Instantly Quit Smoking

Friday, February 29, 2008

Why We Fail in Quitting Smoke? Answer to Your Smoking Cessation Queries

After three or four failed attempts, you ask yourself: How the hell I get rid of nicotine? Why do I fail? It is a common question among those who have failed in their smoking cessation efforts and they give in to the nicotine addiction knowing that every tobacco puff is poisoning them slowly to death.

Almost 80 per cent of those who try quitting fail, making it one of the hardest addictions to kick. And half of ex-smokers return to smoking cigarette after years of living without smoke. Different studies have yielded that almost 20 per cent experience occasional cravings for the nicotine kick! So, it becomes important to know, why do we fail after all those plans and honest efforts?

Experts say that mainly three major areas of life are responsible for the inability to stop smoking:

  • Mental Performance: Nicotine improves the ability of human mind to concentrate and think. When it becomes a habit, concentrating and focusing on a certain problem without nicotine becomes difficult.
  • Nicotine does not actually relieve one from stress, but of course a man feels more stressed when he stops smoking.
  • People gain weight after quitting smoke, 5 to 10 pounds on an average.
  • Some people experience a phase of depression after quitting smoke.
If you have failed, there is no need to think that you can never make it possible in your life. In this case, the old maxim should be mentioned: Failures are the pillars of success! There are ways following which you can turn your failure to quit smoking triumph!
  • The first two weeks are determinants of success or failure! Do not feel shy to ask for every possible help during this period.
  • Withdrawal symptoms are very intense and your WILL POWER alone may not be able to handle it. There are medicines available in the market, which can make you dislike the effects of nicotine. Chantix or Varenicline is the drug, which can be very helpful in quitting.
At the end, let me tell you that your failures are not fruitless at all. Because, with every failed attempt, you will notice a significant reduction in the number of cigarettes you smoke a day. And, again, let me give you another reason why you should keep on trying in spite of all those history of quit smoking failures. People, who keep trying have fifty per cent chance for smoking cessation success. So, when it is about quitting tobacco for good, you should try, try and try again till you succeed!

The author, Monalisa Hyden, addresses psychological and health related issues. If you wish to help yourself and your loved ones in quit smoking, you can log on to for more information and advice

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How I Quit Smoking

Programs that claim they can help you quit smoking are a complete waste of money and here's why. By the time you've read the useless advice they offer, you'll quickly realise you've been conned and start reaching for your cigarettes.

Quit smoking programs can seriously damage your wealth

Fellow smokers, light up sit back and read on. It's time to stop wasting money on gimmicky ideas that claim they'll help you quit the dreaded weed. Money that would be better spent on a few multipacks of fags so you can carry on smoking to your heart's (and lungs') content. Don't beat yourself up with thoughts that you're the odd one out with no willpower. Forget their extravagent claims that they and they alone can help you. They're only interested in your money and once they've got it as far as they're concerned you can smoke like a kipper.

But surely something's got to work

Spot on, something has got to work and while I tell you why, go ahead and spark up another cancer stick. The reason these programs can claim to work is the scatter gun approach. In other words if enough smokers are dumb enough to part with their hard earned then a percentage of those are going to manage to give up. Maybe having spent money on a program claiming to help them quit they somehow develop that extra willpower to succeed. I'm convinced it's more to do with the fact that they want to see a return for their money rather than any radical advice contained in the program. Time for another ciggie as we move on - that's a really bad cough you've got there by the way, ever thought about giving up?

I can stop you coughing

Well, when I say I can stop you coughing what I really mean is that I can stop you coughing up your money on quit smoking schemes that don't work. You see I've spent fortunes trying many different methods. Let's start with hypnosis. Does anyone seriously believe this mumbo jumbo works? Here's how it went for me. Some weirdo bombarded me with soothing words, lulled me into a deep sleep and then clicked his fingers to waken me. Well, I don't know about you but the first thing I do when I wake up is have a fag. Nicotine patches were a waste of time as drip feeding me shots of nicotine just made my cravings for a smoke even worse. As for gum, who wants to spend their entire waking life chewing like some morose teenager? Add the cost of the foul stuff and it's no wonder I couldn't wait to light up a cigarette. Talking of which, you must be about ready for another one now.

I'd just about given up

Unfortunately, the only thing I'd just about given up wasn't cigarettes. No, I was on the verge of accepting that there are no sure fire cures, no quick fixes and no cast iron certain methods of quitting. I'd more or less decided that I was destined forever to smell of an old ashtray, to gasp for breath at the slightest physical exercise, to wake up in the morning coughing and spluttering like a misfiring car engine. Then the fickle finger of fate stepped in to change my life around. You see, out of the blue, I ran into an old friend I'd not seen in over ten years. We went to a bar, set up a couple of beers and began reminiscing about the past. Knowing Jim was a smoker I tossed my cigarettes across the table and, to my surprise he tossed them right back at me. Grinning he explained how he'd quit. I couldn't believe it because the Jim I knew was a regular 40 a day man who never showed any inclination to give up. When I asked him how tough it had been he told me it'd been easy, stress free and he'd not even suffered the usual piling on of weight associated with quitting smoking.

at this point I'm going to give you two choices

you can click on that little white cross in the top right hand corner of the screen and light another fag, then another and so on.....

or you can read on and find out how Jim did it

Great, you're still with me so I guess I've helped you give up at least one cigarette - it's a start. I was as intrigued by Jim's story as you obviously are and wanted to know just how he'd quit his 40 a day habit. I'd already done a quick mental calculation that told me he must have been saving himself close on to $2500 per year! If he could do it I figured I could too. Jim explained that two years back he'd suffered a mild heart attack that frightened the living daylights out of him. His doctor pulled no punches and warned him he'd be dead inside a year unless he gave up smoking. He referred Jim to a quit smoking program and told him if he followed it religiously it would teach him in just three hours how to give up cigarettes for good. 'So what did you do Jim?' I asked. With a grin he recalled how he'd gone home and lit a cigarette as he waited for the

program to download on his computer. And believe it or not, that was the last cigarette he ever smoked.


I think you can guess what I did when Jim and I finished reminiscing. Following his tradition I lit what I sincerely hoped would be my last cigarette and studied the program. It was like a breath of fresh air which, to a smoker, is no bad thing! I found it innovative, original and powerful. In fact so convincing was its message that almost without thinking I crumpled up three unopened packs of cigarettes knowing that I'd not be needing them. And so it proved. I'd had my final cigarette thanks to Jim. It worked for me, it worked for Jim and it has worked for thousands of other smokers. Now that you've discovered this opportunity do not waste it. Throw away the cigarettes not the opportunity. What you pay for the program will be recouped many times over from the money you save by not having to buy any more packs of cigarettes. Add to that the healthier lifestyle you'll enjoy and it's a no brainer. Don't pass up this chance, you know it makes total sense. Do it.

Dave Osman is the author of this article and the Webmaster of the website

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Quit Smoking to Lead a Healthy Life

With drugs like tobacco, marijuana etc, becoming legal in some countries youngsters are becoming more prone to drug abuse. It just a matter of trying a puff of tobacco and one completely becomes addicted to it so much so that he or she can?t imagine life without it. Over a time they become so drug dependent that they tend to suffer from health problems like indigestion and distress if they don?t consume these drugs.

It is not that people who consume drugs are unaware of its consequences but still they try it due to some self made misconception like they looks cool or smart with cigarette in their mouth, it increases there energy level and they are relieved of the stress. Nothing like this actually happens in fact opposite happens as they become liable to suffer from life threatening diseases like lung cancer, heart attacks, bronchitis and emphysema to name the few.

I would like to share some vital statistics with you people in order to emphasis how alarming it is to quit smoking to increase your life span. Smoking is responsible for more than 30% of all deaths from cancer, almost 90% of deaths from lung cancer, about a quarter of heart attack deaths. About 75% of deaths from chronic bronchitis and emphysema are also attributed to smoking. On average, smoking removes 15 years from a smoker's expected life span which, however, is a significant part of one?s life.

One may not be very surprised to know that nearly 75% of the people active smokers want to quit but they find it difficult to say the least. However, it is not difficult to quit smoking if a person wishes to do so. The first step required in order to quit smoking is to be honest to you and stop befooling yourself. Only very few people are able to do so without assistance or medication for that matter.

Recently an anti smoking drug called chantix has been approved by FDA. It functions by blocking the brain receptors that help in continued addiction and diminishes one?s yearning to smoke. It also reduces the amount of satisfaction that one gets by smoking, doesn?t it sounds great. But unless you try it you won?t be able to realize its power so go ahead and order cheap chantix online before it is to late for your partially damaged health.

Daniels Charles is the editor for the website, a highly recommended online pharmacy site, is committed to provide visitors with complete information on online pharmacy, quit smoking, men?s health, sexual health, and drugs like chantix, cialis and by latest news, personal views, and articles on health related topics. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Quit Smoking Now

Nicotine addiction is a reality for hundreds of thousands of people the world over. There are numerous `stop smoking' programs to help the smoker to stop successfully in a reasonable amount of time, and offer support and advice when it gets tough. Of course, it is much easier to start smoking than to stop once you are throughly addicted, as the body becomes used to the inflow of nicotine and ceases to make the substance itself.

Much as overweight people try many diets in the hope of finding the magic bullet, many smokers quit more than once before they are finally able to stop for good. They try different `stop smoking'; programs until they find one that works for them. Success depends heavily on how long the person has been smoking and how motivated they are to quit.

Smoking is now proven to cause chronic or deadly illnesses, such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or even lung cancer. You would think that diagnosis of one of these conditions would motivate people to quit immediately `cold turkey', but sometimes it just isn't enough. Smoking is so highly addictive that people feel compelled to feed their nicotine addiction before they address their medical issues.

For those who really want to give up smoking, there are quite a few stop smoking programs available. A health care professional should be consulted first for advice regarding which `stop smoking' program, or combination thereof, would be most beneficial. If you are a smoker who has enough motivation and support from family and friends to do it on your own, then nicotine gum, patches, or pills could be tried first. Many people choose to join `stop smoking' programs such as Nicotine Anonymous, which is based on the traditional 12-step philosophy pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. There is also private and group counseling available to people who need more intensive support. A number of online `stop smoking' program options are also available consisting of therapy and support forums, herbal supplements, pills, and other potions. Be sure to research these `stop smoking' programs well before you spend a ton of money on something that just isn't going to work for you.

Whatever `stop smoking' program you choose is only as effective as your desire to quit. Without motivation to change your habits and lifestyle, your efforts will be for nothing. Plan a `stop smoking' program in advance. Plan how you are going to deal with temptation in social settings and times of stress, since this is probably when you have the greatest desire to smoke. Pick a date when you are going to stop - maybe when you are on vacation and things are less stressful - and get your support system in place.

As it's especially difficult to stop if those around you are still smoking, you should see if you can persuade those around you to stop too. And you should have a thorough clear-out of all the things that remind you about the pleasures of smoking. Keep thinking of all the advantages: no more smelly house, no more having to go outside for a smoke because smoking is banned in your office or home, no more people turning away from you because, frankly, to a non-smoker you stink!

A `stop smoking' program can be very successful if it is planned and stuck to by the person who wants to quit. Mind over matter, right? Next time go for a brisk walk or call a friend instead of lighting up, your lungs will thank you.

And there's one more thing that no would-be ex-smoker should forget. Most smokers, especially those who find it hard to quit, smoke for a reason. Perhaps it's good to have something to hold in social situations to save you feeling awkward with your hands. Or it could be a comfort feeling - we all learn from birth that having something in your mouth is very soothing! So when a smoker quits, there's always a temptation to put something else in its place. It's no accident that many ex-smokers put on weight in the months after they quit, or start to drink more alcohol.

For more ideas on how to stay an ex-smoker without becoming hooked on something else, read Kris Kerr's book '101 Tips for Fighting Addiction' at

Kathy Lang of Cape Spear Press has published nine books and hundreds of articles on a wide variety of topics. She writes mainly about the health problems that worsen as we get older, and those that most affect families, from the elderly to their grandchildren. Seeing friends and families torn apart by addiction made her keen to help with those problems. Read 101 Tips for Fighting Addiction at and see for lots more good stuff on health.

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Chantix: The New Quit Smoking Aid that Makes You Dislike the Effects of Nicotine

What is the most painful quit smoking challenge? Of course an honest answer to this would be controlling the uncontrollable CRAVINGS. Would you quit smoking if you come to know that you can easily handle those cravings? I guess your answer will be a ?Yes?, because you know somewhere deep inside your heart that your smoking habit can only yield you bad health conditions and take you closer to death. Every smoker, in some point of life, tries to get rid of his smoking habit, but we all know, it is a task, easier said than done. Blame it on nicotine and its effects on brain.

The kick of nicotine gives you a thrilling pleasure making you a slave, and this is the reason behind your addiction to smoking. Just like any drug addict, you keep on increasing the number of cigarettes to get the same level of pleasure. Your will power has to be very strong if you decide to bid this addiction good bye. But, fighting with the cravings and withdrawal is indeed not a matter of joke. After all, who likes coming closer to a diseased life and painful death with every fag of tobacco?

What if you stop enjoying the nicotine kick after kissing your beloved Cigarette? Does that sound impossible? Do you think nicotine can never cheat you on drawing the momentary pleasure from it? It will definitely cheat if you seek Chantix medication. Varenicline, the main ingredient of Chantix is a component that has the capacity to influence the brain receptor cells and give you similar pleasure like nicotine. Chantix competes with the amount of pleasure you get from nicotine, by getting attached to the a4?2 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors with high intensity. As a result you do not feel like smoking and get over your withdrawal very soon.

The Food and Drug Administration of America approved Chantix as a smoking cessation medicine on 11 May, 2006 for its notable potential to help smokers in quitting smoke. Hitting the nicotine kick is hitting the bull?s eye! If you do not enjoy smoking why will you smoke then? Obviously the thrilling kick was the sole reason for being in love with cigarette for so many years. If that feel-good factor is no more there, then I bet you will cheat on your steady relationship with tobacco. Right isn?t it?

Smokers! Tighten your belts and stand up! It is time to put your shattered will-power together and try hard with new enthusiasm. Chantix is there for you to save you from your smoking cravings and withdrawal effects. Come on and join a smoke free world! We, the non-smoking people are waiting for you this side!

The author, Monalisa Hyden, addresses psychological and health related issues. If you wish to help yourself and your loved ones in quit smoking, you can log on to for more information and advice.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tips to Quit Smoking

A simple ?home made? poll will reveal the most smokers are aware of the risks derived from their addiction. They in fact know that they are more exposed than non-smokers to cardiac diseases, vascular incidents, lung cancer, emphysema and less physical capabilities due to what they call ?lack of air?. These are just some of the problems caused by this nasty habit, but should suffice to get serious about quitting smoking.

About 70 percent of smoker adults decide or have decided sometime to quit smoking, but didn?t make it. Why can?t they be successful?

The key is to have the proper motivation and follow a series of recommendations that will help you achieve definitive results. For instance, there are a lot of smokers that have given up that habit after suffering a heart attack. For them, the desire of being alive became a strong motivation after being so close to death.

There is people who tries to reduce the amount of cigarettes they smoke, hoping to eliminate the need of them in a progressive way. Sadly, it?s not uncommon for them to be smoking again just the same quantity of cigarettes than they smoked before, or even more. This happens because of the highly addictive power of nicotine. To eliminate dependence, the best thing to do is eliminate nicotine from the body all at one time.

Other people choose certain low-nicotine cigarettes. But that is almost worse, for they will eventually end up smoking many more cigarettes just to experience the same feeling of satisfaction, thus inhaling much more smoke each time. Those cigarettes may be low in nicotine, but their smoke contains a whole lot more carcinogens and toxins. Not finding enough satisfaction with each smoke leads to an increase in anxiety, and also the amount of cigarettes consumed. These people most frequently end up failing in their attempts to quit smoking.

There are some helpful keys to successfully quit this habit. The first step, as with any other addiction and, in general, any problem in life, is acceptance. There are still many smokers that unconsciously say that they don?t depend on nicotine and that they can stop smoking any time they want. This constitutes a denial that keeps them from achieving their goal. It is necessary to acknowledge that this is an addiction, and therefore a real problem.

The second step is top find a motivation that really boosts our desire to abandon tobacco forever. There is no magical formula here; the immense diversity of interests and values of people makes what is a perfect stimulus and motivation for one person totally useless for others. It?s in this step that a particular problem or situation may be useful to find the best possible motivation for each person. Many times love for a related one is the best motivation; that is the case of pregnant women that quit smoking for that child they are carrying.

The third step is to accept the magnitude of the goal set. Nicotine dependence is an addiction, and getting out of it will be a hard task for sure. There will be some times in which determination and willing to quit smoking will be threatened by intense desires to light a cigarette. Some symptoms can even resemble the abstinence syndrome often present on quitting alcoholics. It is up to each smoker to evaluate the effort that this process will demand and the real chances of success. It?s useful to know that these symptoms are not so hard on people with an adequate diet, and some smokers start taking natural food supplements to help them out through the hard walk into a healthy life.

Zach Thompson is a Glyconutrients Representative. You can get a free Glyconutrients consultation by visiting Glyconutrients. Clinical studies have shown that glyconutrients can help balance your immune system.

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Holding Yourself Accountable After You Quit Smoking

There are many reasons why accountability is important after you quit smoking. It is just too easy to convince ones? self that having just one cigarette is okay. Almost every person that has quit smoking has probably had that exact thought go through their mind at some point. I am sure on occasion a person has even listened to that thought only to feel guilty after smoking that "one" cigarette.

Finding someone to help hold you accountable to not smoke is easy. You can pick a friend or family member that is fair and understanding as well as, firm. Choose someone that you feel comfortable talking too and trust. If you don?t have a friend or family member to help hold you accountable, you can join a support group or use the Internet and join a quit smoking forum.

The whole idea about having an accountability partner while you quit smoking adds a whole new line of defense to your quit smoking program. After you quit smoking you will be faced with cravings, of course the cravings will come and go but then, wham! Your hit with a craving to smoke that is so strong you?re not sure you can get through it. You?re even thinking about running down to the store to buy a pack of cigarettes to just smoke one.

Before you do that call your accountability partner, most likely, by the time you are done talking to them or even dialing their phone number the craving to smoke will have passed. Psychologically, you know that you have support out there and they will definitely help you through the situation. If you smoke a cigarette, not only do you have to be disappointed in yourself but you have to tell your friend, or whom ever, that you smoked. This can also be a deterrent when you are quitting smoking. At times your cravings to smoke are so strong your logic might be faulty. Use the support you have to get through another day of not smoking.

There is one last thing about accountability and quitting smoking. For it to work you have to be honest with yourself and your accountability partner. Openly communicate if you have slipped and had a cigarette. They can help you get back on track. Don?t feel guilty and don?t give up. Quitting smoking is easy, getting through the cravings to smoke is one of the challenges. Prepare yourself for the many challenges you will face. If you prepare yourself for the worst you may find it wasn?t that bad to quit smoking.

Jason D is a former smoker and the author of, a quit smoking website that takes you step by step though the quit smoking process.

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Quitting Smoking : Why Women's Health May Benefit More

There are a lot of reasons to quit smoking. We all know the life threatening reasons, but we don?t necessarily understand the the full impact that smoking has on our bodies and minds, and possibly even on others around us.

Women especially are susceptible to some of the more hidden dangers of smoking, and may actually benefit in different ways than men when it comes to smoking cessation.

For example, many women probably do not even know this, but lung cancer is now killing more women every year than breast cancer. That?s right, lung cancer is actually more deadly to a woman than breast cancer, which is by far more talked about in women?s health than lung cancer.

Smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer since nearly 90% of all cases are traced directly to smoking, so it?s important that women really understand the health benefits of quitting smoking.

There are actually a lot more health issues that a woman needs to think about if she is a smoker as well. For example, most contraceptive pills carry warnings on them that the patient should not take the contraceptive birth control pill if she is a smoker.

Her risk of developing heart problems is greatly increased if she is smoking while on the pill, since smoking increases blood pressure, and the pill is known to also increase blood pressure. This creates a double hazard for heart issues.

Another concern may be for a woman?s children. Children many times can develop asthma and other types of breathing problems if the child is exposed to cigarette smoke at a young age. This is also a concern for men, since they are not exempt from this rule either!

There are also a myriad of other health problems, inconveniences and even just ?cosmetic? reasons that a woman may want to consider smoking cessation in order that she may be her ?best self?.

These don?t necessarily fall into the category of life threatening or imminent dangers, but they certainly can affect your quality of life, as well as your appearance, which is held in high regard in today?s aesthetically concerned society. These additional health and well being benefits to smoking cessation are as follows :

1.) Your skin is greatly affected by smoking, and not in a good way as you can probably imagine. As we age, our skin cell turnover tends to slow down. Smoking actually speeds the process of this slower turnover up, making us essentially age faster.

Add to this the fact that smoking essentially robs our body of oxygen and creates more free radicals, which are skin?s number one enemy and aging?s number one comrade, and you have a recipe for accelerated aging, and sagging, colorless skin.

Most women see a marked improvement in the tone, clarity and firmness of their skin just a few weeks after they quit smoking, especially if they were a heavy smoker.

2.) Your teeth and mouth will thank you. Smoking not only gives you bad breath, but it also turns your teeth yellow, or sometimes even brown from nicotine residue and tabacco staining.

3.) Quitting smoking can greatly help with your mental state. What do I mean? I mean that smoking may seem at first like it is a relaxant, since it tends to immediately feel like it is relieving tension and anxiety once the cigarette is in your mouth and you begin to inhale. Contrary to this belief that cigarettes "calm" you, studies have shown that in the long run smoking actually increases anxiety.

We all know that depression and anxiety tend to go hand in hand, so quitting smoking may also greatly benefit a woman?s psyche.

4.) No more coughing, weezing, and possibly even a reduction in allergies. If you quit smoking, chances are you will breathe a lot easier.

It takes a lot less time for your lungs to heal than you think. Studies have shown that even the most blackened smoker?s lungs have made full recoveries within just a few months after they have quit smoking.

Danna Schneider is the founder of Alternative Medicines , where several natural remedies, including smoking cessation aids can be found. She also co-manages Spoozer Online Men's Magazine a men's online magazine.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tips For Those Ready To Quit Smoking

If you are a smoker, as satisfying as the habit may be, there will come a time when you will want to quit. The main reason for quitting is ultimately the long-term health of yourself, as well as those around you. There is also the added benefit of money saved from no longer feeding your habit. This may not seem like a big benefit at first, but over time, the savings can be HUGE.

Most people who have quit smoking will tell you that it is a very difficult step to take. In many cases, it can be one of the most difficult tasks someone may undertake in their lifetime. There are steps you can take though, that may help you in your quest to quit.

The first step in quitting is to establish a time to quit and stick to that date. If you know of someone who is also looking to quit, join forces with this person and quit at the same time. That way you can establish a support system between the two of you, which can make it a little easier to stay the course.

Before quitting try to establish where, when and why you smoke. Look for patterns that lead you to smoke. Routines you engage in that involve your smoking. That way when you're ready to quit you can try to avoid these routines to help eliminate the urge to smoke.

When the urge to smoke hits, try to fight the urge as long as possible before giving in. Try to visualize something pleasant to take your mind off it. Maybe chew some gum instead, or enjoy your favorite beverage. This can help make your transition a little easier when your day to quit arrives.

Switch to a brand of cigarettes you don't like. This can make your enjoyment of smoking a little less pleasant, which can help with your transition.

When your start day finally arrives, be sure to get rid of ALL your cigarettes and any other tobacco products. Out of sight and reach, out of mind.

Change your daily routine from what it was when you smoked. If you normally have a smoke with breakfast, try to replace your cigarette with something else.

When you feel the urge to smoke, be sure to do something to occupy your time. Exercise could be the answer. Take a walk when the urge hits, or any other form of exercise you may enjoy. Not only will this help minimize the urges, it will also help your overall fitness and help get your lungs back into shape.

Always carry something with you that can easily be used as a replacement for a cigarette. Gum, toothpicks, lollipops and things of that nature are great to help alleviate the habit of having that cigarette in your mouth.

Think positively. When the urge strikes, you may feel agitated. When this feeling hits, convince yourself that smoking is not the solution and that this mood will pass. Your perseverance will be rewarded if you choose not to give in to your cravings.

Reward yourself. Set mini goals and reward yourself as you reach each goal you set. An example would be for every week you remain smoke-free you then reward yourself with a favorite food, an evening out, or any other activity or item you may enjoy. The choice is entirely yours. Staying smoke-free IS an achievement and one worthy of reward.

Take the money you normally spend on cigarettes and put it into a fund. This could be a bank account, or simply a jar set aside. As the money piles up, you'll see the money you've saved. This can be a great motivation to continue on. This money can also be used as your reward fund, to reward your perseverance.

These are just a few tips to help get you started. Talk to others who have been successful in quitting. Chances are they may have a few creative tips of their own. The main thing to remember is to stay strong and not to give in. It's a difficult task to achieve, but once you've done it, you'll be happy you did.

Michael Russell Your Independent Stop Smoking guide.

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FAQ: How Do I Quit Smoking?

How do I quit smoking? For good and forever? That was the question I was always asking myself, but could never find the answer. It was a real question - not theory, not wishful thinking - to me it was life or death.

As a former smoker of 3 packs a day, I lived with constant fear that

- I would die a long painful, self inflicted death
- I wouldn?t see my kids get married
- I wouldn?t ever meet my grandchildren
- I would leave my wife struggling to raise 4 children on her own
- My kids would ask my ?Why didn?t you just stop??

I was living a life of deceit, regret, fear and paranoia ? and it was all my fault.

My wife would always be on my back about quitting smoking. I tried just about every method I could afford but never lasted the course. I became an expert in quitting smoking, but would still be found in the back yard, in all weathers drawing on those horrible cancer sticks.

In fact, I was very good at quitting smoking. Most nights I would put out my last cigarette before turning in and would boldly declare ? ?Right, that was my last one?.

But, each morning I would wake up, put on a pot of coffee and light up my first of 60 straight away. You see I was good at quitting ? I did it every day. The question I couldn?t answer was ?How do I quit smoking and stay quit??

Before I explain what works let me tell you what I tried and my experiences

1. Patches ? I had my highest success rate with patches - all of 27 hours. But, they were expensive, kept coming off (I used to sweat a lot when I was smoking). The real downside was they only dealt with the physical habit, not the mental one. 2. Gum ? This was close to useless ? it tasted nasty, burned my gums and made my breathe smell (just as bad as it did when I was smoking). 3. Acupuncture ? I didn?t try that one ? it was more expensive than hypnotherapy and I had heard the results where not as good. 4. Inhalers ? They just didn?t produce the kick at the back of the throat I was used to, and so was a very lame replacement ? plus, I just felt stupid using it. 5. Will Power ? This was the hardest. I tried quitting smoking with no help physically or mentally. I was grouchy with my wife and the kids and couldn?t think about anything else.

So, there?s my list of failures when trying to quit smoking. So what worked? How did I answer that illusive question ?How do I quit smoking?and stay quit.?

Well, the secret lay in the relationship between dealing with your physical addiction and your mental one. It was only when I realized and believed that my addiction was only a tiny bit in my body, but mostly in my head that I started to approach quitting with the right attitude. I didn?t need the support of pills, patches or gums ? I started to see through the cynical money making stop smoking industry ? I finally understood I needed help and support in my mind and I found where to get that support.

David Richards was a 60 a day smoker until he sorted his life out. Please go to if you want to see the exact program and support he used to answer the burning question ?How Do I Quit Smoking and stay Quit?

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Uncover Why You Need To Quit Smoking To Avoid Impotence

Smokers know that smoking may lead to all sorts of health problems. We also know that cigarettes contains nicotine and 4000 other chemicals. But one of the harmful effects that people ignore is that smoking and impotence and highly related and many smokers put their sex lives in jeopardy without knowing.

The probability of a depression is higher for smokers compared to a non-smoker. A person suffering from diabetes or have high blood pressure has a higher chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction. The cause of erectile dysfunction may be due to smoking.

Toxins such as carbon monoxide can cause damage to the circulatory system and restrict blood flow to the penis. Studies have also indicated that men smokers have lower sperm count compared to men who do not smoke. Men smokers also have a higher proportion of malformed sperm.

The intake of tobacco smoke will result in fatty deposits blocking the blood flow to the penis due to smoking. This usually lead to male impotence problems. Excess nicotine consumption will also result in rapid contractions inn the penile tissue. Nicotine will also affect the brain which will restrict the arterial blood flow into the penis.

This is also known as acute vasospasm. Sexual process and functions requires the work of different organs and coordination in the body such as the hormones, nervous system and vascular system to maintain the pumping of blood flow into the penis to maintain erection. Consumption of cigarettes will affect these functions and have the probability of causing impotence.

Toxins and chemicals also restricts blood flow in the circulatory system, causing the blockage of arteries. The arteries being restricted and blocked will also be a factor for impotency. Other negative effects to the male sexual health are such as:

?Low sperm count

?Abnormal sperm shape

?Reduce volume of ejaculation

?Reduced sperm mobility

Smoking is extremely detrimental for health in many aspects including your sexual life. Nicotine and intake of cigarettes can cause erectile dysfunction. So be aware of your health and quit smoking today.

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

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How Women Can Quit Smoking

It is normal to think that man and women all smoke for the same reasons. While it is true on the common reasons, man and women do smoke because of different and various reasons. Understanding this point can help women to quit smoking more effectively.

Studies have indicated that women start smoking for reasons such as a benefit for weight control. Smoking does help with weight control, but not as much as many believe it would. Sadly, most women is more afraid to deal with the few extra pounds compared to the increase risk of probability of a cancer.

Another reason why women smoke is due to their emotional bond with their peers. If their friend smokes, they will smoke too because they will feel that they can understand their friend?s issue. Research has shown female colleagues smoke together as a way of keeping their bond together.

So when a woman decides to quit, she will normally feel isolated or more distant than the former friends and colleagues. This prevents women from quitting as well.

Here are some steps and measures to increase the chances for women to quit smoking:

Combating Weight Fears

1) Increase the frequency of exercise. You can push yourself harder during your normal workout hours. Get involved with sports and encourage your lady friends to be involved as well.

2) Walk up escalators instead of waiting and riding it up. Walk of stairs instead of using lifts.

3) Reduce the amount of unnecessary food. Women tend to have cravings for junk food or such as chocolate and others that can be a cause of weight gain.

4) Drink more water daily.

Empathizing And Encouraging Friends

Other than smoking together with your friends, there are other methods to help your friend such as:

1) Be available to talk to your friend on the phone.

2) Assure them you will give them your support

3) Help them find other sources of support and help.

Timing To Quit

When you decided to quit smoking, do not quit during the time when you are at your peak physically, mentally and emotionally. Do not quit during when you about to enter your cycle. Quitting smoking after your menstrual cycle is a good timing as you will feel good at that time.

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

How Can Laser Treatment Help You Quit Smoking

It is claimed that laser treatment is one of the most effective ways to quit smoking. This method is considered to be a modern and innovative method. Laser therapy is actually based on a traditional principle as acupuncture. This principle is also practiced in other disciplines such as acupuncture, reflexology and others.

The human body has nerve centers and the method of laser treatment is to stimulate these points by a low laser beam. By stimulating the points, it is believe to channel certain energy flow throughout your body and help in relieving withdrawal symptoms.

Thus by applying pressure and stimulating certain points, it is possible to attain certain predictable wanted outcome and effects. Once going through laser treatment to aid smoking cessation, it is normally an immediate result of reduce cravings and desire to smoke.

Most studies have shown and people agree that the reduction in cravings is not enough to completely quit smoking. One must also learn to strengthen the mind to combat also the psychological addiction. Some even state that smoking is more of a psychological addiction compared to a physical one.

However, laser treatment will assist you to a large extent to fight the cravings first. You can slowly deal with the psychological addiction later on. A positive point of about laser treatment is that it has no reported side effects compared to some other alternative medications that are used to aid smoking cessation.

There are however certain points to consider whether laser treatment is for you or not, for instance, laser treatment can be expensive. Prices vary according to packages and according to your health lifestyle. One tip is to check your health insurance coverage, as some health insurance may cover this expense.

Once you have completed your laser treatment, you can further enhance your chances to success in quitting smoking by seeking behavioral therapy or hypnosis therapy. One thing to keep in mind is that regardless of whatever therapy you seek to aid you to quit smoking, the main factor in determining whether you succeed or fail is how sincere in your decision to quit smoking.

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

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Quit Smoking - Try Acupuncture Instead

Over the past few years it has been found that as a good alternative way of helping people who wish to stop smoking. The treatment is carried out by the insertion of needles to various specific points on the patient?s body, including a few points around the outer ear. The way the treatment works is that it is supposed to help reduce the cravings a person feels for a cigarette and to help those who are already on their way to quitting smoking. During the first years when the use of acupuncture was being used for helping people to quit smoking it became quite popular and certainly had a large number of followers who began to recommend it to others.

The main reason for so many people using this method is that is not invasive and is an ideal option for many people who can not or will not take medicines. However, over the last couple of years the use of acupuncture for helping people to quit smoking has significantly been reduced.

There are usually a number of reasons for this occurring and one of the reasons is that the number of people who actually stopped smoking whilst having acupuncture treatment was very minor and it certainly indicated that may be acupuncture is not the best choice for people who really want to quit smoking. Also there have been a number of other solutions that have been introduced such as laser treatment and shot treatment.

However, to conclude it is quite clear that acupuncture has a place as an alternative treatment in stopping smoking and a number of people have reported that they are getting good results using this form of treatment. But if you really want to quit smoking, then there are other alternatives available.

Kerris Samson a work from home mum now residing in Spain and who has spent a vast amount of researching the different ways in which acupuncture can help in place of conventional western medicine when treating various forms of illness and ailments and also for use to relieve pain. Please visit if you would like to learn more.

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Some Methods You Can Use To Quit Smoking

There are numerous ways that people use to stop smoking. People do actually succeed in stopping smoking but the same method of stopping does not work for everyone and sometimes the same method may finally work only after a second or third attempt at it is tried.

There are many and various ways that people can use to quit smoking. Hundred of thousands maybe millions of people have succeeded in quitting the cigarettes. However, not all methods would be suitable for everyone. On the average many people only succeed to quit smoking on the second or third attempt.

Some of the methods of how to quit smoking are discussed below:

Method 1: Willpower

Many people depend or believe that have they willpower quit smoking. It is definitely true that the most important aspect to quit smoking is to have willpower, determination and the genuine want and desire to stop for good. However, you will never know how much willpower you really have unless you are tested.

When the cravings and urge strikes and when circumstances of anger and stress arrive, it will then reveal how much willpower you have. Willpower is to a certain extent derived from your purpose and reason why you want to quit smoking. Look for a strong purpose and reason to quit, and you will have the willpower automatically.

Method 2: Cutting down

By gradually cutting down, the real truth is you are only tampering with your mind for being less dependant on cigarettes. While smoking less cigarettes, you may believe it would be easier for you to quit. However, the addiction is more of a habit and a psychological one than it is a physical addiction.

You may be smoking about 20 cigarettes a day and maybe cutting down to only 3 or 4. The truth is your body only needs 3 or 4 cigarettes a day to easy the addiction. The rest is to satisfy your mental addiction to feel the pleasurable effects of nicotine. If you are using this method, know that you are reducing your mind dependency on cigarettes.

Method 3: Hypnosis

This method makes you realize or just switch perspective with the help of others such as recordings or a doctor or consultant. The fact is that you can reach this point of realization even without hypnosis. You just have to think and change your perspective a little. Hypnosis does not automatically or take away your choice or smoking. It is just a step of realization. The final choice and action is up to you.

Method 4: Zyban

This is actually a prescribed drug as a anti-depressant. It is accidentally discovered that the use of Zyban cause a certain chemical reaction to cause smokers to lose interest in smoking. However, the consuming Zyban does have side effects such as dizziness, and dry mouth, even seizures in less common cases.

Method 5: Nicotine replacement therapies

The perception of undergoing nicotine replacement therapies is to reduce cravings gradually by slowing reducing the level of nicotine in your body. However using gums, patches or sprays still inserts nicotine into your blood. You will still need willpower and the decision to quit smoking before you think that you can fully depend on nicotine replacement therapies.

Method 6: Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient art of medical treatment originated from China. In involves inserting thin needles to certain specific acupuncture points in your body. This will alter the energy flow in your body. Acupuncture in the case of quit smoking treatment will reduce your cravings as claimed by people who have undergone the treatment.

Method 7: Fake cigarette

This act as a substitute for the habit and behavior of smoking but without the intake of nicotine and other chemicals. It would help people who have very strong and routine habit that they feel it is hard to shake off. Other than holding a fake cigarette, you can also keep yourself busy with other activities to avoid or break your routine habit.

Method 8: Make your decision a conviction

Visit patients who contracted cancer from smoking and ask them about their experiences and regrets. Visit doctors and ask them to show you how lungs are like when someone has lung cancer. Turn your decision into a belief and make it real.

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Quit Smoking-Learn How Nicotine Can Affect Your Body

Once the most common new year?s resolutions is to quit smoking. Sadly, some people make the resolutions and start smoking the very next day! Nicotine is an extremely addictive drug and before you quit smoking, you ought to understand how it can affect your body, and then continue to choose the right quit smoking program to fit you personally.

Nicotine is also known as alkaloid ? its chemical name. Many plants contains alkaloids are poisonous and it is know to be bitter when consume. Other than cigarettes, nicotine has also other uses such as used as one of the chemical in weed killers and insecticides. In fact, a human will die if nicotine equivalent to two and a half cigarettes would to be injected directly into a human?s body bloodstream.

By smoking the nicotine would enter the bloodstream through the lungs. It then rapidly travels to the brain, causing a chemical reaction and thus changing the way you feel. Your brain will eventually be highly dependant on nicotine along with other chemicals. Thus, lack of smoking will cause your brain to react in a certain way, causing withdrawal symptoms.

Nicotine is more addictive than heroine. As time passes, smokers need to smoke more and more in order to feel the nicotine effect when they first smoked.

Nicotine has various effects on different people. Some smokers claimed that nicotine relaxes them when they are angry or upset. Others have also claim to keep them energetic throughout the day when they are tired. This is also taken into account the amount of intake of nicotine. Nicotine will cause the heart to beat faster than its normal rate, cause rising blood pressures, constrict veins blood flow, pump out adrenaline that raises metabolism and also suppress hunger.

Nicotine interferes with impulse transmission between nerves. One of the chemicals in the brain which causes a pleasurable feeling is called the neurotransmitter dopamine, nicotine raises the level of this chemical which will cause a smoker to experience a pleasurable feeling. Other chemicals affected by nicotine are serotonin, which controls mood, norepinephrine, which affects arousal and appetite, and beta-endorphin, which is able to reduce anxiety.

Cigarette companies are pumping in a lot of money to research on to improve their cigarettes to make it more addictive to people, and also spending a lot of effort in public relations to brand the image and lifestyle of a smoker, and trap people into thinking that smoking is an ultimate lifestyle.

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

For more free articles, contents and resources on how to quit smoking:

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Learn To Enhance And Use Your Mind Power To Quit Smoking

Even though we may be aware of the consequences and harmful health effect it can bring, many people are still not able to give up the cigarettes. This is mainly due to a weak determination. Willpower and determination will get you through anything even the addiction of cigarettes. All you need is to know a little trick to tune your mind, as we know that the mind controls the body.

The mind is capable of conditioning itself. For example, whenever you meet up with friends, you usually smoke. So when you about to meet them the next time, your mind would have already position itself to want to smoke and subconsciously derive the pleasure from doing so. During the meeting with your friends, if you do not smoke, you will feel extremely uncomfortable, irritable and weak. If you decided to quit smoking, the chances of a relapse may be very high.

In the future, whenever you meet your friends, just take a moment to relax and think. Just take maybe about 5 minutes to think what will happen later. Is there a possibility to smoke? Think about how lucky you are to know that you have the most willpower among your friends to have the decision to quit smoking.

Think about how you can achieve greater and more things and success in life without smoking. Think that you?ve decided to quit smoking and that?s it, there is no turning back, if not you will only be a hypocrite to yourself, turning against your own words. Program your mind before meeting up with your friends or into any situation which will prompt you to smoke.

If you feel you unable to resist the temptation, then do not visit your friends or any other scenario which you will be tempted to smoke. Try other alternatives instead to relax and fill your time.

You can spend more time doing recreational activities or hobbies with your family instead of spending time out there smoking. Whenever you feel your cravings and your urge to smoke increases, think about all the negative things.

Spend 5 minutes to relax and program your mind to think what it means to smoke. Do you want to be a slave of cigarette forever? Do you want to quit smoking over and over again only to suffer this type of withdrawal symptoms? Once you have think of the negative and reconfirmed it with the positive aspects, you will learn how to master and control your mind, then you will on your way to a smoke-free life forever.

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

For more free articles, contents and resources on how to quit smoking:

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Step By Step Process For Quitting Smoking

Here is a step by step process which you can follow which will lead you to your way of success of quitting smoking.

Step One: Prepare yourself and get ready

Get a calendar and mark a specific date on which you want to quit smoking. Change your environment and surroundings as much as possible. Remove ashtray, lighters, cigarettes, lighter fluid, or anything else that is related to smoking. Clean the carpets and furniture if you smoke at home to get rid of the smell. Wash and clean your clothes to remove all tobacco odors.

List down all the reasons you can think of on why you want to quit smoking. It could be due to your health. Make a research on all the harmful effect that smoking can bring, and also all the benefit that you will gain by quitting smoking.

Perhaps facts and reasons such reducing your chance of getting cancer, breathe easier, eliminate second hand smoke in your family, setting a good example as parents , skin being more radiant, whiter teeth, eliminate tobacco odor, save lots of money, more stamina and too many reasons and facts to state. Make sure you write all that down.

Step Two: Gain support

Let everybody you know that you are going to quit cigarettes for good. Also get their support by assuring that they won?t smoke in front of you if any of them are smokers. Get some advice from your doctor or physician regarding any resources or medication to help you to quit smoking. You can also visit your dentist get your teeth clean. Look for counseling or social support group in your local area for quitting smoking.

Step Three: Pick up new skills and hobbies

Instead of smoking, talk a walk about the park and fill your lungs with fresh air. Pick up new skills and hobbies that you may be interested in the past but haven?t really got the time for it. Now is the perfect time to rediscover your passion again. It could be a sports, games or any leisure. Keep yourself maximizing your time at all times and live life to the fullest.

Step Four: Use medication

You can use medication to help you in any sort. You can resort to nicotine replacement therapies such as gums, patches or spray. You can also opt for non-nicotine based treatment such as laser treatment, acupuncture, consuming herbs, Zyban and others. Do a research on which method suits your personality, health history and lifestyle the most.

Step Five: Be prepared to face relapse and go through difficult situations

In the process of quitting, you will face an extremely difficult and stressful time. Unforeseen circumstances and stressful situations will be a temptation to pick the cigarettes again. Relapse may happen after 2 to 3 months that you have quit. Nicotine is highly addictive, thus you must be mentally strong to battle it.

Read your list of reasons why you want to quit smoking everyday if possible to remind you of your initial purpose to quit smoking. Reinforce and reconfirm that you are a non-smoker. If you are worried about gaining weight, avoid junk and oily food at the moment. Exercise more. Do not be ashamed or shy to try new things. Remember not to give up in any situation. Persist on and you will be successful.

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

For more free articles, contents and resources on how to quit smoking:

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Monday, February 4, 2008

Save Your Own Life! When You Quit Smoking You Reap Many Positive Benefits

The idea of giving up your beloved cigarettes may feel downright terrifying. For years it was your companion, your salvation in times of stress and crisis, your security. Add to those feelings the fact that you have been socializing with this friend anywhere from 10-50 times per day for many, many years. No wonder you are so reluctant to let it go, in spite of the rationale that you know you should.

We all want to experience things that make us feel good, or at least better than we previously felt. Some of these experiences are positive, some neutral, and there are those that are addictive and with serious consequence. Most likely, when you first began smoking, you were unaware that you were going to become addicted in the capacity that you now are. If you knew of this unspoken agreement between you and the cigarette, you would have thought twice. We all know that smoking is bad for us, but do you know what changes take place in the body once you extinguish that last cigarette?

The Benefits of Quitting:

20 minutes: Blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal.

8 hours: Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in blood reduce by half, oxygen levels return to normal.

24 hours: Carbon monoxide will be eliminated from the body. Lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris

48 hours: There is no nicotine left in the body. Ability to taste and smell is greatly improved.

72 hours: Breathing becomes easier. Bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase.

2-12 weeks: Circulation improves.

3-9 months: Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems improve as lung function is increased by up to 10%.

1 year: Risk of a heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker.

5 years: Your stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker 5-15 years after quitting.

10 years: The lung cancer death rate is about half that of a continuing smoker's. The risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, cervix, and pancreas decrease.

15 years: The risk of coronary heart disease is that of a nonsmoker's.

(Source: US Surgeon General's Report, 1988 and US Surgeon General's Report, 1990)

Why Wait Another Day?

Delaying the decision only prolongs the process. If you want to quit, you should know that it is possible to do so. Yes, it may feel a bit strange to go through your usual motions without the cigarette, but like everything else, you will get used to it. If you want to create positive change in your life, you must leave your comfort zone. Start right now by creating a list of all the ways your health and your life could improve simply by giving up your nicotine addiction. So you may struggle and resist a bit, but aren't you worth it?

Annette Baril is a New York State Licensed Acupuncturist. To learn more about how you can stop smoking for life, go to or write to:

Free to reprint when authors name and link follow, and content remains unchanged.

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

How The Three Glass Jars Game Will Help You To Quit Smoking

What have three glass jars and your quit smoking goal in common? Let?s see how a few quit smoking tips based on a three jars game can help you succeed...

1) Take three glass jars and fill one of them with water.

2) Every time you smoke a cigarette put the butt to the jar with water.

3) Then put the cost of your cigarette in the second jar.

4) Every time you smoke, see how much cigarettes you have already smoked (they?re in the first jar), their impact on your money (it?s in the second jar).

5) Smoke every few days one cigarette less.

Every time you get rid of a cigarette you would have liked to smoke, put in the third jar. Then?.

6) In your free time focus on the advantages after quitting cigarette, while looking at the third jar. Look at the butts in the first jar and consider that each of them is increasing considerably:

a. Your risk to get heart disease, cancer and other deadly diseases;
b. Being tired up more easily (if you quit smoking, you?ll have more energy).
c. Your bad resistance from cough, cold and flu.
d. The quantity of carbon monoxide in your blood, that decreases the quantity of oxygen.

7) Likewise, look at the third jar and count all those cigarettes you have decided to leave out of your lungs.

For each one of those cigarettes you have right now:

a. A considerable increment of oxygen in your blood.
b. More glow at your face and your skin is more pink
c. Your heartbeat is be more regular and nearer to the ordinary range.
d. Your lungs are clearer.

Quitting smoking has much more advantages than smoking and your ?un-smoked? jar is reminding you how much health you have recovered. We are in fact measuring your health in? cigarettes.

8) Count your money savings in the money jar (the third one) each and every week.

Just see how quickly this amount is increasing. Compute also your monthly savings.

9) Finally reward yourself when you win

Now, you have acquired your destination. It is the time to reward you for your achievement. Get the money glass jar and you will be amazed to find the amount of money you have saved.

These quit smoking tips can help you to stay focused on your goal. Quit smoking is just a discipline act and keeping your mind on track. You can find further quit smoking tips at my website (link:

The three jars game will keep you focused. Start organizing your resources, get momentum and finally start quitting smoke.

Mark Tern is the author of the Quit Smoking Special Report you can get for free at his website where you can discover How to Leverage Your 5 Resources to Quit Smoking. Check also his quit smoking blog for more articles about quit smoking.

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Friday, February 1, 2008

Why to Quit Smoking Cold Turkey

There are many pills, patches, and gums out there that say that they will help you quit smoking. In reality, all they are doing is replacing the nicotine in cigarettes with a smaller, steadier stream than what you get from cigarettes.

While this can be an effective method for some, it also makes it much more likely that you will start smoking again. These pills and patches are simply a crutch. They do not get rid of the problem, they replace the problem. They make you think that they are the reason that you are successful in quitting smoking. But what do you when it is time to give up the patch?

Eighty percent of people who try to quit smoking fail. This is because they do not actually believe that they can quit. They think that they need a magic pill or patch that will fix their problem. This is simply not true. My husband?s favorite quote is ?whether you think you can or you think you can?t, you?re right?. There is a world of truth in that simple little saying.

The mind is a powerful tool and it is time for you to use it, be in the 20% of people who succeed! For once, don?t be one of the majorities. Use these guidelines and become one of the 20% who succeed! Do this for you, become a happier, healthier person who also happens to have a little more money in their pocket at the end of the week.

The best way to quit smoking is cold turkey. You may think that it is impossible, or too hard, but it is not. You can do it, if you decide that you want to. The first step in quitting smoking, is believing that you can.

Start out and make a list of all of the reasons why you smoke. After seeing these reasons, decide if they are worth continuing a habit that will shorten your life. Next, right down which situations make you want to smoke. By identifying the triggers that make you want to smoke you can try your best to avoid them. If you cannot avoid them, at least you can prepare for how you are going to overcome them.

Quitting smoking is a big deal and you should not expect yourself to do it alone. Tell everyone that you know that you are quitting smoking and that you would like their help. If you hang out with a lot of people that smoke, ask them to try and not smoke around you. If they don?t respect your decision to quit, then you may have to avoid hanging out with them until you have built up a higher resistance to the temptation.

While you are quitting smoking it will be very important that you take care of yourself. Most people smoke as a form of relaxation or to de-stress. During this time it will be very important that you give yourself some kind of physical relaxation. Go for a walk, ride, or swim each night. This will help you to relieve the tension of the day and make you less likely to reach for a cigarette.

It will also be important to get rid of anything that makes you think about smoking, or want to smoke. Be ruthless and get it out of your life. Chances are, that if it is making you want to smoke, it is not worth having.

Also make sure that you reward yourself. You should be proud of yourself for taking such a big step in improving your life. Reward yourself with little treats at first and then for a big treat after you have reached a long term goal.

Quitting smoking is a big deal and it is not easy, but it is something that you can do. Don?t ever give up! If you do slip up, figure out what it is that caused you to weaken, and then decide how you are going to resist it in the future. The urge to smoke will be intense at first. But, it will get less intense, less frequent, and eventually go away.

Remember ?if you think you can, or you think you can?t, you?re right?. So, decide that you can and will quit smoking and you are guaranteed to be in that 20%! For people that are serious and want to quit smoking naturally visit

Brad and Jen McCleary both take pride in assisting people to reach their goals. They are experts in the field of health and fitness, but they use their success training in all branches of life to help people succeed. You can read their other articles or visit their website at you can find more information to help you stop smoking, or information on achieving any other goals you may have

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