Instantly Quit Smoking

Monday, March 31, 2008

What Is The Best Method To Quit Smoking?

The best way to quit smoking is through your will power. You may say, easier said, than done! The only person in this world, who will not fail you, is 'thy own self'. If that rule is applied here, you shall have your last puff, when you decide about it.

Why this highest taxed commodity, attracts highest numbers of people? It is such a strong personalized habit, no cut and dry formulas can be put forth, to quit smoking. How deep is your cigarette trench? Are you consuming the cigarettes or the cigarettes consume you? Who will be the victor in the emerging battle?

If you are a marginal case, if your day is done with a few cigarettes, cold turkey may well suit you. To what degree you are addicted to nicotine? This is the deciding factor. But if you require 5 packets of cigarettes per day (50 cigarettes), you will have tough time in negotiating the quit-boat! This path has led to the smoking-salvation, for about 5% of the people, who opted thus.

Let's take it that you are not a compulsive smoker, and you go for a cigarette, when you are under stress. You need something in your mouth for psychological relief. And your option is cigarette. In that case, think of any other alternative. You need to try the chewing gum. But eventually don't cultivate the habit of both- chewing gum as well as the cigarette!

If you are not sure about your will power, do believe in the will power of someone else, to control your will power. That is possible by hypnotherapy. In this method, your subconscious mind is targeted in your artificially articulated unconscious state, and certain vibrations against your smoking habit, are transmitted to you. But, you will carry the feeling throughout your life that someone else is responsible for your quitting the smoking habit. Doesn't matter, a friend in need is a friend indeed!

Price factor has not deterred you from smoking, but you need to constantly give the auto-suggestion to your mind, that you can save lots of money, by quitting smoking. Even if it has a marginal effect on reducing your smoking, this point is worth a serious consideration.

Use combinations of quitting methods to get rid of smoking forever. You need to find a suitable nicotine replacement alternative and half the battle is won. Join group counseling sessions, where you are told and retold many a damaging effects of the smoking habit. This will definitely have profound effects as for your relations with the cigarette habit.

Can the anti-smoking drug zyban, drag you from the hard influence of cigarette? When nothing else works, try that option as well!

To read more articles on quit smoking, stop smoking medication and stop smoking forever visit

The auther writes articles on different topics. To get more articles on quit smoking visit

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Quit Smoking By Meditation or Medicine

Some one tells me that ?I have a stop smoking rhythmic tape that I listen to and meditate to every morning........ 30 min of deep breathing and listening to the message that says 'I will quit easily' and ' i will love being XX smoke free?" I do that too.... forgot to tell you guess I better do it more than once in the morning now. But if I ask how a person can forget everything if he has lot of work in a day?. And how he cans walkup early in the morning if he has duty to very late night I prefer some medicine to him that he can take any where and any time. Because one day I read one post at the forum that one person is told that ?I've been trying for years to quit, and sometimes quit for a few months, or even for a year once, but I always return.

Then it occurred to me. Maybe there's ways to at least reduce the dangers while I continue to smoke. I once heard certain vitamins are important for smokers, and somewhere else I heard that 2 or 3 minutes of forced coughing every morning clears the lungs of built up toxins.? So I prefer the medicine because only medicine can destroy those vitamins that compel to you for smoking.

Below, some tips to help you quit smoking are listed. First and foremost, set a quit date and quit COMPLETELY on that day. To prepare for that day:

* Identify the times you are most likely to smoke. For example, do you tend to smoke when feeling stressed? When you are out at night with friends? While you are drinking coffee?. When you are bored? While you are driving?. Etc.

* Keep a diary to help you determine such risky times. Record each time you have a cigarette, including time of day and what you are doing.

* Make a plan about what you will do instead of smoking at those times that you are most likely to smoke. For example, drink tea instead of coffee; tea may not trigger the desire for a cigarette. Or, take a walk when feeling stressed. Remove ashtrays and cigarettes from the car. Place pretzels or hard candies there instead. Pretend smoke with a straw.

* Let all of your friends, family, and co-workers know of your plan to stop smoking and your quit date. Just being aware that they know can be a helpful reminder and motivator.

* Prior to your quit date, start reducing your cigarette use, including decreasing the number and strength of the cigarettes. DON'T do this simply to make your diary "look good," however.

* Get rid of all of your cigarettes just prior to the quit date and clean out anything that smells like smoke, such as clothes and furniture.

Smoke Controlling Drugs:- Zyban is a best smoke controlling drug and it comes as a tablet to take it orally. It is usually taken twice a day and may be taken with or without food. It is important to swallow Zyban Tablets whole. Do not chew, divide, or crush tablets

Some information that help you to stop smoking:- Avoid alcohol or drink it only in moderation while taking Zyban. Alcohol may increase the risk of having a seizure while taking Zyban. However, if you usually drink a lot of Quit Smoking By Meditation or Medicine?

Alcohol, talk with your doctor before stopping. Suddenly stopping may increase the risk of having a seizure. Talk to your doctor about alcohol use before starting treatment with Zyban. Use caution when driving, operating machinery, or performing other hazardous activities. Zyban may cause dizziness or drowsiness. If you experience dizziness or drowsiness, avoid these activities. source:-

I am a software engineer and i get this all the information from the, and put these all the information at my personal blog and you can get all the inforamtion fromhere

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Quitting Smoking: How Long Do The Cravings Last

Statistics say that over 70 per cent of smokers want to quit. So what's stopping them? For many, the thought of going through lengthy withdrawal symptoms is enough to send the hand snaking towards the Camel pack. In reality, the pangs are far less than people fear. But how long do they last?

Giving up smoking is like getting addicted in reverse so it's important to understand the nicotine addiction process. Scientists used to think addiction was a long drawn out process taking up to a year. Now they've come to recognize it begins with the first puff when nicotine enters the brain.

Nicotine is a psychoactive drug causing changes in brain chemistry. Researchers have found that nicotine takes over the reward pathways. These are an part of an area of the brain that rewards good and useful behavior with a feeling of pleasure. It does this by stimulating the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine.

The brain learns the intake of nicotine is good and remembers the sensation of smoking as pleasant. Nicotine actually causes changes to brain chemistry. So when the smoker quits and nicotine intake is stopped, the brain needs a period of adjustment to get back to normal. During this period, the ex-smoker feels the pangs of need for tobacco.

Though the blood is free of nicotine within less than 100 hours of the last cigarette, only when those brain changes are undone is the ex-smoker truly free from the physical addiction to nicotine. This is a gradual process and much is done in two to three weeks or so. But the physical component is not the only danger.

Mental addiction is another facet of smoking that makes quitting so difficult. This means associating smoking with regular activities, places and situations. It makes up the 'habit' aspect of smoking. Examples are morning coffee, after lunch, with a beer in the pub. All pleasurable daily routines associated with lighting up a cigarette.

During this crucial period vigilance is required as the craving to smoke can flare up out of the blue. So what to do when this happens? The pangs of nicotine withdrawal can be likened to an itch waiting to be scratched. So the thing to do is to scratch without using cigarettes. Green tea and herbal teas such as valerian are useful when the pangs come. Another option is the draw on a menthol inhaler. And any form of activity especially exercise is good. Ideally the ex-smoker to be would prepare a grab bag of techniques in readiness. And hypnotherapy can be effective in the treatment of mental addiction

The magic day arrives when you go to bed and realize the thought of a cigarette hasn't entered your mind all day. This should happen by day 90 at the latest and is a wonderful feeling. Six months after taking the last puff, you'll be free.

Understanding the addiction process is a key factor in quitting successfully. Make the decision to quit now and find a method that suits you.

Lloyd Morgan is a writer on health matters and reformed smoker. For more resources to help you quit smoking, please visit:

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Friday, March 28, 2008

You've Made The Decision To Quit Smoking, Now Where Can You Get Help To Make Sure You Succeed?

You know it?s bad for you, but it?s just so darn hard to quit right? Nicotine is a highly addictive substance, so no wonder it?s not that easy to kick the smoking habit. But if you are serious about quitting tobacco products, there is a wealth of stop smoking programs available to help you. It isn?t always easy but it?s definitely not as hard as it seems. Especially now that you can find stop smoking programs that fit every possible need. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead, give it a try. You?re running out of excuses.

Let?s go straight to the highest rated stop smoking programs. Group therapy, hypnosis, acupuncture, laser therapy, prescription medication, cessation shots, nicotine gums or patches, non-tobacco cigarettes and herbal cures are amongst the top systems available. Group therapy involves attending meetings and counseling sessions with a support group that discusses their fight to stay away from smoking. The impact is psychological and can help to reduce the stress and relieve the depression associated with quitting tobacco products.

Hypnosis is considered by many to be a breakthrough in stop smoking programs. A counselor will give you audio tapes or CDs that contain anti-smoking material. You are to play these tapes or CDs to yourself while doing other tasks in the day or overnight while you sleep. The principle is to give firm root in the subconscious mind to the idea that smoking is harmful and you must stop doing it at once. The success depends on your propensity to be hypnotized.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese art that involves pricking needles into certain body parts to stimulate nerve endings and promote the thinning of blood vessels and proper flow of blood. Further, the practice is said to relieve stress by releasing endorphins or ?happy hormones? that encourage feelings of happiness and wellbeing. For the more squeamish, scientists have devised similar stop smoking programs that replace the needles with low intensity lasers. The procedure is totally painless and non-medical, meaning that you don?t take any medication.

Prescription medication generally addresses the depression and cravings that go with the process of quitting smoking. These stop smoking programs involve anti-depressants and mood elevator drugs, which help cope with mental and emotional stress. Further, cessation shots are now available that act in the same manner but claim to work in a shorter time period. Nicotine replacement treatment is amongst the most popular stop smoking programs. Nicotine patches or chewing gums release small doses of nicotine into the body so that you can stage out the quitting process instead of going cold-turkey.

Non- tobacco cigarettes replace tobacco with other herbs that are not addictive and are purported to have no side effects. These are more psychological stop smoking programs than physical ones, since the cravings are not addressed but the habit is allowed to continue. It works best for people who are not heavily addicted and just wouldn?t know what to do with their hands if they weren?t holding a cigarette. Herbal cures also work to calm the mind and relax the body. Lobelia or Indian tobacco and mimosa are popular.

You can learn how to give up smoking with our Free 5 day Stop Smoking Tips course, which you can find at

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Quitting Cigarette Smoking or Any Addiction-How Much Do Your Habits, Beliefs and Self-Image Hurt?

Just how powerfully are your habits and beliefs and self image hurting your chances to quit smoking? How much do they control our addictions? How can we use their power to replace our self-hurtful addictions with empowering addictions. Whether your addiction is cigarette smoking, or gambling, or wasting your life away watching tv.

After failing to quit smoking miserably at least a dozen times - being sucked back into that destructive habit - addiction - time and time again - going through the agony, the cravings, the anger, over and over - how was I able to turn off my smoking addiction like a light switch? From being totally locked to my cigarette smoking addiction to being totally and completely free of it? Like it never happened?

What could do that?

Since the quit smoking program I used, dealt directly with habits, beliefs and self-image, it begs the question, ?just how much do habits, beliefs and self-image control our addictions?" Perhaps more importantly "how can we get them moving us in the direction we truly want to go"?

One self-improvement author I've studied, Anthony Robbins, has overwhelming examples graphically showing us this power of belief, in his books Unlimited Power and Awaken the Giant Within.

Could there be enough power in belief to actually affect something a certain as arthritis? In Unlimited Power, Robbins recalls the experience Norman Cousins had when visiting the great musician, Pablo Casals.

At this time Casals had arthritis ?so debilitating that he needed help dressing?, as well as having emphysema. In fact, Casals had to struggle to get to and arrange himself on his piano bench, his hands swollen and fingers clenched.

But when he began to play, Cousins described Casals amazing transformation. ?The fingers slowly unlocked?his back straightened?he seemed to breath more freely.? ??his body was no longer stiff and shrunken but supple and graceful and completely freed?? Such was the belief that Casals had in the renewing power of ?music?.

What about the chemical balance in your body? Can belief alone actually make measurable changes? Robbins notes the case of a women with a split personality. In one personality she had normal blood sugar levels. But in her other personality, where she believed herself to be diabetic, ?her whole physiology changed to that of a diabetic?.

What about the affects of pharmaceutical drugs? How much is their affect on us decided by our "beliefs"?

There's an answer to this in a study of two groups of people with bleeding ulcers, Robbins refer's to. One group was told they were getting a drug that ?absolutely produced relief?. The other group was told their drug was experimental, and the results were uncertain. The outcome?

?70% of the first group experienced significant relief from their ulcers?, while only 25% of the second group had similar results?.

But wait! Here's the truly amazing part - all the participants of the test, both groups, ?received a drug with no medicinal properties at all?. The only difference was their beliefs! Take a minute to let that sink in.

In Awaken The Giant Within, Robbins recalls an experiment with 100 medical students supposedly testing two new drugs.

One group was given a pill they were told was a super-stimulant. The other group was told they were given a pill that was a super-tranquilizer. They were actually given the opposite of what they were told they had.

Fully half the students had physical responses exactly as they expected - what they "believed" would happen! Exactly the opposite of what their bodies should have experienced!

What they believed was more powerful than the chemicals in their systems!

Robbins also refers to Dr. Bernie Siegel, a Yale professor and best selling author; and research he?d done with multiple personality disorder patients. Dr. Siegel's studies document things like a patients eye color changing as their personality changed, physical marks disappearing and reappearing, diabetes or high blood pressure coming and going depending on the patients beliefs about which personality is occurring.

So there are many, many examples of a tremendous power in belief.

It looks like maybe the best, most effective way to quit smoking is to get your beliefs, your habits and your self image working for your goal to get rid of your smoking addiction. To help perhaps with any addiction.

And here's maybe the most important point of this whole discussion - since this is something "in you" - a part of you - you can take direct control!

Imagine - "you in control"! Learn how to manipulate your beliefs and self-image and you can exercise great control over your habits and your addictions! Perhaps beyond your wildest dreams!

Joseph Casey developed a powerful system "The Breakthrough System for Becoming a Non-Smoker" and "The Secret Silent Litany" - putting you in control of your belief's, self-image and smoking habit so now you can feel like a "life-time non-smoker"!

After failing to quit smoking over a dozen times he discovered 4 powerful mind-sets and a unique delivery system, that destroys your smoking habit - resets your beliefs about smoking and corrects your self-image about you as a smoker instantly!

To find out more click here

Feel like a smoker who quit or like a lifetime non-smoker? Click here and see how using beliefs as an easy way to quit smoking can make the difference. Or click here for other ways to quit smoking.

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Quit Smoking Ways

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Self Improvement Is A Key To Quitting Smoking

Often smokers ask how to quit smoking? The answer is quit by quitting. If you are soft, and if you show the slightest latitude, you will continue to sail aimlessly in the rudderless boat. You are unlikely to reach your destination.

Don't complain about lack of assistance. Much of the aids and material are available to you in the market today to help you in the process of quitting! These materials will be of use to you only if you have a strong will power. Any pact is useless unless there is a strong will power to implement it.

The most amazing thing about the quality of you the smoker is that you are aware of the fact that you can't escape punishment for your misdeed. The habit of smoking can turn into a life-time suffering in the form of severe diseases or death itself. And yet many smokers have hesitation to quit smoking!

The main problem before you is how to spend the time that you normally spend in smoking. Those long and short intervals of nicotine pull and push!

Now, you need to fill up these gaps with positive activities. The same needs to be done in a systematic manner. If you do not organize this activity properly, there is every chance of you slipping into the nicotine zone again.

You are caught in the net of nicotine, and it is a complicated weave. If you escape from one end, you are trapped at the other end. The situation is somewhat like that. To begin with, try to be strong at the intellectual level. Read lots of anti-smoking literature.

The actual process of coming out of the nicotine net is time-consuming and complicated. Read lots of case studies, regarding the life stories of the suffering of the smokers.

Visit a cancer ward in a hospital and talk to the patients and the doctors. This will have a telling impact on your mind. Your determination to quit smoking will solidify.

Sometimes, simple substitutes work effectively. Buy common cinnamon sticks. They are comfortable to suck. It has the appearance of the cigar. Cinnamon is healthy from the point of view of the health of heart.

When the urge to smoke becomes too much, just get up from that place and go for a brisk walk that will tire you out.

Have a regular schedule of exercise, meditation and breathing exercises. You have to slowly and steadily enhance your internal strength.

This time you must succeed in your stop smoking effort. You are already late, but better late than never!

The author writes about a number of different topics. For more information on quit smoking visit and also visit the article page:

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

How To Quit Smoking - 10 Surefire Tips To Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is tough to do to say the least but there are a few things that you can lean on to make things easier for you. Here is a selection of 10 tips to help you to quit smoking.

1. What makes you keeps smoking? Write down those times that you have the urge to smoke before you quit. This way you know what situations to avoid when you do quit.

2. Look around for as many support people that have quit before that you can. Other peo0les success can help you out. Go and solicit advice from those that you know that have quit before you. Was it nicotine gum, the patch, willpower?

3. Tell your family your plans to quit. The very best support will come from home. Have your family treat you proudly for quitting smoking.

4. Throw away those smokes and clean everything that smells of smoke. When you are quitting the last thing that you need is stinky clothes and access to cigarettes.

5. Make a list of reasons to quit. Look at it every time you have a craving to smoke.

6. Keep your hands and mouth busy. Have lots of fresh fruit around to chew, start doodling and get a puzzle or two. Keep busy and make sure that you keep busy all of the time.

7. Drink lots of water. I am a big fan of water but you should really make sure to be detoxing your body with lots of water.

8. Start and exercise program. Why not try to make a lot of changes in your life all at once. Quit smoking and increase you health changes by exercising and taking advantage of your new healthy lifestyle.

9. Buy yourself some new things to prove to yourself that you have turned the corner. Make a lot of those changes that you can see all of the time. New clothes, new books, new food and drinks in the fridge.

10. Buy any books or other support items that will help. The very best thing you can do in the end is engross yourself in anything that will support your new lifestyle change. Read books, watch inspiring videos, get all of those pieces of support that will help you in your weak moments after you quit.

Look at all of these tips and think about anything else that will help you. Remember preperation is the key to success in quiting smoking.

Quiting smoking is a tough thing to do. If you are looking for more support than I have given you here, then I highly recommend that you check out my review of a proven quit smoking method

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Find Out How Guided Imagery Can Help You To Quit Smoking

Some smokers prefer alternative ways such as acupuncture and hypnosis to quit smoking. Guided imagery is becoming popular as it's a safe way to quit smoking. For instance, it doesn't put nicotine in your body.

So, what is guided imagery?

Guided imagery works on the same principle as hypnosis. It comes in an audio format with selected hypnotic words to project mental images. By listening to it daily, you can visualize yourself being a non smoker.

The main purpose of guided imagery is to help you experience total relaxation of the body which is similar to hypnosis. As you feel relaxed, you can change your smoking habit by feeding new perspectives to your subconscious mind. This will disconnect you from your true reasons for smoking minus the withdrawal symptoms and weight gain. With guided imagery you can achieve what you truly want: quit smoking.

You find many benefits with guided imagery in smoking cessation. It helps you to

  • develop self-discipline and self-control so that you can overcome difficulties associated with relapse such as nagging thoughts, grumpiness, distracted thoughts, and cravings.
  • cut down cravings for cigarettes and manage day-to-day activities without disruption during the first few days of stopping smoking.
  • relieve yourself from anger and irritability which is associated with emotional withdrawal symptoms. It's breathing exercises calms the mind.
  • deal with relapse by visualizing yourself in a healthy condition and doing specific activities such as exercising, eating healthy and not smoking.
  • build self-esteem, personal empowerment and motivation for changes in behavior and habits to help you quit smoking.
  • sleep well during the first few days of quitting smoking.

Guided imagery proves to be effective in smoking cessation. Journal of Nursing Scholarship observes that with guide imagery, 26 percent remain smoke free after two years. The other group using standard counseling only achieved 12 percent success. Abstinence rate is twice higher in those who use guided imagery.

Guided imagery imparts strength and resolution to help you quit smoking. It changes your smoking habit by exposing you to a series of mental images in audio format. You can overcome the nicotine addictions and strengthen your willpower to stop smoking with guided imagery therapy.

Andy Lim writes quit smoking and tobacco related content for to help people understand the impact of tobacco smoke on their health. To find out how hypnosis can help you to quit smoking, visit today.

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Quit Smoking - Get The Smoke Out Of Your Brain

If you are a chain smoker, you know how it?s hard to quit. But maybe you are even not willing to quit. You could even think that smoking gives you pleasure, relax and helps you to concentrate.

Well, if this is the case, then it?s time to get the smoke out of your brain and your thoughts out of the smoke, such that you can see things clearly...


Ok, probably you find smoking pleasant. The point is that this pleasure is fake, as many other things relating to smoking: in fact this pleasure relies on giving your brain its expected drug dose. Of course this drug is nicotine.

As addiction increases, you already know that to regain the same level of experience of the previous one you need a higher dose, and this makes the vicious cycle perpetuating.


You probably find smoking relaxing. The addiction issue on pleasure applies also to relaxation: if you are a smoker and are not giving your brain the requisite dose, you are going to experience agitation.

The feeling of easiness you feel after going for another cigarette is just a side effect of addiction to nicotine, which intoxicates your mind and makes you relax for a short period of time.

If you were experiencing restlessness, this quick relax will make you feel much better and your mind will start thinking that smoking is your best friend.


Many smokers think that smoking is going to help them to concentrate. Well, there is no medical support for this; instead, the contrary is true: a non smoker has usually a higher concentration power than a smoker.

The simple scientific fact is this: smoking will block arteries capacity and this will reduce the supply of oxygen to the brain. You can easily understand that this lack of oxygen will cause lack of concentration.

The psychological perception that smoking will increase you concentration is just a perception. It comes from the same addictive vicious cycle of pleasure and relaxation: addiction makes things for you uneasy, fulfilling the addiction makes you feel better in a short time and you think that fulfilling the addiction has a positive effect on you.

Back To The Present

Fulfilling the addiction cycle is not a solution. If you want to experience real pleasure, relax and concentration, you have to quit smoking.

Taking the smoke out of your mind is an essential step in your physical and psychological health. And, of course, the starting point is changing your habit.

What Really Minds

Your mind can help you to get rid of the smoke in your mind. Talking with your subconscious mind is one of the best effective means of achieving this result.

Hypnosis is the practical way to do it and you can find more on how to Stop Smoking With Hypnosis at my website.

Mark Tern is the author of the Quit Smoking Special Report you can get for free, where you can discover How to Leverage Your 5 Resources to Quit Smoking.

Check also his quit smoking blog for more articles about quit smoking.

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Quit Smoking - Cold Turkey or NRT Which Is Best?

When you quit Smoking should you use cold turkey or Nicotine replacement therapy?

There are merits to both methods when you quit smoking. Let?s see which method is best for you.

Smoking cold turkey

By far the most popular method used by smokers to quit smoking.

Cold turkey means to stop smoking with no gradual reduction i.e. you give your system a short sharp shock as smoking stops and nicotine is withdrawn from your system.

Quitting smoking cold turkey does not have a high success rate, due to the extreme symptoms that nicotine withdrawal causes.

Most people quickly revert back to smoking.

For people with strong willpower it works and its advantages are, its cheap, the withdrawal symptoms are only severe for about a week and nicotine is out the system within a month.

How to double your chances

NRT still gives you a nicotine fix without the smoke. Let?s look at the options including an exciting new product that has hit the market.

It?s also been proven that nicotine is healthy when removed from cigarettes so taking nicotine actually does you good!

We will explain why later but for now let?s look at the best options and why it doubles your success rate.

Withdrawal of nicotine causes the following symptoms:

Irritability, lack of concentration, stress, tiredness, nausea. The feelings are intense, especially and NRT aims to help relieve these symptoms

today it?s not only people giving up smoking trying nicotine replacement therapy.

It's also being used more smokers who are banned from smoking in areas such as the office, restaurants, or many public places

You have various NRT options:

Nicotine gum, patches inhalers and Zyban and all have similar rates of success.

New Products

A New product is also on the market and is aimed at smokers who cant or don?t want to smoke.

This is a quit smoking aid, but simply marketed to help smokers cope when smokers can?t or don?t wish to smoke.

The main advantages of this product are it's easy, healthy and convenient.

You don't need to put on a patch, or like chewing gum and unlike the former there are no additional chemicals in the delivery just water.

You can just take a few sips when you need to and get fresh water for hydration as well.

This product will rise in popularity for the group of smokers who choose not to smoke or can?t smoke.

NRT can be used not just to give up smoking but when you have to cut down for long periods when you are subject to a smoking ban of any kind.

Nicotine is healthy!

It is known to improve mood concentration and memory and is the subject of intense medical research to treat conditions such as depression, Parkinson?s and Alzheimer?s disease and many more.

In its pure organic form its healthy and non toxic and is actually part of the natural food chain and is contained for example in vegetables, bell peppers, chilli and tea.

So NRT is a great way to double your chances of success and as nicotine is medically proven to do you good reducing your dependence or using it to combat a smoking ban will help smokers everywhere.


Containing pure organic nicotine in a refreshing lemon flavored water with no added chemicals is available at

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Friday, March 21, 2008

Quit Smoking with Exercise

There is an overload of available pills and potions to help you Quit Smoking. If you are really determined to do it, exercise may be your answer, and it's free of charge too! A healthy diet, and exercise will have you on the road to recovering from your addiction.

Whenever you feel cravings for cigarettes, you can become irritable, angry, depressed and obsessed with thoughts of smoking. You can turn into someone stuck in a bad mood and unable to see your way clear unless you give in and back step by having a cigarette. You need to get through the tough times and they will become fewer and farther between. Think of yourself like seeds planted by a farmer. He waits impatiently for the seeds to sprout, and then one day just as they are about to poke the tip of their first leaf out for the sun, he gives up and rakes over the patch. Sometime when we think we can't wait any longer or last any longer, and that is exactly the time there is going to be a major breakthrough if you just hang in there.

Exercise is the answer to quitting smoking for so many reasons. It raises endorphins and increases oxygen to the blood, two things smokers are lacking during withdrawals. No matter how bad you are feeling, if you sweat it out for a while or even just go for a brisk walk, you will have a new perspective and fresh lease on life.

Every time you overcome and get through cravings, you will feel a sense of achievement and satisfaction. Don't ever look at smoking as a reward for doing well, as this is just a way the addiction will try to trick you into having another cigarette. Every time you catch yourself thinking about smoking and it is possible for you to exercise, then do it! You will improve fitness, feel much happier than ever before and will also introduce a new and positive habit in place of an old negative one.

When you start a new exercise regime, you automatically feel like a new person. You will be sweating more so you will clear nasty nicotine toxins from your body rapidly. The extra oxygen intake will assist your lungs in cleaning and clearing, and your overall energy levels will increase. Your skin will look healthier and you will feel more outgoing. This will give you the desire and energy to do other things that will also contribute to you creating your new life away from addictions.

You will also start to look different to others. A combination of quitting smoking and starting to exercise will make anyone who knows you notice your new found sparkle. When someone makes a change like quitting smoking, it is obvious to everyone something is going on that is working for you.

Roger Gonzales owns the website helping normal people quit smoking

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How to Finally Quit Smoking

More than four hundred and forty thousand people die in the United States each year from smoking. Smoking is directly responsible for causing lung cancer, heart disease, strokes, and pregnancy complications, not to mention contributing to overall poorer health. So why do so many people still smoke? Because trying to quit is one of the most difficult things to do. However, you CAN do it with a little help and determination.

If you smoke and have tried to quit, you know how difficult and painful it can be. Many people actually try a number of times before they are successful. What makes it so difficult is the fact that nicotine is an incredibly addictive drug, on the same level as cocaine or heroin.

Switching to low-tar and/or low-nicotine cigarettes is a tactic that many people try, thinking that it will be less harmful. However, because nicotine is so addicting, switching will only make you puff harder and more often on each cigarette. Your only choice for your body?s health is to quit completely.

In spite of the many risks associated with smoking, some smokers, particularly women, believe there are also risks associated with quitting. These perceived risks, gaining weight, increased stress, and damaging relationships with friends who do smoke, can reduce a smoker?s motivation to quit resulting in a lower chance of success.

What can help motivate a smoker to quit? Quitting smoking is one of the most important things you will ever do. Consider the following:


*First and foremost, you will live longer and you will live a healthier life.

*Your risk for developing heart disease, cancer, lung disease, stroke and other health conditions will diminish significantly.

*Your family will no longer be subjected to breathing in your smoke. Secondhand smoke kills!

*If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, stopping smoking will improve your baby?s chances of being healthy.

*You will be amazed at how much better you will feel and how much better you will be able to taste and smell.

*You will save money. (The price of cigarettes today means you will save a lot of money!)


When you are ready to quit, follow the steps below. They will increase your chances of success and help you kick the habit for good.

*Set a quit date and stick to it. Period.

*Change your environment. You MUST do this to succeed.

1. Get rid of every ashtray you have, in your home, your car, your office, everywhere.

2. Do not allow anyone to smoke in your home, ever.

3. If you associate any particular item or event with smoking, such as having a cup of coffee, eliminate those things for a period of at least a couple of months.

*Change your behaviors.

1. When you have the urge to smoke, participate in activities that will distract you like going for a long, leisurely walk with a friend or family member, clean house, play with your kids, call a support person to talk you through the tough time.

2. Change your routine. Drink hot tea instead of coffee, instead of eating in front of the TV, eat at the kitchen table with your family.

3. Try some soothing stress reducers like taking a long hot bath, starting an exercise regimen, or reading a good book.

4. Plan something different or enjoyable every day, whether it is a solitary activity or something to do with family or friends.

*If you have made previous attempts to quit and failed, analyze those attempts and try to deduce why they did not work.

*You will have a better chance of success, if you enlist the support of others.

1. Tell everyone you know, your family, friends, and co-workers that you are going to quit and ask for their support.

2. Ask them not to smoke around you and not to leave cigarettes laying around.

3. Find out what kind of support programs your local hospital or health care center offer.

4. There are medications that can double your chances of success. Ask your doctor for advice.

*Drink lots of water to help flush the toxins out of your body. Drinking a lot of water will also help fill you up so you will not be so inclined to overeat.

*Once you quit, DO NOT TAKE ANOTHER PUFF, EVER! Keep yourself away from as much temptation as possible.


Many people have relapses within the first couple of months after quitting and many people try to quit several times before they are successful at it. Do not be discouraged and give up if this happens. Set a new date and start over but DO NOT GIVE UP! Below are situations that may challenge you:

*DO NOT BE AROUND OTHER SMOKERS unless you have to. Being around other people who are smoking when you are trying to quit can be a painful experience.

*DO NOT GET DEPRESSED. There are many ways to uplift your spirits. Count your blessings, congratulate yourself for quitting, and find something to do that you enjoy.

*AVOID DRINKING ALCOHOL. It can lower your chance of success.

*DO NOT WORRY ABOUT WEIGHT GAIN. The most common concern for many people who are considering giving up smoking is weight gain. Do not ever use this as an excuse.

While most people usually gain around 10 pounds after they quit smoking, there is no reason you have to. Follow a healthy eating plan and get 20 minutes of physical activity every day.

Follow the tips above. You CAN quit smoking!

Chris Chenoweth, author of the DO-IT-YOURSELF HOME, HEALTH & MONEY GUIDE, writes articles pertaining to diet, exercise, health, and business

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Quit Smoking - The Fake Smoking Mirage

The Hidden Enemy

If you are a smoker, you are probably already aware that your life is conditioned by your smoking habits. And as with any other habit, you are probably finding hard to quit.

Quitting any habit requires time, exercise and willpower; furthermore, you have to win the hidden enemy: the desire to continue with your beloved habit.

How does this work? Well, trying to quit will expose you to two big temptations?

The First Temptation: Relax After Withdrawal

If you persist in your quit smoking purpose, you?ll experience soon withdrawal symptoms.

These symptoms may not last long, but they will get enough of your resources to let you exhausted. This will make you restless and exasperated and will trigger your desire to be calm again.

The Trap

Of course your mind will address you towards your cigarettes, just to feel at ease. Well, you will feel at ease if you smoke, and this will trigger the trap: you?ll think that trying to quit smoking has a negative effect on you and smoking is going to restore your feeling of control.

The trap is now done: you increase your psychological dependence on smoking, and your next trial will be harder.

The Second Temptation: Easiness After Failure

After a few of such kind of experiences, you?ll start thinking that smoking is helping your survival. At this stage you start to develop excuses to retain it.

The point is that you find so hard to quit that you find much easier to not quit. If you start failing in your purpose to quit smoking, you are going to build a few reasons to have the easy road taken instead of the difficult one.

In a short time you are going to surround yourself of some excuses to not quit.

The Vicious Amplifier

Nicotine will be this temptation amplifier. It will act as the vicious circle engine. As any addictive drug, you?ll have to get more to experience the same level of effects of the previous time.

You?ll have to smoke more to have the same relief you got the first time smoking after the first or the second temptation.

The game is now complete: nicotine will hold you in such a way that you?ll begin craving for more and more of your dose.

Your Ally

If you are trapped in these games, the simple way is to use your resources to come out from the same game.

Taking with your subconscious mind is one of the best effective ways. Discover how to Stop Smoking With Your Mind at my website.

Mark Tern is the author of the Quit Smoking Special Report you can get for free, where you can discover How to Leverage Your 5 Resources to Quit Smoking.

Check also his quit smoking blog for more articles about quit smoking.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Quit Smoking Tips, Ways to Help You Stop Smoking No. 1

Quit smoking tips like these to help you stop smoking have been around for years. Some of the suggestions you'll read below will connect with you - others may not. And that's fine. Take a scan through them - if something clicks give it a try.

This is just one of a number of articles to come, containing tips to help you quit smoking so come back again and see what new tips I've been able to dig up for you. To see more tips click the link at the end of the article to visit the Quit Smoking Breakthrough.

Here's as basic a quit smoking tip as you can get - "do not smoke any cigarette's at all". According to CDC if you try to smoke a fewer number of cigarettes but not stop completely you're more likely to end up smoking the same amount again.

They add that low tar and nicotine cigarettes "do little good" and that the only "safe" choice is to quit completely, whether it's quitting cold turkey or with the help of some kind of aid.

Another tip to help quit smoking is to "write down why you want to quit". Be specific about what you're looking for out of this effort to quit smoking. Especially in the areas of you life (day to day, and long term), you're health, your family and your children. You may find it surprising just how helpful it is to have a heartfelt "reason why" to help you to quit smoking.

My wife, Trisha, quit cold turkey, no aids, no gum, just cold turkey. Her "reason why" came in the form of a man who was leading exercises on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Hawaii.

This guy looked like he was maybe in his late 50's. It turned out he was 93-years-old! When he said his youthfulness was in part to not smoking cigarettes - that was all she wrote! Trisha quit that very moment. That single experience was all she needed to toss the cigarettes for good. Her "reason why".

She still had to be strong about not smoking, it but that "reason why" was strong enough to keep her strong enough about not smoking and making her quit permanent.

Can you think of a "reason why" that's that important to you?

One tip is to realize that "it will take effort to quit smoking". The CDC says that the habit forming effects of nicotine and the bad moods and strong desires of "really wanting to smoke" have to be accepted as something you'll have to deal with. Put another way they said - "there is no easy way".

I have to say here that this statement "there is no easy way" needs to be taken very seriously. Especially if you use any of the "standard" ways or techniques for quitting cigarettes.

I found the truth of this statement every time I'd tried and failed to quit smoking. Over a dozen try's to quit I was pulled back time and again. So yes, you do need to expect it to take effort - maybe a ton of effort - everybody's different.

You see every "standard" way of quitting smoking, whether it's nicotine patches or gum, or pharmaceutical drugs, hypnosis, or herbal formulas, are designed only to "help" you deal with the cravings and urges, the emotional unpredictability and all the other issues you have to deal with when trying to quit smoking cigarettes.

They weren't designed to actually affect the "smoking habit" that ties you to cigarette smoking. With "standard" ways of quitting cigarettes you have to accept that you will have to wrestle with the "smoking habit" you've developed. You may have to wrestle with this "smoking habit" long after the nicotine has left your body. It's an unfortunate fact.

Yes, it's true that I eventually found a way that made quitting cigarettes automatic for myself. A technique that actually made me feel like a non-smoker the instant I quit - 20+ years ago. A technique that actually did "dismantle" my smoking habit. So when I quit, I felt just like I'd never smoked a cigarette before in my life. After over 20 years as a smoker. It really took me by surprise.

But for right now keep this CDC tip in mind and fully expect it to take from a little - to a lot - of effort to quit smoking cigarettes.

Always remember that since half of all adult smokers who have tried to quit smoking have done so successfully - you can quit smoking too. It helps to know you're not alone - when you're going through difficult times. Whether it's quitting smoking cigarettes or any other difficulties. (I think this is one of the attractions to watching Dr. Phil)

So when you're being tugged at from all sides by the urges and desires and memories you have of enjoying a cigarette, remember that many people have quit the smoking habit, so you can too.

That's enough of Quit Smoking Breakthrough's tips to help stop smoking for this time around. More to come.

Joseph Casey developed a powerful system known as "The Breakthrough System for Becoming a Non-Smoker" and "The Secret Silent Litany" to make you feel like a "life-time non-smoker" instantly.

After trying and failing to quit smoking over a dozen times he accidentally discovered 4 specific mind-sets that when applied in a specific manner, and with a unique one of a kind delivery system, actually wipes your smoking habit away completely, instantly.

And afterward the only thing that feels natural about cigarette smoking is that it could never be a part of your life ? and serious thought of smoking a cigarette never enters your mind again.

Visit to find out more.

Click here for more tips to help quit smoking or click here for other ways to quit smoking.

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Are You Looking For Quitting Smoking Techniques You Haven't Tried Before?

You have tried all the quit smoking techniques. You failed to achieve the objective. A sense of helplessness and frustration has enveloped you, with in. But, now someone tells you about the quit smoking techniques you haven't tried before. You are once again interested in the subject of quitting smoking.

You have heard enough of cock and bull stories. Now, you wish to experience the reality. Reach the state, to live in a smoke free atmosphere for ever. How can you achieve it?

I wish to tell you the truth at this point of time. Your focused mind and your solid determination can do it for you. You have to build yourself, and if you break in between, you alone are responsible. Let this be perfectly understood!

With this solid determination, you need to proceed further. You have to keep your association with other sundry methods or techniques to quit smoking as well. Some of them may be the ones you haven't tried, like anti-depressant medications. Join some association which is actively engaged in the de-addiction programs related to tobacco. Many non-governmental organizations regularly conduct programs through videos, and street plays. Your truthful desire to give up smoking should take you to such spots on a regular basis. That means, you are expected to spend your time more in the association of non-smokers than the smokers. Gradually, the smoking knot gets loosened.

You know the wise saying, ?Remove the thorn with a thorn.? You get quit smoking cigarettes now. Depression is one of the main causes of smoking. Anti depression medications help to reduce your nicotine cravings. These things only give you the helping hand. In the end, your determination matters. It is only your will and determination that seeks liberation from the smoking habit once for all.

Apart from the natural stop smoking products and other over the counter medications, something more dynamic and the result-oriented treatment has become popular. Laser treatments and acupuncture methods have met with the approval and a large number of smokers have benefited out of them.

The purpose is to subdue the overriding hop of nicotine on you. You get nicotine gum, a smoking cessation shot or the patch.

In the process of quitting smoking, all these are subsidiary companies. Your flagship company is your unflinching decision!

To get more information on quit smoking, stopping smoking and stopping smoking forever visit

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Quit Smoking - The Right Way

If you are anything like the estimated 70% of smokers in the United States, you want to quit smoking.

In 2004 there where 44.5 million smokers in the United States alone, more than 31 million of these want to stop smoking.

If you have ever tried to quit smoking, you know how hard it can be. Well, I am here to tell you, it doesn't have to be that way.

So, how do I quit you say.

Good question.

If you where to believe the ads you see on TV, you need to buy prescription drugs, nicotine patches, and whatnot, then use these expensive ?magic? solutions for up to several months, then finally you MIGHT be able to call yourself a non-smoker (if you are lucky).

But if I where you, I wouldn't waste my money. Been there, done that.

The single biggest reason people fail to quit smoking is that they don't understand why they are smoking, what keeps them lighting up cigarette after cigarette. You have probably heard many times that the nicotine in cigarettes is the cause of your addiction.

Sure, nicotine is somewhat addictive, but it is not a strong addiction, and beating it is NOT hard at all.

The reason people fail to stop smoking is their mind, and once you have the information and understand how your mind works when it comes to stop smoking, quitting will not be hard at all.

Knowledge is power, and when you understand how this works, you will not need to buy any pills or patches, you could be a non-smoker in just a few hours.

For more information on how to easily quit smoking the right way, check out

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

3 Types of Quit Smoking Cravings

If you are a smoker one of the best things you can do for yourself is to quit smoking. Many smokers have either thought about quitting or tried to quit within the past year but did not succeed. Why is this? It not only hurts the smoker but the people close to him or her. For most, nicotine has such a strong hold on their life that quitting seems to almost be impossible. Well it is NOT impossible. Millions of smokers have quit smoking and stay quit. You can too. There are three types of cravings that make quitting smoking difficult and the better you understand them and prepare for them the better your chances of quitting smoking.

The most obvious craving you will experience after you quit smoking is the one associated with nicotine withdrawal. Nicotine withdrawal will affect you physically as your body adjusts to not having nicotine in it. This period of time can be quite uncomfortable and many people relapse due to nicotine withdrawal. Common nicotine withdrawal symptoms include: feeling irritable, difficulty concentrating, depression, headache, anxiety, feeling lightheaded, increase in appetite, and sleep problems. The feelings associated with nicotine withdrawal will come and go. You most likely will encounter only a few of these nicotine withdrawal symptoms, typically at different stages in the quit smoking process. Be reassured they will not last, they typically come and go quickly and you will find that anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks they will subside almost completely.

The next type of craving you may experience after you quit smoking is the cravings associated with habit. Just think about how many years you have smoked. There are specific feelings and or time of the day you like to have a cigarette. For example, I like to smoke while I talk on the phone. I felt like when I was on the phone it was a great opportunity to go outside and light up. The longer the conversation the more I got to smoke. This became a habit for me. When I quit smoking it was difficult at times because the phone would ring and I would instantly think about grabbing a cigarette. Other examples of habit cravings include: after having an alcoholic beverage, going to the store where you used buy cigarettes, driving in your car, finishing a meal, getting angry, being bored, and taking a break. As with nicotine withdrawal cravings, they will come and go. Just wait them out. Each day you make it not smoking the easier it will be. Build yourself up by telling yourself you can do it.

There is one last type of craving you will experience after you quit smoking and that is memories of smoking. For me this type of craving has lasted the longest. The nicotine withdrawal cravings and the habit cravings lasted at most 30 days. However, memories of smoking still creeps up every now and then and reminds me how nice it was to kick back on the back porch and have myself a nice relaxing cigarette. Dealing with this type of craving is relatively easy compared to the other two. The key here is not to get caught up in the pleasant memories about smoking. You quit smoking for a reason, one of which was it was killing you and those close to you. Simply reminding yourself of the reasons why you quit smoking can pretty much squash this craving.

Jason D is an ex-smoker and publisher of a Quit Smoking website that helps people stop smoking and Manage Nicotine Cravings

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How To Quit Smoking Successfully With Acupuncture

Many smokers try acupuncture to quit smoking. However, often times they smoke again after the treatment . Does this mean that acupuncture fails to help you stop smoking? What causes the failure when others have succeeded and continue to remain free of smoking for many years after acupuncture treatment?

You may be searching for a magic button to help you quit smoking. However, acupuncture is not a miracle cure.

Acupuncture fails when you fail to deal with your smoking habit and mental withdrawal symptoms such as stress. You need to devise a plan to manage them. You must deal with it. Leave them to chance and you are bound to fail. For instance, if its your habit to smoke after a meal, then replace that habitual activity with a healthy snack. Break whatever patterns that motivate you to smoke and focus your thoughts on other things. If you face stress, don't take the easy way out and smoke. Instead, find alternatives such as massage and relaxation music to calm you.

If you still have the slightest desire to smoke after acupuncture therapy, you will fall into relapse.

If you want to quit smoking completely, you have to do it for yourself. Don't attend acupuncture treatment just to oblige your loved ones that pester you endlessly into quitting smoking. You may quit for some time after the therapy but when the urge gets too strong for you to withstand, you smoke again. Then you tell them that acupuncture doesn't work for you. Quitting smoking for the sake of others doesn't work at all.

Physical withdrawal symptoms happen because of lack of nicotine. You experience dizziness, cough, headache, fatigue, sore throat, and irritation. Acupuncture can help you deal with the physical withdrawal symptom. Directing needles to specific acupressure points, such as ears, can stop the craving for more nicotine. The acupuncturist then removes the needles after 10 to 20 minutes.

Acupuncture stimulates your body into producing endorphins, a good feeling usually associated with smoking. It also helps your body to purge the remaining nicotine in your body.

Most experts suggest that you combine acupuncture with other stop smoking aids such as hypnosis. A combination of different quit smoking methods can increase your success rate of kicking the habit permanently. Nowadays, most acupuncture clinics offer additional aids to help you overcome the habitual and mental aspect of smoking.

Nicotine replacement therapy such as nicotine patch and gum provides controlled dosages of nicotine to your body. Acupuncture doesn't feed you any nicotine. That's the good thing about it. You don't experience any side effects which makes it safe for you. Remember, do it for yourself. Acupuncture can help you to quit smoking if you combine with other methods. Depending on acupuncture alone is possible only if you have strong willpower.

At, Andy Lim offers complete information on tobacco abuse and ways to quit smoking. Say goodbye to cigarette easily with acupuncture smoking cessation at today

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Quit Smoking Hypnosis Help: Looking for an Easy Way to Quit Smoking?

I'm going to start by making a statement that you may strongly disagree with. It's a risk - but your complete success with quitting smoking is important. So I feel forced to take the risk.

The statement is this: Hypnosis address's the very core of the greatest difficulty in stopping smoking - the mental and emotional attachment. It's not the nicotine addition or any of the chemicals in tobacco that ties us to the smoking habit so strongly as it is our mental and emotional attachment.

If the nicotine or other chemicals in tobacco were your biggest hurdle to quit smoking - there wouldn't be such a problem with people starting back smoking again months - and sometimes years - after quitting, after every spec of nicotine has left their body.

I hope this assertion hasn't pushed you away and that you're still with me. Because awarness of this puts "you" in control and increases your chances of success, to help you quit smoking permanently.

It's important to understand the reason for this conviction. You see I tried and failed to quit smoking at least a dozen times. And each time, I experienced all the demons that drag 50% of us who try to quit smoking, back into the pack. I couldn't enjoy a cup of coffee or a beer without a cigarette - so that kept dragging me backwards. I always felt agitated after a meal because I couldn't have my regular "after meal cigarette".

There were always craving thoughts in the back of my mind reminding me that I wanted a cigarette. Like when I had to concentrate on something. Or when I got angry about something. And after "quitting", getting angry became all too common! So I was very familiar with what they call "nicotine withdrawal" symptoms.

Now here's the point.

When I finally quit smoking, using a system I developed after years of studying self help, hypnosis, and psychology type books, my smoking habit dissolved away immediately. So much, that there was never any thought that entered my mind again to have a cigarette - like I had never smoked a cigarette before in my life. There were never any urges, or cravings, or emotional agitation, or replacing the habit with snacking or anything like that.

This is so important that I'm risking losing your open mind. But think about it - if someone who had it as bad as I did - trying and failing to quit smoking a dozen times or better - was still able to feel immediately like they'd never smoked a cigarette before in their life - that means the importance of nicotine withdrawal has little or no validity.

That means it's really the "habit mechanism" in the machine we call our mind's that truly binds us to the smoking habit.

If you think about it, it's actually liberating! It puts "you" in control! And if you're looking for an easy way to quit smoking all you have to do is learn how to take control.

Hundreds of books have been written dealing with controlling the "automatic" mechanisms in our minds. And how habits work for and against us.

But what does this have to do with hypnosis?

Like I said at the beginning of this article "hypnosis address's the very core of the greatest difficulty in stopping smoking - the mental and emotional attachment". Hypnosis works by bypassing your "critical thinking" and going directly to work on you habit mechanism.

The stronger your smoking habit the more difficult you'll find quitting cigarettes to be - unless you can manipulate that smoking habit mechanism. Which hypnosis is designed to do "directly".

That being said it's important to have a realistic expectation about what hypnosis can achieve. About how you can get the most out of hypnosis to help quit smoking.

Randy Gilchrist, Psy.D, who offers the "Non-Smokers Edge" for $149.00 on his website, refers to the Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors, by Hammond, D.C. (1990) which states that multiple research studies indicate that one single hypnosis treatment to stop smoking resulted in approximately 25% success......opposed to about 66% of those who went through 4-5 sessions of hypnosis to help stop smoking.

Dr. Charles E. Henderson, Ph.D. has written several books on hypnotism, did his graduate work at University of New Mexico and got his MA and Ph.D. at the University of Denver. He doesn't offer a product online specifically to quit smoking he does have a new book that address' this important issue. He does have a page online "good things to know about hypnosis".

I bring him up at all, because I thought it important that he feels that "all hypnosis is self-hypnosis". Even, he says, if you're being hypnotized by someone else or by a pre-recorded tape to "talk you into a hypnotic state". Because he considers you're simply taking part in "other-directed self-hypnosis". Ponder on that for a moment. What do you think?

Dr. Henderson emphasizes that self-hypnosis is a skill, not unlike learning a musical instrument. And he says it does take some work but once you've developed the skills, not only does it 'not' feel like work but in fact it seems to "work like magic". He suggests that practicing self-hypnosis 20 minutes to an hour is probably an optimum time period of daily practice. He also notes that different people will of course respond differently. And since no one person is exactly like another this should be expected.

Important: He also says that suggestion's are the powerful force in hypnosis. Because they are what directs the subconscious to achieving your chosen goals. In this case quitting the smoking habit.

He goes on to say the suggestions have to be "specific" and "technically correct", "applied regularly" and "under the right conditions".

Without these 3 critical points addressed, he says self-hypnosis cannot be expected to achieve very spectacular results. Of course the flip side is that with these 3 critical points addressed you have the opportunity to achieve those spectacular results.

I can attest to the fact that when the suggestions are technically correct, applied with regularity and in the "right" conditions the results can be absolutely, overpoweringly, astounding. Life altering even.

My quit smoking breakthrough only had 4 suggestions. They weren't used in conjunction with trance practice, but they were specifically developed to quit smoking, and applied under very specific conditions. So that when I threw away my last cigarette I instantly felt like I had never smoked a single cigarette in my entire life.

That's the power of the right suggestions applied in just the right way.

On the other hand, using ineffecient, non-specific suggestions, even though used in trance practice, may not be the miracle quit smoking cure, as noted by in this testimonial on the Divinity Publishing website...

"the affirmations popped into my head at the appropriate moment and helped me get over the need for a cigarette. It wasn't all a bed of roses, it wasn't a miracle cure, as I had a tough time going through nicotine withdrawal on day 3?but?"

So unless you're lucky enough to get information with the "right suggestions" or should I say the "most efficient suggestions" you need to expect to have to deal with at least some of the nasty's of quitting smoking. At least with the standard self-hypnosis CD workbooks and suggestions.

The positive side is, as mentioned above, "about 66% of those going through 4-5 sessions of hypnosis (succeed at) stop(ing) smoking". Since that's the case you may want to look further into whether hypnosis - self or otherwise is a direction you want to take.

Joseph Casey developed a powerful system known as "The Breakthrough System for Becoming a Non-Smoker" and "The Secret Silent Litany" that uses what is most powerful about hypnosis to make you feel like a "life-time non-smoker" instantly.

After trying and failing to quit smoking over a dozen times he accidentally discovered 4 powerful suggestions and when applied in a precise way, with a one of a kind delivery system, actually wipe your smoking habit away completely, instantly.

Afterward the only thing that feels natural about cigarette smoking is that it could never be a part of your life ? and serious thought of smoking a cigarette never enters your mind again.

Visit to find out more.

Click here for more hypnosis help to quit smoking or click here for other ways to quit smoking

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

You Can Rely on Chantix If You Want to Quit Smoking

Smoking is the inhalation of nicotine in the form of smoke. Nicotine is a drug that is addictive; therefore, it makes the quitting process of an individual very difficult. For smokers, cigarettes, cigars or any kind of tobacco are known for their stress busting properties. They give a transient but soothing sense of relaxation to the smokers. But for the long-run, smoking is the most dangerous form of indulgence. Cigarette smoking is considered to be the most important source of preventable morbidity and premature mortality worldwide. Smoking greatly increases the risk of getting lung cancer, heart attack, chronic lung diseases and stroke. Other diseases caused by smoking include bladder, esophageal, laryngeal, oral, and throat cancers, as well as reproductive effects and sudden infant death syndrome.

So there is an extensive list of reasons that indicates the harmfulness of smoking to your health and to those around you. But even if you are aware and feel that smoking isn't right for your health, you just can't stop smoking that easily. Though it's too hard to quit smoking, but with the right approach, you can quit smoking. And for your rescue anti-smoking drugs like Chantix or varenicline tartrate, has been made available by pharmaceutical companies. The drug has been recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Chantix works by activating the sites in the brain affected by nicotine and provides some nicotine effects to ease the withdrawal symptoms and blocks the effects of nicotine from cigarettes if you resume smoking. Chantix has the potential to diminish the sense of satisfaction associated with smoking. This may help to prevent the cycle of nicotine addiction.
The usual course of Chantix treatment is 12 weeks. You may complement your smoking cessation program by adding extra 12 weeks of Chantix treatment. Use of Chantix may result nausea, headache, vomiting, flatulence, insomnia, abnormal dreams, and change in taste perception. You are advised to take medical assistance immediately if the side-effects last too long. It is easier now to procure cheap Chantix by buying it online. You are certain to get discounts on prices if you order Chantix online. Buy cheap Chantix today and reap the benefits that it can offer to you.

Daniels Charles is the editor for the website, a highly recommended online pharmacy site, is committed to provide visitors with complete information on prescriptions online, sexual health, and drugs like acomplia, cialis and by latest news, personal views, and articles on health related topics. Your feedback & comments will be highly appreciated at

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How Not to Quit Smoking - The Concept of the 'Imaginary Motivation'

I hate smoking, so why do I still smoke?

Now it occurs to me that I generally motivate myself to quit in the following manner:

(i) Make a demand to myself to quit.

(ii) Fail to quit.

(iii) Punish myself for continuing to smoke by nagging myself about it (I call it ?worry?).

(iv) Make an offer to myself ? I will stop the nagging, but only as a reward for quitting smoking.

(v) Fail to quit again.

(vi) Go back to Step (i) and repeat?.

It?s been an unconscious process up until recently, because I?ve been nagging myself for so long that it?s become second nature to me. My operative motivation, then, for quitting smoking is to relieve myself from the nagging that I impose upon myself. It?s actually designed to work like this:

1. Punish myself for continuing to smoke by nagging myself about it.
2. Make an offer to stop the nagging as a reward for quitting smoking.
3. Quit smoking in order to collect the reward.
4. Bestow the reward (stop nagging at myself).

But hey, since I?m offering myself only the cessation of something (nagging) that I don?t have to do in the first place, why not just skip Step 3 and go directly to Step 4? And that?s always what ends up happening after a few go-rounds of (i) through (vi).

The cessation of self-imposed nagging is what?s called an ?imaginary motivation?. It?s a game I can?t win, and deep down inside I know it. And when an imaginary motivation fails to produce real results, I judge and blame myself for failing to be motivated by it, thus starting the whole cycle all over again.

Roses are red
Violates are blue
I?m schizophrenic?

And so am I

There?s GOT to be a better way?

This is Chuck Thunder's psychiatrist. "Chuck Thunder" is an alias; his real name is Jake Danger. He currently resides in the cellar of Oakfield Institute for the Very, Very Nervous. His website is called Lunatic Wisdom: News From Beyond the Matrix

He has to sneak past the nice men in white coats to post his articles. He thinks he's Neo and that we're all Agents who are 'out to get him'. Don?t believe a word he says.

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Bad News For Smokers! Ban On Smoking Inflates Quit Smoking Scuffle: Are You Ready To Quit?

Hey Guys! There is a very bad news for you smokers. The governments world over are tightening the noose around smokers by clamping ban on smoking through threatening legislations. Now it will be difficult for you to steal a puff at government buildings, cinema halls and other public places. Can you imagine staying without your dose of Nicotine for hours? As per the news, some states have banned smoking even in cars. But the most worrisome news for you is that states like Virginia, with a four century history of tobacco cultivation and a base of powerful tobacco interests is soon joing other states that favor ban on smoking.

It is difficult for the likes of you and me to hear anything negative about our dear cigarettes, which provide us the power to deal with the most difficult situations. But the state heads think otherwise, as per them smoking stinks and it provides fertile environments for life shortening diseases and hence the slap of Ban.

Now what will happen to the large chunk of people who love smoking? Well one of the safest solutions is to join the brigade of quitters. But as all of us know it may not be that easy. In fact it is a Herculean task which only few can achieve. Smoking is a habit which is easy to form but difficult to leave. Even when one determines to leave smoking, it reoccurs with vengeance. One is left to suffer like a fish without water.

A question to all the smokers of the world; Do you actually like seeing yourself in that state; where you are practically dependent on a piece of cigarette, without which your living becomes miserable? I don’t, am sure even you don’t like it, although we all try to defend our smoking habit by giving one or the other reason, but in our hearts we all know that it is the worst habit that we ever picked in our life.

The biggest problems in quitting smoke are the cravings. When we smoke, nicotine enters our brain cells through blood and activates our pleasure producing cells. The effect produced is overpowering, in order to return to the same pleasurable state we smoke again and this is how we get addicted to it. But when we want to quit we face problems like anxiety, uneasiness, troubled state of mind, excitement, pain in the head and body, upset stomach, diarrhea etc. If one doesn’t have a strong willpower he is bound to get defeated by these cravings.

But now there is a ray of hope for our less will powered friends in the form of Chantix. Chantix is a FDA approved drug which has recently been launched. The best thing about this drug is that it works in the same way as nicotine does. It gives the same feel good effect that Nicotine gives, which means that it will free you from your smoking habit, that too without the negative pull of cravings.

If we all look at the problem of smoking from a wiser angle we will find that it definitely is a sweet poison which slowly and lovingly snatches away our life from us. Well not anymore, I am ready to fight my battle with Chantix as my armor. What about you?

Charles Greg is an specialist on the anti-smoking drug Chantix and a plethora of articles written by him on smoking related activities are online now. To know his views on smoking visit the website

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Want to Quit Smoking? Get a Game Plan

It's a fact that most smokers want to quit. That's not surprising as smoking cigarettes causes problems ranging from bad breath to cancer. Many smokers try to quit but most fail on their first attempt. Why's that? Well, cigarette addiction is a complex beast working on many levels - physical, mental and social. To conquer such a many-headed monster, you need a strategy to carry you through the phases of preparing to quit, quitting and staying smoke-free. Here's a game plan that works.

First, you resolve to quit smoking. Congratulations, this is the essential first step. Unfortunately, many smokers never get beyond it. You have to start on your game plan now. Pick a date a week or two in the future. Try to choose a relatively low-stress day. Now before then you've got some work to do. First, sit down with a pen and paper and jot down all the reasons you want to quit. Spend some time on this. Think about the money you'll save, the way you'll smell better, the feeling of freedom, as well as the myriad health benefits. You won't be short of reasons. Pour is all out. Keep this list handy and review it every day starting when you wake up. Have it at hand as you light up and read through as you puff away. Announce your plan to family and friends too. Their support will be invaluable.

Next you need to prepare some weapons to carry you through the first few smoke-free days. Do some research and choose some techniques you think will work for you. Some people go for deep breathing exercises and visualization, others for an acupuncture stud in the ear. Still others find chewing ginger or cloves effective. There are many ways to choose from. Find what suits you. The idea is to get together a grab bag of tactics to call on during the stressful days when you're giving up the habit. You also need to bone up on what you can expect during these days - the cravings and feelings of emptiness. To be forewarned is to be forearmed against the monster.

The big day arrives. When you wake up, read through your list of reasons to quit. You should know them well by now. Go through them and really feel them. Internalize them and make them your own. This works well with visualization techniques.

Cravings are strongest on the first day and it's essential to reassure yourself that they will stop. Make yourself understand that giving in and taking a puff will just be prolonging the agony. The cravings are the ravings of the many-headed nicotine hydra being deprived its prey. Don't give in. Use all the methods in your grab bag. Drink water and herbal teas, and eat fruit to help detoxify the body. It will get easier.

Keep telling yourself that after 24 smoke-free hours all the carbon monoxide is eliminated from your bloodstream and your lungs finally have the chance to expel the mucus that's been building up over the years. Your breathing becomes easier. Your circulation gradually improves. Feel your body revitalizing itself. Rejoice as you begin to smell and taste again. You have a lot to celebrate. Your first smoke-free day since you took up the habit is a milestone indeed.

Handle the next days in the same way and be ever vigilant for the tricks of the monster. Read your list, remember your triggers, and keep on celebrating your new freedom. You have more money to spend now.

The cravings can last for up to three weeks but if you're well-prepared, you'll beat them easily. Start every day by reading your list, breath deeply, and give thanks for your freedom. Soon the years of smoking will seem like a bad dream.

If you follow this advice, you can rid yourself of the worst habit that human beings can legally engage in. Welcome to a new world of freedom.

Lloyd Morgan is a writer on health matters and reformed smoker. He recommends Quit Smoking Right Now. See

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How Can We Teach Our Children to Quit Smoking?

How in the world can we teach our children to not start smoking and to stay away from all tobacco products? All over the country, cities and towns are banning smoking in bars restaurants, and other public places. Who would have thought five years ago that you would not be able to have a cup of coffee with your dinner and light up a cigarette in your favorite restaurant? Or even smoke a cigarette at a sporting event? That goes for pipes and cigars, as well.

But the message is clear and many folks are getting the word. Already, millions of die-hard smokers have seen the dangers and lethal effects of smoking cigarettes and ingesting nicotine into their lungs. However, there is one segment of the population that seems oblivious to reality.

About 90 percent of the people who are considered to be regular smokers began smoking before their 21st birthday, and it is estimated that on any day of the week there are about 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 adolescent smokers. At a time when everyone is telling us to stop smoking because it is bad for our health, teenagers, in their infinite wisdom know better than everyone else. Their decisions ignore the power and the collective wisdom of indisputable medical facts and research that have been collected and studied since the early 1950's. This medical knowledge and wisdom gained through experience tells us to reject cigarettes and the smoking of any kind of tobacco as agents that cause cancer and kill people. But the teenage mindset believes in their power of invincibility. They mistakenly believe that smoking will have no adverse or debilitating effect on them.

Despite all of the available information, they make completely arbitrary and incorrect decisions to begin smoking. It is really stupid when you think about it. Parents spend tens of thousands of dollars, in taxes and in private funds, to educate their children before they even enter college and they are rewarded with a contrarian nincompoop who decides that it is OK to smoke.

They ignore the good advice that is evident to them every day. They truly believe that they can quit at any time. Whenever they wish. They truly believe in their own invincibility and merrily choose the path of destruction.

What can we do to help our children to see the light. I know that parents have been stuck in this dilemma for forever, trying to convince their children not to smoke, not to drink, not to do x, y, or z.

Take heart. There is help and there are solutions. Probably more help and ideas than you can read in a lifetime. What you need is a starting point and a roadmap. And there is plenty of encouragement along the way

Jack Igan writes and moderates a helpful blog on How to Quit Smoking and hosts a companion website at

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Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Best Quit Smoking Tips

Quitting smoking can be one of the toughest challenges a person can face, but it is one of the most important. Kicking the habit will improve your health, your life expectancy, your budget, and your self esteem. So what are you waiting for? Here are nine of the best quit smoking tips around.

1. Attitude always makes a big difference. Make sure you are looking at kicking the habit not as giving something up but as gaining something good. You are working to gain clean lungs and a healthy cardiovascular system. You are working to gain freedom from a troublesome addiction. You are not giving up a good friend!

2. Are you willing to give up cigarettes? Sometimes we want something but not bad enough to be willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. With a habit as strong as cigarette smoking, you will need to have a great deal of desire. Even if you've not done it much, consider making it a matter of prayer.

3. Start a regular exercise program. This can help in several ways. For one thing, it will keep you occupied so that you can't smoke for a while. Second, it will help you to keep from gaining weight, which is a common occurrence when one stops smoking. Third, it will require you to breathe deeply, which will hopefully remind you how wonderful it is not to have lungs full of smoke.

4. Break your day up into smaller parts. Don't focus on getting through the whole day without smoking but on getting through the next few hours, or even just the next hour.

5. Be cautious about stressful situations. If you have a job in which you are frequently stressed or become angry, you will be desiring a cigarette to deal with the stress. If you can't eliminate or avoid the stress, it might be worth it to take a few days off to get over the worst of the cravings. Stress is bound to make you want a smoke.

6. Other situations to watch out for are when you are lonely, tired, or even hungry. Any of these situations can make our resolve and will power become weaker so that we are more likely to give in.

7. Identify the trigger circumstances in your life. Does a cup of coffee always seem to need a cigarette to accompany it? What about an alcoholic drink? What about the moments right after a meal? In these cases, it would be a good idea to change your routines a little. Until you have eliminated your cravings, it would probably be wisest to totally give up alcohol. It's a strong force in weakening one's resolve.

8. Here's something encouraging. If you can get through the first two weeks, you'll be through the worst of it. What's more, you will never have to repeat those two weeks again, if you don't go back to the habit.

9. Finally, the best quit smoking tip of all is to simply not give up! It's worth it. Remember, when all the discomfort of quitting smoking is over, those days will eventually become only a distant memory.

For more information and resources on how to quit smoking visit:

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Best Quit Smoking Tips

Quitting smoking can be one of the toughest challenges a person can face, but it is one of the most important. Kicking the habit will improve your health, your life expectancy, your budget, and your self esteem. So what are you waiting for? Here are nine of the best quit smoking tips around.

1. Attitude always makes a big difference. Make sure you are looking at kicking the habit not as giving something up but as gaining something good. You are working to gain clean lungs and a healthy cardiovascular system. You are working to gain freedom from a troublesome addiction. You are not giving up a good friend!

2. Are you willing to give up cigarettes? Sometimes we want something but not bad enough to be willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. With a habit as strong as cigarette smoking, you will need to have a great deal of desire. Even if you've not done it much, consider making it a matter of prayer.

3. Start a regular exercise program. This can help in several ways. For one thing, it will keep you occupied so that you can't smoke for a while. Second, it will help you to keep from gaining weight, which is a common occurrence when one stops smoking. Third, it will require you to breathe deeply, which will hopefully remind you how wonderful it is not to have lungs full of smoke.

4. Break your day up into smaller parts. Don't focus on getting through the whole day without smoking but on getting through the next few hours, or even just the next hour.

5. Be cautious about stressful situations. If you have a job in which you are frequently stressed or become angry, you will be desiring a cigarette to deal with the stress. If you can't eliminate or avoid the stress, it might be worth it to take a few days off to get over the worst of the cravings. Stress is bound to make you want a smoke.

6. Other situations to watch out for are when you are lonely, tired, or even hungry. Any of these situations can make our resolve and will power become weaker so that we are more likely to give in.

7. Identify the trigger circumstances in your life. Does a cup of coffee always seem to need a cigarette to accompany it? What about an alcoholic drink? What about the moments right after a meal? In these cases, it would be a good idea to change your routines a little. Until you have eliminated your cravings, it would probably be wisest to totally give up alcohol. It's a strong force in weakening one's resolve.

8. Here's something encouraging. If you can get through the first two weeks, you'll be through the worst of it. What's more, you will never have to repeat those two weeks again, if you don't go back to the habit.

9. Finally, the best quit smoking tip of all is to simply not give up! It's worth it. Remember, when all the discomfort of quitting smoking is over, those days will eventually become only a distant memory.

For more information and resources on how to quit smoking visit:

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7 Reasons You Need to Quit Smoking Today

Is smoking really all that bad for you? Sometimes smokers, particularly young ones, get the feeling that the government is just out to get them, raising taxes and passing laws that prohibit smoking in public places. They say that it's just politics, that smoking is really not all that harmful. Well, the truth is that smoking is one of the most deadly habits you can acquire. Quitting today can make a big difference in your life expectancy, regardless of your age. Read on for seven compelling reasons to quit ASAP.

1. Quitting today can reduce your risk of cancer substantially. Lung cancer is the first type of cancer we generally think of in connection with smoking, but it is not the only one affected. Smoking increases a person's risk of other forms of cancer, too, including uterine cancer, pancreatic cancer, and cancers of the mouth and lips. Virtually any form of cancer can be linked with bringing tobacco smoke into the system through the lungs.

2. If you want healthy lungs, it's important to breathe clean air and not bring smoke into them. Respiratory diseases such as chronic lung obstruction are greatly exacerbated by cigarette smoking. Emphysema is also strongly correlated with smoking.

3. If you want a healthy heart and a healthy cardiovascular system, you need to stop smoking. Coronary heart disease is two to four times more prevalent among smokers than nonsmokers. If you smoke, you're also twice as likely to have a stroke. The blood vessels are also negatively affected by cigarette smoke, causing peripheral vascular disease, which is a narrowing of the arteries.

4. If you happen to be a woman in your childbearing years, there is the safety of your children to consider. Babies of smokers are more likely to die of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) than babies of nonsmokers. Smokers tend to have smaller babies, premature babies, and more cases of stillbirth.

5. Smoking can interfere with calcium uptake and bone density. Older women who smoke are more likely to fracture a hip than those who have never smoked.

6. Maybe you don't care how much smoking hurts your own health, but what about that of others? Second hand smoke has been correlated with lung cancer and heart disease in household members who live with smokers but don't smoke themselves. Children are particularly vulnerable to the ravages of other people's smoking.

7. If all the health issues associated with smoking don't convince you, think of your pocketbook! Smoking is an expensive hobby with taxes on cigarettes rising all the time. Surely there would be a more satisfying way to spend that money.

Quitting smoking today can greatly improve your outlook and life expectancy. The earlier you can quit, the better. Best is if you never start. If you have children and you smoke, think of the example you are setting for them. Statistics say that about one-fourth of all children live with a smoker. Young people lack the understanding to keep from starting smoking because of the long term risks. They are far more likely to try it, and when they try it young, they are more likely to get addicted. Your best bet in every way is to make every effort to quit smoking as soon as possible.

For more information and resources on how to quit smoking visit:

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