90% said Yes 7% said Unsure 3% said No

Advanced Laser Solutions received Certification as a Senior Approved Service and is included within an exclusive network of services recommended to seniors, family members, health care professionals and employers. Advanced Laser Solutions far surpassed the required 90% customer satisfaction rating. Senior Approved Services

Is becoming a non-smoker your New Years Resolution? To help answer questions and ease your concerns about the laser therapy, Advanced Laser Solutions is hosting a free one-hour seminar on Monday December the 27th. Seating is limited and RSVPs are required. Phone 216-663-0766 by December the 23rd.

Advanced Laser Solutions is located at 5246 E. 98th Street, Suite 2, Garfield Heights Ohio and serves the tri-state area as the first and only center offering low-level laser therapy. Telephone: 216-663-0766
Web: Advanced Laser Solutions

Barbara is the founder of Quality Elder Care and of Seniors Approve

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Quit Smoking Today

Decide Right Now to Believe that You CAN Quit Smoking

Studies of smokers who successfully quit smoking show that one of the most important traits of a successful quitter is their belief that they have the ability to quit smoking.

Decide Right Now to Believe that You CAN Quit Smoking

Studies of smokers who successfully quit smoking show that one of the most important traits of a successful quitter is their belief that they have the ability to quit smoking.

Good Reasons for Quitting Smoking
Quitting smoking is one of the most important things you will ever do:

You will live longer and live better.
Quitting will lower your chance of having a heart attack, stroke, or cancer.
If you are pregnant, quitting smoking will improve your chances of having a healthy baby.
The people you live with, especially your children, will be healthier.
You will have extra money to spend on things other than cigarettes.
Five Keys for Quitting Smoking
Studies have shown that these five steps will help you quit and quit for good. You have the best chances of quitting if you use them together:
Get ready.
Get support.
Learn new skills and behaviors.
Get medication and use it correctly.
Be prepared for relapse or difficult situations
Nicozan helps you stop smoking.
Not only will you stop smoking with Nicozan, you will lose weight. We guarantee it. Even if you have failed before you will succeed with Nicozan. If you are worried about weight gain, dont be. Nicozan is specially formulated with one of the worlds best known weight loss aids. Nicozan kills the craving for nicotine, cleanses the poisons caused by smoking from your body and eases the symptoms of withdrawal. There is no product to help you quit smoking that is more effective than Nicozan.

Learn more at Quit Smoking.

J. Ratliff is an avid health article writer for various websites.

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Friday, September 7, 2007

Quit Smoking Treatments

Nicocure is a new generation aid to help you give up smoking. Nicocure gives you the best possible chance of success and our workplace trials with thousands of smokers over ten years have demonstrated this.
If you've decided to quit, you've come to the right place. Nicocure is a simple to use product, which blocks up to 99% of the nicotine and tar you would normally inhale. Used as part of our tried and tested program, it can help you be free of tobacco in 30 days without many of the withdrawal symptoms you've seen your friends suffer from. Maybe you've even had them yourself. Try Nicocure, and take the first step to claiming your life back.

Nicocure is a new generation aid to help you give up smoking. Nicocure gives you the best possible chance of success and our workplace trials with thousands of smokers over ten years have demonstrated this.
If you've decided to quit, you've come to the right place. Nicocure is a simple to use product, which blocks up to 99% of the nicotine and tar you would normally inhale. Used as part of our tried and tested program, it can help you be free of tobacco in 30 days without many of the withdrawal symptoms you've seen your friends suffer from. Maybe you've even had them yourself. Try Nicocure, and take the first step to claiming your life back.

Kick the Nicotine Habit Naturally
Would you give an alcoholic more drinks to get him to quit? Would you give a dieter more cake and candy to help him lose weight? Would you give a drug addict more of his favorite drug if you were trying to get him to quit?

Of course not! So why would anyone want to put MORE nicotine in their bodies when it's nicotine they're trying to lose their addiction to?

It all comes down to the fact that to quit smoking you eventually have to get off the nicotine. And withdrawal from nicotine is VERY unpleasant. It's the single thing that causes even the most committed "quitters" to go back.

That's what makes the Nicocure Patch so amazing. Researchers have discovered a way to combine the all-natural healing properties of a unique variety of traditional herbal formulas to completely and naturally eliminate your body's need for nicotine.

Consider the 1990 Surgeon General's Report findings:

When it comes right down to it, aren't you tired of being a slave to cigarettes?

After 1 year off cigarettes, the excess risk of heart disease and sudden death caused by smoking is reduced by half. After 15 years of abstinence, the risk of heart disease is similar to that of people who've never smoked.

In 5 to 15 years, the risk of stroke for ex-smokers returns to the level of those who've never smoked.

Male smokers who quit between ages 35 to 39 can add up to 15 years to their life. Female quitters in this age group can add up to 12 years. Men and women who quit at ages 65 to 69 increase their life expectancy by up to 3 years.

Learn more about Nicocure.
Click Here for Nicocure.

J. Ratliff is a health article writer for AskWellness.

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Thursday, September 6, 2007

Quit Smoking Tips: A step to a better life

Nobody need to be told the ill-effects of the smoking. Even then, smokers find it very hard to give up smoking permanently. Nicotine, an integral part of cigarette, is an addictive substance. As you try to give up smoking, your way of life changes. The natural tendency of your body would be to oppose this change as by now, it has become hungry for nicotine. But, smoking has unlimited side effects which cant be ignored. So, here are some tips to give up smoking in a planned and a more comfortable way.

Nobody need to be told the ill-effects of the smoking. Even then, smokers find it very hard to give up smoking permanently. Nicotine, an integral part of cigarette, is an addictive substance. As you try to give up smoking, your way of life changes. The natural tendency of your body would be to oppose this change as by now, it has become hungry for nicotine. But, smoking has unlimited side effects which cant be ignored. So, here are some tips to give up smoking in a planned and a more comfortable way.

But before you undertake this journey, the first question which strikes your mind is Why? why should you give up a thing which your body enjoys?

Smoking's ill-effects:

  • High risk of lung cancer
  • High risk of Heart diseases.
  • Bad breath and stained teeth.
  • Making people around you also suffer( passive smoking)
  • Serious breathing problems.
  • Charm on the face vanishes. Wrinkles develop soon.
  • Risk of stomach ulcers and acid reflux.
  • Lower athletic ability
  • Money and time loss.
  • Last but not the least, setting up wrong examples for your children.

Next question which immediately strikes our mind, How? how to give up smoking?

  • Make up your mind and live up to your commitment: Giving up smoking wont be a piece of cake for you. So you need to be highly committed towards your goal. Make a list of reasons for quitting smoking and keep that list with you 247. Always go through the list when you have an urge to smoke. It will help you keeping cigarettes away.
  • Get right support, guidance and encouragement: Ask your family and friends to support you during these days. Their support can make it easier for you. Consult your doctor for medical advice. He can give you helpful telephone hotlines numbers or self help material. Most important of all, you can enroll yourself in some recommended QUIT SMOKING program. Good programs covers all the material which you need to give up smoking. They also suggest nicotine replacement products which are not addictive but still help you keep off nicotine. They are highly effective and results remain permanent.
  • Don't give up even when you badly want to smoke: Increase your will power. You and only you can make it happen. Remember, " Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything."

Remember, you will not die if you stop smoking. You might feel hungrier in the beginning which can lead to a minor weight gain but trust me, it is all worth giving up smoking for minor weight gain. You may have problems concentrating and you will be uncomfortable in the beginning. But, this is all a part of a game and with time, you will start leading a healthier and a normal life.

Many ex-smokers did not succeed at first, but they kept trying. So DONT GIVE UP and MAKE IT HAPPEN FOR YOU!

Jasdeep: for your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.
Look out for highly recommended quit smoking programs at discounted price from the best in this field at

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Exercise And Quitting Smoking

When you plan to stop smoking, bring about other changes in your life style as well. Take a look at all those things that have become a kind of routine and break that routine. Try to do things differently and will make a lot of difference.

What we are trying to do as part of this exercise is that we are trying to create a new environment for you. It is not possible for you to shift to a new apartment so bring about a few changes in the way things are as part of your exercise to quit smoking. Let every thing have a new feel about it. If there was a favorite chair in which you used to sit when you smoked, change the upholstery of the chair or maybe you could stash away the chair into a corner.

Try to set a new routine. Try working out or going to the gym. If that is not possible, try waking up a little earlier and go for a short morning walk. If you can make that a run or a jog, it is going to be very stimulating and is going to be the best way to start your day.

Exercise does not necessarily mean pumping metal. If you do have the time to go to a gymnasium everyday, then that is well and good. But I suppose most of us do not have the time for a regular work out in a gym. So what is the other alternative? Do it at home of course.

But whether it is at home or at a multi-gym, there is something that I want to tell you. Regularity is the rule of the day. It is not getting started that is the difficult part, it is sticking to a regular exercise routine that is difficult and this is what proves to be the stumbling block for most people.

Most people have a wonderful start. In fact it is truly spectacular. They buy track suits and gym-wear, running shoes and a whole lot of other gear. Their first day at the gym is almost a celebration. Then as the days go on, they find it increasingly difficult to meet the domestic and professional demands and so their routine slows down and finally comes to a complete workout burn out.

One mistake that many people make is that they choose the evenings or a work out. If that can suit your lifestyle, then thats fine. But for most of us, by the time the evening lifts up its curtains we are completely pooped. We find ourselves physically and mentally drained. And at that time our bodies will be just too tired for a work out. So it is best to set aside some time for exercise in the morning itself.

There are two advantages of setting apart time in the morning. The first advantage is that in the morning our bodies are fresh and full of energy. Now over here I want to make one point clear.

Many people believe that exercise depletes the body of energy but the case is just the opposite. Exercise pumps up more blood through the different parts of the body and warms up the body, so in fact, after exercise we feel more charged and ready to face the challenges of the day.

The second advantage is that in the morning we can plan for the whole day without letting the exercise routine affect the rest of our activities.

What about those of us who have never worked out before? In such cases you might need to start off under the personal supervision of an instructor and that may require that you go to a gym. But what I would suggest is that there are two simple things that any one can do for which you do not need the help of any instructor.

You know what these are? They are walking and swimming. Any body can walk and those of you who know how to swim can swim. For these two activities you do not need much gear and experts say that these two exercises have no side effects and are excellent stress busters.

So in the morning wake up just half an hour earlier, put on your walking shoes and hit the roads. Most roads will be less crowded at this hour and less polluted too. It is a wonderful way to start a day.

Take a break form coffee and try tea instead. If you are moving around the house, try playing music. Redecorate your room by adding a few pictures here and there preferably of scenery. And while you are redecorating, do what I mentioned earlier that is get rid of every thing that even remotely reminds you of smoking.

Plan your day in such a way that you have something enjoyable to do at the end of the day. It does not have t be something that involves money. We do not want you end up bankrupt. It can be something as simple as spending some time with the family playing a board game or something. Or it can be going out for a walk together.

But I would like to add that watching television just does not fit into this list. The reason is because T.V is not something that demands too much of our attention. We can easily do something else while we are watching TV and what can be easier than taking a smoke while our eyes are glued to the T.V. While you are working on breaking the habit of smoking, you need to move about with people. You need the company of people who can take your mind off that craving and TV doesnt help you do that.

Make a list of those things that build up your stress. Try to steer clear of them. If that is not possible try to find out some stress busters and use them. Do not use stress as an excuse to start smoking. There are a hundred other methods of beating stress. As mentioned earlier, you could try breathing exercises, mediation or even music. There is another excellent way of beating stress and that is using the distressing ball. If you do not have one of those, try wriggling your fingers and toes. That too is a natural method of beating stress.

The point that we are trying to drive home over here is that you need a break from whatever you have been doing for this exercise of quitting to work. Since it is impossible to change your job or your home, you have to bring about as many changes as possible to get that whole new feeling.

About the author:
Are you ready to kick the habit? Don't go at it alone. We have well over 20 FREE tips, tricks, and suggestions to kicking the smoking habit once and for all! Come to http://www.yoursmokingsite.comtoday!

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