How To Help A Friend Quit Smoking!
How To Help A Friend Quit Smoking!
Chances are if you're reading this article, then you probably have a friend or maybe two, that you really feel could benefit from kicking their smoking habit. After all, what benefits are there from smoking anyway? The truth is that your friend has to have a genuine desire and be motivated to really quit, but that's where you can help. Try to explain to your friend the health benefits of not smoking such as adding years to their life span. Not only that, but tell them about the fact that the tobacco industry kills more people between Monday and Thursday each week than the terrorists murdered on September 11, 2001!! Now if that isn't a reason to quit, then I don't know what is! The fact is that you will be a much healthier human being if you quit smoking and your friend should feel very lucky to have someone who cares enough to search for information on how to help a friend stop smoking. In my opinion, based on my own experience trying to quit, there is only one program that I recommend whole-heartedly and if you'd like to check it out or send your friend to check it out, then I urge to please Click Here!
Linday Fry is a stay-at-home mother of six children. She enjoys helping others solve their problems, reading, writing, and spending time with her family
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