Instantly Quit Smoking

Thursday, January 31, 2008

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Be A Proud Owner Of Your Own Best Ways Of Quitting Smoking!

How to quit smoking is not only a million dollar question, it is a question affecting millions and millions and their number is increasing day by day. The number of surveys conducted on smoking, small and big, by local bodies, governmental and non-governmental organizations are a legion! But are these well-intentioned efforts helping to curb the addiction of smoking? The answer, unfortunately, is in the negative and the tobacco lobby is busy with their expansion plans.

Is there a happy smoker? May be a rare one! More than 80 % of the smokers? population, who formed part of the authentic survey, gave a straightforward answer that they wished to quit smoking. It is, therefore, appropriate to conclude that the majority of the remaining 20 % smokers, require some reasoning and pressure to bring them to the right track.

What it is that latent in the tobacco, which holds powerful sway over these unfortunate millions? It is an innocent looking eight letter word- nicotine. The more we try to understand it, the more it exhibits its enormous ferocity! It has such a telling effect on the physical and psychological areas of human beings, caught in its net, an individual finds it nearly impossible to free himself from its vice-grip. Nicotine is a drug naturally found in tobacco. It is highly addictive.

What happens when a smoker smokes? The smoke is inhaled and nicotine is transported deep into the lungs, where the bloodstream is waiting to receive and it is carried throughout the body without further loss of time. Evil is known for its lightening speed in doing its job and so does the nicotine!!

So, the nicotine is ?the all-pervading reality? within the blood-stream now, and it reaches wherever the blood reaches, that is to say the entire human system.

At this time, let us say an innate desire sprouts in the smoker to give up smoking. Some thing within him is trying to bring him to the right track! He starts discussing the issue with the fellow-sufferers and as his private research advances, he is startled to know what type of addictive nicotine is! It is not less powerful an addictive than heroin or cocaine!

Now is the right time to quote Mark Twain: ?Quitting smoking is easy. I have done it a thousand times.? Got it? Because to cope up with the withdrawal symptoms is not easy. Nicotine has made your body and mind its permanent home. It can?t be evicted that easily. Try to dislodge it? come dizziness depression, irritability, anger, frustration, headache and restlessness.

But remember, all these negative tendencies have got to be resolute because by now you have decided to quit smoking and formulated your own best ways to do it.

Best of luck!

To get detailed information on Stop Smoking, Stop Smoking updates visit

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

7 Tips To Help You Quit Smoking For Good

Quitting smoking is not a easy thing to do. In fact, it can be very difficult. The psychological and physical addiction to nicotine makes it very difficult to just quit. But this can be done, and it was dome by millions of people who regained their health as a result.

There are no easy solutions to quitting the smoking habit. The withdrawal symptoms as well as the psychological need will be there and make it hard for you to quit. But there are quite a few ways to make it easier to go through those first few weeks of being smoke free. If you make if past the first month, your chances of quitting for good are much higher.

Let's take a look at a few of the most valuable tips we can offer:

Go cold turkey - Don't reduce the amount of cigarettes you smoke each day. Just stop totally. This seems counter-intuitive, but it's much better to quit all at once that to reduce the amount. Reducing the amount of cigarettes will not help you quit, it will only make it harder, and claim a heavier price from your health.

Replace your smoking with another habit - this is a useful way of coping with the habit itself. You can replace smoking with eating carrots, for example. Another way is to replace it with physical activity, or drinking water. The important thing is to create new and useful habits instead of the smoking habit.

Quit with a friend - If you have a friend that wants to quit smoking, you can quit together. This will force you to watch each other's backs, and make sure none of you gets back to smoking. Work out a support system that includes meetings once a day, phone calls etc. so that you keep supporting and encouraging each other.

Use nicotine replacement - There are plenty of products out there that make quitting smoking much easier, as they replace the nicotine fix smokers are used to getting. Taking a nicotine chewing gum, pills or patches makes it easier to deal with the withdrawal symptoms. When the physical side of the quitting process is handled, it's easier to cope with the psychological side of the addiction.

Use breathing exercises - Learning to breath correctly and to the full capacity of the lungs makes it easier to cope with the withdrawal symptoms and the dizziness and nausea you might feel. Yoga breathing techniques will do fine for that purpose and you can learn that from every book that deals with the subject.

Quitting smoking is not easy, but the price you might pay with your health is a lot more difficult to handle. Start planning your smoking quitting today, and set a date to do it. In 10 years time, you will greet yourself for doing so.

Gill Reese is the owner of You may visit the site and learn all about how to stop smoking, how to quit smoking, smoking cessation and more.

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Quit Smoking! Two 'Marlboro Man' Died of Lung Cancer

Even the Marlboro man was not immune to the effects of cigarette smoking. Two actors who portrayed as ‘Marlboro Man’ died of lung cancer, a disease caused by cigarette smoking. The first Marlboro man Wayne McClaren appeared in the cigarette advertisement in the year 1976 and died of lung cancer in 1992. He lived for many years after being diagnosed lung cancer and promoted smoking-cessation campaigns. The second Marlboro man was David McClean who died of lung cancer in the year 1995. His family filed a suit against Phillip Morris, mentioning that David McClean had to smoke sometimes five packs of cigarettes a day, to complete commercial filming and print ad shoots for Marlboro cigarette.

This is a reality; no one can escape the effects of tobacco smoking. It is said that the first owner of the company which produced Marlboro cigarettes, Phillip Morris too, died of lung cancer. However, the validity of this statement is questionable because the cause of Phillip Morris’s death was not mentioned in biographies available online. But the possibility remains there…

In 1800s people used to smoke crude tobacco and cigars, then filters were introduced to save the cigarette industry from sales decline.

Popular books like Reader’s Digest’s have many a times conducted campaigns against smoking by warning people about its possible ill-effects on health especially cancer which made the medical and scientific journals address the issue of health concerns related with cigarette smoking.

Since then governments have taken different measures to regulate cigarette manufacturing and smoking. America recorded 124, 0000 deaths due to tobacco induced lung cancer from 1995 to 1999. Still men and women continue to take smoking pleasure. Some people just cannot imagine their life without puffs, how many of these know that smoking or other form of tobacco killed 440,000 people which make it about 20% of total deaths in the U.S. from 1995 to 1999!

As a smoker if you do not care about yourself its fine but what about your family? The environmental cigarette smoke can lead to passive smoking which may result in risk of lung cancer, heart disease, miscarriages and birth defects, developing asthma in children and adults, ear infections, aggravated asthma, allergies, and other conditions like learning difficulty in children and lung infection.

I understand that quit smoking is not easy, it takes a strong willpower and a lot of self discipline to fight against nicotine cravings. If you have tried to quit smoking and have failed to stand the nicotine cravings, I have good news for you. Chantix, the new medicine in the market, can help you immensely in your smoking cessation endeavor and help you stay quit for the rest of your life. Chantix is an anti-smoking medicine that helps you control your cravings. It has already helped many smokers to quit and has been included in many major anti-smoking programs because of its assured effectiveness. If you have really decided to quit smoking, but don’t know how to control your nicotine cravings, worry not! Chantix is there for your help. Just say YES to a smoke free healthy life and be a part of it.

The author, Monalisa Hyden, addresses psychological and health related issues. If you wish to help yourself and your loved ones in quit smoking, you can log on to for more information and advice.

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Monday, January 28, 2008

5 Great Health Benefits Of Quitting Smoking

If you?re a smoking thinking of quitting then the chances are you?ve been thinking about quitting for a long time but not actually doing the quitting. Most ex-smokers I know took a long time to make the decision to quit. Sure, they wanted to quit for a long time but they couldn?t quite bring themselves to put out their last cigarette.

You might find yourself in this situation right now. There are many benefits to putting out your last cigarette. I?ll mention some of the health benefits in a moment but fist consider these:

Financial ? smoking is expensive. Many of the quit smoking sites have a cigarette calculator so you can see just how much your spending every year.

Emotional ? if you want to quit you may feel guilt or down on yourself because you haven?t quit yet. By quitting you relieve yourself of this emotional burden. Plus, you prove to yourself you have the drive and determination to succeed.

Social ? you won?t smell like an ashtray and neither will your clothes! You won?t have to go out side (maybe in the cold) to smoke and you can help others to quit.

These are all great reasons to quit but the biggest benefit benefits are your body and they start almost instantly.

If you stop smoking right now your body will start to feel the benefits within as little as 20 minutes as your heart rate drops.

After 24 hours of stopping smoking the carbon monoxide in your blood will have gone. Carbon monoxide reduces the blood?s ability to carry oxygen (by combining with red blood cells more readily than oxygen) as a result after stopping you will get more oxygen to your lungs and breathing will become easier.

After 72 hours nicotine will have been flushed from the body. Result: Things taste better and smell improves. (Damaged nerve endings are starting to regrow.)

All the while your circulation will be improving and the efficiency of your lungs will increase reducing wheezing and breathing problems.

One year on from your decision to quit your risk of a heart attack is half of what it used to be before you stopped.

As you can see the positive effect of quitting start almost immediately! Take action now to stop smoking and save your life.

Did you find this information about quitting smoking useful? You can learn a lot more about how to quit here at

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What Happens to your Body When you Quit Smoking?

We all get told and shown (very graphically) what we are doing to our bodies when we suck down cigarette after cigarette, but what about when we quit. Do our bodies begin to heal or do they just stay the same and not get any worse?

What happens to your body when you quit smoking? Your body will actually start to heal itself and you will become healthier. Your body is a wonderful and incredible machine that can actually heal itself. When you quit smoking your body will no longer have to use any energy to fight the toxins you were putting into your body by smoking. Now your body can use that energy to start healing the lung tissue that you have already destroyed.

So how in the world do you go about quitting smoking? It is never easy to stop a bad habit, but it makes it easier if you replace that bad habit with a good habit. Maybe instead of smoking cigarettes you could chew on sunflower seeds to keep your mouth busy. There are a lot of other things that could replace smoking and it is easier to quit if you have a replacement habit.

You can use any number of over the counter products to help you quit smoking or any number of programs that will help you quit. The results that come from most products and programs are only about 1 of 3 actually quit smoking for good. There is a better way, though. You can use the program that is linked in my Author Bio and be done with smoking for good in just 3 hours.

The most important thing is that you quit smoking so that your body can start to hear. Once you have gotten to that point you will experience an increase in energy, stamina, breathing capacity, and confidence. Plus you will no longer smell like smoke all the time and taste like it also. I wish you the best of luck with your journey to a healthier life.

Benjamin Ehinger is an affiliate marketer, and a very successful one. He only promotes and writes about products that are proven and have worked for someone that he personally knows. The following program, Quit Smoking Right Now, will lead you to the most proven techniques in order to Quit Smoking go to:

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Make Quitting Smoking A Reality

Quitting smoking is an art. Making quitting a reality is not far once you earn a strong and sincere will to stop smoking.

I will share a real story of one of my close friends who at last succeeded to cease cigarette smoking. Often he used to argue, If everybody quits smoking, what will happen to the tobacco industry? Millions of employees will be retrenched!

What a perverted style of argument! I used to reply.

One day when he told me his newfound quest to quit smoking I asked him- What happened? Why do you want to quit smoking? Why are you now thinking about the reverse gear, all of sudden?".

After hearing him, I analyzed his situation. Perhaps numerous smokers all over the word who smoke have common reasons for smoking and quitting. When they start it, they do so perhaps due to the pleasant pressure put on them by their peer group. They never think that the matter could go that far! And finally after years of tobacco smoking, when the family doctor warns about the worsening condition of their heart, it shows the strains of crack. The pain faced might soon become a mild attack of stroke. So they decide to be very careful now!

After this encounter with the heart specialist, quitting smoking is more than a passing thought in the mind, but becomes a sincere goal to accomplish! All smokers have heard about nicotine, but only after spending their years in the company of cigarettes do they realize that it can cause this much damage to them!

Hearing all this, now you might be amazed and sorry to know that nicotine is not an ordinary addictive- it is as a hard and damage-causing enemy as heroin and cocaine.

Do not get frustrated and desperate should be the number one rule in your efforts to quit smoking because nicotine is a very powerful enemy and after years of smoking it gets deeply entrenched in your blood cells. Therefore, be ready for its counterattack! Be ready to face and tackle dizziness, depression, irritation, frustration, anger, headache, restlessness, trouble in reading and concentration. But your efforts to quit smoking, is worth its weight in gold. For apart from the attack you had, you have suffered enough on account of nasal irritation, running nose, watery eyes, sneezing, throat irritation, coughing and much more.

So you have a brilliant thought within you to quit smoking! Well, the entire society of millions of smokers is waiting for you to give them the lead.

Have a happy ending to your quit-smoking resolution which is going to become a reality this time, hopefully.

To get detailed information on stopping smoking, quit smoking tips and more stop smoking resources visit

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Why Quit Smoking?

It silently creeps into your life and you barely notice it. It makes you feel good, calms you down and is always there for you. It distracts you from you problems, helps you get through the rough times and always keeps you company. But slowly it starts to become more and more aggressive as it becomes a more permanent part of your life. It wants you to spend more and more time with it, spend more money on it and never put it down. It doesn't want to be limited in any way and wants you to consume it frequently.

Any thoughts of putting it down or quitting are whisked away by a constant nagging and if you do manage to stop for a few days you are met with an all out attack of withdrawal symptoms, major discomfort and sometimes physical pain. The more time that goes by, the more that this once calming friend tightens its crippling grip on you. Your mornings which were once blissful and invigorating become a violent rage of coughing and choking and hacking up, while struggling just to breath. Your life, not to mention your money is being slowly sucked away from you and you feel like there is nothing that you can do. You may even tell yourself that it will never hurt you, but you know deep down that you can?t get away with it forever. As even more time goes by your body becomes more drained day after day. You feel like absolute shit almost all the time?and then you realize that it?s time to make a decision.

You wonder if you can do it and I?m telling you that you can!

You think that you will fail and I?m telling you that you can?t!

You really want to feel better and I?m telling you that you will?


?It?s time to quit smoking.

Dan Desjardins
PO Box 151, Charlton, Ontario
Canada P0J 1B0




Dan is a certified personal trainer who has helped people with their fitness goals as well as provide advice on disease, nutrition, training and supplementation. While making some major changes is his life he learned better ways of creating and sustaining change and would like to pass that knowledge on to others.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Does Quit Smoking Shot Work

Most smokers doubt the effectiveness and the safety of quit smoking shots. How can this injection stop cravings for cigarettes? Can this procedure address both physical and mental addiction? Quitting smoking not only involves kicking the physical nicotine addiction but also the smoking habit.

Quit smoking shots immunize smokers from nicotine addiction by blocking the nicotine receptors in the brain. They can also relieve the physical withdrawal symptoms. However, this procedure has to be done by a doctor. The most common ones you see on advertisements is Welpex.

Welplex uses scopolamine and atropine, two dangerous substances. Both of them are extracted from Deadly Nightshade, a toxic perennial shrub. Although they are poisonous, scopolamine is a common component in prescribed motion-sickness medication. Doctors use atropine, a well known eye-dilating chemical during eye examinations.

SMART Shot, an improved version of Welplex, has been in the market for more than a decade. Unlike Welplex which requires three shots, SMART Shot only requires one shot. Instead of using atropine, SMART Shot uses atarax, an antihistamine.

Recently emerging is QUIT 1-2-3, a new shot. QUIT 1-2-3, also requires a doctor's administration. QUIT 1-2-3 is different than SMART Shot; it also treats the psychological factors associated with nicotine addiction. You have access to continual behavioral coaching and support to help you remain smoke-free.

This treatment proves to be effective. Based on clinical trials of QUIT 1-2-3 involving 267 smoking men and 233 smoking women, 86 percent did not smoke again after 60 days of treatment. 71 percent did not go into relapse after six months.

The good thing about quit smoking injections is that you don't rely on nicotine replacement products such as nicotine patch and gum.

When the market releases a new treatment, smokers trying to quit are likely to give it a try, especially if they have tried and failed before. As you know, to finally give up smoking, you may have to try several times. You may wonder whether quit smoking shots will work for you. The best thing to do is to consult your doctor. Just give it the benefit of the doubt. You never know, it may be just what you need. If you have tried other methods before and are still smoking, why not try quit smoking shots instead?

Michael Cage is a content writer at Health Maestro Blog. If you want to find out "How Do I Quit Smoking", visit

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How Falling In Love Can Make You Quit Smoking

My grandfather told me this story when I was very young and I still remember it to this day for it is such a beautiful story about love and how it can help you get rid of an addiction, specially smoking addiction.

When my grandfather was about 11 or 12 years old, growing up in the Caribbean, he picked up this nasty habit of smoking. He started smoking with friends as it was something that almost everybody did. I don't think there was any law regarding the sale of cigarettes to children. As a matter of fact, the way these boys picked up smoking was from going to the stores to buy cigarettes for their uncles or stepdads.

The store owners would never think twice about asking for ID before they sell cigarettes to minors. As I said before, it was okay to sell cigarettes to kids and consequently these kids started smoking at a very early age.

So my grandfather smoked and his mother smoked and likely the rest of the household smoked too. My grandfather's name was Oscar. By the time Oscar turned 17 he already had been smoking for quite a few years now and also drinking occasionally. I do remember that he said that he never smoked nor drink in front of his mom.

In these days, they used to have social dances on weekends and with those social dances comes good homemade food, homemade cakes and ice cream and of course girls. The girls at that time would not go out alone, they would always be accompanied by their parents or guardians at all social events.

Even though a lots of the kids, boys mostly, smoked, it wasn't proper to smoke at social gatherings, specially if you were a kid. As a matter of fact, it was frown upon as a parent to have a son who was a known smoker. The boys still smoked nonetheless, because it was seen as being macho. After all, the tough actors in the movies smoked, therefore the kids thought that they would look good and handsome to the girls if they smoked.

Oscar at one of these social gatherings have met a young girl who was about 2 years older than he was. Being that the society wasn't as liberal as it is today, meeting a young girl at a dance, rather seeing a young girl at a dance and starting to entertain the thought that she was pleasing to the eye and perhaps the only thing he could do about it was to have a dance together, meaning everybody is involved in the dance. No decadent moves like the kids do nowadays.

Anyway, I was saying, Oscar had seen Marie, the girl at the dance and he felt something for her. The thing that can be described as the beginning of love. Before long, he was writing her letters and telling her how he feels good when he sees her and wanted to know if she felt the same way about him.

Her response was rather vague. She liked to see him as well but there was something about him that she wasn't fond of. She would not tell him what it was. She thought that if a young man smoked, that young man ought to have enough savvy to pick up on subtle little hints from girls. Women can be so complex and sophisticated, Oscar used to say, it takes a long time to begin to know a woman or to know what a woman wants.

Oscar could feel that Marie wasn't head over heel about him, therefore he started to change his habits to see if that would turn things around. First he changed the way he dressed, then the way he walked and the choice of words in his letters. All the while he was still smoking with his friends and see himself as somekind of a cool guy who enjoyed smoking.

The feeling he felt for Marie was getting stronger everytime he saw her. For the life of him, he couldn't see why Marie wasn't falling for him the same way he was for her. That started to drive him crazy and made him smoke even more.

What started as perhaps 5 or 6 cigarettes a day quickly turned into 20 to 25 cigarettes a day. Now all he could think of was Marie and the more he thought about her the more he smoked. What can I do to make her fall crazily in love with me? He thought.

By then, Marie had moved away to go to college and only came back to town every second weekend or so. Oscar was really feeling the agonizing pain of slowly losing his girl. What if she falls in love with another guy at college? All these thoughts would keep him up at night.

Finally one day a letter came from Marie saying that she has decided to move for good to that other city where she would find some work after college. She also told him that she could no longer bear the thought of falling in love with someone who may die from smoke related illness. You see, her mom had died two years earlier from smoke related illness due to her smoking one pack of cigarette a day for the last 25 years.

When Oscar found out that it was smoking that kept her from falling in love with him he instantly developed a deep hatred for cigarettes and anything that looked like cigarette. He later joined a group fighting against the sale of cigarettes to minors and also became an advocate for a smoke free world. He was still involved with the group when he died 16 years ago.

Please visit Fritz 's web site and start your fight against cigarettes:

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Cutting Down On Your Cigarettes May Lead To Quitting Smoking

Jenny hopes to quit smoking by cutting down her smoking. She feels gross when she skips smoking in the morning. As the evening sets in, she returns to her old smoking habit. She hates herself when she gives in to cigarettes. She dislikes the smell of tobacco smoke at times. Nevertheless, she enjoys it overall. She's not sure whether trimming down the number of cigarettes she puffs can help her quit smoking completely.

If you want to quit altogether, then cutting down on smoking may be a good start. It's better than doing nothing at all. It may not be the ideal solution to your smoking problem. But if you are not ready yet, smoking reduction can lead you in the right path.

A study by Center for Nicotine and Tobacco Use Research at Yale suggests that older smokers can quit smoking for good when they cut down on their smoking. The study focused on American smokers aged between 51 and 61. Most experts believe that the only way to give up smoking is to quit completely. On the hand, Dr Tracy Falba, the lead researcher said, ?But cutting down the number of cigarettes smoked seems to promote quitting. Cutting down first may be an option for people trying to quit.? Even though the research was based on older smokers, Dr Falba believed that smokers regardless of their age can benefit from reduced smoking.

From the results of the study, smokers who cut back more than 50 percent of their smoking doubled their chances to quit. Even some smokers on small reductions have better chances of stopping smoking.

Most smokers who try to quit fall back because of relapse. This study revealed that those on reduced smoking didn't experience any relapse in the long run. However, this may give the wrong impression to those who reduce but continue to smoke. They should remember the reason for cutting down is to quit smoking entirely. Reduction without working towards cessation is pointless.

This method may not work for you. What happens if you can't deal with the withdrawal symptoms? Can you resist smoking in this difficult situation? You may need help to counter the effects of withdrawal symptoms. Consult with your doctor whether cutting down can help you quit smoking. It's not easy. You may need more than your willpower and determination to succeed.

Michael Cage produces health content at Health Maestro Blog. Get more quit smoking tips at

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Quit Smoking: Cigarette Even Affects the Way You Look

Do you think holding a cigarette gives you a cool look? True, the style of holding a cigarette and lighting it becomes a part of your personality and adds to your attitude. But I have to add a few more affects of smoking on your looks. You probably will not like to hear them at all but it is my duty to explain you why;

  • Tobacco smoking reduces the blood flow to the skin and so oxygen and essential nutrients are depleted.
  • Smoking reduces the body store of Vitamin A.
  • Smoking causes wrinkling around mouth and eyes.
  • The skin which is very much exposed to cigarette smoke is of grayish and wasted appearance.
  • Smoking increases the production of enzyme that breaks down collagen, which is the main structural protein of skin that maintains skin elasticity.
  • Smokers develop hollow cheeks on frequent sucking on cigarettes.
  • Smoking causes yellowish teeth and halitosis or bad breath.
  • Smokers have higher risk of developing psoriasis, a chronic skin condition which is not life-threatening, but extremely uncomfortable and mutilating.
  • A study on 12,000 pre- and postmenopausal women aged 40 to 73, the waist to hip ratio increased as the number of cigarettes smoked per day increased.
  • The effect of smoking on the endocrine system, glands which secrete hormones, causes smokers to store even normal amounts of body fat in an abnormal distribution.
  • Lip color is affected by cigarette smoking giving it a burnt brownish tinge.
  • Tobacco smoke present in the environment has a drying effect on our skin.

All of us spend a lot of time, money and effort in order to have an appearance that is appealing to others. If you will count the money and hours spent on shampoos, creams, lotions, bathing bars etc you will realize what I am talking about. But what?s the use if your smoking habit ruins all your efforts! So, although there are many more serious effects of tobacco on our organs inside our body, I will still plead you to Quit Smoking on account of its harmful affect on our outer body because most of us pay more importance to the physical appearance than to the inner self.

Tobacco, in any shape, is harmful to every part of a human body everywhere on this earth. If you wish to adopt a healthy life style, the first step should be to quit smoking?probably the toughest job you have ever done in your life. But, as elders say, where there is a will, there is a way. You can stop smoking if you are determined. Many organizations are available who work for the interest of people and help them in their quit smoking endeavor. There are websites available to guide you through your quit smoking efforts. Even, the pharmaceutical giants have come up with smoking cessation drugs which are not only effective but also have very little side effects. The most effective drug which helps you in controlling cigarette cravings is Chantix, a product of Pfizer which not only helps in quit smoking but also helps in controlling the cravings thereby making the whole process much easier than expected!

You just decide that you need to quit and help will come automatically for you!

The author, Monalisa Hyden, addresses psychological and health related issues. If you wish to help yourself and your loved ones in quit smoking, you can log on to for more information and advice.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How To Lose Weight After Quit Smoking

The fear of weight gain discourages many smokers to attempt giving up smoking. They rather avoid weight gain than quit smoking. Studies show that at least 25 percent of ex-former smokers with weight-gain phobia lose weight after quitting smoking.

Do all smokers gain weight after they stop smoking? Fortunately, not everybody puts on weight. If you gain weight, the average increase will be as much as 10 pounds. Only smokers who smoke between 10 to 20 years or have more than one pack of cigarettes a day are more likely to experience weight gain.

Why do some smokers put on weight when they quit smoking? The outcomes of quitting smoking cause your body to experience physical changes. Your taste bud begins to improve which leads you to eat more. Smoking increases your metabolism. When you stop smoking, your metabolic rate begins to fall. Your weight goes up because your body now burns less calories. The absence of nicotine causes your insulin level to rise. This gives you the feeling of hunger. If smoking at the end of a meal used to be your habit, you now use food to replace the vacuum left by smoking.

You can maintain or lose weight after quitting smoking. As mentioned, When you quit smoking your metabolism slows down. Exercise can get rid of unneeded calories. To enjoy the benefit of exercise, you need to work out for at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week. You can include climbing stairs, walking briskly, and cycling into your exercise routine. Exercise can also stop you from craving for cigarettes.

Improve your eating habits. Chances are if your eating habit remains the same, you shouldn't put on much weight. Choose your food wisely. Use the Food Guide Pyramid each day so that you eat different kinds of food. Eat lots of beans, grains, vegetables, fish, and fruits. These healthy foods don't carry much calories. Opt for lean meat, low-calorie beverages, and low fat foods. You don't need additional calorie and fat as before. Just use your common sense when it comes to food selection.

Don't let the fear of weight gain discourage you from quitting smoking. The health risk of gaining 10 pounds is nothing compared to the health hazards of smoking. You should worry only if you put on 100 pounds, which is uncommon. Being smoke free will bring you more health benefits. You can lose weight but you can't make lung cancer or heart disease go away.

Michael Cage writes various health topics at his health blog. Find out all about smoking at and quit smoking today!

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7 Reasons Why You Need To Quit Smoking Right Now

Quitting smoking is not easy, especially if you've been smoking for years. But it is something worth doing even if you are not a young man or woman. Quitting smoking has so many benefits to it, and I'll do my hardest to convince you in this article that it is worth doing, though it is a hard choice. Shell we begin?

Reason number one: You will look younger. People who smoke look older than those who don't. It's a fact. People who smoke got nicotine stains on their teeth and fingers, their skin looks older, their voice is different and their general physical condition is poor. Stopping smoking will knock off 10 years of your age. Just look at 65 year olds that smoked for years, and compare them with others of the same age who don't smoke. The differences are huge. Don't wait till you're 65 - quit now and you WILL look younger and better at all ages.

Reason number two - You will be healthier. Smoking promotes disease. There are dozens of cancers, vascular disease, heart diseases and lung diseases that smokers suffer from. The chances for getting lung cancer is 20 times higher for a heavy smoker compared to non-smokers. Smoking is simply a very un-healthy habit.

Reason number three - You will save money. Smoking is an expensive habit, too. If you smoke 2 packs of cigarettes every day, the monthly expense could amount to hundreds of dollars. If you invest the same amount in a saving account, you could go on a fantastic vacation, every year from the money you saved.

Reason number four - You will be less dependent on external relaxation. Many people use cigarettes as a means to relax and deal with pressure. Most people who stop smoking, learn how to deal with stress in other ways. This is a very useful and growing experience by itself.

Reason number five - you will smell better - smokers smell bad. The cigarettes' smell is noticeable, and their hair, cloths, skin and breath smell like cigarettes. When you quit smoking, the smell starts to weaken, until if is completely gone. Even you can will smell better.

Reason number six - you will be more socially accepted - many places now a days frown at smokers. Bars and restaurants, working spaces and country clubs - all forbid smoking in their area. Smoking is also not acceptable by many people. If you give it up, you will be more welcomed instantly, almost everywhere.

Reason number seven - you will gain control on your own life, and health. Perhaps the most important achievement is to take control on your health. N one else will do that for you.

As you can see, there are many good reasons to quit smoking today. So don't delay - set a goal to yourself to stop smoking this week, or even today. This will have a great effect on your future.

Gill Reese is the owner of You may visit the site and learn all about how to stop smoking, smoking cessation, how to quit smoking and more.

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Defeat Nicotine And Quit Smoking With A Firm Resolution

Someone who had quit smoking several times, said with anguish, ?No, I don't want to quit smoking. I have done it on several occasions in the past- what I wish to do now is to kick smoking!?

Only when the resolution is that firm, can something tangible be achieved. All half-hearted measures are bound to fail! Ask any of the galaxies of smokers! Millions and millions! They want to give up smoking desperately. It is a reported fact that 70 % of smokers repeatedly think of giving up smoking.

There are several voluntary associations to help the smokers. Every small township generally has a health-care unit. But, the unfortunate part of it is that, for every such unit, there are hundreds of small and big tobacco-products selling shops. The promotion campaign for these products goes on unabated, through newspapers, important periodicals, and TV channels (though it is banned to some extent) and the demand for tobacco products goes on increasing relentlessly.

Is it ever possible to quit smoking? Defeat nicotine?

Before trying to defeat your physical and psychological enemy, try to know its strength and to what extent it has taken hold of you because its destructive capacity is no less than additives such as heroin or cocaine.

Remember, in the blood of a hard smoker, each and every cell is surcharged with nicotine. It has become part of the blood. Therefore, pregnant mothers- beware! Smoking is injurious not only to your health; it is also dangerous for the tender baby within. Your smoking alone is responsible for this double tragedy.

With the failure of the first attempt to quit smoking, one should not get disheartened! Resolute actions must follow these attempts, if you wanna achieve success. The courses run by the health care centers and hospitals may help you by the way of information. But, ultimately remember that, it is you who need to quit smoking, for it is you who started it. You can build yourself or you can break yourself. That depends upon your will power.

Each withdrawal symptom is powerful and difficult to endure. At times, you feel that the only way to get over them is to smoke. If you succumb and slide, then it is doubly difficult to restart the pilgrimage to the smoke-free zone. So, with lots of determination, this dizziness, depression, irritability, anger headache, restlessness and trouble in concentrating will have to be tackled. But, confront nicotine with a challenging poster.

Just think, which is a better situation- your company with wrinkled skin, bad breath, bad smelling hair, black teeth with cavities, with black lips or a glowing skin and a confident sparkling countenance? The choice is for you to make!

Mark Twain said, ?Quitting smoking is easy. I have done it a thousand times.? But please remember, he has not told you to follow him. Your will power could be stronger than his.

To get more information on stopping smoking, stop smoking techniques and more visit

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Kick The Habit Today By Quitting Smoking Forever

Are you thinking of quitting smoking? Are you finding it hard to stop smoking cigarettes? Are you looking into the different ways of giving up smoking? If you have answered yes to any of these questions then this article may well be of benefit to you. I am going to write about and give advice about the best ways to quit smoking.

Lets face it smoking is quite an ugly habit to have. People who do smoke are starting to feel like the world is against them as they are being banned from smoking in so many new and different places. Governments around the universe are continually raising the amount of duty they put on cigarettes in an attempt to persuade people to kick the habit.

People who do not smoke look in disgust towards a smoker and at times even pity them. They can only guess at why they volunteer to throw their money down the drain in this way and not to mention the affect it is having on their health. No wonder they look towards a person who smokes as being a bit thick!

If you are smoker you owe it to yourself and your family to stop. Just think about the personal pride that you will feel if you can successfully beat this addiction. As already mentioned smoking is a habit and as we all know any habit is hard to break. Your family and friends will also be very impressed with you and will admire your achievment of quitting such a nasty habit. In the long term it may mean that you have longer to spend with your children and may be the difference of whether you do or you don't meet your grandchildren. Yes this is how serious it could be.

There are many additional reasons to quit smoking including the fact that it makes your clothes smell, it is a big turn off to most members of the opposite sex, it is very bad for your breath and teeth and it costs a lot of money.

Be brave and stop smoking cigarettes today.

Stephen Hill helps to promote a number of websites including:

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alternative therapy for stuttering

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Friday, January 18, 2008

Quit Smoking List

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Finding a Reason to Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is an experience that is different for everyone. Because no two people or circumstances are exactly alike, your reasons for quitting, the process that will be most successful for you, and your methods for avoiding the temptation to start again will be unique to you. At the same time, the many products and services available, as well as testimonials about what has worked for others, will give you plenty of useful information, tips and ideas for how to make your own successful transition to becoming a non smoker.

Because there are psychological as well as behavioral, social and physiological factors involved in any addiction, one major component of quitting can involve changing how you think about smoking. This means examining your reasons for smoking, as well as finding clear reasons to stop. This information will help you stay motivated, give you goals to strive towards and rewards to look forward to.

People have many reasons for deciding to quit. Maybe you are pregnant, or already have small children in your life and want to protect their health now and in the future as a positive role model. You may be ready to make a commitment to improving your own health, or may be influenced by the desire for a more aesthetically pleasing environment, including less damage from smoke and burns to your clothing, your car and your home. Your own appearance is also likely to benefit greatly, with fewer premature wrinkles, a healthier smile certainly enough reason to greet yourself a little more enthusiastically in the mirror each day.

Financial savings is another substantial motivator, and one that can benefit your loved ones as well. You could save up for a vacation, weekly evenings out, or other treats to enjoy together that are healthy, fun and a meaningful way to enjoy time with friends or family. Use the extra cash to explore new interests, or rediscover old ones. Invest in a membership at a health club or an art gallery, or purchase tickets for a sporting event, symphony, or ballet. More than just giving up an old habit, this is your chance to redesign your lifestyle and make conscious choices to create the life you want for yourself and your family.

Do not be afraid to incorporate some humor into your stop smoking plan. Remember, you are learning to think differently about cigarettes and their role in your life, so explore any avenues that seem beneficial in helping you see things differently, and make smoking seem like a less appealing habit. Envision yourself as happier, healthier and wealthier, and get excited about all the things you can do as a non-smoker. Choose some specific reasons for quitting, and find ways to remind yourselves of these daily in order to improve your chances for success. Combined with the right products and support, you will find yourself well on your way to discovering and creating the new you.

To Better Health Striving to Create a Happier Healthier Life

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Hypnosis - Stop Smoking Right Now, Simple Technique to Quit Smoking Today

An estimated 46.2 million adults in the United States smoke cigarettes. Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 440,000 deaths each year. More than 8.6 million people in the United States have at least one serious illness caused by smoking. If current patterns of smoking persist, 6.4 million people currently younger than 18 will die prematurely from a tobacco-related disease.

The harmful effects of smoking do not end with the smoker. ... each year, primarily because of exposure to secondhand smoke, an estimated 3,000 nonsmoking Americans die of lung cancer, and more than 35,000 die of heart disease. An estimated 150,000-300,000 children younger than 18 months of age have respiratory tract infections because of exposure to secondhand smoke.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates of the number of deaths caused by smoking every year is 4.9 million.

This article will show you a very simple yet powerful technique to quite smoking today.

What is Stop Smoking Therapy in Hypnosis? Every smoker would been alerted-- by family members, doctors and even strangers about the dangers of smoking. Cancer, emphysema and heart disease are some of the health problems associated with long -term smoking. But if you want to quit smoking, but just don't have the willpower, you should seriously consider a stop smoking hypnosis program. In stop smoking hypnosis therapy you can manipulate your own subconscious into helping you break the psychological addiction to smoking cigarettes. And the sooner you are able to quit smoking, the sooner your health risks will be reduced. How Does Stop Smoking Hypnosis Work Stop Smoking Hypnosis is conducted by a hypno-therapist who has been trained to provide suggestions to your subconscious mind. Everyone who smokes has your natural cigarette triggers, such as driving or eating, watching TV, with subconscious reminders about the positive effects of quitting smoking. Hypnotherapy helps to reduce your cravings and improve your confidence in your ability to quit smoking. Stop smoking hypnosis can also be done at home via CD or through other audio. The use of hypnosis to cure the habit of smoking has varying results. It depends on your susceptibility to being hypnotized. However many people believe that the therapy allowed them to quit smoking with virtually no withdrawal symptoms or cravings. What Are The Advantages of Stop Smoking Hypnosis There are many advantages in a stop smoking hypnosis program. There are many products in the market to help you quit smoking, including nicotine patches and gums, but all of them have some side effects. Hypnosis therapy has some unique benefits. These benefits are: There is a decrease in health risks if the therapy is successful

The treatment uses no drug drugs Therapy can be completed quickly and there is no long-term cost Stop smoking hypnosis therapy also boosts your confidence The Therapy focuses on the positive The Therapy can be made to suit your personal smoking triggers and habits How Do You Find a Stop Smoking Hypnosis Program? The 1 Hour, Online, Stop-Smoking Solution.

Go here now to stop smoking today!

How can it take just 1 hour to stop your smoking, forever - no matter how long you've been smoking? The solution is an expertly designed online booklet and audio file you get right here - plus some simple breathing exercises you do for a few days.

The best technique to quit smoking is here...

Not only will you lose all cravings in 1 hour, you will not relapse as you've experienced with other stop-smoking methods. Indeed, 94% of everyone who starts actually becomes a non-smoker after just 1 hour!

Imagine how good it will feel to be able to say: "I am a non smoker" and know that this time it is for real.

Are you ready to quit smoking? Go here NOW!

Pradeep Aggarwal is a world renowned hypnosis guru. He offer free 15 part free ecourse on How to Become a Master Hypnotist. Go and register here now at He also offers articles, books, audio tapes at

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The Tobacco Conspiracy-Why You Have Not Been Able to Quit Smoking

Billions of dollars are at stake. Millions of deaths result. Top corporate executives sit around the boardroom and discuss ways to improve their market share. Their success depends on keeping you smoking and getting people that don't smoke to start. It' s all about the billions.

The tobacco companies have very deep pockets. They have spent billions of dollars in advertising over the years and they know how to keep their customers. They want you to die a smoker. Their bottom line depends on it. And you will if you do not quit.

What if I told you that stopping smoking was easy? That smoking is a body and mind addiction. Yes, body AND mind!

I don't know anyone that actually picks up a cigarette and goes, " mmmmm, tastes great!" Do you? Of course not. Your body rejects it. It coughs, hacks, spits, and does everything that it can to tell you this is bad stuff. You started because your mind was thinking how cool you will be, how much older it will make you look and your body is obeyed. Now you are addicted.

Everyone starts this way. EVERYONE. You had to use your mind to convince your body or you would reject it.

I find it fascinating that almost all methods of quitting smoking do not take into consideration the mind. There are pills and patches and inhalers and gums. All these programs have a very low success rate.

Doesn't it make sense to use the very part of you that started the whole thing - Your mind?? Or course it does.

Everyone starts to smoke for some sort of motivating reason. If I gave you a piece of food that was stinky, burned your throat and made you cough and gag, how many pieces would you eat? I don't think very many. See, it would be unnatural for you to want more.

Smoking is not natural or everyone would be smoking. You cannot grow a cigarette tree in your backyard or a cigarette plant in your garden. They are not natural. Tobacco may be natural but cigarettes are far more than tobacco with an estimated 4000 ingredients added! The list is highly guarded and protected by law as a trade secret. Imagine that. It's the public's health and it's a trade secret. Something isn't right.

But one thing that is right is the decision to quit smoking. Quitting smoking is the one thing that will immediately improve your life and the life of those around you. When a person realizes that quitting IS a Body and Mind process it makes the process much easier.

QUIT SMOKING the painfree way. No stress, no cravings, no weight gain, no pills, patches or gums. Check out our website and why we can boast a 90% success rate with our 100% fully guaranteed Quit Smoking Right Now Program:

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Quit Smoking without Weight Gain, Stress and Cravings - Guaranteed!

Quit Smoking, Right Now!

If you smoke, or someone you care about still smokes, then this may be the most important letter you will ever read, because... less than 3 hours You CAN learn how to Quit Smoking - FOR LIFE - from the comfort of your home - without patches, pills and gums, and, *without gaining any weight or suffering a single major craving - Fully Guaranteed by one of the most trusted entrepreneurs on the Internet (and a former 39-year smoker who quit by using this very program)!

Click Here to Learn More!

Did you know, The Tobacco Industry kills more people in North America from Monday to Thursday of each week than the terrorists murdered in total on Sept. 11, 2001?

here is an actual life changing story of a person that used this product!

"I needed something to convince myself that after 35 years I could finally quit my 4-to-5-pack-a-day smoking habit. Yes, I chain smoked from morning until night and even woke up in the middle of each night to light up. I tried Zyban and the patch. What a joke!

Ten minutes into The Quit Smoking Right Now Program I KNEW I was going to be able to quit. I remain tobacco-free over a year later. This program was a miracle in my life and my wife considers it even more than that!

I'm also saving over $250.00 a week that I spent on this killer habit!

I highly recommend The Quit Smoking Right Now Program to anyone who wants to quit smoking once and for all!" -Jim Quarrington

As you can see after buying this product it pays for its self VERY fast!

I used this very guide to quit smoking after 20 years!

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Do you wish to quit smoking?

Many a times, we often come across people puffing and enjoying smoking cigarette. Do we feel good when the smoke containing chemicals, insecticides, explosives enters our respiratory system? The answer is going to be no. Then what is the reason that the person who smokes relishes each puff?

There are many reasons; a smoker gives, such as having the feeling that he looks cool or smart while smoking or smoking shall help in weight loss. Some people also give the excuse that they are relieved of the stress while smoking.

All these are myths because smoking can only reduce the life span of a person and lead other person inhaling the smoke prone to lung cancer. It is easy to quit smoking if a person wishes to do so.

The best method is to stop smoking with the help of one's own will power. It is possible by working out a planned therapy but if it becomes hard to quit then medications are also available that help in quitting smoking.

Chantix is one such effective smoking cessation pill that helps quitting smoking easily. It works by blocking the brain receptors that help in continued addiction and lessens the cravings to smoke. Chantix has Varenicline (as the tartrate salt) as its main component, which is a white to off white and slightly yellow solid powder soluble in water.

It is an FDA approved medication and works well but could lead to certain side effects such as Nausea, Sleep disorder, Gas sleeplessness, Constipation, Headache, or Loss of taste.

Another effective method to stop smoking is to follow the basic steps: S=Set a quit date. T=Tell family, friends, and co-workers that you plan to quit. A=Anticipate and plan for the challenges you will face while quitting. R = Remove cigarettes and other tobacco products from your home, car, and work. T = Talk to your doctor about getting help to quit.

For further queries, visit our website

Olivia Andrews, writing for is a freelance journalist and has written many reviews on subjects such as finance, education, health, entertainment, music, gifts, crafts, travel, apparels and mobile phones

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Simply Stop: Quit Smoking for Better Results

One of the most detrimental habits a bodybuilder can have is smoking cigarettes. A normal smoker already puts him or herself at risk for cancer and other health problems, but a bodybuilder will find that smoking causes decreased performance. Since the nicotine in cigarettes is addictive, smoking can be a hard habit for beginning bodybuilders to quit, but if you are truly dedicated to the sport and to improving your health, you should put forth every effort possible to stop smoking.

The main way in which smoking hurts your health and performance at the gym is by decreasing lung capacity. When you work out, either with cardiovascular exercises or by weight training, you should do it with a level of intensity such that you breathe hard. Smokers begin with a lower capacity in general, so even if your muscles feel as though they can lift more weight, your lungs can't. Decreased lung capacity results in the transportation of less oxygen to your body, including your muscles, so you can also put yourself at risk for serious injury. Because of the high amounts of carbon monoxide you are inhaling when you smoke, you encourage your brain and cells to absorb more carbon monoxide than oxygen. This lack of oxygen prevents your muscles from operating at full potential.

If you are competing, smoking has bad cosmetic consequences as well. The tar not only blocks air from your lungs, but also turns your teeth yellow, and although your smile is not a part of the judging, overall appearance can make or break you. Smoking gives the impression that you simply don't care. Cigarette smoking also causes your skin to be less elastic, resulting in more stretch marks if you are putting on weight quickly. Unless you have a lot of time and money to spend getting the stretch marks surgically removed with lasers, they're pretty permanent. It's a hard process, but quitting shows that you truly want to become a top bodybuilder. There are many programs available to help you quit, and chances are that your friends and family, who are probably sick of smelling like smoke, will help motivate you to stop. When you quit smoking, you increase your chances of building and maintaining more muscle mass, improve your overall health and appearance, and become a better role model to the young bodybuilders around you. Teens with parents who smoke are a lot more likely to light up as well, so if not for yourself, quit smoking to set a better example for the sport.

Tom Ambrozewicz is one of the pioneers in using breakthrough audio technology on his web sites. You can read, you can listen to professional narrator reading to you or having MP3 files download and train in gym while you listen. You can check all bodybuilding tips at now.

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Effective Ways to Quit Smoking

Effective Ways To Quit Smoking

We all know that smoking causes serious harm to our health in a number of ways. For one thing, it decreases our lifespan dramatically and puts us at risk for a whole host of problems, including, but certainly not limited to lung cancer and emphysema. Besides putting ourselves at rish for potential health risks, we're also exposing other people and possibly even our children, which is the saddest part of all. For whatever reason it is that you are looking for an effective way to quit smoking, you most likely have a really good one or many for that matter. Did you know that the tobacco industry kills more people in North America from Monday to Thursday of each week than the terrorists murdered in total on 9-11-01? In a word, "shocking!" These days there is a multitude of programs, pills and patches all claiming to be an effective way to quit smoking. While a few may work for some, they don't always work for others. The truth is that many quit smoking programs are focused on helping you fight off false cravings of nicotine. Yes, I said, "false." The tobacco industry is all but loving. It's scandalous to say the least. Truth be told, it's not the nicotine that you're addicted to. Hundreds of thousands of people who are truly sincere about quitting are sadly spending millions of dollars buying pills, inhalers and gums in a desperate attempt to quit smoking, only to put themselves right back at square one where they started, alone and desperate. Well, I know for a fact that there is a serious program out there that truly proves to be an effective way to quit smoking for good. To read more about it and what other people have to say about it, please Click Here! For the sake of your life, please check it out. You have nothing to lose, but a seriously disguisting bad habit.

Linda Fry is a stay-at-home mother of six children. She enjoys helping others solve their problems, reading, writing and spending time with her family. If you enjoyed reading her article, please Click Here!

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How To Help A Friend Quit Smoking!

How To Help A Friend Quit Smoking!

Chances are if you're reading this article, then you probably have a friend or maybe two, that you really feel could benefit from kicking their smoking habit. After all, what benefits are there from smoking anyway? The truth is that your friend has to have a genuine desire and be motivated to really quit, but that's where you can help. Try to explain to your friend the health benefits of not smoking such as adding years to their life span. Not only that, but tell them about the fact that the tobacco industry kills more people between Monday and Thursday each week than the terrorists murdered on September 11, 2001!! Now if that isn't a reason to quit, then I don't know what is! The fact is that you will be a much healthier human being if you quit smoking and your friend should feel very lucky to have someone who cares enough to search for information on how to help a friend stop smoking. In my opinion, based on my own experience trying to quit, there is only one program that I recommend whole-heartedly and if you'd like to check it out or send your friend to check it out, then I urge to please Click Here!

Linday Fry is a stay-at-home mother of six children. She enjoys helping others solve their problems, reading, writing, and spending time with her family

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

How Falling In Love Can Make You Quit Smoking!

My grandfather told me this story when I was very young and I still remember it to this day for it is such a beautiful story about love and how it can help you get rid of an addiction, specially smoking addiction.

When my grandfather was about 11 or 12 years old, growing up in the Caribbean, he picked up this nasty habit of smoking. He started smoking with friends as it was something that almost everybody did. I don't think there was any law regarding the sale of cigarettes to children. As a matter of fact, the way these boys picked up smoking was from going to the stores to buy cigarettes for their uncles or stepdads.

The store owners would never think twice about asking for ID before they sell cigarettes to minors. As I said before, it was okay to sell cigarettes to kids and consequently these kids started smoking at a very early age.

So my grandfather smoked and his mother smoked and likely the rest of the household smoked too. My grandfather's name was Oscar. By the time Oscar turned 17 he already had been smoking for quite a few years now and also drinking occasionally. I do remember that he said that he never smoked nor drink in front of his mom.

In these days, they used to have social dances on weekends and with those social dances comes good homemade food, homemade cakes and ice cream and of course girls. The girls at that time would not go out alone, they would always be accompanied by their parents or guardians at all social events.

Even though a lots of the kids, boys mostly, smoked, it wasn't proper to smoke at social gatherings, specially if you were a kid. As a matter of fact, it was frown upon as a parent to have a son who was a known smoker. The boys still smoked nonetheless, because it was seen as being macho. After all, the tough actors in the movies smoked, therefore the kids thought that they would look good and handsome to the girls if they smoked.

Oscar at one of these social gatherings have met a young girl who was about 2 years older than he was. Being that the society wasn't as liberal as it is today, meeting a young girl at a dance, rather seeing a young girl at a dance and starting to entertain the thought that she was pleasing to the eye and perhaps the only thing he could do about it was to have a dance together, meaning everybody is involved in the dance. No decadent moves like the kids do nowadays.

Anyway, I was saying, Oscar had seen Marie, the girl at the dance and he felt something for her. The thing that can be described as the beginning of love. Before long, he was writing her letters and telling her how he feels good when he sees her and wanted to know if she felt the same way about him.

Her response was rather vague. She liked to see him as well but there was something about him that she wasn't fond of. She would not tell him what it was. She thought that if a young man smoked, that young man ought to have enough savvy to pick up on subtle little hints from girls. Women can be so complex and sophisticated, Oscar used to say, it takes a long time to begin to know a woman or to know what a woman wants.

Oscar could feel that Marie wasn't head over heel about him, therefore he started to change his habits to see if that would turn things around. First he changed the way he dressed, then the way he walked and the choice of words in his letters. All the while he was still smoking with his friends and see himself as somekind of a cool guy who enjoyed smoking.

The feeling he felt for Marie was getting stronger everytime he saw her. For the life of him, he couldn't see why Marie wasn't falling for him the same way he was for her. That started to drive him crazy and made him smoke even more.

What started as perhaps 5 or 6 cigarettes a day quickly turned into 20 to 25 cigarettes a day. Now all he could think of was Marie and the more he thought about her the more he smoked. What can I do to make her fall crazily in love with me? He thought.

By then, Marie had moved away to go to college and only came back to town every second weekend or so. Oscar was really feeling the agonizing pain of slowly losing his girl. What if she falls in love with another guy at college? All these thoughts would keep him up at night.

Finally one day a letter came from Marie saying that she has decided to move for good to that other city where she would find some work after college. She also told him that she could no longer bear the thought of falling in love with someone who may die from smoke related illness. You see, her mom had died two years earlier from smoke related illness due to her smoking one pack of cigarette a day for the last 25 years.

When Oscar found out that it was smoking that kept her from falling in love with him he instantly developed a deep hatred for cigarettes and anything that looked like cigarette. He later joined a group fighting against the sale of cigarettes to minors and also became an advocate for a smoke free world. He was still involved with the group when he died 16 years ago.

Please visit Fritz 's web site and start your fight against cigarettes:

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The Top 8 Reasons To Quit Smoking During Pregnancy

1. Placenta Abruption: Happens when the placenta pulls off the wall of the uterus either before or during labor, which in turn requires an immediate delivery. Reason why this happens is because A smoker's placenta is thinner, therefore has an increase chance of abruption.

2. Placenta Previa: This condition is again derived from having thin placenta, which can lead to bleeding during the pregnancy. There is an increase risk of hemorrhage of mom and the baby.

3. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): The probability of a baby, whose mother is a chain smoker, to die of SIDS is increased ten-folds.

4. Preterm Labor: If you smoke your body will naturally to try to shorten the pregnancy period to protect your baby from the harmful smoke. Babies born prematurely are at greater risk of death and other complications, including mental retardation and cerebral palsy.

5. Stillbirth Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of your baby dying during your pregnancy.

6. Low Birth Weight: Low birth weight is one of the top reasons for babies to be ill and die in the first months. Therefore the smaller the baby, the higher the chances of SIDS.

7. Respiratory Infections: If your baby is surrounded by second hand smoke or if you are smoking during pregnancy, your baby is more likely to suffer form asthma and other respiratory problems.

8. Miscarriage: If you smoke, you could have trouble staying pregnant as the body tries to save the baby from toxins in the system. It can also decrease your fertility. If you are smoking while pregnant, then think about whose life you are really hurting.

This may be the most important reason why you should quit smoking now!

We kindly advise not to waste your time researching and wasting money on things that will make you crave smoking again after failing.

After trying and "wasting" thousands of dollars on products, books, CD's only one is worth its weight in gold.

If you are pregnant or have kids and smoke, then Quit Smoking Right Now will be the most important investment you will ever make.

To read more information click here:

To your Health Sincerely

Iman Bahrani

Iman Bahrani
A Blogger's Guide To Quit Smoking:

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

5 Outstanding Steps To Quit Smoking For Good

Many people trying to quit smoking find themselves failed. They wonder why. Their will is strong. Their commitment seems to be beyond limit. But, they fail anyway.

Actually, there are several simple steps that they forget to take. And, those steps are:

1. Get yourself prepared

Before you actually attempt to stop smoking, try and make as many changes to your smoking habits as possible. Change your brand of cigarettes, it would be better if you change them into something you dislike. Change the time of your smoking. If you do it mostly in the evening, change it into morning.

Basically, mess up anything related to smoking. Make it as uncomfortable as possible. Much of the addiction to smoking has to do with routines and habits, so even small changes can make a big difference when trying to break the habit.

2. Start a Mind Management

In this second step, you need to set your mind.

Think of yourself as a non-smoker. Erase all the memory related to your smoking habit. Keep in mind that you have never been smoking; that you don?t even know how it tastes; that you don?t have a clue whatsoever what makes a person wants to smoke.

This is an important mental step to take if you?ve made a decision to quit smoking. It?s hard to do, but it might be the key to your success in the quit-smoking attempt.

3. Spread the Words

Tell to people dealing with you daily that you?ve quitted smoking.
By letting the people around you know that you've quit smoking, you will be creating an instant support group that will be there if you find yourself having trouble.

4. Keep Getting Back on Track

This is a must-know information. Most ex-smokers had to try multiple times before they ultimately quit.

But, those who finally failed were the ones who left the track when they slipped up. They decided that it was impossible and ended up smoking again.

Well, they were wrong. Many out there who were successful enough.

So, if you happen to slip up, even more than a couple of times, keep getting back on track. Trust me, one day, you?ll successfully stop smoking.

5. Change Your Lifestyle

This is the ultimate step yet the most important. There?s no way you can totally stop smoking if most of the time you hang out with a group of smokers.

I?m not telling you to leave your friends, no. Just lessen the frequency. Find a healthier group of friends that will entirely lead you to end your smoking habit for good.

If you?re certain about wanting to be a healthier person, make the decision now. Follow the steps above. Enjoy the beauty of being healthy.

Remember, never take health for granted!
Riana Lance has a deep concern on health. Get her inspirational e-mail guides on Quit Smoking at Also, grasp her other motivational health tips at, a worth-to-visit daily updated blog.

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The Truth About Why You Have Not Been Able To Quit Smoking...Until Now

Have you have tried, and tried, and tried to Quit Smoking only to fail to kick the habit? Rest assured, you are not alone. In fact, chances are you have been lied to by the Tobacco and Drug Companies about your addiction just like the 99% of would be "quitters" out there.

Consider this; did you know that nicotine is NOT what millions of people are addicted to? What smokers ARE addicted to, however, is a very common ingredient that appears on your grocery list every week!

And yet these companies are getting away with the lie that it's nicotine that you're addicted to. Even the pharmaceutical companies that supply the "nicotine patches", gums and other "quit smoking now" hope-pills are taking advantage of your ignorance right now as you're reading this.

And who could blame them? After all, billions of dollars are at stake. It does not matter to them that you're turning your lungs into black sponge. To them, YOU had taken up the decision to smoke and they were simply there to hand you the goods. At the end of the day, business is business and their success depends on keeping you smoking and getting people that don't smoke to start. It's all about the billions.

Here is a shocking fact; The Tobacco Industry kills more people between Monday and Thursday of each week than the terrorists killed on 9/11. Where do we see this mentioned in the media with a FRACTION of the attention?

I am here to tell you that you do not have put up with being a part of it. You do not have to become another hospital statistic. Why? Well... what if I told you by this very night (yes, you heard me right... BY TONIGHT) you will have learned to quit smoking FOR LIFE.

Let me ask you a question; what would it mean if you finally, quit smoking for good?

You see, the benefits are not just physical - you know: no more ashtray breath, no more difficulty breathing or waking up, the return of your taste buds in full gear, and so on - but psychological as well. When I kicked the habit as a result of following the program you're about to find out, I became the fond talk of my friends, family and associates.

People kept complimenting me about admiring me for my "strong will-power" and self-determination (in THEIR minds of course, it takes rare strength to kick the addiction, however big or small. Little do they know how easy it actually was).

You may be thinking at this point: "That is all fine and dandy, but I am beyond any help! I just can't get enough!"

Here's why you should NOT give up yet (sure, after reading this till the end, feel free to try giving up quitting). For now, please read on...

I, like you, was once a heavy smoker, 3-4 packs a day depending on my savings.I craved the taste in my mouth so badly that I just had to have that next puff. I smoked before going to sleep, straight away after waking up and even when wanting to visit the loo! I couldn't function without it.

It was back in late 2003 after breaking up with my girlfriend at the time I decided once and for all to quit smoking. I had had enough. And so started a long and expensive personal journey. I researched and bought everything: pills, patches, gums, self-help books, heck I even tried meditation.

It all added up to nothing! I maxed out on my credit card on junk, paid the bills and down the drain went my morale along with the money.

I felt at the time that I was beyond rehabilitation: that I was hooked for life. I was seriously stressed and really demoralized at the time.
That is, until I came across this life-saving program

To read more about what saved me from my addiction then click here

You'll be glad you did

Blogger's Guide To Quit Smoking

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Quit Smoking - Do You Really Want To Quit?

Do you really want to quit smoking? Many people who think they want to quit don't want to as they simply enjoy smoking too much but it's easy to quit if you want to.

We live in a society where we all crave help and support when we don't need it, things that are easy are presented as difficult and there not.

Smoking cold turkey

If you want to give up this is the short sharp shock method.

So let's look at what happens when the body is deprived of nicotine

Irritability, difficulty concentrating, stress, fatigue, and nausea the feelings are intense, but only for three or four days.

The symptoms then get less as Nicotine is removed from the body and after about a month they cease altogether.

So you have discomfort for a few weeks, but it's not that hard to give up and the real pain is only for a few days. So why cant most people do it?

The REAL Problem

The problem is many people who think they want to give up don't really, they enjoy smoking to much and it's that not the actual process of giving up that's hard, it's the fact they enjoy the pleasure of smoking to much and don't really want to give up.

Fact is Nicotine is enjoyable and makes us feel good.

Nicotine is known to switch on receptors in parts of the brain, causing them to release the Neuro-transmitter dopamine, a chemical that is associated with feelings of pleasure.

In addition nicotine is known to help concentration ( check how many smokers have a cigarette before an important business meeting or exam) and research into diseases such as:

Depression, Schizophrenia, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's indicate they help with the symptoms by balancing the neurotransmitters in the brain to improve mood, memory and ability to focus.

Nicotine Without smoking

Many people enjoy nicotine and the feelings it gives and many people who have the above diseases can benefit from it.

On going research into nicotine

The solution is to deliver nicotine without the harmful affects of cigarette smoking.

Major research is being undertaken by drug companies to create a drug that has the ability to deliver nicotine for health purposes in pure organic form.

Nicotine does not cause disease or death

By itself Nicotine does not cause cancer or disease, it has a bad reputation because it is consumed in cigarette smoking, but it is one of 4,000 chemicals and it is some of the others which cause disease or death.

In its pure form nicotine is safe and non toxic and is part of the natural food chain and billions of people take it everyday who don't smoke in common foods such as potatoes, tomatoes chilli and even some teas.

A lot of research is being carried out to deliver nicotine in its pure form for its health properties and several products are due to enter the market in the near future.

Water the safest delivery method

An interesting way of getting nicotine in pure organic form is to drink it in water and several companies have looked at this method not to hemp people quit smoking but simply to relieve nicotine cravings when smoking bans are in force and products are already on the market.

Designed to help smokers only when they can't or don't wish to smoke, it delivers organic nicotine and water for hydration.

Water is obviously a great delivery method as we all need to drink water and most of us like it.

The way we see nicotine is changing and in the future it will improve its image, as people realize that outside of smoking it can make us feel better and combat various diseases.


For a new organic nicotine drink containing just pure nicotine in a refeshing lemon flavored water visit

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How To Quit Smoking With NLP & Hypnosis For Motivation

There are two mental states that must be satisfied before a person will voluntarily quit smoking. These elements are called "Desire," and "Decision."

Desire: A want, crave or a wish for Decision: Making up of one's mind / a verdict or judgment

In order to quit smoking, you have to desire to quit. You have to want to quit. You probably want to quit, at least some part of you does, or you wouldn't be reading this article.

In order to quit smoking, you have to decide to quit. Since you haven't quit smoking, it simply means that you have not decided to quit . . . yet. So what you need is to feel motivated to make a "decision" to quit smoking.

Motivation, we all need it. The source of each of our motivations is a belief. Think about it, if you did not believe that you could get hurt if you walked in front of moving traffic, you would not feel motivated to be careful. If you did not believe that the gnawing sensation in your stomach meant that you were hungry, you would not feel motivated to eat.

When it comes to giving up the smoking habit, people need to feel a great deal of motivation to make the decision to quit. Motivation is based on the ideas that we believe. So you will need to figure out what ideas will motivate you (when you start to believe them). Because when you feel powerfully motivated, you will quit smoking.

Thanks to NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and hypnosis for motivation, it's a lot easier to learn how to believe these new ideas than you probably think it is. However, you do not believe the ideas that will motivate you to quit smoking at this point, or you would have already broken the smoking addiction.

For the purpose of this discussion, we need to define a few words.

Doubt: Uncertain/distrustful/dubious - "maybe it's this way, and maybe it isn't."

Belief: Trust/faith/tenet - A state of mind devoid of all doubt. In other words, belief means, "this is the way that it is."

Highly valued criteria: What is most important to you, as an individual.

When you totally believe that if you continue to smoke, your highly valued criterion is in jeopardy, you will feel the motivation that you require to stop smoking. We call this is a negative motivator, because it's a belief that motivates you by giving you bad feelings. Negative motivators are very powerful.

When you believe that if you do quit, your highly valued criteria will become enhanced, you will also feel the motivation that you require to quit smoking. This is a positive motivator, because it motivates you by promising good feelings if you stop smoking.

The first task is for you to figure out what the most important things in your life are? Your most highly valued criteria are usually intangibles. For example: Money would not be highly valued criteria, but the freedom, fun, or security that money can provide would be. Write your list of highly valued criteria down on a piece of paper.

Next you need to figure out what you need to believe to feel motivated to quit. Here is the good news, sort of: Logic has nothing to do with belief. Things don't have to be logical for you to believe them. As a matter of fact, they rarely are. So forget logic!

The format for your negative motivator beliefs will be: "I believe that if I continue to smoke, something bad will happen to my most highly valued criteria."

Make sure that you frame your motivators in the positive. In other words, always state what you want or what will happen. Never state what you don't want or what won't happen. Eliminate the "not" word from the beliefs.

In this example we will say that your children's welfare is your most highly valued criteria.

Wrong: "I believe that if I continue to smoke, I won't be doing my kids health any good."

Correct: "I believe that if I continue to smoke, my secondhand smoke will ruin my children's health."

Next, create a list of positive motivators. "I believe that if I quit smoking: (something very important will be enhanced)."

Wrong: "I believe that if I stop smoking, I won't harm my kids health."

Correct: "I believe that if I quit smoking, my children will be healthier because I'll eliminate their exposure to the dangers of my second hand smoke."

The next step is to modify the computer codes in your brain to make yourself actually believe these motivational ideas. Now for a shocker: Belief has nothing to do with logic or reality. But it does have everything to do with your perception of reality. In other words, it has a lot to do with the way that we see things.

Our belief systems are based in our unconscious mind. The unconscious is like a computer. Computers don't reason. The input controls the output. To demonstrate, I want you to think of anything that you already believe without the slightest bit of doubt. Make it a belief that makes you feel good.

For instance, it's easy for most people to believe that they love their children. If that is true for you, make a mental image that makes you feel that love.

I'm going to ask some questions, and there aren't any right or wrong answers. Is your mental image a moving picture, or a still?

Is it in color, or in black and white? Is it close or far? Is it focused or fuzzy? Is it normally bright, overly bright, or dim? Is there a border on it? Is it borderless? Is it a panorama?

Whatever your answers are, write them down. These are the computer codes that your unconscious uses to indicate your feelings of belief. In this case they are the codes for positive belief because you've chosen a belief that gives you a good feeling. You have just calibrated your positive belief.

All positive belief pictures are bright and focused. If yours aren't, you probably don't really have total belief. You probably have an element of doubt. So find another belief from which to calibrate.

If you think of something that you doubt, and you make a mental image of it, one or more of these computer codes will probably be different. Similarly, if you have a belief that gives you a bad feeling, (a negative belief): one or more of those codes will be different.

In NLP we call these particular computer codes visual submodalities.

Now you will need to calibrate a negative belief. So repeat the same exact process, but do so using an idea that you already believe, that makes you feel bad.

Once you have calibrated your positive and your negative beliefs, it's a simple matter to manipulate what you believe so you can motivate yourself to decide to quit.

So, to summarize, using the above example: "I believe that if I continue to smoke, my secondhand smoke will ruin my children's health."

1. Sense how motivated you feel to quit smoking.

2. Make a mental image that illustrated the above belief.

3. Adjust the computer codes (visual submodalities) of the image to match the submodalities from your calibrated negative belief.

4. If you are right handed, move your eyeballs (and your image) up to your left and hold it there for five seconds. If you are left handed, to the opposite. This will help you to quickly memorize the belief.

5. Now sense how motivated you feel to quit smoking. Do you feel more motivated? Less motivated? Or the same?

Using this technique you can make yourself believe almost anything by making a picture in your mind that illustrates your new idea and then adjusting your mental image to match your calibrated belief pictures.

And if you have a belief that is holding you back, you can use the same technique to change that belief to doubt by changing one or two of the submodalities and memorizing it that way.

Now that you can motivate yourself to decide to quit, you will quit smoking. A decision to quit means: I'm quitting no matter how much it hurts. If you are like most people, you won't want it to "hurt," and it doesn't have to. There are several hypnotic techniques that can greatly reduce, or even completely eliminate the discomforts of withdrawal from the cigarette addiction.

Alan B. Densky, CH. Neuro-VISION Weight Loss Hypnosis Video and Audio Hypnosis & NLP CD's Mr. Densky is the developer of the Neuro-VISION? Video Hypnosis Technology, which received a US Patent because of its effectiveness. Visit web site for free MP3's.

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How To Quit Smoking With NLP and Hypnosis For Motivation

There are two mental states that must be satisfied before a person will voluntarily quit smoking. These elements are called ?Desire,? and ?Decision.?

Desire: A want, crave or a wish for
Decision: Making up of one?s mind / a verdict or judgment

In order to quit smoking, you have to desire to quit. You have to want to quit. You probably want to quit, at least some part of you does, or you wouldn?t be reading this article.

In order to quit smoking, you have to decide to quit. Since you haven?t quit smoking, it simply means that you have not decided to quit . . . yet. So what you need is to feel motivated to make a ?decision? to quit smoking.

Motivation, we all need it. The source of each of our motivations is a belief. Think about it, if you did not believe that you could get hurt if you walked in front of moving traffic, you would not feel motivated to be careful. If you did not believe that the gnawing sensation in your stomach meant that you were hungry, you would not feel motivated to eat.

When it comes to giving up the smoking habit, people need to feel a great deal of motivation to make the decision to quit. Motivation is based on the ideas that we believe. So you will need to figure out what ideas will motivate you (when you start to believe them). Because when you feel powerfully motivated, you will quit smoking.

Thanks to NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and hypnosis for motivation, it?s a lot easier to learn how to believe these new ideas than you probably think it is. However, you do not believe the ideas that will motivate you to quit smoking at this point, or you would have already broken the smoking addiction.

For the purpose of this discussion, we need to define a few words.

Doubt: Uncertain/distrustful/dubious - ?maybe it?s this way, and maybe it isn?t.?

Belief: Trust/faith/tenet - A state of mind devoid of all doubt. In other words, belief means, ?this is the way that it is.?

Highly valued criteria: What is most important to you, as an individual.

When you totally believe that if you continue to smoke, your highly valued criterion is in jeopardy, you will feel the motivation that you require to stop smoking. We call this is a negative motivator, because it?s a belief that motivates you by giving you bad feelings. Negative motivators are very powerful.

When you believe that if you do quit, your highly valued criteria will become enhanced, you will also feel the motivation that you require to quit smoking. This is a positive motivator, because it motivates you by promising good feelings if you stop smoking.

The first task is for you to figure out what the most important things in your life are? Your most highly valued criteria are usually intangibles. For example: Money would not be highly valued criteria, but the freedom, fun, or security that money can provide would be. Write your list of highly valued criteria down on a piece of paper.

Next you need to figure out what you need to believe to feel motivated to quit. Here is the good news, sort of: Logic has nothing to do with belief. Things don?t have to be logical for you to believe them. As a matter of fact, they rarely are. So forget logic!

The format for your negative motivator beliefs will be: "I believe that if I continue to smoke, something bad will happen to my most highly valued criteria.?

Make sure that you frame your motivators in the positive. In other words, always state what you want or what will happen. Never state what you don?t want or what won?t happen. Eliminate the ?not? word from the beliefs.

In this example we will say that your children?s welfare is your most highly valued criteria.

Wrong: ?I believe that if I continue to smoke, I won?t be doing my kids health any good.?

Correct: "I believe that if I continue to smoke, my secondhand smoke will ruin my children?s health.?

Next, create a list of positive motivators. ?I believe that if I quit smoking: (something very important will be enhanced).?

Wrong: ?I believe that if I stop smoking, I won?t harm my kids health.?

Correct: ?I believe that if I quit smoking, my children will be healthier because I?ll eliminate their exposure to the dangers of my second hand smoke.?

The next step is to modify the computer codes in your brain to make yourself actually believe these motivational ideas. Now for a shocker: Belief has nothing to do with logic or reality. But it does have everything to do with your perception of reality. In other words, it has a lot to do with the way that we see things.

Our belief systems are based in our unconscious mind. The unconscious is like a computer. Computers don?t reason. The input controls the output. To demonstrate, I want you to think of anything that you already believe without the slightest bit of doubt. Make it a belief that makes you feel good.

For instance, it?s easy for most people to believe that they love their children. If that is true for you, make a mental image that makes you feel that love.

I?m going to ask some questions, and there aren?t any right or wrong answers. Is your mental image a moving picture, or a still?

Is it in color, or in black and white?
Is it close or far?
Is it focused or fuzzy?
Is it normally bright, overly bright, or dim?
Is there a border on it?
Is it borderless?
Is it a panorama?

Whatever your answers are, write them down. These are the computer codes that your unconscious uses to indicate your feelings of belief. In this case they are the codes for positive belief because you?ve chosen a belief that gives you a good feeling. You have just calibrated your positive belief.

All positive belief pictures are bright and focused. If yours aren't, you probably don?t really have total belief. You probably have an element of doubt. So find another belief from which to calibrate.

If you think of something that you doubt, and you make a mental image of it, one or more of these computer codes will probably be different. Similarly, if you have a belief that gives you a bad feeling, (a negative belief): one or more of those codes will be different.

In NLP we call these particular computer codes visual submodalities.

Now you will need to calibrate a negative belief. So repeat the same exact process, but do so using an idea that you already believe, that makes you feel bad.

Once you have calibrated your positive and your negative beliefs, it?s a simple matter to manipulate what you believe so you can motivate yourself to decide to quit.

So, to summarize, using the above example: "I believe that if I continue to smoke, my secondhand smoke will ruin my children?s health.?

1. Sense how motivated you feel to quit smoking.

2. Make a mental image that illustrated the above belief.

3. Adjust the computer codes (visual submodalities) of the image to match the submodalities from your calibrated negative belief.

4. If you are right handed, move your eyeballs (and your image) up to your left and hold it there for five seconds. If you are left handed, to the opposite. This will help you to quickly memorize the belief.

5. Now sense how motivated you feel to quit smoking. Do you feel more motivated? Less motivated? Or the same?

Using this technique you can make yourself believe almost anything by making a picture in your mind that illustrates your new idea and then adjusting your mental image to match your calibrated belief pictures.

And if you have a belief that is holding you back, you can use the same technique to change that belief to doubt by changing one or two of the submodalities and memorizing it that way.

Now that you can motivate yourself to decide to quit, you will quit smoking. A decision to quit means: I?m quitting no matter how much it hurts. If you are like most people, you won?t want it to ?hurt,? and it doesn?t have to. There are several hypnotic techniques that can greatly reduce, or even completely eliminate the discomforts of withdrawal from the cigarette addiction.

Alan B. Densky, CH. Neuro-VISION Weight Loss Hypnosis Video and Audio Hypnosis & NLP CD's Mr. Densky is the developer of the Neuro-VISION? Video Hypnosis Technology, which received a US Patent because of its effectiveness. Visit web site for free MP3's.

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