Instantly Quit Smoking

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Top Ten Reasons To Quit Smoking

Life Expectancy Some of the ingredients in tobacco smoke include Carbon Monoxide, Arsenic, Acetone, and Ammonia. To reduce the intake of these lethal substances by quitting smoking will no doubt increase a persons chances of living longer.

Lung Cancer The most lethal cancer, only one in ten individuals who get diagnosed will live past five years from the point of being diagnosed with this horrible disease. Symptoms include coughing up of blood and shortness of breathe.

Heart Disease Smoking cigarettes can promote the accumulation of plaque within the arterial walls of the heart, which can eventually lead to blockages that can cause sudden death due to heart attack without warning.

Emphysema This is a chronic lung disease caused by inhaling cigarette smoke over a long period of time. The lung tissue losses it's elasticity and capillaries are destroyed, leaving the smoker feeling forever breathless.

Colds Along with eliminating the continual coughing that comes with being a smoker, quitting smoking can increase the strength of the immune system, therefore possibly reducing the number of times a year a person gets sick.

Energy Having more energy after smoking a cigarette is somewhat of an illusion. The effects of nicotine momentarily stimulate the heart to beat faster, therefore increasing many motor functions to the point of feeling energized.

Attitude Many people profess to being calmer because they smoke. This is only because the body is on a continual roller coaster of addiction. The calm feeling is a reaction of the body receiving nicotine into the blood stream.

Smell Along with bad breathe, stinky clothes, stained teeth and fingers, a person can have a better smelling house, vehicle, and any other environment smoked in can be free from the stench that cigarette smoke leaves behind.

Wrinkles Having smoke continually drift over the face is not good for the skin. In addition, the body must continually filter out toxins from the system, thus needing much water better served to maintain moisture in the skin.

Money Regardless of how many cigarettes a person smokes a day, the eventual costs amount to thousands of dollars a year, which in turn can amount to more money spent on treating illness attributed to smoking.

Time Each cigarette takes about seven minutes to smoke. For instance, if a person has to smoke outside at work, they are essentially wasting an hour every eight hours in order to step outside to have that cigarette.

Austin Culley is recreational writer of various articles including health reviews.

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Quitting Smoking : Why Women?s Health May Benefit More

There are a lot of reasons to quit smoking. We all know the life threatening reasons, but we don?t necessarily understand the the full impact that smoking has on our bodies and minds, and possibly even on others around us.

Women especially are susceptible to some of the more hidden dangers of smoking, and may actually benefit in different ways than men when it comes to smoking cessation.

For example, many women probably do not even know this, but lung cancer is now killing more women every year than breast cancer. That?s right, lung cancer is actually more deadly to a woman than breast cancer, which is by far more talked about in women?s health than lung cancer.

Smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer since nearly 90% of all cases are traced directly to smoking, so it?s important that women really understand the health benefits of quitting smoking.

There are actually a lot more health issues that a woman needs to think about if she is a smoker as well. For example, most contraceptive pills carry warnings on them that the patient should not take the contraceptive birth control pill if she is a smoker.

Her risk of developing heart problems is greatly increased if she is smoking while on the pill, since smoking increases blood pressure, and the pill is known to also increase blood pressure. This creates a double hazard for heart issues.

Another concern may be for a woman?s children. Children many times can develop asthma and other types of breathing problems if the child is exposed to cigarette smoke at a young age. This is also a concern for men, since they are not exempt from this rule either!

There are also a myriad of other health problems, inconveniences and even just ?cosmetic? reasons that a woman may want to consider smoking cessation in order that she may be her ?best self?.

These don?t necessarily fall into the category of life threatening or imminent dangers, but they certainly can affect your quality of life, as well as your appearance, which is held in high regard in today?s aesthetically concerned society. These additional health and well being benefits to smoking cessation are as follows :

1.) Your skin is greatly affected by smoking, and not in a good way as you can probably imagine. As we age, our skin cell turnover tends to slow down. Smoking actually speeds the process of this slower turnover up, making us essentially age faster.

Add to this the fact that smoking essentially robs our body of oxygen and creates more free radicals, which are skin?s number one enemy and aging?s number one comrade, and you have a recipe for accelerated aging, and sagging, colorless skin.

Most women see a marked improvement in the tone, clarity and firmness of their skin just a few weeks after they quit smoking, especially if they were a heavy smoker.

2.) Your teeth and mouth will thank you. Smoking not only gives you bad breath, but it also turns your teeth yellow, or sometimes even brown from nicotine residue and tabacco staining.

3.) Quitting smoking can greatly help with your mental state. What do I mean? I mean that smoking may seem at first like it is a relaxant, since it tends to immediately feel like it is relieving tension and anxiety once the cigarette is in your mouth and you begin to inhale. Contrary to this belief that cigarettes "calm" you, studies have shown that in the long run smoking actually increases anxiety.

We all know that depression and anxiety tend to go hand in hand, so quitting smoking may also greatly benefit a woman?s psyche.

4.) No more coughing, weezing, and possibly even a reduction in allergies. If you quit smoking, chances are you will breathe a lot easier.

It takes a lot less time for your lungs to heal than you think. Studies have shown that even the most blackened smoker?s lungs have made full recoveries within just a few months after they have quit smoking.

Danna Schneider is the founder of , where several natural remedies, including smoking cessation aids can be found. She also co-manages a men's online magazine .

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Are You Looking For Quit Smoking Aids?

Have you decided to quit smoking? Did you also make such decision in the past? Is the present decision to quit smoking the final one or conditional? Have you realized that it is in your own interest to quit smoking and that you are not obliging anyone else? Are you contemplating to take to any of the quit smoking aids?

Think again. If, even now, you feel that smoking aid is a panacea, you are on the wrong track again! The will power of a person is supreme, and one without the second! To such a man of steely determination, all smoking aids are junk!

Any new industry that is started, is of course not started with the intention of closing down. Quit Smoking Aids industry also means the same! With the astronomical increase in the number of smokers, the number of those wanting to quit it, is also on the increase! The point to be noted here is that quit smoking products are responsive products. In an ideal situation, when no smokers are left on the face of this earth, what will the Quit Smoking Aids will do? We do not know, but if we analyze their present style of functioning, they want us to believe that it is impossible to quit smoking, without their well-advertised aids!

For every product that comes out in the market, there is a research laboratory and a team of scientists to back up. Well, what is the alternative? The rational human mind will not believe any cock and bull stories, with regard to quitting smoking. They want proof for everything. But, let us not lose ourselves in scientific mumbo-jumbo as well! The manufacturers of such products have almost forgotten why such products were initially launched at all!

Nevertheless, if we enter into a factual inquiry about these Quit Smoking Aids, take note of the following products, which have caught the imagination of the supporting community. They are:

1.Nico Cure 2.Final Smoke 3.Habitrol 4.Nicoderm CQ 5.Nicorette

There are varieties and categories of quit smoking aids. Reportedly, their function is overt and covert both. They are: books and magazines, cigarette modification products, video tapes, audio tapes, thought changing products, electronic and computer products, smoke and odor removal items, no smoking signs and much more.

Non-nicotine based quit smoking aids are: nicotine patch, gums, inhaler, nasal spray and nicotine lozenges. There are also herbal quit smoking aids. Smokeless cigarette is one of them. It reportedly helps quitting. Many such products promise smoking cessation, zero cravings with 'guarantee' of no relapse. Ultimately, the only product that has the capacity to outsmart all these aids, is within your own heart! Have a will to grow out of this smoking habit and grow your will!

Many Stop Smoking articles are available at Quit Smoking &

Many Stop Smoking articles are available at for Smoking Cessation.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

How To Quit Smoking

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Do Methods For Quitting Smoking Help?

As an unwilling smoker who wants to quit smoking you commit a basic mistake. You are in search for methods to quit smoking. What you need is a method to quit smoking. If you contemplate more than one method, perhaps you are not going to follow any one of them with determination. And without determination, you will not be able to quit smoking.

Of these methods, now you have to decide which one is most suitable for you. There is nothing like easy method and the hard method. The first month of your decision is going to be tough. If you sail through this tough stormy sea, calm waters may greet you ahead.

Now, you have a well devised plan and you are brimming with motivation. In the beginning you need to take the assistance of quit-smoking aids. These may give you some psychological edge, but in reality it will not help. In the first month, you will count each day and perhaps each hour of the day.

You are stressed, beyond the limit?and yet, you need to tolerate. Diet-planning can wait, but in the meantime make a time table for physical exercises, and for breathing exercises. Have fixed hours of sleep. One good point about you, the smoker is that you don't smoke, while asleep, except in dreams.

Advertise a lot in your family, with your friends, in your office, that you are no more a smoker. Earnestly solicit the support of your well-wishers and family members in your effort to quit smoking.

When the urge becomes difficult to resist, that is the time to resist! Take a book on horror- fiction, sit on the computer, take a bath, go to the kitchen and start cooking your favorite dish.

All the tobacco products need to be out of bound for you. Destroy the existing stock. Never think of gifting them to your still smoking friends. That which is not beneficial for your health, how can it help their cause?

With your solid determination in tact, no harm is there in your taking recourse to smoking aids. Zyban, which is a prescription medicine, reduces your craving for nicotine. You can also try some herbal equivalents of Zyban and they do not require prescription, and they will do you some good. You can also take recourse to laser treatment.

But keep your will power in tact. Nothing to beat it. Will power is like the constitutional guarantee to an individual. You await a glorious time, full of inner freedom, totally devoid of smoke coils.

Good for you, better for people around you and the best happening, all things considered!

Many Stop Smoking articles are available at Quit Smoking &

Many Stop Smoking articles are available at for Smoking Cessation.

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Learn About Herbs That Can Help You Quit Smoking

Most smokers find it extremely difficult to fight the cravings. It is also one of the most important factors of why one will not succeed to quit smoking. There are plenty of medicines nowadays to help anybody who wants to quit smoking.

One of the most effective resources to quit smoking is to use herbs. Many have claimed that herbs can ease the withdrawal symptoms. There are natural substances or herbs you can use to quit smoking forever.

One of the most known herbs as a quit smoking aid is know as Lobelia. Lobelia is also known as Indian tobacco. It also can cause a similar nicotine effect on the nervous system. The positive side of using Lobelia is that it is not addictive. Lobelia is available in dried herb or liquid extract form and can be consumed when nicotine cravings arise.

Withdrawal symptoms may be frustrating symptoms such as headaches, anxiety, irritation and so on. Another natural ingredient that can help you quit smoking is the mimosa tea. It can calm you and improve your mood. Mimosa is also a non-addictive herb. This is much more beneficial compared to using anti-depressant pills.

You can also look at Chinese traditional herbs to help you quit smoking. A Chinese herb called the CaoSu herb will help you reduce your desire to smoke.

Other than being addicted to nicotine, smoking is also a habit. If anybody cannot resist or combat the habit, there is also a natural, herbal non-tobacco cigarette.

Non-tobacco cigarettes come in flavors such as Menthol, Burnt sienna and others. They are made up of herbs which do not have nicotine and tar. They look identical to a normal cigarette to give you the feeling of smoking and to resist and easy psychological desire to smoke.

You may try any alternative quit smoking herbs to aid you to quit smoking. But before you do, you may want to consult your physician about it. Not every medication is suitable for everybody.

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

For more free articles, contents and resources on how to quit smoking:

Click Here Now =>

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Steps You Can Follow To Quit Smoking

Smoking addiction is a very serious threat to anybody's health and most of the time, quitting smoking can be a very difficult and frustrating habit to break. As you try to quit smoking and fail, it becomes tougher each time. This is you are actually conditioning your mind to give in more and more. That is why most people need help and support to quit smoking.

Here are some steps which you can follow to quit smoking:

Step one:

Start to prepare to your quit date to kick the habit forever. Start using artificial cigarette (Herbal Cigarette) one month before your quit date. This is to avoid any anxiety or depression as well as to stabilize your blood sugar levels to avoid weight gain.

Pick up a new hobby and start an exercise program to enhance your energy and strength as well as training your mental power.

Step two:

Once the quit date arrive, dispose off all cigarette related items such as ashtrays, lighters and so on. You can continue with your hobby or exercise program. When you quit smoking, put aside a sum of money that you will previously use to buy cigarettes. At the end of the month, reward yourself with that money.

Step three:

Congratulations, you are already a non-smoker. However, to maintain this way is crucially important. After 3 to 4 weeks time, nicotine and other toxins will become clear from your lungs. You will mostly recover from your physical addiction. Unfortunately, the psychological addiction will be there to stay for many years.

Unforeseen circumstances such as stress, problems, anger and frustration will temp and prompt you to smoke almost immediately. Do something about your stress and anxiety. Be on guard at all times because it normally take only one cigarettes to trap you back in the vicious cycle of cigarettes again. Celebrate for every month that you've quit smoking.

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

For more free articles, contents and resources on how to quit smoking:

Click Here Now =>

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

How To Quit Smoking By Reducing Your Intake Of Cigarettes Dramatically

You can start by making cigarettes as inconvenient to you as possible. Do not smoke in your house and car anymore. Keep all cigarettes away from your house and in your car, because it is very easy to break your rule. Change the rules just for once in your life and change your mindset.

Get rid of any cigarette associated stuff such as ashtray, lighters, cigarette wrappers, boxes, or anything.

You could buddy up with a friend and vow to quit together. The problem here is you will probably end up cheating and this will make you feel like you let your friend down. (He or she will be in the same boat).

Find a friend, make a vow and support each other to quit smoking. You will then have the responsibility and commitment to quit smoking because you are also responsible for the other person's health.

The key is to make smoking very inconvenient and a problem to. Make yourself in a position where it is very hard to smoke. This means that you have to avoid places that will encourage smoking such as pubs.

Get all your cigarettes lighters and everything and throw it away right now. Do it now. Perhaps in the future, you may have a slip and start smoking in the process of quitting. Just repeat the process of throwing everything away. So think about it, every time you want to smoke, you have to buy everything again - cigarettes, lighters and ashtray. It is therefore not worth it to smoke anymore.

The longer you stay on this type of routine. The more you will feel like not smoking. Your habit will gradually and eventually go away. And before you know it, you would have eliminated the habit, and quitting the cigarettes is not a problem anymore.

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

For more free articles, contents and resources on how to quit smoking:

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Easy Ways To Quit Smoking

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Monday, December 17, 2007

A Simple Trick To Help You Quit Smoking

Most of the times, smokers while in the process of quitting smoking only find themselves breaking their own vow by smoking only one cigarette. Thus, trying to break the habit comes back to square one again. The reason is simple, because you are responsible for yourself, it does not feel wrong to break your rule because you don't have to answer to anybody.

Quitting smoking is not an easy task. You will be very tempted to break your own rule and smoke again. One of the tricks to help you quit smoking is to tell everybody you know about your decision.

When you let others know that you are quitting smoking. You will develop a sense of responsibility. Also people will deem you whether you will accountable for your words or not. It's like they'll be watching and waiting for you to make a mistake and smoke again. Your desire would be then to prove them wrong. You wouldn't want to be somebody who would go back on your own words.

Start telling your friends, family, colleagues, boss, and every single person. Express that you will need their support as well.

Explain to everyone that you've decided to give up your cigarette habit for good, and let them know that you are eager for them to help you. Ask them to keep you honest. That way, if they see you trying to sneak a puff on your lunch break they'll intervene and keep you from lighting up. If they notice a pack of cigarettes lying on your dresser they'll encourage you to throw it away.

Explain to the people you know you've decided to quit smoking for good and ask them to help you out. Don't be afraid to ask for help because people are more than willing to help. You see when you ask help from someone, you'll make them feel important. It is also another great opportunity to improve your relationship with others.

Announcing your decision your other is actually a very good method because you won't want to disappoint others. The peer pressure is extreme so it really makes you think twice about smoking again.

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

For more free articles, contents and resources on how to quit smoking:

Click Here Now

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Friday, December 14, 2007

An Hypnosis Exercise To Help You Quit Smoking

This is one of the quit smoking hypnosis exercise that you can utilize to quit smoking. This is using your mind power to stop smoking as it has helped other people who were addicted to the cigarette.

Read the following text aloud while you record it. Play the recording 1 or twice a day or every time you feel like smoking. This is actually a traditional self hypnosis together with Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

You can sit or lie down, relax...close your eyes and say "I am now in the future where I do not smoke anymore. I see, hear and smell all my environment. I feel very happy because I have no more cravings to smoke and this is so real.

I have completely forgotten how it feels like to smoke. The cravings do not bother me at all. I now look back and recalled how I easily quit smoking. The feeling of not having the cravings amazes me and fills me with energy. I never even think of smoking again.

I feel completely free without cigarettes. I feel great not being dependant by cigarettes. I am free to do whatever I want to do. I want to remember these moments for a long long time so when I go back, I will remember these future moments of being smoke free"

Next, create an anchor for remembering being smoke free in the future. You clench your fist or anything anchor that you want and hold it for a few seconds.

"I am in the future again, and I am smoke free and not bothered by cigarettes. My life is great. And this feels so real." Repeat this step again to anchor the feelings that you have by clenching your fist for a few seconds.

Now, the clenching of your fist will associate the great smoke free feelings and emotions in your mind and brain.

Bring back yourself to this moment presently while clenching your fist. You have now created an anchor for the state of a smoke free person. Repeat this exercise until the anchor works instantly.

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

For more free articles, contents and resources on how to quit smoking:

Click Here Now =>

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Lose Weight, Quit Smoking, Make A Personal Change. The Secret Formula That Guarantees Success!

One of the presuppositions of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is that there is a positive intention behind all behaviors. And based on that presupposition, when it comes to successfully eliminating negative behaviors, there is formula that we must always keep in mind. I'll let you in on the secret in a minute. But first, I have a riddle for you to solve.

Riddle: A minister made his son drink lye, which burned out his vocal chords. What was the positive intention behind his behavior?

If you are like 99.9% of the clients who have come into my office since 1978, you'll indignantly say something like: There's no positive intention behind that behavior. But you would be 100% wrong. To answer this riddle, first you have to separate the behavior from the positive intention of the behavior.

The minister's son was cursing. And the minister believes that if a person curses, his soul will be condemned to Hell. So the answer is that the minister was burning out his son's voice box so that he couldn't curse. So he was saving his son's soul from being condemned to Hell.

The secret formula for success works as follows:
We must always respect the positive intent behind every behavior. If we have a compulsion to use a behavior that we don't like, we can easily get rid of the compulsion to use that behavior providing we find another behavior to substitute in it's place that is as effective and available at accomplishing the same outcome, but is more consciously acceptable to you. This is called a REFRAME.

When clients come into my office, one of the first things that I do is to take a through case history. Let's say that they come in and ask me to help them overcome their appetite. Conventional wisdom tells us that the two main reasons that people eat excessively are:

(1) For relaxation and pleasure;

(2) Because eating can be a conditioned response. For instance, if a person eats while they are watching TV, they will develop a conditioned response, and thereafter, every time they sit down to watch TV, they'll get cravings and an urge to eat.

However, the above answer only takes into consideration the possible positive intention behind the eating behavior. What if they also have another behavior that is involved in the equation? For example: What if being fat is also a behavior for this person? I can hear your mind grinding right now as you think, Being fat isn't a behavior, what are you talking about?"

Sorry but you could be 100% wrong. Here is one simple classic text book example that will illustrate the fact that being fat can be a behavior. It can be a behavior because it can accomplish positive outcomes.

Example: A woman is deeply in love. Her boyfriend breaks up with her, and breaks her heart. Her unconscious mind wants to protect her emotionally and prevent her from having her heart broken again. So it motivates her to get fat to keep her out of relationships. That way she won't get her heart broken again. The point is that everyone is totally different. And sometimes there are hidden elements at work causing compulsive behaviors. These are elements that are different for each person.

Here is another example: A woman comes into my office complaining of an uncontrollable urge to overeat at dinner time. During my case history, upon questioning, the woman explains how she was never been able to satisfy her father.

We did an age regression, and one of her earliest memories was of eating dinner with the family. And dad was insisting in a very loud voice that she clean her plate, even though she was full. So she cleaned her plate out of fear, and dad commended her for eating everything. It was one of the only times in her life that she could recall her dad telling her that he was happy with her.

Shoot forward to present day. Dad's been dead for years, but the unconscious program he installed is still working. She still has a compulsion to clean her plate, even if she is feeling stuffed, because by cleaning the plate she is getting dad's approval, and eliminating her fear!

So if you are having a problem making personal changes, keep in mind that there is a positive intention behind all behaviors. And keep in mind "The secret formula for success."

? 2006 By Alan B. Densky.
Alan B. Densky, Pres. Neuro-VISION, Inc Video and Audio Hypnosis & NLP CD's Mr. Densky is the developer of the Neuro-VISION Video Hypnosis Technology, which received a US Patent. Visit our site and subscribe to our FREE hypnosis newsletters, or download our FREE Power Relaxation MP3's.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Make This Year The Year You Quit Smoking

It is now a fact that smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causing many diseases and reducing the health of smokers in general. It is also a fact that quitting smoking has immediate as well as long?term benefits. Smoking cigarettes with lower machine-measured yields of tar and nicotine provides no clear benefit to health.

Cigarette smoking causes lung cancer. In fact, smoking tobacco is the major risk factor for lung cancer. People who smoke are 10 to 20 times more likely to get lung cancer or die from lung cancer than people who do not smoke. The longer a person smokes and the more cigarettes smoked each day increases the risk for developing lung cancer.

People who quit smoking have a lower risk of lung cancer than if they had continued to smoke, but their risk is higher than people who never smoked.

You Can Quit Smoking! If you have tried to quit you know how hard it can be and the reason is that nicotine is a very addictive drug. Usually people make two or three tries before they successfully quit. Each time you try to quit and fail, you can learn what works for you and what situations are problematic. If you use proven cessation treatments it can double your chance of success.

Studies have shown that these five steps will help you quit and quit for good. You have the best chances of quitting if you use them together.

First set a quit date and get rid of all cigarettes, ashtrays and lighters. Don?t let people smoke around you. When you quit, don?t smoke at all! Not one single puff or cigarette.

Second ? get support from telling your family and friends. Tell your co-workers that you are going to quit and want their support. Ask them not to smoke around you or offer you cigarettes. Talk to your health care provider and get individual, group, or telephone counseling. The more help you have, the better your chances are of quitting.

Third ? learn new skills and behaviors so you distract yourself from urges to smoke. Talk to someone, go for a walk, or get busy with a task. When you first try to quit, change your routines. Use a different route to work and drink tea instead of coffee. Eat breakfast in a different place. Drink a lot of water and other fluids.

Fourth - Medications can help you stop smoking and lessen the urge to smoke. The FDA has approved six medications to help you quit smoking and a couple of them, like Nicotine gum, are available over-the-counter. Your health care provider can advice and you should also carefully read the information on the package. These medications will double your chances of quitting and quitting for good.

Fifth ? You shall be prepared for relapse and difficult situations. Most relapses occur within the first three months after quitting. Don't be discouraged if you start smoking again. Remember, most people try several times before they finally quit. The following are some difficult situations you may encounter:

Avoid drinking alcohol. Drinking lowers your chances of success. Being around smoking can make you want to smoke. Many smokers will gain some weight when they quit, usually less than 10 pounds. Eat a healthy diet and stay active.

Keith George always writes about valuable news & reviews. A related resource is Quit Smoking Further information can be found at Sports & Travel.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Motivation Quit Smoking

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Monday, December 10, 2007

10 Tips to Quit Smoking Naturally

There are literally dozens of tips to quit smoking naturally. There isn't one clear natural method or pattern for quitting smoking naturally but rather a number of short tips to try in hopes that one or more will help you kick the nicotine habit.

(1) Think in a positive manner. This is not an unattainable goal.

(2) Don't give up when you have a bad day or backslide. You can still quit!

(3) Make a list of the reasons that you want to quit smoking. Post copies of this list everywhere you spend time. Put the list at various places in your home, at work, in your car and carry one with you.

(4) Replace your cigarette break with an orange juice break, or to smoke only those you really want. Don't just light that cigarette out of habit.

(5) You may experience some withdrawal symptoms when you are trying to quit smoking. Be prepared and have a game plan.

(6) If you become irritable be ready with some ideas that may make you less irritable. Consider meditation, yoga or a dance or exercise class.

(7) Carry hard candy or gum with you. These things can help if your mouth becomes dry.

(8) Form a support group or join one that is already in existence. A group of people who are also trying to quit smoking can be very supportive and you will be able to share tips.

(9) Celebrate each milestone. Treat yourself to a movie, a night out with friends or a walk in the park.

(10) Start noticing the benefits of a smokeless life. It won't be long before you are breathing easier and thinking more clearly. Your clothing, home and car will no longer smell like smoke. You will be much more pleasant to kiss.

Follow these tips to quit smoking naturally and you will be able to kiss those butts goodbye forever.

For more instructions on quitting smoking, please visit

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Hypnosis - Quit Smoking Techniques

 It is very easy to start smoking but it is an uphill task to quit it. Ask any chain smoker or even a person who smokes just a few cigarettes everyday. Usually a person can stop smoking for a couple of days, then the urge to smoke is so strong that one makes all kinds of excuses to start it again. So you are back to square one. All kinds of methods have been advocated for quitting smoking, but the one that has made a big impact is Hypnosis. Hypnosis quit smoking methods has divided the medical fraternity into two. While some argue that Hypnosis quit smoking methods are not effective in the long run, there are others who advocate quitting smoking using hypnosis. They feel that hypnosis for quitting smoking is as effective as products that help one stop smoking.

It doesn't matter how long you have been smoking, whether you are a social smoker or a chain smoker if you want to quit smoking then hypnosis can help you. Everyone who has tried to quit smoking knows about the mood swings, lethargy and the intense cravings. When you use hypnosis to help you stop smoking, you have the help of a hypnotherapist who slowly takes you into a dreamlike state. You relax from head to toe. During this period a person is very receptive to suggestions. The hypnotherapist would then use many positive suggestions that would help a patient to cut down his cravings for cigarettes. This is because one is in a relaxed state after hypnosis, therefore one feels less stress. And when one is less stressed one doesn't have the urge to smoke.

There has been a lot of debate on whether hypnosis quit smoking methods work in the long run. Some people are of the opinion that during the period of hypnosis treatment the patient is able to control his urge to smoke, but the moment the treatment is over they cannot control the urge to smoke. In spite of this hypnosis is still one of the most popular methods to help one quit smoking. In the USA there are quite a few clinics that help one to quit smoking using hypnosis. For example Iowa and Indiana have a number of such clinics.

But the most important thing that you must remember when you want to quit smoking is that any method, whether it is hypnosis quit smoking methods or any other methods will work only if you have the willpower to say no to cigarettes.

Love and good wishes,

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Friday, December 7, 2007

Acupuncture Quit Smoking

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical procedure. In essence, acupuncture means stimulating certain points of the human body in order to archive specific results. The procedure includes penetrating the skin with thin needles.

Acupuncture is used for various reasons - from stimulating the fertility of women to pain relief and osteoarthritis. Nowadays acupuncture quit smoking is a widely used practice that (according most who have tried it) gives very satisfactory results.

If you are eager to try acupuncture quit smoking programs, first you need to be sure you have found a licensed acupuncture practitioner. Your doctor should be able to refer you to a licensed and experienced acupuncturist. You can also check at the national acupuncture organizations such as the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). The best option is to find a person who has proper medical training, as he is likely to better asses your medical condition and required treatment. After you have found an acupuncturist, ask for references from previous patients.

The usual places of your body where acupuncture will be done are your ears. The feeling is not painful and most people find it relaxing. Acupuncture is safe as long as proper needles are used. Of utmost importance is the needles used to be sterilized to avoid infections.

Acupuncture quit smoking programs should result into reduced carvings and reduced level of withdrawal symptoms. Some people combine acupuncture sessions with hypnosis as these two methods delivery really good cessation results.

Normally your acupuncturist will ask you various questions during your first consultation. He will try to gain a full picture of your health, lifestyle, behavior and the desired results. Based on the information provided (it is vital that you are honest and do not hide any medical problems you have had or currently have as well as any treatments or medicines you are taking) he will asses your condition and inform you how many sessions you will need. A good therapist will keep you informed about the progress you are making. Your acupuncture quit smoking program may be finished for a few days or continue for a couple of weeks.

Acupuncture prices may vary but the good news is that (in most or the cases) it is covered by your health policy. If you are not sure about this, check with your insurance company.

A modern alternative of acupuncture quit smoking practices is the laser treatment. It works on the same principle as acupuncture - specific points of your body are stimulated with the use of a low-level laser.

Roger Gonzales owns the website helping normal people quit smoking in less than 40 minutes.

Roger Gonzales owns the website helping normal people quit smoking

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Why is it Hard to Quit Smoking?

Smoking is emerging to be one of the major causes of death in the modern world. This is attributed to the growing consumers of tobacco. Tobacco is responsible for the death of 1 in 10 adults all over the world, which translates to around 5 million deaths every year. It is because of this fact that cigarette smoking is now a public health priority.

Smoking poses dangers directly and indirectly to the public. An indirect public health concern that cigarettes may pose is accidental fire. As for the health risks in smoking tobacco, the disease mainly strikes the cardiovascular system, resulting to heart attack, respiratory tract diseases, and even cancer.

In spite of these risks, the number of cigarette smokers all other the world has not dropped considerably. Though several smokers claim to have been meaning to quit this habit, they just find it so difficult. The fact is that after smoking for quite sometime, quitting smoking will prove to be very hard, but not impossible.

Why is it hard to quit smoking?

Foremost, this is because the majority of smokers become addicted to the nicotine contained in tobacco products. Nicotine has a deadly addictive power. How? When a person puffs a cigarette, nicotine particles find their way to the lungs through inhalation. From there, nicotine is absorbed into the bloodstream just like the oxygen people breathe. It travels with the blood to the brain where it locks onto certain receptor areas. Dopamine is then released into the brain. This is the chemical that makes the smoker feel a euphoric sensation. Smokers find it difficult to quit because they come to be dependent on this good feeling. And in wanting to experience this repeatedly, this leads to dependence - a sign of addiction.

A person who attempts to quit may experience withdrawal symptoms. Topping the bill of withdrawal symptoms is depression. With the absence of the chemical that produces the relaxing feeling, the brain becomes distressed without it. Other withdrawal symptoms from smoking include:

- Headaches, dizziness, and nausea - Shakes, chills - Cough, dry throat nasal drip - Hunger, fatigue - Constipation, gas or stomach pain - Insomnia, troubled sleep

Not knowing what to do with their hands is another common complaint among ex-smokers while quitting. Once people get hooked, smoking becomes a big part of their lives. They seem to enjoy holding on a stick of cigarette and puffing on them. And after a long period of lighting up, it becomes a routine. As a fact, humans are creatures of habit. By some force of habit, smokers find themselves reaching for a cigarette and lighting it up automatically without thinking about it.

Certain "triggers" in the environment may also hamper a smoker's desire to quit. Things may turn on a smoker's need for a cigarette. These may be feelings, places, and moods. Even the things done routinely may trigger this craving for a smoke.

For those who have been smoking for quite a while already, they may not realize it but they form some emotional attachment to cigarettes. They find the cigarette calming and comforting during those stressful times. Cigarette smoking somehow becomes an extension of their social life, particularly when they are emotionally at the highest or lowest. Giving the smoker a feeling that giving up smoking would seem like giving up a trusted friend.

These are only some of the major reasons why it is hard to quit smoking. But there are also several strategies and quitting techniques that may aid smokers to finally give up on this tenacious habit. Quitting smoking all begins with one's intention to stop. They must have the will power to overcome the craving for smoke. There are also a lot of quit smoking products in the market. These may also be worth trying. Support groups are proved to be very helpful, too.

Smokers must understand that to quit smoking may take more than one attempt. They must also try several methods before they can finally succeed. Smoking is a stubborn habit because it is closely tied to the acts in the course of people's everyday lives. Just pay a serious concern to a few issues. 1. The first thing you must consider is your body; you must take care and keep it healthy. 2. Secondly, decision to kill your enemy who is killing you. 3. Thirdly, cost that smoking has caused for you. You have spent a lot on this poison. 4. Lastly forget the past that will help you in quit smoking. Just remember that nicotine is my enemy and is killing me slowly.

With determination, will power and a strategy, quit smoking is not out of the question.


Smoking is emerging to be one of the major causes of death in the modern world. Smoking poses dangers directly and indirectly to the public. Several smokers claim to have been meaning to quit this habit; they just find it so difficult. Here are some of the major reasons why it is hard to quit smoking. Nishanth Reddy, is an author and publisher of many health related websites. For more information and tips on how to quit smoking, visit his website:

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Quit Smoking Fast, Scams Revealed

"Quit Smoking Fast, Scams Revealed"

Read this article before you consider purchasing and paying for a "How to quit smoking fast" ebook -A review.

From the desk of George Stobbart, expert reviewer,

.....Wouldn't it be nice to quit smoking just by reading a few pages of text or listening to a 30 minutes audio/hypnosis tape? Of course it would. I for one would love to save hundreds of dollars a year by not buying cigarettes, be healthier, be able to walk up some stairs without getting out of breath, have my friends stop rejecting me because I smoke and lengthen the time I spend on this earth.

Whether it's quit smoking in 30 minutes, quit smoking forever by reading this ebook, send me your credit card information and I'll make you quit smoking in 2 sessions, or something else, you' ve all seen the wonderful claims people make about how they helped hundreds others to quit smoking in record time. I can tell you right now that 99% of theses people are total fraud. You may have even been "caught" by one of these scam artists, selling you their latest "quit smoking now" program. I have too. I can't even tell how many I bought and how much money I wasted I bought so many. I couldn't figure out why but I always found the "positive" in people, and time after time I was "sold" by theses marketing schemes, even after I got tricked by another one. I finally got TIRED of so many frustrations. I decided to find out as much as possible about these quit smoking fast programs, and see if there really was any LEGITIMATE program to really and effectively quit smoking.

Here's what I did: I called the owners of every quit smoking fast website I found, and pretended to be an investor seriously interested in purchasing their entire business and website.That way, as soon as the thought of lots and lots of dollars in their pockets hit their mind, they gave me their informations for free so I could review what I would be "purchasing". And 99% of what I saw made me absolutely sick. Many bragged about the high quantities of these useless programs they sold, but this is what I found:

-highly unpractical information -programs leading to other programs you have to purchase -useless information -dangerous tips -very hard to read and understand ebooks -bad quality audio recordings -questionable methods -no email support -no refund

I rapidly came to the conclusion that these so-called Quit Smoking Fast programs were completely worthless. And the people making these programs knew it, yet their bank accounts were rapidly filling up! No need to say I didn't reply when contacted to know if I was still interested in purchasing their business. However, while reviewing all this garbage I came upon a couple of legitimate programs.

The owners were real professionals with great knowledge and put together powerful and useful programs to effectively quit smoking. Their products were impressive, with lots and lots of practical information, exactly how to apply it, step by step processes that actually guide you even through the toughest times. They also offer great email support and have a 100% satisfaction guarantee policy. It was like I found a few gems. But don't take my word for it, you can visit the two sites I found below. See what you think.

They do charge for their products, but for the information you get is well worth the investment. And the money you'll save by quitting smoking will rapidly pay for the product. Anyway, I you make the decision of getting either of these programs, I suggest you act quickly, as the owners informed me that due to the success and extremely high demand of their programs they are actually going to raise their price within the next week. Well, my quest for the best How to Quit Smoking programs comes to an end. I must admit I was completely disappointed with the majority of what I found, and I recommend you don't take any chances by joining any other program than the two listed below!

All the best.

George Stobbart

Here are the link to the programs I highly recommend:

Click HERE for:Site #1

Click HERE for:Site #2

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

12 Steps To Quit Smoking

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Developing the Will to Quit Smoking

You are a slave to habit simply because you consent to be a slave.

Before reading further you should decide definitely that you honestly wish to quit smoking right now and that you have sought a strong Will to do so.

If faithfully done, the following regimes will destroy the tobacco habit.

Regime 1.

You must waste no time over this ?habit? and must treat the desire, first, middle, last and directly, leaving the habit to take care of itself. Thus, you must banish desire for nicotine by substituting for it desires of other descriptions. Keep the first out of mind. Keep the latter forever in thought.

If you quit for a few months and then start again, many will say that you are hopeless. You clearly do not yet genuinely desire freedom. You continue to smoke because you desire indulgence, or because you do not desire reform. Your appetite is your plea; but your desire lies under your appetite. Were you confronted by a loaded rifle, with the absolute assurance of being shot to death for lifting a cigarette, you would surely defer the indulgence because desiring life is stronger than one smoke. The contrary is often asserted, but it is simply the exaggeration of deluded martyrdom.

Regime 2.

Some physicians recommend for the tobacco habit the incessant eating of peanuts, inasmuch as a condition of the stomach seems to be engendered by them which revolts against nicotine. If you can nauseate yourself every time you crave tobacco you will cease to desire it. It is said that milk has the same effect in some cases.

Regime 3.

Eat heartily plain food, especially any kind which does not seem to agree with tobacco, and keep forever in mind the goal of freedom. Eat peanuts or drink milk instead of indulging your appetite in habit. Fix deeply in your soul the conviction that the difficulty is not insuperable, but will yield in time. This is true, because the entire physical system tends to adapt itself to new conditions. Continue these reform conditions long enough and you will be free.

Regime 4.

Don't talk about your effort and don't dwell upon your suffering. Keep yourself busy and outside as much as possible. Contrive to get a great amount of sound sleep every day. Take a noon nap daily. Flood your stomach with pure water day after day. If the weather permits, perspire freely. Put tobacco out of sight. Keep it out of mind. When the thought arises, banish the suggestion instantly. As you do so, and in order to do so, set the mind upon other matters.

Regime 5.

Don't suffer yourself to fall into the "dead stare", that unconscious standstill of mind which occasionally seizes people who are fighting these battles. Anticipate such spells, and throw yourself into action requiring no concentration of thought.

Regime 6.

Don't pity yourself. Entertain no sympathy for your suffering nor your weakness. Don't play the martyr. Don't class yourself with heroic reformers. Don't nurse your egotism. Don't imagine that you are doing some great thing. Forget all these temptations. People have fought on in battle with shattered arms. You can absolutely forget tobacco if you determine to do so.

Regime 7.

Don't ask God to cure these habits. All such "cures" have been psychological. God is the author of a true psychology and religious experience is psychological, to be sure; but God works through His own laws, one of which, underlying the crowning achievement of moral realms, soul development, is that Divine help is given to no human being in an especial manner or degree who can achieve success by obedience to ordinary principles of right living.

A person once declared that "the Lord had taken away his craving for tobacco." When closely and persistently questioned, he confessed that there had been times at first wherein his throat and mouth had felt "raw," one of the symptoms of tobacco denial. He had forgotten his desire in his intense religious excitement. Here was "Divine assistance," of course, but without any distinctively supernatural element.

A book on curing the tobacco habit, by Mae Levy, has among others, the following "dictums ":

-Having decided to quit tobacco, keep your thoughts upon the grand benefit soon to come, and do not allow yourself to be dissuaded from your purpose.
-Continue with tobacco as usual for two weeks. If you feel that you are making such progress that you can cease the use of tobacco before the fixed time, do not stop completely, reduce the quantity if so inclined.
-Sip all liquids and other soft foods, allowing them to remain for a brief period in the mouth before swallowing. Chew every mouthful or bite of solid or dry food many times before swallowing.
-Avoid foods or drinks that disagree with you.
-Consume eight glasses of liquid, non alcoholic and non gaseous, daily, between meals,
-Practice deep breathing every morning and night.

Faith, conceived as the affirmatively expectant attitude of the whole self, is one of the mightiest powers in this world. It is the fundamental element in auto suggestion.

You are therefore invited to make your entire thought and life a suggestion to your self that these directions, faithfully carried out, will infallibly eliminate from your nature the habits indicated.

But remember, faith without works is merely a 'say-so.' Real faith is confident action toward a goal. The continuation of such action measures the kind and power of faith supposed. You should, therefore, determine to persevere, a thousand years if necessary. But let it be remembered that mere resolution is only one half of real determination. Some people resolve, and then resolve again, never achieving victory. Others put 'bite' into the matter in hand once for all, and do not seem to know how to let go. The only cure for resolution is determination, for determination is just doing the thing resolved upon.

The soul that says, ?I am going to overcome,? will very likely fail. The leverage runs too far into the future. A valiant Will always acts on a short lever. You should, therefore, declare: ?I am overcoming! The thing is now being accomplished! The matter in hand is mastered.? This may seem a trifle false, but it is more than a trifle true if you really mean it. When you swear the needed thing now, it is by so much already done in your Will, and a good deal of it, unknown to you, is accomplished in the concrete.

If there is not enough will left in you to desire reform, you must consult a physician for a "cure"; and if this doesn?t work then to be sure, you must go on as a slave.

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

"I can help you quit smoking, don't believe?"

The world is filled with people who believe quitting smoking is simply a matter of will power. The majority of those people are, of course, non-smokers. If you are a smoker who has tried to quit only to fail time and time again, the problem does not lie with your will or desire. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on Earth, and you will have a much better chance of success if you have some help.

You can walk into any pharmacy and find countless products that are designed to help you quit smoking. The problem is that most of them do not work. Many of the gums and patches on the market contain nicotine, so even as you are using them to quit, you still can't get the chemical out of your system! At Ultra Herbal, our Nicocure patches offer you an effective, natural alternative to the nicotine-derived products on the market.

Our patches represent the fastest and safest way for you to quit smoking. By combining the effects of a variety of natural formulas, Nicocure patches are able to reproduce the properties of nicotine without the harm of nicotine. They allow your brain to release dopamine just as it does when you smoke. This means that you will not undergo the mental and physical stress generally associated with quitting. With Nicocure, you can quickly and safely be on your way to a healthier you!

When you use our patches, you'll find that you lose the desire to smoke completely. Even if you get the urge to cheat during the process, after one puff, you'll find that Nicocure makes smoking unpleasant--the temptation will be gone! We are so confident that our natural alternative will work for you that we offer a full money-back guarantee. There's nothing to lose!


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